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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Law of Attraction ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 30




James shot at her again and started laughing like a psycho.

“Bye Ɓîtçh ” He said walking to the bed.

He uncovered the duvet and his eyes widened when he saw no one of on the bed, just pillows curving the form of a human

“What!! ” He gasped suprisingly

“Am in the wrong room ?” He asked confusingly

But then he saw Monalisa’s picture on the wall.

“This is her f_cking room, gosh!” He yelled frustratingly

Flash back before he walked into the room, Monalisa was feeling press, so she stood up and walked into the bathroom before James came in and shot thinking it’s her.

Monalisa heard the gunshots and became alerted.

She stood dumbfounded wondering what really is happening.

She took the fire extinguisher in the bathroom and silently open the door peeping outside, he saw a guy back in her room.

She gently walked behind him, making sure to cause no noise with her walking steps.

James with his sharp instincts notice something behind him but before he could turn around, Lisa hit the fire extinguisher on his head and he fell heavily getting a wound there.

“Who are you bastard?” Lisa asked and made to hit him with the extinguisher when he pointed his gun at her and she froze in shock.

“One more $h|t from you and you will be gone Ɓîtçh” He said

She kept looking at him trying to remember where he saw her.

“I think I saw you before ” She said and immediately remembered.

“Oh!, the dude I slap ” she said

“We meeting again but so sad this will be your last day on earth” He smirked.

“You were sent by God right?” She asked boldly

“What… what did you mean?” he asked

“Cos you’re talking as if you have the right to decide when one dies or not ” She replied

“I can see you are naturally rude even at the point of death you are proving your rudeness, any last word from you before I will ki|| you” He said, laughing

“I should be asking you that criminal” she replied

“I was planning on ki||ing you less painful but I change my mind now, I will f_ck that tiny p@zzy of yours before ki||ing you Ɓîtçh”

“It will be your mother’s wide p@zzy that you f_ck bastard” She said obviously angry.

“What!! how dare you talk about my mother like that” He asked and quickly punched her nose, she bled immediately felling on the floor.

He roughly carried her and threw her on the bed and came over her.

She tried using her legs but they weren’t strong for that.

She started struggling with him but he was stronger than her, he pinned her down so strongly.

She screamed calling Daniel

“Daniel!!!!!! ” She screamed

“Calling your handsome boyfriend, so sad he is unconscious now” he said

“You devil, what did you do to him?” she asked

“I only hit him with a strong rod, you see I am still kind, so sad he won’t be waking up so soon, by the time he woke up he will find you die with you p@zzy filled with my Com” He said, grinning

She spit on him h@ťěfully

“I h@ťě you, you will regret this ”

“Ain’t gonna regret anything baby girl, black Ɓîtçh, enjoy my Ďïčk”

Lisa shuddered in fear, she lost all hope, her baby is unconscious there’s no way she will escape from this devil pinning her down

“Is this how I am going to die, lord help me” She prayed silently

With one forcefully pull, he torn her night gown.

“Nice P@ŋtîēṣ”

Tears poured down her eyes as she laid helplessly

He stared at her licking his lips deliciously

He strip her clothes leaving her only in her bra and P@ŋtîēṣ.

He was about taking her P@ŋtîēṣ when a knife pierce into his arm

“Arghh” he screamed in excruciating pain standing up from her to met an angry guy glaring at him murderously.

“You!! you should still be unconscious ” He said shockingly

“You’re surprise right, well I am stronger than what you think, you made a very grievous mistake by touching my sweet angel” He said and stab his other hand, blood ooze profusely and James groaned painfully.

“So who has the last laugh” Lisa asked mockingly.

“Who send you ?” Daniel asked

“And you think I will tell you” James replied, holding his bleeding hand.

“I will make you talk “Daniel said

James quickly tried to took his gun but Lisa was more faster she took it before he could lay his hand on it.

“You will be f_cking your mother’s wide p@zzy now dude” she laughed

Daniel charge at him and started hitting him with strong punches wounding him severally and so severe.

His face is unrecognizable by now due to his hard punches.

With the last strength in him, he pushed Daniel away from his body and speedily open the door and ran out, Daniel took the gun and chased after him $h00ting but James being a clever gangster dodge all the bullets till he sucessfully escape.

Daniel quickly came back to check up on Lisa.

“Baby ” He called as he saw her on the bed

“He escape ” He said

“Nemesis will soon caught up with him” she said slowly

He took few strides towards her engulfing her into his arms

“I am so sorry baby”

“I was scared he was going to rape me thanks for waking up and saving me, we need to be more careful now, someone is after me, I think it’s Sydney, try and end the game with her and sent behind bars” she said tightening her around him

He broke the hug after some minutes and held her face, looking at her affectionately

“I will protect you with my life, I promise you that, I will end everything this next week, I love you” He said

“I love you more ” She replied and kissed him.

“I like what I am seeing” he said naughtily

“Take your eyes away ” she smiled

“Can I?” he smirk and plant a kiss on her neck, nibbling on it.

A Mõ@ɲ escape her lips immediately, he s*ck on it leaving hickeys

His eyes caught her B-__-bs in the bra and he bent and kissed them

Lisa release a Mõ@ɲ immediately.

“Love the way you Mõ@ɲ” He said

She watched breathlessly as his hands went to her back unclasping her bra.

It fell and her pink Ɲīpplës came to view, he smile before taking it into his mouth

“Gosh!! Daniel” She Mõ@ɲed

He kept s*cking her like a lollipop as she Mõ@ɲ pleasurably

He stopped after some minutes

“Why did you stop?” she asked breathing hard.

“You love it?”

“Did I say I wasn’t enjoying it, continue dummy” she replied

He started teasing her Ɲīpplë with his tongue and she almost melted.

“I might melt baby, stop teasing just s*ck it please” she said breathing quickly

She felt her nether regions dripping wet with water.

He stopped teasing and took it fully until his mouth

“More baby, more ” Monalisa Mõ@ɲed running her hands around him.

? James’s POV

Gosh!! that bastard is so strong, I am even lucky I escape, all through my years of being a bad boy I haven’t received punches so strong as the one I received from the dude.

That Ɓîtçh is so fearless and rude, I couldn’t f_ck that tiny p@zzy.

I groaned painfully touching the wounded places.

“Ahhh!!! ”

f_ck that dude

Just then my phone vibrated and I saw an incoming call, I don’t need any one to tell me it’s Vincent, true to my words it was him

” Hello boss ” I said

“James, what’s happening?” He asked in a booming voice

“I am on it boss” I replied

“I want results James or are you not competent for this? ”

“I am boss, just be patient with me ” I said and he hung up.

I took out my medical kit and started dressing the wounds


? Daniel’s POV


“Someone is after her but who?” Randy asked after I told them what happened last night.

“Could it be Sydney?” Roc asked

“I am confuse right now” I replied

“Try and end this game you are playing with her and expose her buddy ” Randy said

“I got a plan, Randy announce on the school blog that I am hosting a sleep over party at my house next week ” I said

“Okay man, I am on it”

“Is that the plan?” Roc asked

“Isn’t it obvious” I replied.

✍️ Author’s note


Finally the day for the sleep over party came, it has been on the lips of students since it was announce on the school blog.

Every student anticipating it so much

Today will be filled with many shocking things, heartbreak and secrets.


Green lights flashed through the house showing it beautiful texture.

The mansion is bedecked with students who are mingling and chatting together happily

LET’S PARTY by Chris brown is booming in the electronic speakers.


? Tonight is tonight

? Amma gonna party hard

?The mansion is heavenly

?I love this f_cking place

All eyes all turned as Sydney walked in looking totally different tonight with her hair felling on her right side, she wore strapless gown with a top heel looking hot like a model

?Wow!! Sydney is looking different tonight

?She is dripping hot

?Can I get a kiss

?I am jealous

She smiled at their compliments walking proudly along with Elsa and Claire who also dress to ki||.

The students couldn’t stop talking about their hotness, she looked around and smile.

“He will be announcing me to the world tonight” she smiled.

Randy, Roc, Kyle and everyone was present, over sixty students there.

Kyle saw Randy at the counter and quickly rushed there.

“A glass of wine” she said hoping to get his attention.

He avoided her through out last week and she can’t take it anymore.

“Hi ” He said

“Randy, you are looking dashing” she said

“Thanks” he said and left

She didn’t even collect the glass wine she followed him till they got outside.

she blocked his way

He look at her giving her questioning looks.

“How long are you going to keep on avoiding me?” She asked

“I don’t know” He replied

“Do you know how much it hurts knowing you’re avoiding me ?” She asked

“Why? we aren’t friends nor lovers more over I forgive you, it was my fault”

“Stop saying that, it hurts cos I love you and all you do is to avoid me, can’t you see I am sorry” She said unknowingly

“You love me?” He asked surprisingly

She bite her lips shly and ran away

“She just told me she love me” He said smiling.


“Daniel is here ” A girl screamed.

Everybody in the house turned and their eyes widened at his handsomeness, his dressing code tonight, his dye hair infact everything about him tonight

?I am fainting already

?Is that an angel

?Even an angel can’t be that perfect

?Greek god

They would have been beaten if Lisa was there hearing them crushing on her man

He walked in with a knowing smile, he saw Sydney and winked at her.

Her heart almost exploded with skip beats.

He walked to the DJ and collected a microphone.

?Wow!! guys the hottest guy in the house have something to say” The DJ said and every where became calm.

” I appreciate everyone here tonight, I feel so happy hosting this sleep over party, I hosted this cos of someone so special to me”

Sydney jumped up in excitement as she started feeling hot already waiting for her name to be called but surprising the worst happened.

“It is a honour to present to you the most beautiful lady on the planet, goddess of beauty,,, Monalisa Ayodeji ” He said and the crowded started screaming

?Awnn so cute

?He is so romantic

Lisa steps could be heard as she walked downstairs wearing the most expensive decorated pink gown.

? It’s really monalisa

?She is so beautiful

?She survive, thought she was still in coma

?The black Ɓîtçh

All eyes were on her as she walked towards Daniel, she got to him and he kiss her.

?Wow they are dating already

“Some one will faint today, breakfast is real” Kyle screamed excitedly but many couldn’t others understood her.

He kissed her passionately as they cheer on.

Sydney felt like air leaving her lungs, the air became toxic to her, her breathing became shallow and more faster.

The ground she was standing on became so hot and uncomfortable for her.

She suddenly felt a heavy headache,
She felt her blood dehydrating in her body, her forehead bead with sweats immediately, her body started shaking.

“I was played and fooled, James was right” She thought

Her heart racing a distance marathon, she stood on her spot as her eyes widened, she felt nothing moving again.

“No!!!! ” she screamed and almost fell but Claire quickly held her

“Someone should hold Sydney, the breakfast is hotly served ” Roc said


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