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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 34




“Mom” Daniel called shaking her

He tilted her up and placed his hand on chest

“Mom wake up ”

“She’s breathing right?” Mac asked

“Yes dad, she’s breathing” He replied

“Let’s take her to the hospital ” Jinhun said

Daniel carried her in his arms and rushed out with her while the rest followed.

They all got into the car and the driver drove out.

“Branch any nearest hospital” Mac said

“Okay sir” The driver replied.

He turned around and drove to Stevenson’s health care.

He halted and they came out, Daniel took her out and ran into the hospital.

“Where’s the doctor?” He asked

The nurses soon got alerted and the stretcher was brought out immediately, she was placed on and taken to the emergency room

Doctor Stevenson got informed, he rushed there and started working on her.

Daniel kept pacing around, Lisa walked over to him and starting consoling him

“She will be fine Daniel” She said and he smiled

“I pray so, I don’t want anything to happen to my mom”

“She will be fine son” Mac said

“Calm down man, your mom will be alright ” Jinhun said

Thirty minutes later Stevenson came out, immediately Daniel saw him he called out to him

” Doctor, are you the one that attended to my mother” He asked panting

“Daniel ” He called

“Yes” He replied

He was about saying something again when Mac, Lisa and Jin came there

“Good day sir Mac ” He said

“Doctor, how is my wife ?” Mac asked

“She fine and stable, she fainted due to shock, it’s nothing serious she is awake now ” He replied

Daniel breath out in relief

“Can we see her now? ”

“Sure sir ” He replied and called one of the intern to take them to her ward.

Daniel hugged her immediately they got to her ward.

” Mom, you scared us” He said resting his head on her chest

“I am sorry baby” He said

“Honey ” Mac said caressing her forehead tenderly

” I am sorry darling ” She said

“It’s nothing, glad you’re okay ”

Jinhun walked in with Lisa at that moment.

“Mom, you are awake” Lisa said

Daniel’s mom smiled coily

“You just called me mom does that mean you will soon become my daughter in law right? ” She asked cutely

Lisa winked at her and she smiled widely

“Ma, glad you’re awake” Jinhun said

She started crying again while looking at him

“What’s wrong mom? ” Daniel asked

“He… he is my son, Jinhun is my lost son ” She said

” What!!! ” Jinhun gasped loudly

“Your son, you had another son apart from me mom? ” Daniel asked suprisingly

“Yes, he is your elder brother”

“My Jinhun”

“How is that even possible? You just met me today and all of a sudden you’re saying I am your son be serious ma” Jinhun said finding it confusing

“The tattoo on your neck, I gave birth to you with that tattoo, I was the one who dropped you at the orphanage home with a note Jinhun, I have you the name ” She replied

“Honey, how come I didn’t know about this after this years, you have been keeping secrets from me ” He yelled

“Don’t be angry darling, I explain everything” She said

“Start explaining mom” Daniel said curiously

Lisa looked at Jin and smiled excitedly, if this is true she will be happy for him.

“I gave birth to him as a result of a one night stand”

Everyone gasped

“What!!! ”

“I wasn’t allowed to go out and have fun as other girls of my age were doing, I sneaked out one day and went clubing, I was about finishing high school then”


Jisoo (Daniel’s mom) walked in to the club, floating her hair around to showed her excitement, her strict parents won’t allow her to have fun like other adults are doing.

She escape the house and she is going to have a lot of fun

She sat alone watching as girls dance around with boys, she was still a virgin.

So dancing with boys wasn’t interesting to her.

She just sat alone drinking her soda, just then three hot girls dressed in short bum skirts came and sat down with her.

“Hi girl” one of them said

“Hi ” She replied uncomfortably

“Wow!! who drink soda in a club, don’t tell you can’t take alcohol ” One of them asked

“No I don’t take alcohol” She replied

“You must be a dummy, a pretty girl like you, are you even human ” Another said and they started laughing at her, she felt intimidated and decided to show them she’s isn’t a dummy.

She took a cup from one of them and started drinking it.

She took up to five cups and she started feeling tipsy and hot, her eyes started turning and she started seeing things in another views.

Another drunk guy came and sat with her, they had a small chat and they both ended up in bed

She woke up the next morning and discovered herself naked and saw some blood stain on the bedsheets.

She lost her virginity to a total stranger.

She wore her clothes back but before she could leave she saw a diamond chain on the bed belonging to the stranger.


“That was how it happened, I got pregnant after one month and when my parents found out about it, my dad almost went mad and he sworn never to accept Jinhun, he tried aborting the pregnancy without my knowledge but the pills couldn’t worked on me, he told me that I must finished school and get a good job if not he won’t and will never accept me as his daughter, my mom was devastated with me, she called me a disgrace she cried almost day, the pressure and the insults were too much but I refuse to do anything harmful to my child, after I gave birth to him, there was no way I could took care of him, so I took him and dropped him at the orphanage home, I’m so sorry Jin” She said sobbing

Jinhun allowed the tears to poured out, he didn’t know whether to be happy or angry at her

He had always wished to experience a mother care and love, he stood speechless, Lisa patted his back slowly

“Which clubhouse?” Mac asked

“Baejong’s house club ” She replied and mac’s heart skipped a beat.

He once had a night stand with a strange girl in that club when he was in North Korea for a business conference, could it be her?


His heart started palpating so hard

“Do you remember anything about him?” He asked impatiently

“No,, but he left a diamond chain and I still have it till now” She replied

That rings a bell he was wearing a diamond chain that night and it got missing since he left the club house

Could it be…..


” I will show you the diamond chain when we get home, I need to go home now” She said

“Call the doctor now ” Mac said and Daniel walked out to get him


They got home and she walked upstairs and brought out the chain taking it downstairs

As soon Mac saw the Diamond chain, his heart almost flew out of his chest and he blinked his eyes continuously not believing it.

“Here’s the chain darling” she said

“That…. that’s my chain, I lost it in Baejong’s house club, so you were the lady I had a one night stand with ” He said shockingly


Theirs eyes widened, being surprised will be an understatement they were totally shocked.

What a shocking revelation.

“It was you? ” She asked unbelievably

“You were wearing a yellow gown, you had a bracelet on your left hand ” He replied

Jisoo fell on the couch, she couldn’t believe the same man she had a one night stand turned out to be her husband

Everyone mouths were wide opened, it was so unbelievable and funny at the same time.

“That’s to say, Jin is my full brother and not my step brother?” Daniel asked

“Yes Daniel, he is your full brother ” She replied

She stood up and walked to Jin, she held his face starring at him.

He starred back without uttering a word to her

“Heavens know I looked for you everywhere, I was told you left the orphanage when you were 14, I am sorry, I didn’t deserve your forgiveness but please forgive me and accept him as your brother ” She said going down on her knees but he quickly stopped her.

“No need for that, I understand you didn’t do it out of your own will,, you were compile to do it, I understand” He replied, trying not to cry again

“Son, we are sorry” Mac said

“It’s okay” He said simply, sitting down

“Jin please forgive your parents, I know you didn’t expected this but I can say this is the best thing that will happen to you, finding out about your parents, knowing they are still alive” Lisa said and Jin nodded

“Daniel I am sorry for …. ”

” I am happy I have a big brother mom,, no apologies” Daniel said smiling

“Hey big bro, won’t you hugged your kid bro, you are so mean” Daniel pouted cutely

“Idiot” Jin joked

“Jinhummm psycho ” Daniel replied

Jinhun stood up and pulled him into a hug.

“I am glad you turn out to be my brother for real ” Jin said stroking his hair

“No wonder I developed this sudden likeness for you immediately we met, indeed it’s blood is thicker than water ” He replied

Mac and jisoo smile seeing how happy they’re with each other, how fast they got along.

” I love you big bro ”

” Same here my idiot kid bro” Jin replied and smiled.

“I will show you your room” Daniel said

“And who told you I will be staying in another room,, we gonna be sharing the same room” He replied

“What!! are you back to frustrate my life Jin? There are lots of rooms here, why mine? ” He asked

“Cos I want to idiot ”

” I need privacy yunno with my girlfriend” Daniel said without thinking

Mac and jisoo eyes widened immediately

” Girlfriend!” They both chorused glancing questioningly at him

Daniel covered his mouth immediately remembering he busted himself out.

He was planning to introduce his girlfriend to them properly

“It’s all your fault Jinhummm ” He yelled and Jin smirked


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