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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE CEO’S MAID – Episode 35

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MAID ? ?
(Helplessly tripping…)

Written by Terri Savage ?️





Silence hung in the air as they stared at each other.

Is this what they call “JEALOUSY??


Their eyes kept staring at each other till Romeo sighed and looked away. Anastasia said no word afterward, a smile found its way to her lips and she continued staring at him, she found this side of him so cute…

Could he really be jealous?

“Let’s go home” Romeo said and started the car, Anastasia gave no reply and he turned to her.

“I will take you home” He said and she didn’t reply.

“Okay, this is it, are you angry at me?” He asked, a restless look on his face.

“I’m fine, take me home” She replied and he sighed before driving away.

“Albert confessed to you?” Annika asked when Sasha told her everything.

They are on a video call.

“Yes” Sasha replied and Annika smiled.

“So what was your response? You said yes right?” Annika asked curiously.

Sasha sighed with a confused look on her face.

“I didn’t give him a straight answer”.


“I told him to give me time, I don’t want to make the wrong decision that I will regret later”

“It’s because of Maxim right?” Annika asked and Sasha nodded.

“Ok, I support you on this one but don’t keep that Greek god waiting, if you don’t love him just tell him you don’t love him. You’re stuck girl” Annika chuckled.

“I’m really stuck” Sasha said.

Maxim’s call rang on her phone that minute.

“Maxim is calling” Sasha said.

“Ok, goodnight bestie” Annika giggled and hung up.

Sasha answered the call and it turned out to be a facetime call. Her heart beat faster when her eyes fell on his nude chest, it seemed he had just taken his bath, he was looking so hot as water dropped from his hair to his chest, her eyes got fixed there and she felt her racing heart in handfuls.

“f-__-k” She muttered senselessly.

“Princess” He called, waking her up from her thoughts.

“Maxim” She smiled and swallowed hard.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Do you have to call me when you aren’t dressed up properly?” She asked and looked away. Maxim chuckled.

“You’re getting affected right?” He asked.

“You’re hot” She muttered and he smiled widely.

“I love your chest, it’s segzy” She added and Maxim kept smiling widely.

“You’re driving me crazy with your words, princess” He said and she blushed.

“Can we go on a date?” He asked and a sharp smile fell on her lips.

“When?” She asked impatiently.

“Let’s put it on Sunday” He said and she smiled.

“I will be waiting, let’s visit the cinema again, I wanna watch a movie with you again”.

“Sure, anything for you princess” He said handsomely and her heart skipped a beat.

“Maxim” She called.


“Can you smile again?” She asked, biting her lips slowly.

“You love my smile?” He replied and she nodded cutely.

Maxim smiled in all his glory and Sasha felt her heart racing faster. What is he doing to her?

“Good night” She said and pecked his lips on the screen before hanging up. She fell on the bed with red cheeks.

“I can’t wait for the date” She said, giggling.

Romeo got home after dropping Anastasia at her house, currently he was in his bedroom pacing around.

He was worried and restless, Anastasia is not the silent type and within the few days that he had known her he can boldly say she’s the lively type, he even do get tired with her sometimes but during out the drive to her house she was silent throughout even when they got to her house she just came out of the car and walked into her house without saying a word.

What really came over him? Why did he even act that way? Did he go too far?

What was the reason behind what he was feeling? He was jealous when he saw her with the guy and he lost his senses.

“f-__-k, what am I going to do? I don’t know if she’s angry with me or not” He said and picked his phone on the bed.

He dialed her number and she picked up immediately.

“I’m sorry Anastasia….

“You were jealous right? You’re in love with me right?” Anastasia asked, giggling.

“I was only protecting you, I wasn’t jealous” He replied.

“You’re not good at lying, it was obvious in your eyes, what if I unblock his number and give him…

“Don’t try it” He shouted before he could stop himself.

Anastasia laughed.

“You see you are jealous and I love it, I love this jealous and possessive side of yours, you were so cute” She said and he sighed.

“Why were you silent and cold earlier?” He asked.

“Trying to see if you will get worried and it work” She replied.

“Good night..

“Hey don’t cut the call” She shouted but he cut the call.

“I can’t believe I fell for her tricks” He smiled, falling on the bed.

“She’s not even my girlfriend and I’m jealous over a guy talking to her, what is wrong with you Romeo? Could this be another sign that you are falling in love?” He muttered.

Nikaloi came out of the bathroom and he stopped on his tracks when he saw his wife peering into his phone.

“What are you doing?” He asked and his wife finally looked up from the phone. She spared him an unfriendly look and he got it that something is wrong.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, coming closer. He tried to touch her but she shifted away from him.

“You have been hiding this from me?” She asked and raised the phone to his face. Nikaloi sighed. So this is why she’s behaving this way.

“You hired her to seduce our son, I knew something was wrong when you were always talking about her, why did you hide it from me?” She asked.

“I wanted to tell you when she finally succeed…

“So what now, hasn’t she succeeded, Alexander kissed her more than twice, isn’t that a sign that she has won him over?” She asked, cutting him off

“I’m sorry for not telling you this at the start but shouldn’t you be happy?”.

“I would have been happy if you told me about this at the start” She replied and he smiled. He walked to her and hugged her..

“Get off me” She said, trying to push him off but he gripped her tightly.

“You look cuter when you are frowning” He whispered.

“Your sweet words won’t work on me” She said.

“Come on darling, I’m sorry” He said sweetly and kissed her forehead.

She smiled shortly.

“I want to see her, I want to see the lady that has tamed my son” She said, smiling.

“I’m forgiven right?” He asked.

“No, get off me, I h@ťě you” She said and pushed him away, she laid down on the bed and covered herself up completely.

Nikaloi released a low laugh.

Sasha dropped her spoon after eating a little from her plate. Her parents faced her immediately when she stood.

“What’s wrong?” Nikaloi asked.

“You ate only a little” Mrs Ivan asked.

“I’m going out with my brother and his maid, I will eat in his house” She replied.

Her parents looked at each other and smiled.

“Ok” They chorused.

“See you later” She said and started walking upstairs, Maxim’s call rang on her phone and she smiled before picking it.

Albert sighed heavily and dropped his arms after calling Sasha for the fourth time. She didn’t pick his call yesterday and she didn’t even return it this morning. It’s so unlike her, she always returns his calls whenever she sees his calls.

He remembered when he proposed to her yesterday and he started having a bad feeling. What if she rejects him?

She’s acting strange or she is super busy? Is that why she’s not answering his calls?

He looked at her number again and sighed.

“Your girlfriend is not picking your calls?” Mrs Vladmir asked behind him and he quickly turned with a startled look.

“Mum, when did you get here?” He asked.

“Enough to see you worried about your girlfriend, Who is she?” She asked.

“She’s not my girlfriend”

“But you are in love with her right? Isn’t she the same girl you went out with yesterday right?” She asked.

“Yes, she is sister of Alexander Ivan”

“Your sister’s boss?” She asked and he nodded.

“You really love her?”

“Yes, I do mum” He replied.

“Then go ahead and ask her out, I can’t wait to see my baby dating” She said and he smiled.

“Khali is in the living room” She said and he gasped.

“Why did you tell me?” He asked, rushing out. True to her words he met Khali and Shura in the sitting room.

“Buddy” He called.

Shura smiled when she saw him and she ran into his arms.

“Albert” She called in her tiny voice and he smiled.

“Cutie” He replied and she smiled.

“Let’s go out please, the three of us, don’t say no” Shura said and started begging him.

“Ok cutie, I will go out, we will go out” He replied and she smiled, hugging him tighter.

?️Wow! Is that not Alexander?

?️ Gawd!! It’s really him

?️ He’s always dripping hard

?️ Gosh, I’m wet

?️ Wait the lady he hugged at the glass mansion

?️ Are they dating?

?️ He’s so hot in white

“Can’t they keep quiet?” Sanya scoffed as she walked with Sasha and Alexander. They are currently on the beach to have fun.

Alexander faced her with a smile and she smiled back.

“You can’t stop them from talking, so let’s mind what we are here for” Alexander said.

“Are you jealous?” Sasha asked and Sanya rolled eyes.

Alexander suddenly stopped as an important call entered his phone.

“Excuse me, I need to pick this call” Alexander said and excused himself.

Sanya’s eyes were on him as he made the call.

“You are in love with my brother right?” Sasha suddenly asked and Sanya faced her.


“Don’t even try to deny it, I can see it in your eyes” Sasha said and Sanya blushed, biting her lips and looking away.

Sasha smiled seeing her reaction. It answers her questions already without her replying directly.

“How did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“How did you make him soft? The Alexander I know hadn’t ever taken anybody out on an outing like this, not even me, talkless of another lady” Sasha said.

?️ She’s lucky

?️ I heard she is his maid

?️I wish I was in her position

?️ Going close to Alexander is my dream

“I can’t believe you’re popular already, you are really changing my brother, it’s so obvious that he has a soft spot for you” Sasha said and Sanya smiled but the smile vanished from her face when her eyes caught up with two ladies around Alexander.

Another lady was trying to take a picture of them while the other lady was stylishly touching him in the name of taking a picture with him.

When did he start allowing women to take pictures with him?

Anger and jealousy built up in her and without a rethink she turned to Sasha.

“I’m coming” She said and started walking away.

“Where are…” Sasha paused when she saw where she was heading to and she fixed her eyes there, waiting for the drama.

Sanya got to where Alexander was and quickly snatched the phone from the other lady.

“What!!” She yelled.

Sanya dropped the phone and faced Alexander on the ground, she pushed the lady away and she fell on her butts.

“Whooo!! Jealousy at work!!” Sasha clapped whilst smiling.

“How dare you?” The lady shouted.

“How dare you touch my territory? He’s mine” Sanya yelled, looking angrily at her

“What!!!” The ladies gasped and she faced Alexander with an angry frown on her face.

“And you, why did you allow her to touch you?!!” She snapped.

Alexander looked at her face and smiled. Does she have any idea how hot she’s right now?!!!.



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