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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 15)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️


Read calmly.. don’t rush


~Andrews resident~
(Andrew’s bedroom)
Rose opened her eyes and felt her head on Andrew’s broad chest.
They both had segz for long hours in the night before they catch a sleep.
Rose raises her head and stares at Andrew’s sleeping face.
She smiles as she stares at his well shaped beards, his small nose and lips.

“Wondered why a cute man like you have to be proud and pompous,
Every woman will love to have someone like you but not your characters”
She muttered quietly as she watched him sleep.

She realized she was still naked under the duvet. She looked around for her undies but couldn’t find them around the bedroom nor any of Andrew’s clothes. She flings her hair behind her ears and got off from the bed taking the duvet from Andrew’s body and covered herself.

Andrew noticed the sudden cold on his body and opened his eyes. He realized he was naked barely on the bed.
“Hey, Good morning…
Why are you with the duvet?”
Am feeling cold”
He asked.

“Am sorry, but am looking for my undies”
Rose replied.

“Then why are you covering yourself with the duvet, it’s not like I haven’t….

“Someone might just walk in and sees me like this’
Rose interrupted him.

“My doors are encrypted with fingerprint and facial recognition,
Someone can’t just barge into my room’

Rose face him.
“Please can you stop bragging about your goddamn door and tell me where my undies are?”

“They could be anywhere, we have segz almost every corner of the house, you can check the living room”
Andrew said.

“Oh gosh…
Rose smile and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?”
He asked…
Andrew stepped down from the bed and walked to her.
“The door only has my fingerprints”

“Yeah, I know.. can you open it please?
I have to dress up”

“Do you have somewhere to go to?”
Andrew asked as he unlocked the door.

“No, I just need some time alone to think…
I can’t believe we had segz again ”

“I thought we both agreed we can have segz with nothing attached…
We don’t like each other right? “Or do you have a thing for me?”
Andrew asked.

Pssssttt, no”
Rose frown her face..
I don’t like you for a bit”
She scoffs and wanted to rush out when she slipped with her body covered with duvet and fell to the ground.
She winced in pain as she touched her toe.

Andrew quickly help her up.
You kinda deserve that”

Rose wrapped her hands on his neck as she stares at her toe. The duvet already fell off from her body and they are both naked with the door still opened.
“I think I already twisted my toe”

“Let me have a look at that’
Andrew said and carried her, he placed her on his laps and rub her toe.
Rose squeeze her face.
“It’s just a minor injury, am going to be fine
Rose said.

But be careful next time”
Andrew replied and look at her twin Břě@šť.

“Can you get me my clothes?

“Yeah sure… You can take your bath in my bathroom, I will go look for your undies in the living room ”
Andrew said and Rose got down from his laps .. He walked out of his room and close the door.
John came just in time and saw Andrew’s naked body. John quickly took his eyes away. He removed his shirt and trousers and threw it at Andrew.

He walked away and later stopped.

“Cancel all my appointment today, am taking a day off”
I want to spend time with Rose today”
He said.

“Wait, What?
Are you joking boss?”
John asked.

Andrew just walked away.
Andrew looked around the living room. He saw rose clothes and undies hanging on the couch.
He took them and walk back to his bedroom.

Andrew called as he looked around the room.

“Am in here”
Rose said from the bathroom.
He smiles and walk to his bathroom, rose was already inside the bath tub.

“I got your clothes, I dropped them on the bed”
He said.

Let me finish my bath”
Rose replied.

“Let’s both finish bathing ‘
Andrew said and pull off John’s clothes away from his body.

“What do you think you are doing? ‘
Rose asked.

“Am getting into the bath tub ”
Andrew replied and deep his feet into the soapy water. He breathe out a relief breathe as his whole body was immersed in water.

“Didn’t you have work to do or somewhere to go?”
Rose asked.

“I already cancelled them,, I need a day off”
He replied.

” Hmm, that’s unusual”
You never just cancel something without a reason?
Did you cancel them because of me? ”
Rose asked.

He said sharply.

Rose chuckles and stare at him.
“I still seems to wonder why you like being naked without being shy of your body”

“Am in my home… It’s obvious, I can go naked in my home if I want to”

“Well, maybe men are different, we ladies are so protective of our bodies”
Rose replied.
“Can I ask you a question? ”

“Yeah sure”

“Why did you take my parents on a vacation? ”
Andrew kept quiet. He didn’t say anything.

” I just have a tons of question…
Why did you stole back the money you loaned my parents?
Why did you want a marriage with me? ”
Rose asked in a rush. She knew he can’t escape her questions now that they are together.. Andrew avoiding the question might make Rose to suspect something.

Andrew sighs and move closely to her. He puts her wet hairs behind her ears and look straight into her eyes. Rose was expecting him to say something.

“Can we just relax and enjoy the cold bath?
Andrew said quietly.

“No, I need answers…
Rose took his hands from his shoulders.

“Alright, I just want…
A knock sounded on the door from the living room immediately interrupting them.

“Boss, your sister is here”
John’s voice sounded from outside his bedroom.
Rose felt angry.. it was when she was about to hear Andrew’s answer, her sister came to ruin the moment.

“Alright, I will be outside in a minute”
Andrew replied shouting back at John.
He face Rose…
“I have to go”
He said as he stood up from the bath tub.

Rose held his hands.
“Don’t go…
Your sister can patiently wait in the living room”
“We can just stay here and talk”
Rose replied.

“And why did you suddenly want me to stay?”
Andrew asked. Rose quickly release his hand.
“We can just talk later, I just have to hear what my sister wants’
He said and got down from the tub, took a bath towel from the rank and dry his body.

(Liam’s resident)
Olivia came in with a champagne bottle and two glass cups.
Liam was staring at the TV watching with Joy in his eyes.
“Finally, am the richest in LA”

“Hmm, no ..
Rephrase that, we are the richest in LA and California as a whole”
Olivia replied and drop the drinks on the table. She sat down on his laps.

“All thanks to your idea, your plan to sway Dylan with money works”

“Yeah, and to hell with Robert suntherland”
Olivia said and smile.
“But what are we going to do about Dylan..?? He knows too much already”

“We clear off his existence ”
Liam replied and took a glass cup from the table.
“Pour me a drink”

Olivia smile…
“Now, you are the ruthless Liam I once know”

~(Back at Andrew’s resident)~
Andrew wore his pyjamas as he walked into the living room.
Her sister was drinking as she watches the TV.
Andrew saw the news on the TV and an anger surges in him.
“Welcome to the game, Liam Payne…”
He muttered silently and sat down.

“Andrew, ain’t you going to do something about this?
Liam Payne just cliam Robert’s assets and he is now the richest… The gap and margin between you guys is wide and you could easily fall to third, if care isn’t taken”

“And you think am not working on that??
Am trying my best”
Andrew replied.

“But your best is not enough…
Jean said.

“Alright, that’s enough… You don’t get to talk to me like that”
Andrew warned her.

“Am sorry… Am just worried about you..

” What do you want??
Why the early visits? Are you still skipping classes again?

“Relax, brother… Your questions can wake up the dead”
All my classes this week are on e-learning”
Jean replied.
“And I came here cos I was bored, I miss my big brother”

“Am busy at the moment…
Send my regards to dad”
Andrew said and walk away.

“Wait, ain’t you on pyjamas, it’s looks like you just woke up, so how come you are busy…
Just dress up and let’s go out”

“Jean, get a boyfriend…
And don’t spend your leisure time clinging around with people, those people also have important things to do”

“You know I can’t have a boyfriend…

“Yeah, and why?
Because guys don’t like your attitude, so it’s kinda your fault”
Andrew replied.

Jean sighs and groaned.
“Eversince you had that slutty wh-_-re, we haven’t spend time together like before anymore’

“Hey, don’t dare call her a wh-_-re…
She is my woman and you have to respect her”
Andrew replied warning her.

“Look brother, open your eyes well, she is only here because of your money..
Am sure she hit on you first”

“Get a boyfriend and stop sneaking around disturbing the peace of my home”
Andrew said and walk back to the bedroom.

“That stupid lady he called a wife has caused so much trouble ”
Jean scoffs angrily.

” My boss is actually right…
Get a boyfriend”
John said from behind.

Jean fake out a smile and walked out.

~An hotel in Los Angeles ~
Dylan was seen sneaking into the hotel building as some men behind him look around to watch if any one is spying around.

Dylan walked into a room and put off his cap.
He saw a stranger and Ben.
He smile.

” Omg, you are okay…
Ben said and hugged him.

“Yeah, am fine…
Some men walked in blocking the entrance.
” Who are those
Dylan asked.

“Oh they are newbies, they work for boss now”
Ben replied.

” And where is Mr Robert?

Ben smile and laughed.
“He is standing right in front of you”
Ben pointed to the stranger in front of Dylan.

Robert pocket his two hands as he stares at Dylan.
“You have no manners, Dylan…
Robert said.

” Am sorry, I couldn’t recognize you, I haven’t get used to your new face”
Dylan apologize as he bowed a little before him.

Robert smiles.
” I guess the plastic surgery went well’
Dylan added.

“Yeah, welcome back to the gang…
And am back now ‘

“We are still waiting for the plan, boss ?

Robert looked at Ben and Dylan.
“We continue our business for now and we go after the two traitors”
They are the latest targets we have”
He said and smile wickedly.

Rose n Andrew ??
Jean just came to spoil things…
Robert have a new face… Time to revenge

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