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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*She’s stubborn and Sassy???
__But she’s still his baby?♥️??

Billionaire Romance
Rated 18+

Don’t Copy Or Repost!!!
Written by Nnenna


The synopsis lied. How can it say that I never objected to marrying that fool? To that soft hearted fool precisely! Gosh! I’m gonna deal with that later. What’s more important right now is that I’m never gonna end up with someone like that CEO. He’s nothing like my prince charming. Calm. Loving. How soft his voice is and his large hands. Do I need to talk about how warm his body is. His eyes when he stared at those bastards?

Then his sweet yellow eyes when he stared at me. Thinking about it now, I feel my insides swimming with emotions. All I want is to end up with him. Marry him, bear children for him and wake up next to him all the time.

I want to feel his gaze on mine one more time. I know that if I quit school and search for him, I’m going to find him. And when I do, I’m gonna hug him. Thank him for being my prince charming in yellow eyes.

I didn’t even get to thank him, I even kicked him in his groin. Ouch! What if I had hurt him with my fierce temper? Eew! And my mouth was running. Never shutting up. Why did I belittle him like that?

Still, he was so tender with me. He wore his coat on me. He wanted to make sure I’m alright. I’ve never felt so girlie like that in my life. Especially when he ordered his guard to take me home safely.

Does that foolish CEO know how to care about anyone apart from disappointing everyone?

“I can’t shut up dad. Marrying that man is against me! I don’t want to marry him. I have someone already.”

“Carmen, can you listen to me for once? For Christ sake, Soy tu padre! (I’m your father!)” I sighed. “Can’t you obey me for once in your life?” He asked sobering up and I was torn apart.

I groaned and grabbed the car door knob, I opened it and got down. Stomping my way into the house while my father yelled after me to wait for him so we could go together. What’s the use? I’m going in there and I’m going to tell the CEO by myself that I’m not going to marry him.

I have someone already. Someone who is better than him in a million ways. Someone he will never become no matter how hard he’s going to try.

My role model. My prince charming. The father of my unborn kids. He needs to emulate this sort of man.

Does he even have large arms like my prince charming? Does he even have yellow eyes? Does he even know how to be tender?Does he even know how to try? So useless!

“Carmen!!” My father called, I could feel my father’s men closing in on me and I hastened my steps until I was stopped at the main door by bodyguards.

“Who are you miss?” One asked and I rolled my eyes at them one after another.

“You are so lucky that you’re not one of my dad’s men, I would’ve fired you the moment you asked me that question.” I replied rolling my eyes, trying to push my way in but they won’t let me pass.

“Let her in!” One of my father’s men said but they frowned at him. They stood behind me and I perked up my brow feeling like a boss.

They must think that they’re bosses for being the lord of the door but do they even know whom I am? I’m Carmen Sebastian the daughter of the largest Car dealer in Spain. They have designers and we have cars. Without us, no cars for everyone! Not even that stupid CEO.

And wait a minute. Why guard that useless jerk? Ugh! Won’t they be so happy when someday, he goes out of the house and never returns?

My father was standing by my side, frowning at me, he turned speaking politely with the men. Then we were allowed to pass. But I was pissed. At those men for making me wait. I tucked out my middle finger and my tongue. “f-__-k you!” And raced off.

I didn’t know where I was going or which direction I was turning to cuz the house is so large. All hallways looked same. The Alejandrozz must be really rich! Such richness to be inherited by one fool.

I pitied the family looking around, searching, for nothing in particular, I became carried away. Admiring the painting on the walls, the beauty of every flower and daises decorating the hallways and making the whole place scent nice.

I suddenly stumbled and almost fell, my heart was skipping, oh no! My prince charming, I’m gonna land on the ground. Can’t you come and save me like last time.

“Ahhh!” I screamed trying to save myself from falling and at same time, my eyes were shut tight until I felt a large arm pulling me up, the hand circled around my waist.

The heat of that arm. A familiar feeling which had been asleep inside of me awaken. The familiar scent warming my nostrils.

I opened my eyes and a set of yellow eyes was staring into my face. “Estás Bien?” His breathe brushed against my face as the hand was pulling me up.

My heart began to race. Who did I just see? I blinked repeatedly. Am I dreaming. I rubbed my eyes.

The large figure, his hair ruffled, his hair bangs dropping roughly all over his forehead. A smirk at one corner of his lips. His yellow eyes staring deeply into mine.

Mi principe azul!!! (My prince charming!!!) I pressed my body against his. How much I’ve looked for him! “Mi principe azul!” I mumbled still holding onto him.


“Wrap your arms around me my prince charming.” The little girl said still rubbing her body against mine.

It was amusing as it was serious. Why will I wrap my arms around her? But I did. If that will make her feel better.

I was in my study since two hours ago reading after my parents announced to me that my bride is coming today. I had been depressed, nervous and worried about whom it might be.

Then I was angry because of my immediate elder sister, Bernadette who was screaming my head off, advising and telling me shitty things which I didn’t want to hear. So I went into my study to read in order to calm down.

I haven’t read for barely an hour when I heard stomps of feet coming from the hallway. I wanted to ignore it, thinking it was my niece Amélie who was playing around with her dog but that was not the case.

It was so noisy that I wanted to check it out. I followed the sound, I peeped into a hallway that lead to the archery and there I caught a glimpse of a little girl playing around.

Admiring, touching and feeling the drawings and paintings on the walls, arrows and bows around her. Then she suddenly slipped, I acted on impulse because how I came to hold her from falling down still marvels me.

Holding her, she felt familiar but I can’t guess where I knew her from. Then her eyes widened on seeing me. I smirked. She’s cute. Very cute just like the girl I met a month ago. The one I saved from the high school boys.

“Estás Bien?” I asked the cutie eyed girl as I pulled her up. Such a little cutie. I muttered under my breathe.

I wanted to dig my hands into her hair and fluff it. She looks like Amélie’s cute puppy.

And she was looking at me like a puppy. Her big cute eyes getting bigger and larger as she stared. Her cute little pink lips $h00ting out like a baby. It made me want to laugh.

I was so sad, angry and depressed until I saw her. She’s so funny and amusing to look at. Her hair bangs covered her forehead and her brows making her look like a baby. The urge to touch her cheeks surged into me.

She suddenly jumped into my skin. “Mi principe azul!” She squealed into my skin as she held me. I was surprised but laughed.

So I wrapped my arms around her as she requested and she rubbed herself on my body, she was sniffing me. I could feel it. Her nose was letting out and taking in air on my chest. I choked down laughter watching her do that.

Then she disengaged from me smiling. “Me conoces? (Do you know me?)” She asked pointing at herself with her tiny baby-like hands.

I shook my head. “No.”

She frowned. “Look at me very well.” She said pouting and I obeyed, looking closely. Oh! I remember her. It’s her. The little girl I saved from the high schoolers.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her cheerfully feeling so happy because I met her again after a month. I have always worried about her. What if she gets into trouble again or someone thr_@tens her again. I’ve always worried and seeing her now, I can’t help but to be happy.

She sighed and then made a puppy like sound, scoffing. I smiled watching her. She’s beautiful. So little and pretty. “What are you doing here?”


She cut me out. “You work here? Or are you the foolish CEO’s brother? Really? You’re his brother!” She gasped confusing me. She was being dramatic as she jumped and jumped looking surprised, mumbling to herself and then clapping. So dramatic. “I didn’t know the foolish CEO had a brother. Oh My God!”

Foolish CEO? Isn’t that me? I furrowed my brows.

“Thank God you’re here my prince charming.” She was smiling now. She had stopped her dramatic attitude. She stood infront of me. “Now, ” she cleared her throat. “Change of plans.”

Change of plans? What does she mean by that? Was there a plan before this?

She took my hand and kissed it. Okay, what’s happening? What’s she doing with my hand? Why did she kiss it?

“I’ve always waited for this moment. I’ve always rehearsed for this moment too.”

Wait, what? Rehearsed? Why will she rehearse? What moment? This moment__I heard her say that but what is this moment about?

“Right from when your yellow eyes stared into mine. I’ve been lost, and erm…how do they say it? Uhm…I want to marry you.”


“I want you to marry me.”she repeated.

Is she joking with me? I wanted to laugh thinking it’s a joke but her face was serious. “Wait, why? Why will you want to marry me?”

“Because I like you and I want to be your wife. I want to be the mother of your children”

Just like that?! I wanted to slip my hand away from hers but she held me tightly. This little kid…I smiled at her. How can she want to marry me when she’s still a child?

“I can’t marry you. I am getting engaged today.” I said trying to put her off. Maybe she’s acting this way because she’s grateful to me.

But I was wrong.Hearing me say that, her face brimmed with anger. “Who is she? Who does she thinks she is? Cancel the engagement. Now! You marry no one but me.”

Huh? Is she insane? Just like that! Why does she say things with so much authority? “What?”

“Cancel it! You’re getting married to me! Period!”

“Wait? How? How can you say that so easily? I mean…” Her eyes were glaring at me as if she wanted to hit me at that moment. I gulped.

Her fist was clenching. “Are you in or not? I’m gonna claw that woman’s face if you don’t agree now!”

What?! I sighed watching her face. Her eyes getting bigger and scarier. Is she always lik this? I heaved.

Maybe agreeing to marry her will help me escape from the real marriage waiting for me out there. I reasoned. She might be a good escape route from marriage. I smirked. I nodded my head at her.

“Vamos a casarnos. (Let’s get married.)” I said and she beamed.

“Good!” She grabbed my arm and began to pull me along with her. Where was she taking me? I didn’t know but she still held me, giggling, chuckling as her hair bounced from side to side. Is she that happy because I agreed to marry her?

“Lead me to the living room. This house is so messed up. Hallways everywhere.” She was mumbling, I smirked and held her arm leading her into our large dining room, where my father, my mother, two of my sister’s, Bernadette and Louise, Amélie and her puppy dog, Chukkie, Sebastian, my father’s friend and some of my father’s business associates sat down having a meal at the table.

“Papá” I called breathing heavily. I held tightly to her hand. I will make sure my arranged marriage won’t work out. Presenting a girl this young to them will tip them off. I’ve never disobeyed my parents before and I think it’s time to do that.

All eyes on us. Then they were smiling. I wondered why but I didn’t care.

“My son. You’ve met your bride already?”

Huh? My bride? “Of course not. No need to meet her when I’ve already found one for myself.” I said and they all beamed at me as they watched us.

And I don’t even know my bride’s name. I leaned in and whispered into her ears. “What’s your name?”

“Carmen. My name is Carmen.” She replied looking at my lips.

I nodded. “Her name is Carmen. I’m getting married to her. I love her so much and I will want to marry her.”

“Did you hear that dad? This is my prince charming which we’ve always fought about. He loves me. And I’m getting married to him. So cut the crap about getting married to that foolish CEO.
Mr and Mrs. Alejandro, I’m so sorry but I can’t marry your first son. He’s too dumb for me. I’m sorry I said that but I will marry your second son instead, fair right? “

Wait, what?


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