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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna



He was the one looking for my trouble. They all do. Each time they see me sitting down quietly in class, it’s like they have seen something bad. Something that’s not supposed to happen. If not, why have they been trying so hard to get me on the edge since I stepped out of Cardo’s car and settled into my seat for over an hour ago?

Like they were sent to bug me, they came visiting me one after another. “Hey, newbie!” A bossy looking girl was the first to come my way, sitting down on top of my table.

I ignored her, I tried playing nice but nice wasn’t working on her. “Uhm, what are you doing here in college? You’re supposed to be in middle school.” She said while everyone in class laughed.

I sighed. I thought college life will be so much better than high school, because I believe that I’m meeting grown ups, adult teenagers who know how to think with their brains instead of their butt høles but I guess I was wrong.

They’re all the same. They’re twenty and above but still senseless just like highschoolers. “I’m talking to you and you’re glaring at me, you kid!!” She poked my face.

“Don’t you know that kids these days don’t have manners at all.” Another chipped in making the noise in the class to increase.

I didn’t want to be in a bad mood, at least for Cardo. I’ve had so beautiful moments with him this morning to get angry so quickly. And he promised to go on a shopping with me and also promised to let me see his naked body. This is enough to put me in a good mood for a whole day.

So things like her won’t tempt me. “Hey kid, are you gonna ignore me. ” She touched my head, and that I didn’t take, I flung it away and gave her a warning look. She better respect herself. We’re in a large environment, a wider version of life and we should have some sense of responsibility. We’re not highschool kids.

“Hey kid, do you even know who my father is? Huh?”

I slammed my hand on the desk when I heard her utter that. I blew air on my face since it was beginning to get hot.

Do I know who his father is? What sort of nonsense is that? What if I tell her that my father owns this school? Don’t she think she will have to quit? What if I tell her that I have the right to fire her dad, what’s she gonna do?

My hand hitting the desk so loudly made her jolt a bit. The whole class and those who weren’t even interested in us suddenly got interested.

“Kiddo, are you angry?” Someone from the class asked and everyone laughed.

Then she touched my jaw. And made me look at her face. “Hey kiddo, are you getting angry at me?” I scoffed. “Hey, did you just do that for me?”

“Can you please leave? You’re irritating me and if I keep seeing you, I might do something dangerous.” I replied.

“What? Look at this child? Do you know that I can get you out of this school? Do you know that I can make you useless for the rest of your life.”

“You can’t.”


“You won’t dare.” I stood up from my seat, ready to leave the class for everyone.

“Why do you think so?”

“Because your father will be out of job by then?”


“You heard me right. Your father will be so jobless that you won’t be able to carry out your thr_@t.”

“Look at this kid!!” She raised her hand to hit me.

“Watch your hand or you may lose it.” I warned and her hand hung in the air, a confused expression on her face.

I peered around the whole class and out of the class window and I could see that my father’s bodyguards are already in the school premises roaming around. As always, they never fail to be in school even when I’m absent. I heaved, I wish my father can stop doing that already. I’m almost a married woman and not his kid!

And my eyes came back to the young lady who was still talking, I haven’t been listening but when I did; “…you don’t know what I can do to you? You don’t even know that I can make you regret talking about my dad…”

If only she knew that I’m betrothed to the Alejandrozz, then she will stop whining about her father.

“And you think my own father is a leper. I better leave this place, I don’t have time to talk to a stupid girl like you.”

And that’s how my day have been going, facing one thr_@t to another, avoiding everyone as I can. Until I went into the cafeteria to eat my lunch. I bundled my meal into my tray and I was walking past a group of boy’s table, looking out, trying to find a suitable place to sit when I suddenly stumbled and fell down.

I crashed into my tray of food and I was flat on the floor, laughter filled everywhere. I wanted it to be a mistake or maybe a sorry from whomever that made me trip but it wasn’t.

“I’m so sorry but your legs are so weak to the extent that you can’t even dodge legs like mine!” I heard the idiot speaking to me.

That was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. That was the height of it. I stood up looking so dirty in my beautiful dress, a dress I was planning to put into good use after school today.

I turned to the faces looking at me and they were all laughing as if they have won the lottery. Then my eyes rested at the jerk’s face who was busy smiling at me as if he didn’t do anything wrong.

I clenched my fist. Moving towards him. I began to smile too. Since it’s a smiling competition, let’s smile together.

Because I’ve been keeping quiet since I started schooling here doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to keep everyone in their place.

“Is it that funny?” I asked standing infront of him and he nodded.

“Yes, look at how little you’re.” He was laughing now and we were laughing together. Since it’s so funny, let’s laugh.

“Oh really? Is it that funny?” And he was nodding, but I wasn’t laughing anymore. I was thinking of what I’m gonna do to make sure he never smile again in his life. What I will do so that everytime he sees me, he will run as fast as his legs will ever carry him.

Then my eyes fell on his plate of hot soup, I dipped my hand into it and tasted, it was spicy. So choking spicy and I had to suppress a cough after tasting it. And he was looking at me trying to find out why I will dip my hand into his soup like that and I didn’t waste time satisfying his curiosity when I raised the plate and poured it on his face.

And his screams rang out of the cafeteria. “Ahhhhhh!!!” I didn’t let him just go, I grabbed his hair and began to punch him on his stomach.

“Is it still funny?” I asked as I kept hitting him to everyone’s surprise. Every where went still. I didn’t mind. All I cared about was this jerk who was screaming and writhing on the floor.

I sat on top of him. “Start laughing! Now!!” I said slapping his face over and over again. “I said laugh!!!”

“Can’t you hear me!! I said laugh!!” I said raising my hand to hit him again and he began to laugh. “Harder!” He was laughing hysterically. Just like I wanted, we both laughed together.

“Is it funny now?” I asked.

“…” His voice came out faintly and I grabbed the collar of his shirt.

“Speak loud! I need to hear you clearly!!!”

“Yes.” He said very slowly.

“Then laugh!! Laugh you jerk!!” I slapped his face again.

“What have you done to my son?” An elderly suddenly appeared shouting over my head and pulling me away from his body.

“Oh my son! What happened to you André, what did she do to you? What did you do to my son!!”

But I stood up, ignored them and walked out of the cafeteria.

“Take her away!!!” The mother yelled to the cops as they tried to put the cuffs on me but my bodyguards won’t let that happen.

Instead, one of my bodyguards got cuffed on my behalf and that pissed the woman off the more. “What are you guys doing? Thwarting the law? That witch? I need her out of here! I need her locked up! Can’t you see my son? Can’t you see what she did to my son?”

She pointed at her son who lay at the hospital bed, with an oxygen fixed on him. I scoffed. I wished I can whack his head one more time. And where the heck is that Cardo? I’ve counted up to ten already and he’s yet to reach here.

Oops! He might be in school looking for me.

“Ma’am, let’s settle this. Do you know whose daughter you’re talking to?”my bodyguard said.

“And do you know who my husband is?”

“At least, can I make a call?” I asked the cops but they shook their heads.

“She needs to. She have that right.” Another of my bodyguards said.

“She wants to make a call? Huh! Not when my son is lying lifeless on the bed.”

“Ma’am, you’re so lucky that you even met him alive. I didn’t intend to let him live. I wanted to snuff the life out of him for messing with me.”


“You heard me ma’am.”

“These are words you don’t say before the cops.” One of the cops said to me and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Watch your mouth sir, if you want to keep your job till the evening is over.” And the cop shifted away slightly.

“What? This girl…” The woman rushed at me but Cardo arrived just at that moment and prevented her from laying her hands on me.

“Ma’am?” He called softly holding her hand in the air. Then he pushed it away slightly. “What’s actually going on here?”

And I could see the look in everyone’s eyes as they stared at him. I guess they have never seen someone as handsome as him and the big news is, they are seeing Mr. Ricardo Alejandro with their own naked eyes!! Who won’t be stunned to see him. That’s the main reason I called him, they need to know that I’m too big to be locked up in a cell or to be dragged around by cops. But would they be able to know that it’s him. Cuz I didn’t even find out when I first saw him.

“Sir.” The cops called in tremor as they bowed to greet him.

“What’s happening? Why are you holding her here?” He asked with such a manly tone in his voice. His eyes so serious and formal. I guess I am seeing this new side to him.

“Miss Carmen beat up the boy…” They pointed at the boy who was lying on the bed a few inches away from where we all stood. “he beat that boy up.”

And his eyes widened in surprise and that’s when he turned to look at me. I looked away. But I could see the disappointment written all over his face.

“He beat the boy up?” He asked the guards who lowered their heads. “I told you to keep an eye on her.”

Huh? Keep an eye on me? So he was the one who sent the bodyguards not my father?

Awwwn. Isn’t Cardo so sweet?

“We’re so sorry. We didn’t know when it happened.”

He sighed.

“Hello, Mr. Ricardo Alejandro.” The woman stepped forward.

“Yes, woman. Are you the mother to the child?”

“Yes. And who are you to her? Is she your sister? Because I don’t see why she will be so…”

He interrupted.”Carmen don’t beat up anyone unless you piss her off. Your son must’ve done something to tip her off.” He said making my heart race harder than it used to race for him.

Cardo is standing up for me? When he doesn’t even know the full story.

“Mr. Alejandro, I don’t care about what happened but I’m not gonna let this slide and you won’t love to see yourself on the news too because of this case.”

“Madam, let’s go to the station and settle this.” He said sternly before he turned to look at me. He was staring at my messed up clothes then at my face. And my hair. I have never felt so small until I get under his gaze.

He came towards me and grabbed my arm, brushed my hair with his fingers. “let’s go to the station.” He said and walked off, dragging me along with him.

From the way he was avoiding to look at me, I could tell that he was angry but I couldn’t tell if he was angry with me or at the woman.

I pouted.

“He was the one that looked for my trouble.”I said and he halted in his steps. He was closing his eyes and breathing heavily before he turned to look at me. I gulped and my gaze fell to the floor.

I felt so guilty.

“I couldn’t just let him trample on me like that. He was the one who got on my nerves and smeared my clothes__”He lowered himself and kissed me.

A kiss that made me feel so useless for that moment, if only he could keep on kissing me like that.

“Are you hurt?” He asked as he removed his lips from mine. He turned me around, he checked me out from my hair down to my toe. “Are you hurt? Do you feel pain anywhere?”


Isn’t he gonna scold me?

Or get angry for calling him up in an angry manner earlier and stressing him out so much?

“I’m not… I’m okay.” I stuttered and he nodded his head smiling.

“That’s a relief.”

“I beat up that boy.” I said.

He nodded his head. “I know you did.”

And that’s it?

He grabbed my arm and we were walking again. “I actually beat up that boy. He got on my nerves. He pushed me down to the floor and got my clothes dirty and he was laughing at me__” he tucked me into his car seat, wrapped a seat belt on me and got into the car.

Isn’t he gonna listen to me?

“Cardo. I said I beat up that boy.”

“I know. You were just telling me story.”

And if I’m telling him the story, isn’t he gonna act affected by it. Why is he not fazed? Is he more interested in going to the station, showing off his face so carelessly to the public than listening to my own side of the story.

“Le pegué a ese chico Cardo! (I beat up that boy Cardo).”

He smiled. “I know and you did a very good job for beating him up.”


“I’m fine if he didn’t beat you up. I would’ve been so angry if he was the one who beat you up.”


He stroked my cheeks. “Don’t worry, I will scold you later, but for now, let’s go to the station and settle this.”

I gulped.

“Are you sure he didn’t hit you anywhere?”


“When we get to the station, say that your stomach hurts, he hit your stomach and then your face and your legs…you can’t even walk too.”


Is this Cardo?

He wants me to lie??


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