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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Love After Heartbreak )


THEME: His Bride From NoWhere.

Written by; Rhema J.








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The whole class looked at Jasper in shock especially Skyler.

“What? You don’t believe me?” He asked and looked around with a kind of look.

“You’re not even putting on a ring” Cynthia crossed her arms under her Břě@šť as she twitched her lips at her.

“Well I might have just taken it off, why is no one thinking of that” he shrugged.

“Okay, you are not my husband, you don’t have to do that” Skyler rolled her eyes at him.

“I’m not doesn’t mean I can’t be, I mean what’s up with that dude you call a husband anyways. You’re been harassed online and publicly and all he does is to hide, he’s such an idiot” Jasper rolled his eyes.

“Hey.. watch your words” Hudson pointed at him. He has been keeping quiet now this guy was starting to insult his brother, even his boss.

“What concern you if Jasper is talking about Skyler’s husband or are you suddenly Skyler’s husband?” A student asked Hudson and the argument started again.

Lilian was trying to keep calm and listen to music but the noise wasn’t helping. Her voice showed that she was losing patience with everyone in that classroom and she did.

“Can everyone just shut up!!!!” She stood up and yelled. She was already fed up with everyone in the class, she couldn’t take it anymore.

The class kept quiet and all eyes were on her.

“Don’t you guys have something better to do with your lives? Why are you arguing over who is Skyler’s husband and if she tries to keep him a secret , who fûcking cares! Can we stop making everything all about her please!” She yelled and ran out of the classroom.

Skyler went after her.

“Lilian!!” She shouted her name as she followed her.

“Leave me alone!!” Lilian yelled back and kept running.

“Please can you stop!! I’m not feeling well I still can’t run!!” Skyler stopped running, she was painting slowly.

Lilian stopped and turned back in anger.

“What is it Skyler? Haven’t you gotten enough? When you first entered you’ve successfully made the school all about you, even the sales party you made it all about you! Aren’t you even tired of being talked about or mentioned everywhere?” Lilian gave her a type of bittered look.

“Everything is not about me Lilian, I just have good friends, good family and the best husband that makes me happy all the time. I’m not in for your competition that’s why I don’t have a problem with anything” She replied.

Lilian scoffed.

“Everyone must have seen me as stupid now. That your friend Felix, wait a go” she shook her head before turning around and leaving.

Skyler sighed and faced forward. She don’t even know what to say concerning Felix case, the boy was always like that and she wondered why.

There was no time to think of anything, she just shook her head and went back to class.



“Okay, I’m seeing a new student in this class, can you stand up and introduce yourself to us please” a male teacher said the moment he walked in.

Elsa looked around but she stood up and did as told.

“My name is Elsa Locks” she introduced to the Mr Brown who was just writing on the board before turning to face her.

“Welcome to light house, Carson give her a tour around the school later today. You can sit” Mr Brown said and Elsa sat down.

James was at the back, he didn’t look too happy with what he was hearing.


“And lastly this is the field, it’s where we all play sports. What’s your favorite sport?” Carson asked her with a smile.

“Volleyball” she replied.

“Lucky for you, we have that here, so that’s the end of the tour, can I get your phone number?” He then asked.

“You’re so weird, what’s with trying to be close to me?” She gave him a look.

“What? I thought we were friends already, I mean I’m the first person to talk to you aren’t I? People here can be so rude” he scoffed.

Elsa sighed and stretched her hands to him.

“What?” He asked with his eyes narrowed.

“Your phone, don’t you need my number anymore?” She twitched her lips at him.

“Oh I do, thanks” Carson smiled and gave her his phone. She typed her number there and gave it back to him.

“Don’t call me late at nights” she told him before leaving.

Carson stared at her number on his phone before saving it with her name.

“I’m really happy for you, you’ve finally gotten what you’ve always wanted” someone said behind him and he turned back to see James walking in.

“And you too, you’ve gotten what you’ve always wanted. You can finally start dating boys in public, it’s good news” Carson smiled at him.

“And you can start dating girls in public. I give you a week and you would introduce her to your family especially your Grandpa, the one you’ve been ashamed to show me off too. Thank you Carson, for waisting my time” James flashed him a fake smile and walked past him.

Carson stared at his retreating figure before looking at the Elsa’s number on his phone.



The glass door rolled open and Maya stepped in. She was putting on a long coat, sun glasses and nose mask. Her eyes scanned the whole tables till she caught Agnes who was waving at her.

She sighed and walked towards her, took her sit and hot rid of the stuffs in her face.

“Did you call me here to tell me that my daughter finally stand a chance in your family’s house?” Agnes asked after Maya settled down.

“Skyler is pregnant” Maya replied.

“So?” Agnes stared at her.

“What do you mean by that? I said Skyler is pregnant so I can’t do anything” Maya looked pissed.

“You can look for a way to get rid of the baby so my daughter can still get a chance maybe you can even drug your son and let him get Hailey pregnant” Agnes shrugged.

“Jesus Agnes! How could you say such things without flinching” Maya stared at her with an unbelievable look.

“Why are you surprised Maya. You also did the things you did without flinching so finish what you started or else your days in the Delgado mansion is over!” Agnes replied her.

“Are you still my best friend?” Maya’s eyes were misty as she asked.

Agnes faked a hurt expression as she brought her hands to caress Maya’s cheeks.

“Oh hunny, you are still my best friend of course but we are not in that bestie era for now, we are in the business era and I don’t miss business with friendship” Agnes smirked and wipped off the tears that escaped Maya’s eyes.

After some minutes, Maya stepped out of the restaurant and went to her car. A pair of male legs also stepped out behind her.

His lips formed a smirk.

“Interesting” he muttered.



Fashion class was over as it was already past 5pm. Skyler couldn’t leave with all that was happening, she wanted to see Mason and let him know all that was happening.

“Hey miss Sunny” she went to Sunny’s office.

“Ma’am Skyler, what can I do for you?” Sunny asked politely and Skyler rolled her eyes. They just find it here to hear English don’t they.

How come she keep begging everyone to stop calling her ma’am and call her by her normal name but they don’t listen.

“Is Mason inside” she whispered to her.

“He left the company for some work but he will be back soon, do you want to wait in his office? It’s open” Sunny asked.

“Okay I’ll wait for him there” Skyler turned around and began leaving but Sunny stopped her.

“Are you hungry? What do you wanna eat? I can go get it for you” she asked.

Skyler stared at her, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to eat now. “Don’t worry, I’ll just wait for Mason” she replied before going to his office.

She got on the couch, she was even scared to open her phone because of what happened so she decided to just take a short nap on the couch.


Mason just came back with Alvin.

“Gather all the informations you got today and send it to my email latest this evening” he said before opened in his door but seeing Skyler laying on his office couch and sleeping made him little speechless.

He moved closer to her and arranged some strands of hair from her face.

“Beautiful, if you want to sleep I have a room at the back of my office, you don’t have to sleep on this cold couch” he said softly and Skyler opened her eyes.

“I’m fine, I was waiting for you” she yawned.

“Come” he made her stand before taking her on his chair so she could adjust on his lips.

“I heard what happened this morning, don’t worry it won’t happen anymore” he kissed her neck as he muttered.

“But what are we going to do now, people on the internet thinks I’m your wife because you aren’t me in that party” she told him.

“Well aren’t you?” Mason smiled.

“Mason I’m serious, even my classmates were questioning me. I feel like I can’t move freely and I don’t know what to do” she complained.

“Alright, we’ll just have to look for a news that would pass this one. I would tell grandpa about it” he sighed.

“But what other news that’s not about you can make the headline?” Skyler creased her brows.



“If you’re looking for a news of what other news can be bigger than the one you’re facing online Sky then I only have one in mind” grandpa Mario said.

Mason and Skyler looked at themselves, wondering what the old man was up to.

“What grandpa?” Mason asked.

“If I tell the world that Mason’s hidden wife is pregnant and she’s not Skyler” the old man replied with a smile.

Unknown to them Maya was eavesdropping from the door, she ran back to her room to tell Agnes of her new plan.

Maya began dialing Agnes number, waiting for her to pick and Agnes finally picked the call.

“I’ve got an idea for you, tomorrow Grandpa would be making a news about Skyler’s pregnancy without mentioning Skyler. You should know what to do” she said and hung up then released a breath.

“Mason I’m sorry I had to do this, I’m doing all these for us” she muttered.

The next day,

Grandpa Mario tweet; my grandson Mason has always been nice to all his workers and my family don’t support harassing of others. Anyways, start your countdown to 9 month and welcome our newest Delgado!

Agnes post: Finally become a grandma today ( A because of a positive pregnancy kit )

‘Didn’t see this coming’

‘No wonder Hailey and Ivy are best friends, she had always been Mason’s wife’

‘Hailey is the wife of the hidden billionaire’

‘I knew Mason couldn’t scoop so low to marry his worker when he came from a powerful family’

‘They actually look so good together’

‘Let’s not be in too much rush, it might be a coincidence’

Breaking news: Hailey Champlocks is rumored to be the wife of the hidden billonaire, Mason Delgado. Watch video or read article to see why…



“Boss, there’s a disaster, I don’t know if I should call it a huge one or not” Alvin said the moment Mason stepped down from the car.

New set of reporters were waiting for him, they were taking pictures and blabbering pictures of him.

?Is it true your wife is pregnant?

?Is Hailey, the daughter of Agnes Champlocks your wife?

?Are you married to Hailey?

?Answer us please!

They were brutally taking pictures on him and asking him questions like they would die if they didn’t get an answer.

The bodyguards kept blocking Mason, making sure the reporters wouldn’t see a chance to touch him but one of them managed to slip their hands in between and tried pulling Mason’s nose mask but was quick enough to catch the hand.

Alvin immediately took a picture of the man’s face before Mason released him and they both stepped inside the company.

“Concerning that bastard, I want him to be locked up in jail for trespassing” Mason ordered.

“Then I will take immediate action sir” Alvin nodded his head.

“Call Sunny and tell her to report to my office” Mason added before walking past Alvin.

“Yes.. sir” Alvin pressed his lips together.


In the fashion designers class, the students were already talking about the news while Skyler was trying her best to focus on the dress she was drawing but couldn’t.

“Where are all the people accusing Skyler of being Mason’s wife? You all owe Skyler an apology” a student announced.

“Yes we are sorry Skyler, you’re pretty but Hailey is a smoke, really suitable for Mason” another student said and Hudson scoffed.

“What are you guys talking about? To me Hailey is not hot, she’s just a plastic viper” Jasper rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, you’re only jealous because you can’t afford to be with someone like Hailey, she’s for Mason, they fit” the student smirked.

“They are a thousand plus fan group of them. What do you think Hailey and Mason would name their baby?”

Skyler’s pencil broke on that statement. What they were saying was annoying her to the core, Hailey was the reason why she and Mason lost their first baby and once again, the woman is in their middle again.

“Can the class be quiet in the next five seconds?” Miss Elizabeth walked in as she spoke and everyone stopped talking and settled down.

“Thank you, now where did we stop yesterday?” She faced the class with a smile.



“How could you do that mom!!” Hailey shouted directly at her mother.

“Calm down Hailey, I only did you a favor!!” Agnes rolled her eyes.

“But Mason warned us to stay away from his family. You know what I did to Skyler mom, why did you get me involved?” Hailey complained.

She looked really scared.

“Mason can not do anything to you, exposing you means exposing Skyler and Skyler is not ready to be exposed to the spot light yet so steal her moment. If Mason is not ready to show Skyler or his face off in public then you should do it” Agnes smirked.

“Are you trying to say, I should expose Mason’s identity?” Hailey’s eyes widened.

“Yes but do it wisely, put the public on suspense and further questions, fake to be Mrs Delgado until you make it” Agnes said in an indecisive voice and a smile slowly formed on Hailey’s face.


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