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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Rhema J ✨

Episode 59

It’s been few weeks since the students came back, now in the school hall something is going on, some students are dressed in an expensive cloth, standing at the hall stage in all smiles

Some workers in a kind of uniform are standing with a tray of shinning belt while master Morris is at the front announcing something

“This students standing here have all made it, they are now certified supernatural and are now free to start their life however they want. We are all proud of you guys so congratulations all of you has made each and everyone of us proud” master Morris said with a bright smile

Audience began clapping including Amora, Juli and Ace, that’s Elena’s parent, Emma and Zayn, that’s Daniel parents, Karamina is there, Selene’s mom, Lan parents are there, Blake and Raphael father are there, Snow aunty is present even Nelson, Elena’s brother is present

They all cheered as they watched their loved ones been giving their certified supernatural belt. Selene sighted Karamina and smiled immediately

“Mom” she rushed to hug her

“Baby, my future princess I’m happy for you” Karamina smiled

Karamina already knows everything that happened, including Ariana’s death and Selene identity

“Dad is not here is he mad at me?” Selene asked sadly

“No he’s not” that was Thana, entering the hall already

“Congrats my flying angel, sorry I’m late I wanted to get you this flower” he said

“Thanks Dad” Selene smiled, she took the flower and Inhaled

“I’m sorry for been unfair to you, I know you were someone special so I just wanted to protect you. When I do see Ariana treat you badly I should have done something but I didn’t if anyone should be blamed for your sister death it’s me. I didn’t raise her well I’m sorry” he said sadly

“No dad it’s not your fault, everyone makes mistake, I’m sure her spirit would have learnt lesson by now. It’s not your fault okay we should always be content with what we have” Selene said

“I love you daughter” he pulled her for a deep hug. Selene smiled and hugged him back

Amora is watching behind with a bright smile

Elena is happily talking with her parents, Snow is sitting on a stool and talking with her aunty

“You’ve been looking at your phone every now and then, are you expecting a call or something?” Freeze, Snow aunty asked

“I’m not” Snow replied in a low voice, then her phone rang it’s from Jordan

Snow couldn’t hide her smile, she picked it immediately and placed it on her ears happily

Freeze watched how Snow would bit her lips and blush every seconds and she just smiled

Few weeks back she was arguing she’ll never miss him but now it’s a lie, she’s missing him like crazy it’s like she won’t be able to breath if she don’t hear his voice for a day

Daniel is talking with his parents already, his phone peeped checking it was from Lilith. She sent a picture of her with her certified supernatural belt and some love and ksses emojis

“What are you smiling about let me see” Emma grabbed the phone from him

“Mom” Daniel tried talking it back but she pushed him off and screamed loudly not caring about the eyes looking at her

“Zayn come look, our son finally have a girlfriend, see how pretty she is” Emma said giving the phone to Zayn

Zayn took the phone and smiled
“Good catch son” he winked

“Give it dad” Daniel collected the phone and eyed him

“Invite her over oneday, we wanna get to know her” Emma said

“Sure” Daniel smiled, dailing her number already, she picked immediately

“Hello baby.. he began talking with her not minding his parents looks

One side you’ll see Lan doing a video call with Mora

“Mabel I’m happy for you” Lyla shouted, rushing to hug her

“Thank you” Mabel smiled

“Oh, I wanna introduce you to my boyfriend Chris, have you met him. Come on” Lyla grabbed her and they both rushed out

“Well she has moved on from you” Ruby chuckled, she was watching Lyla and Mabel

“And I’m happy” Raphael smiled and wrapped his hands around her waist

They were catching when a man entered, Ruby eyes cought him and her face fell immediately

“What’s wrong hunny?” Raphael asked

“It’s my father” Ruby muttered

“Should we get out of here?” He asked and she nodded

“Let’s go” Raphael grabbed her hand and they were now going out

“Ruby” the man called before she could step out

Ruby paused, along with Raphael thinking her dad will start scolding but instead he went on his knees

“I ruined your life so long and I’m here to apologize it doesn’t matter if you forgive me I don’t deserve it anyways but I’m really sorry for everything, everything I’ve made you been through, everything I did to you all because of revenge I’m sorry” he pleaded in tears and began bowing

“Dad” Ruby rushed to him and rose him up

“Dad I’ve long forgiven you, it’s all in the past and I’m really happy you’ve changed now, it’s cool please don’t kneel” she pleaded, tearing up too

“Thank you daughter” he smiled and hugged her tight

After a while they disengaged from the hug and he faced Raphael

“Dad meet Raphael, my boyfriend” she smiled

“Nice to meet you sir” Raphael smiled, stretching his hands

“It’s dad” Ruby’s dad smiled and accepted

“Oh and I found Radien” Ruby smiled

“What?’ he screamed

“Princess my dad wanna see you he…” Blake paused when he saw Selene with Karamina and Thana

“Blake meet my mom and dad, mom dad meet Blake my..

“Prince” Thana cut Selene off

“Prince?” She asked

“Look at his hair, it’s turning silver too. He was choosing to be your prince and stay by your side” Karamina smile

“Forever” Amora added, walking towards them

“Mom” Selene rushed to hug her too while Blake is still wearing a confused look

“Don’t be confused dear, you’re now a royal and in few months your crowns will be ready, we’ll hold the ceremony here” Amora smiled

“Hey Blake you’re girlfriend where is she?” Blake’s dad said entering their mist

“Dad, meet Selene” Blake introduced

“How our future princess is surely pretty” he smiled

They parents settled down and began chatting while Blake held Selene waist and pulled her outside

“That crowning festival, how would it be like?” He asked



2 months later**

The crowning festival is happening already at the minds college hall, Blake and Selene are standing and facing themselves while Amora took the key of initial, she wakes straight to were the crowns were kept and unlocked it

“This crown represent peace in this world, it represents your title as the princess and prince here” she gave it to Selene and Blake

Their hair is now fully sliver

“Peace be unto you and everyone my prince” Selene smiled and wore the crown on Blake’s head

“Peace be unto you and everyone my princess” Blake smiled and wore the crown he’s holding on Selene’s head

“I pronounce you both crown prince and princess, you both will form your clan and rule it with good hands, healthy and strong relationship awaits you both. Happy life and family, huge success awaits you both” Amora said

The crowds began clapping all their friends were present including the ones from college of magic

“I love you my princess” Blake smiled, he pulled Selene close by the waist

“I love you too my prince” she chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck






The beautiful carriage stoped right at front of the huge palace, Jordan stepped down, he stretched his hands out for his lady, Snow accepted and came down

“Is his highness”
“Without his mask”
“And a girl”
“Is she the one that took of his mask”
“Shut up and let’s greet”
“Greeting your highness”

Rolls of maids and guards bowed immediately as Snow and Jordan were entering the main hall hand in hand

“I’m I the only one you see?” He asked

“Greetings my lady, forgive us my lady” they repeated

Snow hits Jordan’s arm slightly in embarrassment, while he just chuckled

The king is busy talking to the queen when Jordan stepped in, all the guards, generals, commissioner, elders, chiefs began to bow

The queen and the king looks surprised seeing Jordan entering without his mask

“Greeting dad mom” he bowed, Snow immediately bowed too

“You may rise” the king replied, looking at him

“Father meet my lover, my girlfriend, my future wife, my everything Snow” he introduced

“Hi.. I mean your highness” Snow bowed immediately

“Rise my dear, come let me have a look” the queen said

Snow moved front a bit

“You really are the one” the king smiled

“So when would we be expecting our grand kids?” The queen asked

“Mom..” Jordan called and Snow blushed

“She’s right Jordan, you’ll get married as soon as possible we don’t wanna waste time” the king said

Snow smiled immediately while Jordan moved to hold her waist

“She’s mine, she’s not running away so there’s no rush” he said, Snow blushed and hit his arm

“Whether you like it or not I’ll fix that wedding date, guards arrange the best room for our future crown princess” the king ordered

“Thank you your majesty” Snow bowed

“It’s father from now on” he corrected

“Thank you Father mother” Snow smiled

“We’ll take our leave now” Jordan bowed, immediately he scooped Snow in his arms and began leaving

“I’m so happy” the queen said, tearing up

The king took her hands and squeezed it tightly, smiling happily too.
To be continued

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