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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Who are you?” Antonio questioned again, looking straight at Genny who in turn looks dumbfounded.

*I finally f_cked up* he thought shockingly.

Quincy quickly stepped in.

“Dad he’s the one I told you about, my sunshine” she said and Antonio sighed.

” Sunshine?”

“My boyfriend, Genova Alejandro” she introduced.

Antonio looked at Genny and when their eyes met, he quickly looked away in embarrassment.

“Is he now mute?, He was questioning me just now” he said.

Quincy nudged Genny and he looked up slowly.

“mian hamnida ahjussi” he bowed.

“As you can see I’m not a Korean” Antonio said.

“I’m sorry sir” Genny translated.

” I was just blind with…

“Jealousy?, I like it though” Antonio smiled.

“Sir?” Genny looked at him.

” I smell the difference, thanks” he continued smiling.

” I don’t understand” Genny said.

Antonio came closer and hugged him , Quincy smiled.

“If you hurt my daughter, I’ll hunt you down” he whispered into Genny’s ear and Genny chuckled as he let him go.

” Cross my heart” Genny gesticulated.

” I want to believe that” Antonio smiled.

” Permission to hug my daughter?” He said.

” I dare not hold you back” Genny replied.

Father and daughter finally hugged.

“appaa” Quincy pouted.

“ddal (daughter)” he replied and she giggled

“You grew thicker, you’ve been eating well like I want” he said as they broke the hug

” You too, your cheeks look bigger” she said and he laughed.

Antonio looked around the airport and smiled, seeing Quincy’s picture boards everywhere.

“My daughter got more popular, the pictures weren’t much like this the last time I came” he said.

” I’ll get even more popular this weekend till next week, I have lots lots of $h00ts to go for, I’ll resume doing advert $h00ts for TV’s too” she smiled.

” Not bad” he smiled.

” Let’s go dad” she held his arm.

” Okay” he smiled, following her.

Genny smiled at their closeness and dragged Antonio’s bag behind as he walked behind them.

They drove to Quincy’s house and Kimberly welcomed them cheerfully.

“Welcome sir, Quincy didn’t tell me you’ll be coming” she said.

” I didn’t tell anyone” she giggled.

” Brat!” Kimberly laughed.

” You won’t be going back till next week right?” Quincy asked.

“I’m going back tommorow morning,very early” he replied and Quincy hugged him.

” appaaa, can’t you stay just three days for me?” She whined like a kid.

Genny almost laughed out loud, she’s too cute right now..

” I have an important meeting with the investors tommorow night so I have to go, I’d have rescheduled it cos of you but it’s been long since I’ve been rescheduling, we just have to do it tomorrow” Antonio replied.

Quincy retracted from him and sighed.

” araseo (ok)” she said sadly.

“Come on, ok I promise to spend three days when next I come” Antonio held her.

” Pinky promise?” She held out her pinky finger.

” Sure” Antonio connected his own and they made their thumbs meet.

“Yes!, What should we cook?” She asked.

” When did you start cooking?” Antonio asked surprisingly.

“She meant to say what should the maids cook for you”. Kimberly replied and Quincy went to Genny, she hugged him.

” You really don’t know how to cook?” He asked in a whisper.

” I’m allergic to cooking” she replied and he giggled.

“Now come with me, you need to stay with the maids throughout the cooking” Kimberly said, pulling Quincy away from Genny.

“You guys have eggplant?” Antonio asked.

“In abundance” Kimberly smiled.

” Then make me eggplant parm” he replied .

” Roger that” Kimberly said, finally pulling Quincy Into the kitchen.

Genny sat with Antonio and an air of silence prevailed for a while before Antonio broke it.

“Genova” he called.

“Sir?” He replied, looking at him.

“What are your future plans for my daughter?” He asked?”

“Three children….two boys and a girl” Genny replied and Antonio laughed lightly.

” Tell me more”

” I can’t do without her anymore and it’ll be that way forever, I don’t like making promises but I’m promising you that she’ll always be my first and only choice, I love her so much” he replied.

Antonio shifted closer to him and held his hands.

“Don’t break her. All my life, I’ve always watched her cry over heartbreaks, ion think I can handle another one again, please” he pleaded, looking into Genny’s eyes.

” I’m promising again, over and over” Genny smiled.

Antonio let go of his hands and pulled him into a bear hug.

Quincy smiled, slipping back into the kitchen. She has actually been eavesdropping on them, she heard it all.

“I love you Genny” she whispered to herself.

They all ate together when the food got ready then Genny left for home.

Immediately he entered the house, he heard the voice of singing from upstairs.

He stood still and listened well

? How dare you steal my heart

? How could you make me melt without staying

? You showed me your smiley face, your care, and love

? You enchanted me, my heart, my mind

? And now every wink of my eyes reminds me of you.

? But you left without saying goodbye.

? How can I forget about you, just how can I….. erase those pleasant memories.

? It’s Impossible, Impossible,…. I’ll wait…. I’ll wait

? Even in the rain and shine…

? I’ll wait for you.

Genny rushed upstairs to where the songs is coming from…

Gennie’s room.

He barged in and Gennie gasped.

“When did you arrive!” He asked.

“Continue what you were singing” Genny said, walking to him.

“When did I sing?” Gennie replied innocently.

” Don’t even tryna deny, you sang!, Your voice was crazily sweet, sing again” Genova said.

” I didn’t sing, I can’t sing” Geneva denied again.

” Gennie stop being like this, my ears still work well..

” I doubt that, go for checkup I didn’t sing” Gennie interrupted, leaving the room

Genova went to his table and opened the drawer, he saw a book and took it.

“Don’t open it!” Gennie said loudly, raising his hand.

Genny smirked and opened it,it’s a song book and it’s almost full to the last page with lyrics.

Genny’s eyes widened and he looked at him.

“Are you still gonna deny?” He said.

“It belongs to one of my friends in England” Gennie said and left the room.

“Gennie stop denying!” Genny shouted after him.



Hanna has been fuming since she saw the news about May becoming the new chairwoman of MM.

It’s infuriating but she’s helpless.

“Maybelline, should I just get rid of that psycho for good?” She muttered to herself

She’s currently in front of doctor Hong’s office.

Reece is in there with him, he has been there since he got discarded an hour ago.

They finally came out and she quickly held Reece.

“Use the head massager for him everyday and make sure he doesn’t stay in alone, he needs short strolls to free his brain, he needs air and good food then rest” doctor Hong said.

” I’ll do all that, what would I have done without you doctor Hong” Hanna smiled.

” Take care of him” he said and Hanna nodded as she started taking Reece out of the hospital.

His face is better than before though he only speaks seldomly.

They got out and met Max who’s just coming out of his car.

“Reece” he said, rushing to touch him but Hanna blocked him.

“Don’t touch my son with your filthy hands!”

Reece got into the car Immediately.

” What’s the problem again?” Max said.

” You’re the problem Max!, You’re the problem!, You made May the chairwoman of MM again?, Bravo!, Henpecked husband” she giggled.

” She’s the original chairwoman, we found the company together”
Mac defended

” Continue defending her!, Now that she’s with her two sons you can decide to go live with her, bastard!” she replied, getting into the car too.

She drove off roughly.

Max leaned on his car and sighed.



Asbel is currently driving to work, he got his phone and dialled Kimberley’s line.

“Hey” she picked.

“I’m on my way to work already”

” Do you have a lot of work to handle today?” She asked.

“Not really, it’s Friday so not much is to be done” he replied.

“Thankfully” she said.

” What?’

“Everytime we talk, you always say you had an hectic day at work so I’m glad today will be an exception” she replied and he smiled.

” Will you go out with me tommorow?” He asked and she went quiet.

” Are you thinking about Garam?, Don’t worry I’ll be the one to come pick you up at your place ok?” He asked.

” Not about her, Quincy has $h00ts throughout the weekend, even till next week” she replied .

” Oh, we better go out some other time, but I’ll give you a video call during lunch today” he said.

” I’ll be expecting it” she replied and he licked his lip.

” Bye”

” Bye, have a nice day at work” she replied.

” Have fun at home” she smiled and hung up.

He was about to pocket his phone when he saw Echo across the road.

“Echo?” He said surprisingly.

“Stop the car” he said and the driver obeyed.

He stepped out of the car and started trailing her.

“She’s supposed to be in school” he said to himself as he continued trailing till she got to the back of a tree.

He hid and watched as she brought out a pack of cigarettes.

His eyes widened.

She got one stick and lightened it.

“f_ck” he said unbelievably.

He tiptoed to her and grabbed her arm.

She made to punch whoever it is but he held her fist.

Her eyes widened when she saw him too.

“oppa!” She said shockingly.

“Echo are you insane?, You smoke?, My little sis smokes?, And what happened to school?, You’re supposed to be in school but here you are, smoking away your future!” He said.

“I’m not interested in school, it was mum who forced me, I’ve tried enough by going to elementary, middle and high school, I don’t want to attend college!” She snapped.

He snatched the cigar from her and threw it down then marched it with his shoe

He started pulling her away.

“I’m not going anywhere!, oppa jebbal!, oppa!, Leave me alone!, Oppaa!!!!!”

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