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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{My priceless wifey, romantic hubby}
Episode 25
By Chidimma M.
Kyra looked at them and bit her lips then gulped down water from her glass and then looked at them.
“Well it was 14 years back. You left me to go get some ice cream when suddenly a man barged into the room. Before I could speak, he stabbed me with a knife. That really took me by surprise… I thought that will be the end of me, but I was really lucky so I woke up in a room with tubes all over my body. I tried to escape but my stomach really hurts like bad… Suddenly the door swung open to reveal the last person I could imagine did this to me” Kyra said and folded her fists in anger…
“Who was it?” Derek asked, munching on his food.
“I’m sorry Derek, I can’t tell you who he is and why he did what he did. You’ll h@ťě him and probably h@ťě me. It’s kinda my fault too” Kyra said and looked down as her past began resurfacing in her mind.
“If you don’t wanna tell me, then it’s fine but once we go back home, we need to keep you away from the eyes of the public. In the US, everyone thinks you’re dead. If they find out you’re alive, then I think the person who tried ki||ing you will be after you again” Derek said.
“Yeah, you’re right” Kyra agreed…
“So when shall we be leaving?” Celina asked…
“Let’s stay here for two days more before leaving” Derek said.
They continued eating with Derek’s mind wondering on who could possibly try to ki*ll his mother. Kyra on the other hand, had a very burdened face like something was bothering her.
Celina ate her food in silence as she watched both of them with their facial expressions.
Once they were done with their dinner, Derek and Kyra went to their respective rooms while Celina cleaned the plates.
Once she was done, she walked upstairs. She entered the room and met Derek laying on the bed while staring at the ceiling.
Celina sighed and walked up to him then straddled him and then pecked his lips.
“I know you’re kinda disturbed with what your mother could be hiding from you but I guess it’s for the best. Don’t worry she’ll eventually tell you” Celina said and smiled.
Derek sighed..
“You’re Right, I shouldn’t be worrying too much” He said and made her lay down beside him..
“Let’s sleep” Derek said and covered them with the duvet. Celina snuggled tightly close to him.
He kissed her forehead…
“Goodnight, love you” He said and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
Celina looked at his face and then kissed him on the forehead.
“I love you too” She said and smiled then closed her eyes as sleep to her away too.
$Next Morning$
“Come on lina, what’s taking you so long!” Derek said as he stood at the exit of the house with Kyra. Today, they are going for shopping and also to catch a little cruise.
“Wait a sec” Celina screamed from the room.
Derek sighed and walked back upstairs. He met her putting on her top. When she was done, she tied the lace of her shoes and then picked up her bag.
“I’m done” She said walking towards Derek.
“Wait a sec” Derek said and cupped her cheek. He pressed his lips softly on hers, kissing her tenderly and passionately.
Minutes later, he broke the kiss and took steps back…
“Now, let’s go” He said and held her hands as they walked downstairs.
The trio walked out of the house and boarded the car before it drove off.
They stopped at the best shop in the town before they got down the car.
“Wow, the dresses here are beautiful” Kyra said as they walked into the shop.
“This was my favorite place to shop when I was still living here” Celina added.
“Welcome to my boutique. Please, how may we help you” The manager greeted.
“Just show them the best collection you have. As for me, I’ll be waiting for you here” Derek said and sat down on a couch then picked a magazine from the table before reading.
“Alright Mr Bernardo. Please follow me ladies.” The woman said and led the way.
He showcased them different kinds of collection.
“The choice is now yours. Choose wh@ťěver you want” The woman said and bowed before leaving.
Celina and Kyra began selecting from alternatives. They both went their separate ways.
Celina saw a segzy black lingerie. An idea came into her and she made to take it when suddenly someone placed her hand on hers.
Her eyes trailed from the person’s white spotless arm and then landed on the face.
They both stared at each other for some minutes before looking away since it was getting awkward.
“Oh, sorry. You can have it, I’ll just get another one” She said.
“Alright, thanks” Celina replied and looked back again at her.
“Seems like you’re new here in this town” The lady said.
“Oh no, well this was my former town. J travel to US and now I’m back with my husband for some reason. We’ll leave soon” She said.
“Wow, so the guy I saw at the entrance is you husband. Derek Bernardo” The lady exclaimed and Celina nodded.
“You’re really lucky” The lady said.
She stretched her hands to Celina…
“I’m Sapphire by the way. Sapphire Redford” The lady said.
Celina took in the handshake..
“I’m Celina Bernardo” Celina replied
Sapphire froze as she looked at Celina. Celina also stared back at her.. She seems so familiar to Celina.
Tears welled up Sapphire eyes. Is she really Celina or maybe it’s another person??
“Celina?” Kyra called which brought them back to reality…
“We need to go” Kyra added.
Celina released Sapphire hand…
“I need to go now, goodbye” Celina said and smiled before walking away.
Sapphire stared at them as they walked away. Is she Celina?
“Are you my sister?” Sapphire whispered to herself….
Celina walked up to Derek and he stood up then walked to the cashier. He paid for the dresses before they walked out of the shop.
“Where else should we go to?” Celina asked…
“I think I’ll go back home. You two enjoy your day” Kyra said and hailed a cab. She waved bye at them and enter as the cab drove off.
Derek opened the car door for Celina to enter which she did before he entered too before he driving off…
Celina looked out of the car window as he drove silently to who knows where. He stopped the car and Celina looked to see where he was taking them.
She ached her brows as she saw it was a club. Seriously??
Celina gave him the ‘are you kidding me’ look.
“What?? Let’s just flex for a day alright?” Derek came out of the car and opened the door for her to come out.
He held her hand and kissed it.
“Let’s just say I’m your boyfriend and you’re my girlfriend.” He added and pulled her in to the club.
One thing she loves about the club he just walked in is that even I the morning, it’s still very lit!
Celina frowned as the music blarring at all corners was even making her heart to vibrate.
She looked at her side as she felt a hand on her waist. Luckily it was Derek. Derek leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“Don’t worry, no one is ever gonna touch you apart from me. So long as I’m alive, you’re mine and anyone who dares touch you will face my wrath” Derek whispered in her ear.
That made Celina shiver. What he said made her feel special but it was like a sort of warning. That made her wonder to which extend can Derek go just for her?
With that said, they walked to the dance floor and they began dancing to the beat of the music.
Celina closed her eyes as she was been teleported to another world by the rhythm. Derek kissed her neck as his hand ran through her waist making her lean on him..
They danced like that till they were getting tired of dancing so they walked to an empty seat.
“Never knew you could dance” Celina said as she took a sip of her drink.
“There’s still some things you don’t know about me” Derek replied.
“What are those things, I wanna know” Celina leaned towards him.
“Well, I do play basketball but that was in my highschool days. I also do sing when I’m free, I’m also a s*x god” Derek winked.
Celina rolled her eyes…
“Is that a talent?” She scoffed.
“Want me to prove to you it’s a talent?” Derek asked tracing his fingers on her arm.
Celina looked at him and shook her head…
Suddenly, out of nowhere two boys walked up to them. From the look of things they were drunk.
“Hey beauty. Mind if we dance?” One of the men asked.
Derek and Celina looked at them like they had lost their mind.
“We’re talking to you” The other said.
“That’s no way to talk to a lady” Derek said.
“Shut up…stupid” He added while the other smiled.
“Mind a twosome. Don’t worry we’ll pay you afterwards” One of them said and made to touch Celina but Derek caught his arm and stood up. His anger has been provoked.
“First, she’s not a wh-_-re but my woman. Secondly, don’t you dare touch her and third, get out of here before I loose my patience.” Derek said.
“Look who’s talking” The man said and pushed Derek defiantly. Derek bounced back and what followed was a heavy blow on the person’s face.
Before he could understand what was happening, Derek showered the man with punches. He released him and turned to the other person only to see her already flew away. And they say they’re friends.
Derek grabbed Celina’s hand and they walked out of the club. Celina stopped abruptly making Derek look back at her.
She hugged him tightly, placing her head on her chest…
“It’s okay. You don’t need to be this angry, I can defend myself yunno” Celina said and looked up at him.
Derek looked down at her and smiled then pinched her cheek. Celina smiled widely and puckered her lips with her eyes closed.
Derek chuckled seeing ger childish attitude. He implanted a kiss on her lips and then held her hand.
“Let’s go back home” Derek said
They boarded the car and drove back home…
Celina finished spraying herself with the perfume and then arranged her hair properly while looking at herself on the mirror.
They already took dinner earlier and Kyra is already fast asleep in her room.
Derek is downstairs working in the living room. Celina exhaled loudly and looked back at herself on the mirror.
She stood up from her seat and twirled around looking at her reflection. Well, she was wearing the Black lingerie she bought earlier with a transparent white robe on top of it.
She sat back down trying to calm down her racing heart. Why is she nervous?
Well she’s going to do what she was supposed to do some days now. She’ll confess her feelings to Derek. After all what he did for her during these days, he really deserves it.
“You can do it lina” She said to her reflection.

� Chi L�ve

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