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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ His Runaway Mate }??

By; Holland Cisca


Chapter 20&21: ANGER ISSUES.


Hanley sat on her favorite dinning chair. Lunara has requested that they wait a while.

Hanley being so curious of why Lunara had said that asked but all she could get from the Luna was, ” Just a little while, dear.”

Another extra five minutes was gone, and yet it doesn’t seem like they were gonna wait for the little while Lunara had prophecied to her.

” How many minutes left do we have to wait, mother?” Hanley asked.

” A minute. ” Lunara answered.

” A minute. ” She repeated, nodding her head. ” And what’s gonna happen in a minute?” She asked again.

” You’ll find that out yourself. I wanna make this dinner a surprise one. ” Just then, the entrance door to the dinning opened.

Their eyes all moved to the door. And when Hanley had seen Ace, she stood up. ” Han, please sit down.”

It was as if staying in the dinning will cause her to collapse. Seeing him was like a death wish to her.

She wanted every chance to get the hell out of the room, and suspend the dinner for another time.

” I’m not hungry.” She refused. ” I think I should go to my room. ”

” I wanted us to discuss some thing very important that is why I requested for this dinner. Please, let us talk. ” She sat back, burying her face to the table.

” So, I am very delighted for such a dinner like this. Thanks to you both for showing up. ” She notice the two weren’t listening to what she was saying.

She smiled. ” I uhm… shall we go ahead?” They started eating but Ace didn’t.

He only listened as Hanley and his mother discussed. It was as if they didn’t notice his presence, all their attention were on what they were discussing.

They talked a lot about school. How she felt on her first day and the way people wanted to make friend with her.

Lunara felt that sooner than later, Hanley would pretty much adapt to the city life as she hoped. And then, she will do wh@ťěver it takes to bring both her and her son together.

Then Hanley rose the topic of the letter she had given to Lunara. ” I did send it, we are hoping for a reply. I’m sure he is rest assured that you are safe with us. ” She explained.

Hanley smiled. That is exactly what she wants to hear.

” Do you think he will write back to me?” She asked.

” Of course, he should. Your letter tells how troubled you are for him, he should probably write back to you. ”

He scoffed. They stopped talking, turning their gaze at him. ” Humans are pets to understand a single thing in life. What makes you think he’s going to write back?” He asked, directing the question at Hanley.

She frowned. ” Don’t you ever call Andrew a pet.” She said in clenched teeth. ” You’re the animal, and he’s just a normal human. So tell me, who is the pet? ”

Ace expression suddenly changed to a deep frown, like he was staring at his greatest enemy. His grip on the stainless steel spoon was becoming tighter.

Lunara understood the look, she decided to interfere before it gets out of hand. ” That’s enough the both of you.”

Ace drops the spoon, he stands up. ” I’m done eating.”

” But you haven’t even started yet.” She said.

” I’m not hungry anymore.” He said, angrily walking out of the room.

Hanley rolled her eyes, happy at the fact that he was finally out and likewise angry that he had called Andrew a pet.

He deserves every bit of what she said to him. He wouldn’t dared to have made such a statement at the first place and she didn’t regret it either.

” Hanley, we need to talk about what just happened.” Lunara said, annoyed at their attitude.

” Maybe if you really do wanna talk about this, then you should first talk to him. Andrew is my best friend, and no matter the distance he deserves some respect.

I will not tolerate anyone talking about him in such manner to talk of calling him silly names. He is a human just like everyone of us, I think he should get that at the back of his skull.”

” Even at that, you shouldn’t have talked back to him in such manner. We proudly accept the fact that we are animals too, but there comes a time when you try to remind us about what we are thinking you are only doing us a favour, it turns out to be an insult.

Now, I want you to go to his room and I want you to apologise to him and tell him you will never say that again. Can you do that for me?”

” But mother…” she paused, then continued. ” I wouldn’t have said that if he hadn’t talk about Andrew in such manner. ”

” I know. But you are his mate, and a mate must be under her maker. He deserves your respect more than any of us. So, I need you to do that.”

Hanley hesitated to stand up. But when she did, she left the room to his room.

She knew she would never in her life apologize for what happened tonight. It wasn’t her fault after all, he started it first.

Because he thinks he is what again, her so-called f_cking alpha or what exactly??

She was only going to walk into that room, and if possible, leave without saying a sorry to him.

She knocked on his door. There was no reply from the inside, so she opened it instead.

He just laid on his bed, hands folded to the back of his head, eyes staring up to the ceiling.

Hanley just stood there, not saying a word. With the anger burning in those eyes, and the evil thoughts that were never going to happen, all were burning in her inside.

And if she had the chance and will to, she would have just rushed on top of him, strangling him endlessly by the neck until she was very sure that there was no single air left in his lungs.

” Are you gonna say something or are you just gonna keep standing there?” He said, not sparing her a glance.

” What makes you think I would waste my time to come here and apologize to you? You know what, you don’t deserve my apology, because you worth worst than I said to you down there.” He sat on the bed, the hidden anger once again arose in a twinkle of an eye.

” Like I told you this morning, if you want my respect, then you have to work for it. Don’t even expect my simplicity cause you aren’t getting a single percent from it.” She kept saying, not minding how deadly those gazes were on her.

” Andrew is my best friend, and there is nothing you or anyone can do to change that. And no matter how hard you try, you will never take his place in my heart. You want my advice, stop wasting your time.”

The anger was beyond peak that he couldn’t endure it anymore. As she made her way out, he dragged her back, slamming her against the wall.

His eyes turned red, and that was some thing he h@ťěd to ever happen to him. Especially not at his mate.

He grabbed her by the neck. The anger was beyond that he didn’t realize how hard she choked to death.

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