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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Woman Hood}
?Written By Hen R ica?


The person I saw almost shocked life out of me…

I can’t believe this is how my life is going to come to an end…I can’t die this way…Humphrey can’t be the one to ki|| me…no I can’t take that..,I have to fight till the end even if it is going to cause me my life…

What the heck are you doing Laura?..,get your gun and back up the other commanders….”I heard a voice say to me and I turned to see Annabel looking at me angrily……

Annabel, I can’t go out…Humphrey is going to ki|| me…”I said shaking like a dried leaf..”

Shut the f-__-k up you fool…you are the cause of this remember..?”she said as tears started dripping from one corner of my watery eyes…

Now leave you stinky being…how dare you challenge me?.,.you know I have the powers to end your life right now..?”Annabel said as I looked at her angrily and said….”

Who do you think you are you fool…huh?…tell me..”I screamed in anger….”

What are you too doing there?…Humphrey and his boys are gaining on us….Laura attack him with your girls from the backyard while you Annabel I want you to protect the sacred temple from Humphrey’s boys…”one of the chief commanders Said as I rushed to my corner and brought out my gun…

“I have to fight till the very end…yessss….”..

I rushed outside and met Humphrey $h00ting at the other women….I could see different dead bodies of our women lying on the floor…on no…I gat to do something before this bastard ki||s us all…

I raised up my Gun and was about $h00ting one of Humphrey’s boyswhen suddenly I saw Humphrey pointing his gun at me…gosh…

I quickly dragged one of the chief commanders that was nearby and used her to block me…

The bullet went straight to the woman’s brain and blood gushed out from it….Whyyyy?…

Laura….lau…Laura you did this to me?…why?…I was trying to cover you up but you ended up ki||ing me?…Laura you shall payyyy…”she said as blood started dripping from her mouth…..”

Hahahahaha….don’t blame me chizoba….this is your time so go and dieeeee….”I screamed angrilly….I h@ťě it when people talk to me like that…nonsense…

I was about hiding behind a block when suddenly someone grabbed my arm from behind and when I turned,I was shocked to see one of Humphrey’s guys holding me tight…Oh no…

Now surrender you moron…hahahaha…”the guy said laughing like a fool….gosh..:

Boss….i have gotten her….”the guy shouted and dragged me to where their car was parked……nooooo…

Take her in now..”Humphrey ordered and the boy pushed me inside the car…

Don’t harm me…don’t come close to me you jerks…”I screamed as they all bundled me with different ropes….

Please let me gooooo…don’t take me awayyyyy…”I screamed in tears…

Laura…you think you could escape?…HAHAHAHAHA…you are lucky I am in a better mood today because I would have ki||ed all of the widows…I would have sphered no one you fool…you are very lucky…now move this car…hahahahhaha..”he said laughing as they drove off…nooooo….

Now Laura I want you to know that I won’t let you leave my sight ever again…okay?..”Humphrey said as he brought out a pistol and pointed it at my forehead….

Please don’t do this Humphrey…please….”I begged admits tears….

Drive faster you fools..”Humphrey said …

Ok boss…”the boys replied as tears continued rushing out from my eyes…



The boys stopped the car near an old building…Humphrey ordered the boys to take me out and they obeyed…

Please don’t ki|| me…please..”I said as they dragged me into one of the rooms and tied me to a chair….

Laura…..I shall ki|| you…you shall die just the way my wife died….now $h00t her you morons….”I heard Humphrey say as the boys raised up their gums and pointed it at me….

Please wait….Humphrey wait….you can ki|| me in place of the widow’s gangs….please….I said as he burst into laughter…

Hahahaha…so you really think you can die in place of them….never…I am just going to teach you a little lesson…”he said as he raised his big leg up and kicked me in my chest….

Ahhhhh….ahhhhh…”I screamed and collapsed on the floor as tears fell from my watery eyes….

Dieeeee….just die you fool….dieeeeee….”that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out…..


I watched as Humphrey’s boys dragged Laura into the car….the other commanders were too weak to stop them except me….HAHAHAHA…

I won’t stop them….if I had the chance,I would have ki||ed Laura straight ahead….

She’s the cause of my misfortune….yes she has to dieeeeeeeee?…..

Let’s go after them….we have to get Laura….she’s the only reason why we are stil alive…”one of the chief commanders said spitting out blood…”

You are right…let’s go…get up and take your guns…”I said as I lifted the rest up and led them to the van….

Drive faster you fool before I blow off your skull…”I shouted at the driver….

Ok sister….I am sorry..”she said and I smiled bitterly…

We followed their car secretly and found ourself near an old building…I could see about 20 boys outside with different weapons….gosh…

Get down and attackkkkkk…”one of the commanders screamed as I started firing at the boys through the bus window…

Cover meeee….”the driver shouted but I ignored her and continued $h00ting …

One of the boys shot her and she fell down dead….she deserves it…nonsense…

I left the bus and hid behind a rock and observed the whole area…the boys had already ki||ed 10 of our women and blood filled up the whole place….gosh…

I Ç0çƙed my gun and was about $h00ting when a bullet hit my left leg….ouch…

Ahhhhh…”I screamed in pains as blood rushed out from the leg….nooooo….


I heard gunshots and rolled my wheelchair outside…I was shocked to see almost all my bouncers lying lifeless on the ground in the pool of their own blood.:..

Not again….nooooo…”I said as I saw some women rushing to me with their guns…

I paddled my wheelchair and rushed towards the door…I am dead!…

Abeg help meeeee….open the doorrrr…they wan carry me go where I nor know ooooo…..”I screamed shaking in fear….


E don happen again ooo??….

Abeg share this episode for these widows…they too much oooo??

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