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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CITY OF GODS – Episode 50

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City of gods

{Kiss of darkness}


Vampires\Mermaids\ Werewolves\ Demons

Don’t copy my post

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By Preshy writes ✍️

Copy and die☠️☠️


“Dad !!” Ellie screamed as she pushed Derek away, Raymond quickly kicked the gun and Derek frowned.

“Riley ” Levi called as the bullet hit Riley, Riley groaned as she fell down slowly.

She was slowly fading away and she smiled, ” Good bye Levi am finally free ” Riley said in a low tone and Levi shake his head.

Derek picked the gun from the ground ” Go home now ” Derek yelled as he pushed Ellie aside.

Ellie loss her balance and fell down, ” Levi we have to get out of here ” Antonio said as Riley body turn I to dust slowly, Levi’s eyes turn red in anger .

” I’ll ki|| that bastard” Levi groaned and Skylar slowly closed her eyes ” Skylar ” Raymond called as he picked Skylar up.

The rest rushed to Skylar as she wasn’t responding,Derek smirked it’s time to call it even with Antonio.

He pointed the gun at Antonio direction and ain for his heart , Ellie who stood up with wide eyes looked at Antonio before she yelled.

* Bang *

The sound echoes and everyone turn to look at Derek direction, Ellie coughed blood as her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

” Ellie ” Derek called as he dropped the gun and ran to his daughter direction. ” Call an ambulance ” Derek yelled as he picked up Ellie.


Kiara yelled in anger and Alexis frowned ” put her in the dungeon she will learn her lesson” Hadley ordered.

” You heartless bloodsucking, cruel, heartless, cold , ugly monster” Kiara cursed as she struggled to pull the chains used to trap her.

Hadley eyes darkened as Alexis chuckled, since the day Kiara, got here she has been fighting non stop with Hadley, and also trying to escape but Hadley caught her everytime.

Dark smokes surrounded Kiara’s throat and Ashley gasp ” you’ll be treated as an animal,if you can’t control yourself” Alexis said coldly.

Kiara couldn’t speak, Hadley took her voice away ” Next level of your training, is to learn how to use your other senses, be careful Kiara ” Ashley said.

Hadley looked at Kiara blankly, without any sympathy, even when Kiara has been begging to go to the outside world, she hasn’t seen the Sky for months, Hadley didn’t even care.

If Kiara dare make any mistakes the punishment would be unbearable ” Any last words ?” Hadley asked it’s obvious she was taunting Kiara.

Kiara frowned but couldn’t say anything, how does she expect these heartless monsters to understand what if feels like to leave your family and go to a strange place.

” Kiara, you need to try and use your powe s not everyone who goes in come back alive their bodies are never found ” Ashley said.

Just then Kiara was pushed into a deep hole ” see you at the other end ” Hadley said and Kiara closed her eyes.

” Hadley, what if she doesn’t make it ?” Ashley asked ” Are you going soft ash ?” Alexis asked coldly and Ashley shake her head.

The place was dark and cold, smell of dead bodies, Kiara stepped on a nail and she fell down ” use your other senses ” she heard Ashley voice.

Kiara calmed down and listened, it was quiet expect from the flies ” wait flies ” Kiara eyes wide open.

There’s a way out, Kiara paused as she felt some presents except from the flies ” Demons, flesh eating demons” Kiara yelled in her head.

Her eyes are useless down here, do she has to keep going forward if she wants to live, at least for Antonio sake.

Kiara panicked as she saw nine pairs of eyes looking at her, she wanted to run away

The demons ran after kiara, she doesn’t know where she was going but she can’t help but run, Hadley was really heartless to send her down here.

She tripped suddenly, some sticky liquid dropped over her body,she has been caught.

Ashley sat on the rock quietly, Alexis didn’t show any sign of concern if Kiara would make it or not.

She didn’t expect more from her brother anyways, he was cold since the day he became a demon.

They were once like Kiara, at first they once wanted to escape but after spending hundred years here,it became their home, she just hope Kiara takes this as her home.

Ashley wondered how old is Hadley, because she was here before they came, she has always been like this, frozen ?

Alexis mouth hang open as Kiara stepped out, covered with demons blood, ” Good, it took you long enough ” Hadley said and Kiara blincked.

Ashley walked up to Kiara and smiler at her ” Hadley, I think she wants to say something ” Alexis said.

Kiara suddenly coughed ” Ɓîtçh, how could you ? You’re so stupid ” Kiara yelled ” Nevermind, take her voice back, she’s too noisy” Alexis said and Kiara frowned.

” Fool, you can as well take my eyes” Kiara yelled angrily ” Naah, you have been blind for months now, so you’re used to it ” Hadley replied.

That’s right, Kiara sight was taken from her because she tried to escape and now she has mastered the darkness.

“C’mon, next step, Alexis you take over ” Hadley said before she disappeared, that witch she just came back from that f-__-king place, they don’t want her to rest.

” Don’t worry, once you know your powers completely, Hadley will give you freedom, she isn’t that bad, you know she want what’s best for you ” Ashley said and Kiara frown.

” Alexis, remember you said my emotions and feelings are my weakness ?” Kiara asked and Alexis looked at her without at word.

” I want to freeze my heart ” Kiara announced and Alexis chuckled ” you can’t forget them huh ? Don’t worry very soon all you will need and remember is blood ” Alexis said before he walked away.

“Kiara that’s dangerous, you’ll be like a walking dead like us ” Ashley added ” I don’t care,call Hadley now ” Kiara ordered.

TBC ✍️✍️✍️

( Alexis is my crush ? Hadley is my favorite character ✍️ )

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