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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 100

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Double episode ???
(The Master’s Weakness)

Episode 43


By: Faith Lucky

Octavia panted heavily as she ran towards the road, her right arm bleeding profusely.

It’d been a rough journey getting out o the camp as she had to hurt herself trying to sneak her way out.
But one thing was for sure; if they ever get to lay their hands on her, she’d definitely be dead. Definitely.

What she did to Zack was totally off limits and had the death warrant. But hell! She didn’t care as Khalid was more important to her at that moment.

She got to the roadside and boarded a cab to her destination even if she had no fare with her.

“Take me to St. Thomas Street. Hurry!” She yelled at the driver who took off immediately.
Mica was lying quietly on her bed when one of her room mates rushed in with deep breaths.

“Mica! Mica!” She called. “Can’t believe you’re sleeping. Do you have any idea what your sister’s been doing?”

Mica sat up immediately, her brows furrowed.

“What’re you talking about? What happened to her?” She demanded.

“It isn’t a matter of what happened to her, but what happened from her. Right now, your sister might be ki||ed if she gets caught. She stabbed Master Zack in the eye!”

Mica gasped Immediately.

“Is this….is this some kind of joke? What’re you talking about??”

“I’m d@mn serious Mica. She hurt him badly and blinded his left eye. And she’s currently on the run”

Before the lady could say any more word, Mica sprang on her feet and ran out of the room.
Getting out of the block, she found the entire place disorganized; people moving about and chattering. It was so obvious something was wrong.

“God… Octavia!” Mica exclaimed and tried walking away, to anywhere at all. But she was interrupted by Draco.

“Mica!” He called as he approached and although, she wanted to get away from him, at that moment, she couldn’t.

“Draco, have… have you seen my sister?” She asked worriedly, the panic in her eyes so obvious.

“Your sister’s in a deep mess, Mica and I sincerely hope she doesn’t have plans of returning here because she’d definitely be ki||ed” he answered pathetically, making Mica’s heart skip a lot.

“Please Draco, talk to me. What’s the problem? What exactly did she do? What happened??” She demanded fearfully.

God! Octavia! What has she done?!

“Your sister attacked Master Zack and plucked out his left eye” Draco replied and Mica staggered backwards.

“Whaaat??” She flinched.
The lady in her room was telling the truth!

“I really don’t know what’s happening. But right now, Khalid’s dead”.

“What?” Mica felt her heart melt.
“What’re you talking about, Draco?”

“I… I don’t really know Mica, but he seems dead. He was found pale in the room and his body will be moved soon”.

Mica’s legs were already too heavy to carry her and weakly, she moved nearby and took a seat.

She didn’t even know what to worry about: her sister? Or the Master who was presumed dead?

“God! Octavia…” Her voice cracked. “How could she do such a thing huh? How could she take such risk of fighting Master Zack??

“And one more news” Draco chipped in, but Mica was too enfeebled to look at him.
What could be worst than what she’d just heard?

“Moscow is dead”.


Octavia was the only passenger left in the cab and she kept looking out for signboards to be sure the driver was taking her to the right place.

“Hey; don’t you think you should get that arm treated? I could take you to a clinic” the driver said from the front seat, staring at Octavia from the mirror.

“It’s none of your business. Just keep driving” she answered bluntly.
Minutes later, the cabby pulled over in front of Octavia’s destination and without hesitation, she stepped out of it.

“Hey, Miss! Where’s my money?” The driver asked, hit she didn’t reply as she ran away.
*If he isn’t dead yet, he’ll be dead in a few seconds* Zack’s words resounded in her head as she ran into the bushy area.

The part where Khalid’s eyes had gone close, kept replaying in her head, tearing her heart apart.

She looked around for Sapphire’s house, but she could almost see nothing. This was the street, right?

She continued running, her heart racing faster by each second, her sanity leaving her already.

She had to cover a long distance before finally, she spotted the small house ahead of her.


She fastened her steps towards the house and getting to the door, she pushed it open and barged in.

“Hah!” A gasp was heard in the room as soon as she entered.
It was Sapphire. And she’d gasped because she’d been taken abacked by the unheralded entrance.

And as her eyes darkened at the sight of Octavia, Octavia took in a deep breath, knowing she’d gotten to her last target .

“You” Sapphire scoffed. “I’m pretty sure I know you. You’re that lady with Khalid huh?”

She was arrayed in a long red gown, one that was so long, it swept the floor and made her look like a meridian witch.

But her young facial looks belied it all.

“There’s no time” Octavia began, the heavy rise and fall of her chest amusing Sapphire.
“Right now, your son is on his deathbed, because of you’.

For a few seconds, there was silence. Then, Sapphire suddenly laughed and turned around.

“I don’t know, but I actually had a feeling you’d be coming here for this” she chuckled as she poured herself a drink from the table.

“You’re so funny, little girl. And brave as well. How did you know my location anyway?”

“I got it from Zack” came Octavia’s reply. “And right now, he’s receiving treatment on his left eye because he lost it”.

Sapphire poured in the desired quantity of drink she wanted, then turned around to face Octavia with the glass.

“Are you trying to tell me a story here?” She asked with a smile and tried drinking from the glass, but unexpectedly, something crashed it to pieces, making the drink splash on her and tbe particles ended up hurting her hand a little.

“I’m not trying to tell you a story” Octavia replied as she marched towards her .
“I’m only trying to tell you to undo wh@ťěver you did to Khalid”.

Getting close to the angry Sapphire, Sapphire lifted her hand immediately and slapped her hard across the cheek and Octavia nearly lost balance.

An invisible forced lfited her up her feet immediately, choking her in midway and Octavia grunted with her hand around her neck as her legs danced in the air.

“You made a grave mistake by coming here, b! tch”. Sapphire snarled with so much anger in her eyes and using a lot of efforts, Octavia controlled a vest on the table, making it hit Sapphire real hard on head

“Urgh!” Sapphire groaned as she lost control over Octavia and that way, she got released from mid air and fell to the floor.

Sapphire tried retaliating, but Octavia was faster than her as she swept her off her feet and made her fall roughly on her waist.

“Argh! Sapphire shrieked.

“Octavia stood up immediately and controlled the bottle of wine to her side. She glared hard at Sapphire and made it fall right on her head.

“You snake!!” Sapphire squeaked as the bottle came crashing on her head and giving her a deep cut.

Octavia rushed to her, took one of the broken pieces from the floor and stabbed her right on her two legs.

“Break the bond, or I swear, I’ll ki|| you!!” Octavia rasped, her voice echoing with so much anger and frustration.
The pains in Sapphire’s eyes only lasted for a few seconds as the next second, they were gone and replaced with laughter.

“No matter what you do Octavia, you’re never going to bend me to your will” she said. “What do you even think you’re doing? Torture?”
She paused and scoffed.

“I’ve been through a lot worst, Octavia – trust me. I’ve been through the deepest part of hell. So, what you’re doing right now, is nothing but a waste of time”.

And immediately, she slapped Octavia hard on the face again and used one of the broken pieces of glass on her back.

Octavia flinched a little, but tried her best not to lose focus, not to lose balance.

She still had her own piece of glass in her hand and with it, she made a cut on Sapphire’s arm.

Then, she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her backwards until her back hit the wall.

“What kind of a mother are you huh?” She gritted, kneeling and staring right into Sapphire’s eyes.

Sapphire fumed, but Octavia pinned her to the wall, making sure she didn’t move.

“Yes. Today, I want us to talk about motherhood” she continued in a more gruffy tone.

“What kind of a mother agrees to help an enemy to hurt her own child? What kind of a mother laughs and drinks when her son is taking his last breath? Are you that stupid?”

Sapphire let out a smirk.

“You’re wasting much time, Octavia”: she said. “Go ahead and ki|| me. Because no matter what you do, I’m never breaking that bond”.

Octavia looked at her pathetically and stood up. Her arm was bleeding, her back aching due to the glass in it, but she didn’t take her eyes off Sapphire.
Instead, she dropped the tiny weapon in her hand and turned around like she was headed for the door. But suddenly stopped and looked back at her.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve been doing?” Her voice was hoarse. “Hurting your only son? The same son who’s the reason you’re alive?”

There was a brief pause, then she continued, her mind flashing back to the story Khalid had told her about the previous night.

“Do you even know the sacrifices he made for you? The sacrifices he made when he’d steal food from the kitchen and bring them to your cell? He always brought them when you were asleep. Do you know why? It’s because he was scared to face you. He felt so terrible seeing his mother taking food from him when normally, she should’ve been the one giving them to him. And he felt terrible because he was scared you’d chase him away and he didn’t want to do anything that’d make you reject the food at that moment.

“Didn’t you ever stop to ask yourself; how was the cell left open that night? On the night you escaped? Did you really think Tabitha was behind it? Well, just so you know, it was Khalid! He drvgged his father, stole the key from him and opened the cell for you. But it was quite unfortunate Lucienne had thought Tabitha was behind and when he regained consiousness, he ki||ed her”.

Sapphire’s head was spinning already.

“Khalid – the same son you h@ťě so much – went against his father just to keep you alive. He risked his own life for yours even when he never received a single love from anyone. Do you know the pains he feels knowing his mother is the same person trying to ki|| him? The same mother he loved in secret. Do you really think you’re the only victim here? You grew up with the love of a family, but Khalid, the only thing he had while growing up was hatred.

“So, I’m not going to ki|| you – no. But I’ll go back there, get Khalid’s corpse and bring him here to you to eat. And when you’re done eating, I’ll take up a knife and make sure you watch me die. And not just me, but your grandchild as well. And that way, you can live with the conscience that you wiped out an entire family”.

A weak gasp escaped Sapphire’s lips immediately as her eyes blinked hard at the floor.

No….It wasn’t possible. Khalid? Khalid…?

Her breath wavered and her lips shook, tears gushed down her eyes.

“It’s not possible….” Her tone was weak.

Octavia sniffed and turned towards the door, ignoring the sore look on Sapphire’s eyes already.

But just when she reached for the knob, her voice stopped her.

TBC ???
Please, I need some napkins???

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