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Friday, October 18, 2024
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CITY OF GODS – Episode 11

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City of gods

{Kiss of darkness}


Vampires\Mermaids\ Werewolves\ Demons

Don’t copy my post

Copy and die☠️☠️


Antonio picked the unconscious Kiara as they made their way out of the underground, the place was collapsing and if they don’t get put now, they will die.

Kiara opened her eyes slowly but has to close them back because of the sun’s light ” my head hurts ” Kiara complained as she sat up slowly.

She looked around, she was surrounded by trees ” She was still in the forest ? Wait where’s everyone ?” The realization hit her as she tried to stand up but her body was sore.

” Good morning sleeping beauty who almost ki||ed us, rise and shine so we can get out of this place “lily said.

” What happened ?” Kiara asked as she stared at their bloody clothes ” you don’t remember ? ” Oscar asked as he was shocked, he couldn’t believe his ears.

” Remember what ?” Kiara asked confused and they fell down ” I can’t believe this ” Luke exclaimed as he stared at Kiara.

” Kiara ” a voice called and Kiara almost fainted from shock, how did she get here ” Aunt jadle ” Kiara called staring at her aunt with wide eyes.

” What happened to you ?” Kiara asked worriedly ” You happened Kiara, what did you do ? ” Aunt asked angrily ” Huh, what are you talking about? I didn’t do anything” Kiara replied.

” Those spirit has been locked up for Thousands of years and now you opened the way for them… This isn’t good ” aunt said as he eyes landed on Antonio.

” Don’t look at me I tried to stop her, she’s too stubborn” Antonio defended as aunt stare was like a dagger . ” I don’t remember anything aunt but I’m sorry if I made you angry ” Kiara said walking up to her aunt.

” Your sorry can’t help me, so don’t bother saying anything because those spirits ain’t going back themselves” aunt said angrily.

” It’s not going to be easy but we need to stop them some how ” Antonio said and aunt nodded slowly” They are some people I trust, your job is to stop them from hunting the humans down ” ain’t said to Antonio.

” I can also help ” Kiara said feeling left out ” Of course you released them right, so you have to help ” Ain’t said and Kiara looked down.

” Aunt, you have to rest… You’re not as strong as before” Lily added ” Let’s get you out of here ” aunt jadle said ignoring lily completely.

When they got to Kiara’s house, they changed their clothes and took aunt jadle to the hospital ” No matter what don’t spare them, they are here to ki|| and nothing more ” Aunt jadle warned and they nodded.

” Protect Kiara from them ” aunt jadle whispered to Antonio ” Yes, I’ll now get some rest ” Antonio assured as aunt jadle closed her eyes.

When they arrived at school the next day, everything was going smoothly at least that’s what they think untill it was lunch break.

Kiara sat with her friends at the cafeteria ” so Kiara how’s your class coming up, I heard you are the best student in archery ” Oscar taunt

” You’re popular now ” Tracy added and Kiara goggled. The place immediately fell into silence as a young man walked in ” Antonio, what a great surprise to see you” He said sweetly but they could tell that there was a thorn behind his words.

” What do you want this time ? ” Antonio asked calmly which made Kiara wondered what was going on. Who was this man ?

” Some people broke into the school Library” he replied drinking from Antonio’s soda ” You’re now a police officer? ” Oscar asked teasingly and he smiled.

” I think something happened in the school and I’m suspecting all of you ” he said as he looked at them one father the other.

” You always suspect us ” lily pointed out ” Yes that’s because there are some difference between humans and animals” he said irritated as he looked at Antonio.

” Good luck with your investigation” Luke added and he chuckled darkly ” I need to ask some few questions” he said as his glaze landed on Kiara.

” Who do we have here ? ” He asked and Kiara smiled ” I’m Kiara ” she introduced ” Nice to meet you kiara please call me Derek ” he said as he winced at her.

” Hey Ďïčkhead get lost ” Tracy said out loud and the students around started laughing ” What did you just call me ?” Derek asked as he stared at Tracy.

“Ďïčkhead” Kiara replied and Derek frowned ” Detention now ” he yelled I’m anger

* Silence *

The pace immediately fell into a deep silence ” At least we will stay away from you ” Tracy said as she walked out ” @$$h0le ” lily cursed as she looked at him.


” We need to be careful around him, Luke extra careful, don’t under estimate him ” Antonio warned as tht sat at the detention room .

” Do you know the sword can change it’s size ?” Kiara asked and Antonio shake his head ” well it does and the best part is I can carry it around ” Kiara said proudly.

” Carry what around ?” Derek asked from the door and Kiara froze ” N-nothing” she said and Derek walking into the room after closing the door.

” You animals ” ha cursed as he stared at Antonio who lensed back gracefully ” Any problem hunter ? ”

Antonio asked calmly.

* Bang *

Kiara flinched as Derek hit the table with his fiat ” Dude don’t vent your anger at the desk ” Oscar said as he let out a soft laugh.

” When I find out what your plans are I promise to ki|| you all ” Derek thr_@tened, However Antonio could clearly see that there was some arrogance hidden beneath that gentle face, he was wearing.

Since they already dealt with Derek on different situations, they were not afraid of his thr_@t ” Keep dreaming dummy ” Lily replied.

Derek sudden looked at Kiara who was moved by his thr_@t’s, he gave Kiara a hard look and she broke into cold sweat ” Hmm, you can’t thr_@t someone Mr Derek” Kiara managed to say.

” Do you thinking I care miss Kiara ?” He asked arrogantly but Kiara just hissed and looked away, she felt like ripping out his head.

” Such an innocent soul, surrounding herself with dangerous animals” Derek commenter as he walked closer to Antonio.

Oscar finally looked at Derek with his brows raised ” Nice speech ” Oscar applauded ” Thank you ” Derek said smiling darkly.

Kiara slightly shifted in her seat, however this small movement made Derek looked at her, Kiara gave him a cold stare and Derek smiled ” Are you loosing your temper?” He taunt

A heavy pressure hovered over the people in the room making them to look at Kiara. Kiara eyes turned sharp and a cold biting pressure filled the entire room.

” Come here ” Derek ordered and Oscar frowned, Kiara stood up and walked forward, her every step was heavy and the pressure she gives off to others was getting worse, her eyes were dead cold and her lips shut tight.

” You don’t know what you’re messing with ” Kiara whispered as her eyes darkened. ” Oh No ” Lily exclaimed

TBC ???

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