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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ He’s heartless, she’s stubborn}
Episode 08
By Chidimma M.
Santiago kept scrolling through Sapphire pictures with a smile on his lips.
“Well she’s pretty enough to be my daughter in law” Santiago said.
“So is it a yes?” Fabian asked.
Santiago looked at the picture for some minutes. Fabian began loosing hope.
“Well…yeah. It’s a yes” Santiago replied.
Fabian felt like jubilating but held himself from doing such.
“Alright, I’ll inform her about it” Fabian said.
“It’s not like she has a choice. Who wouldn’t want to get married to one of the richest and handsome billionaire in the country?” Santiago said and stretch his hand to Fabian.
“Nice meeting you future in law” He said with a smile on her lips.
Fabian took his handshake with a smile on his lips.
“Thanks boss.” He replied.
“Call me Santiago” Santiago said.
“Okay. I’m Fabian by the way” He replied to him.
They discussed for sometimes and then Fabian alighted the car. Santiago smiled at him and immediately, the car zoomed off.
Fabian’s smile immediately fell and a smirk surfaced. He walked to his car and entered it then drove off too.
He parked his car in front of the hotel he visited last time and then walked in the hotel.
Once he reached the room, he knocked on it.
“Come in” He heard a voice.
Fabian turned the door knob and the. walked in the room then locked the door behind him.
“Any news feed?” Emile asked.
“Yeah there is. I succeeded in striking a deal with Santiago Bernardo. The deal is we marry Sapphire to his eldest son, Derek” Fabian said.
Emile smiled and sat down on a chair.
“That’s good, good job Fab, that’s better. I know Derek will protect her when the time comes” Emile said.
Fabian sat down beside him….
“Are you sure of what you’re doing? You know I’m just following your orders” Fabian asked.
“Yeah, I’m sure of it. I know what I’m doing?” Emile said.
“Can I ask you a question?” Fabian asked.
“Go on”
“Who’s the person who’s after Sapphire and why is he after her?” Fabian asked.
Emile chuckled.
“Fabian, I care a lot about you and you have a family of your own to protect. I’m sorry but I can’t let you know…I don’t want to loose you too. One day you’ll know about it but for now, just obey my orders. I know what I’m doing” Emily said and patted his Back.
“Okay, if you say so.” Fabian replied.
Fabian stood up and arranged his dress.
“Well I’ll be leaving now. Don’t want Derek to notice my absence” Fabian said and turned to Emile. He saluted him and then walked out of his room.
Emile smiled and stood up then looked out of the window.
“Thanks for the lunch hunny” Sapphire said and kissed him on the lips. Louis held her waist and kissed her more longer than expected before releasing her.
She giggled and got down his car then closed the door. He winked at her before driving off.
Sapphire turned back at walked into the hospital. She took the elevator to her office.
Immediately she arrived, she could already see the loads of work in front of her. Well that’s the life she chose so no turning back.
“Miss, you’re needed urgently at room 238. An operation is going on there” Yolanda said through the fax phone.
“Be on my way” Sapphire replied and hung up then picked up her lab coat and stethoscope then dashed out of her office.
Derek was typing somethings on his laptop when suddenly, his phone began ringing.
He looked at it and it was an unknown number.
“Hello, who’s this?” Derek asked.
“Yo, my man! How you doing? Missed you so much” A voice spoke.
Derek sighed as he already recognized the voice.
“Nepson?” He called.
“Good thing you still remember me. Well just to tell you I’m back in town…Let’s hangout” Nepson said as he got down the car in front of his house.
“I’m kinda busy right” Derek said while his eyes scanned through some files in his hands.
“Oh come on Mr fun ki||er! Just this once” Nepson said.
Derek sighed. Well if he doesn’t accept then the discussion will go on and on and on.
“Alright, we shall we meet?” Derek asked.
“That’s the spirit! Let’s meet at our favorite bar. You know the place” Nepson said.
Derek hung up and stood up from his seat. He picked up his phone and then walked out of his office.
“Lock the door to my office” He said.
“Sure boss” His new Secretary said.
He nodded and walked away. The Secretary stared at him with dreamy eyes.
“He’s so cute! I wish he could just notice me” She said as she watched him walk away.
Derek got into his car and drove off without waiting for his bodyguards. He h@ťěs having people follow him around.
He stopped his car in front of a bar and then looked out of his window. The place never changed.
He got down his car and swept his hair to the back as the breeze blew on it making him look like a model.
He then walked in the club and what filled his ears was the deafening sound of music.
As he took his seat, he ordered a glass of wine which was served to him minutes later.
He then sipped on it while looking at the different people drink to supor.
“Hello handsome. What’s a gorgeous being like you doing all alone here? I can keep you company if you want?” A lady said as she sat down on his laps.
Derek cringe his nose as the odor of alcohol hit his nostrils. She must be really drunk.
Derek held her waist and then with a swift movement, he hit her neck delicately which made her pass out in his arms.
“Take her to a room” Derek told the bartender who obeyed since he knows who Derek was.
“You still have that aura which draws women closer to you” A voice said.
Derek looked up to see Nepson. Nepson is his childhood friend. Well he’s more like a brother to him. The only friend he has since the tragic event that happened to him.
“Nepson” He called.
Nepson took a seat beside him and hit his Back playfully then held his shoulder.
“Missed you so much Derek” He said and ordered his drink too.
Well Nepson had to travel abroad in order to further his education.
“Yeah, I know you did” Derek said and took a sip from her drink.
“You and this grumpy attitude of yours. Don’t worry, you’ll meet a girl who will change this character of yours” Nepson said.
Derek scoffed…
“Girl? I highly doubt so” He said as he watched the different people.
They had some discussion and even got time to catch the moments they were away from each other.
Derek got tired so he decided to go back home.
He parked his car and got out of I then walked into his house. To his surprise, he met Santiago sitting on a couch in the living room.
“What is it again?” Derek asked as he removed his coat and held it in his hand.
Santiago stood up with a smile on his lips.
“Son, I have a surprise for you. Guess what?” He said.
Derek dipped his hand in his hair and sighed.
“Just spit it out. I h@ťě guesswork” Derek replied
Santiago walked more close to him…
“Son, I found a wife for you. You’re getting married” Santiago said.
Derek chuckled like it was some joke.
“Seriously? You came all the way here just to joke around?” He asked.
“Does my face look like someone who’s lying? You’re getting married” He said radiantly.
“What?” Derek said unbelievably.
“Don’t worry son. She’s really pretty, and also kind and humble. Not money minded and I’m sure she’ll make a good wife material” Santiago said.
“Listen old man, you can’t live your life and then live mine too. I chose who to get married to. Stop meddling into my life” Derek said calmly and turned to go upstairs.
“I wish we didn’t get to this extend” Santiago said.
Derek stopped and at him.
“You’re getting married and that’s it. Not only are you what you are because of me but also you have to do that because I spared you from going to jail” He said referring to his mother case.
“So because you spared me the prison life I should now obey your everything word like I was a robot. I’m not Louis who always do wh@ťěver you ask of him without thinking” Derek said.
“I wish we didn’t reach to this level but you give no choice. You’re getting married or else I’ll file a case against you. I’ll say you ki||ed your mother, I have proofs” Santiago said.
“For the uptenth time. I wasn’t the one responsible for mom’s death” Derek said.
“Liar! You stabbed her! You ki||ed my wife!” He yelled in anger.
That was followed by some minutes of silence.
“This is an order I’m giving you. You’re getting married or else you know what’s gonna happen to you” Santiago said and walked out of the house.
Derek hissed and went upstairs…
Sapphire walked into the house after a hectic day of work. It was 10pm and by this time, the whole family must probably be asleep.
She made to go upstairs but stopped as she noticed someone sitting on the couch staring at her.
A scream almost erupted from her mouth but she stopped as she saw that it was her father.
“Dad?” She called.
Fabian stood up from his seat and walked up to her then smiled.
“I have some great news for you Sapphire” He exclaimed.
Sapphire furrowed her brows and turned fully for him to speak up.
“Saph, you’re getting married” Fabian said.
Sapphire looked at him in confusion…
“Married?” She asked.
“Yeah, your suitor is handsome and rich and also very respectable plus he’s…”
“Dad wait, I’m not getting married to anyone” Sapphire said.
“Well that has already been arranged” He said which surprise Sapphire. That suddenly made her really angry.
“But dad, you know I have I Have a boyfriend and you also know I love him a lot. How I’m I supposed to get married to anothrr person?” She said, raising up her voice a little.
Fabian held her hand and rubbed it for the first time, he wasn’t cold to her.
“I know you love him but that’s just it. You’re getting married tomorrow” Fabian spoke calmly.
She yanked his hand off…
“You want me to take I just like it. Dad, this is marriage we’re talking about. I always knew you h@ťě me but dad, don’t do this to me” Sapphire said at the brink of tears.
“I’m sorry but just forget about Louis. The decision has been set”
“Dad please don’t do this to me.” Sapphire said and knelt down in tears.
Fabian sighed and kept down too in front of her then he kissed her forehead and stood up.
“One day you’ll thank me for that decision. I just hope it won’t be too late” Fabian said and went upstairs.
He left Sapphire kneeling down. Right now, it felt like a dream to her….She’s getting married tomorrow. What kind of news is that??
She cried to her heart’s content…

� Chi L�ve

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