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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Veronica stood beside the open blinds with a glass of wine which she’s occasionally sipping from. She was smiling as she thought about her new achievement.

Now that she’s merging with Sunrise, she’s just some steps away from becoming the richest woman in the world, her greatest dream will come true.

She had another sip, and arms wrapped on her from behind.

“Thought you weren’t gonna come out anymore” she said.

“I couldn’t possibly leave this beauty here all alone” Mayor replied, and she chuckled.

“Thanks for coming into my life” Mayor said.

“You too, I’m glad it ended this way” she replied, shaking the glass of wine with her.

“Soon, we’ll become the richest couple in the world”

“And that’s why we need to speed up the wedding, I can’t wait” she rested on him, and he kissed her neck.

“Mmm” came a low Mõ@ɲ from her.

“But… Something still remains bothersome” she suddenly said, facing him.


“I know a lot about Aaron, plus the fact that up till early last year, he loved his mum so much that he was always begging you to let Regina come back, he even slept in front of your door times without number just to get you to say yes to it, but since ending last year till now, he stopped that, and he only threw a tantrum about it once” she said.

“So?” Mayor replied, stroking her dark hair.

“Now that I think about it, he changed completely, one would think he’s not the real Aaron, he looks new, and to think that he kept cool about our marriage announcement, he’s not the type to stay cool about it, what if…

“What if what?” Mayor cut her off, and she sighed.

“What if he’s… Nevermind” she smiled, dropping the cup to hang her arms on his neck.

“Let’s not say things to ruin the mood” he said, and she nodded with a smile.

“Sure, I love you”

“I love you too” he replied, connecting their lips in a deep kiss while slipping off the arms of her red gown.


Cindy’s car halted in front of the apartment, and she stepped out tiredly, walking to the door.

She looked at the house for a while, and her countenance changed to sad as she rang the doorbell.

Titus opened the door, and his eyes widened.

“Cindy! What are you doing here this late?”

“So … This is the house you’re living now?” She sniffed, and he drew her in before closing the door.

Immediately she saw the poor interior, she got mad.

“Dad, what’s this?”

“What’s what?”

“This is more like a pen! It’s not a house, how could you even stay in a place like this!” She shouted.

“I have no choice, right now I have to use the money with me wisely, and I could only afford this house” Titus replied.


“Hey Cindy, don’t worry about me, all you have to do in that big house is live well and eat well when if I’m not there, ok?” He held her shoulders.

“Tell me your account number, I’ll transfer all the cash in my account to you, I still have up to 500M” she said, getting her phone quickly.

“Cindy!” He shouted, and she faced him.


“You got all the money from your mum, right?”

“Part of it is from her, and the other half is from my luxury stores. You know I have three luxury stores, right? So…

“I can never take your mum’s money, and the cash from the stores is yours, so I see no reason why I should take it, I won’t” Titus interrupted again.

“But dad…

“I’ll be fine, trust me” he smiled, hugging her tight.

“I love you Dad” she hugged him back.

“I love you too, daughter” he smiled, rubbing her hair.


Becca came out of a taxi in front of the orphanage and sighed after paying the cabby.

She faced the orphanage, and before she could inhale again, ten kids poured out of the orphanage.

“Babies!” She gasped happily as they all ran into her arms, surrounding her in a family hug. They’re her only family.

“How was the party? Did they complain that your dress is cheap?” One of them asked as she crouched in front of them.

“No, no one noticed me so I enjoyed it” she replied.

“No one noticed you? But you’re pretty” another one said, and she smiled.

“Did you guys eat dinner?” She asked.

“Yes, granny Edgar made boiled potatoes”

Becca sighed sadly, that’s what they always have. If it’s not boiled potatoes, then it’ll be noodles. The government stopped supporting them years ago, so they’re on their own.

“You’re back?” Granny Edgar said from the gate, and she stood to see the old woman who’s on a wheelchair.

Granny Edgar is the owner of the orphanage, but Becca is the oldest orphan in there, so while Edgar is like their granny, Becca is like their mother.

“Yes granny” she smiled, walking to her. She hugged the old woman tightly.

“Something happened, right?” Edgar asked.

“I lost one of my part time jobs” she replied, silently.

“Don’t worry, I know it’s hard but you’ll always get another, so cheer up” Edgar said as they broke the hug.

“I saved a lot of potatoes for you, you should eat” Edgar said, and Becca smiled.

She directed the kids in, then she pushed Edgar’s wheelchair in behind them.

Meanwhile, from beside the road, Aaron’s car stood, and his face is visible from the window.

He’s crying so hard as he watched them go in, and he had to cover his mouth with his palms as it got louder.

This place… Was once his home.


The kids were busy playing around as Becca ate dinner, and granny Edgar watched her with a sad face.

“Why the sad face?” Becca looked up.

“You’re going on the trip tommorow, it’d be just I and the kids again” she replied, and Becca smiled.

“It might be my only chance of visiting Dubai, the school payed for it remember?

“I know, and that’s why I’m ready to bear with it for the one week, the kids will miss you” Edgar replied.

“Danielle” Becca called on the oldest kid who’s 14, and she came rushing.

“Yes Becca!”

“What did I tell you to always do when I leave?” She asked.

“Make sure the kids dinner is ready before 8pm, make sure their breakfast is ready before 8am, and they must bath before eating, then get them to bed before 10pm” Danielle replied, and Becca stroked her hair before hugging her.

“Good girl”

“We’ll miss you, and please get us a lot of things from Dubai!” Danielle said, and she smiled.


Granny Edgar rested back on her wheelchair in relief. They’re what she’s still living for.

Thirty minutes later, Becca finished sending everyone to bed, then she entered her small room.

The little luggage she’s taking along has been packed in her small old bag, and she smiled nervously.

“I hope it goes well” she muttered, but when she remembered Cindy’s deal with Alexa, she sat on the bed.

She was still thinking of how to go about it when her eyes caught Vernon’s handkerchief beside her, and she quickly took it.

She went into the bathroom and washed it, then she came back into the room and walked to the window.

She’d hang it there so it’d dry up before tommorow. She plans to return it.

She was about to hang it on the window when…

“Roarrr!!” A male voice shouted.

“Argh!!” She screamed, going down on her butt as Vernon appeared.

“Vernon? What!” She held her chest.

“How can a girl’s window be so low? f-__-k it” Vernon rolled eyes, and she quickly stood.

“How did you get in? No what are you even doing here?”

“I followed you from the party, you told me house rent is part of the things you pay for, but turns out you live in an orphanage” he replied, and she blinked before biting her lip.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to mock you, I was just surprised, and you’re a mother of many kids too” he said, and she smiled, finally looking up at him.

They’re both sitting at the base of the only night lamp in the orphanage, and silence was prevalent till he talked.

“How long have you been living in this orphanage?”

“I started living here last year” she replied.


“Yeah, but before then, I was living in another orphanage. I got many part time jobs in this area, and that’s why I moved to this orphanage, and I love it here” she replied.

“So… You’ve been living in orphanages all your life?” He asked.

“Not really. My mum died when I was five, and dad died of cancer when I was ten, so I started living in orphanages since ten” she replied.

“I’m sorry” he said

“You don’t have to be” she smiled sadly.

“You’re the only adult orphan here” he said.

“Granny Edgar told me that one guy was here till last year, but he left before I came” she replied, and he nodded, looking around.

“But… This place needs renovation” he said.

“The government stopped funding us, so we’re on our own” she replied.

“Those heartless things” he muttered, and she smiled.

“See? I told you you’re a good person”

He faced her immediately.

“I am?” He asked, and she nodded.

“You only needed someone to talk to, instead of taking out your boredom on poor kids like us”

“I’m sorry” he said silently.


“I did dirty things to you at the Graveyard, and…

“That was my first kiss” she interrupted, and his eyes widened.


“Yeah, and no one has touched me the way you did before, so…

“I’m sorry” he interrupted guiltily, holding her hand, and their eyes met.

“I’m really sorry, forgive me please” he said, and she smiled with a nod.

“I forgave you long ago, you just have to promise that you’ll stop being a bully”

“I will”

“Really? Will your girlfriend and Cindy allow that?”

“They don’t own my life” he replied, and their eyes met again.

They held eyes for long, and that was when she noticed he’s still holding her hand.

She tried to remove it, but he interlocked their fingers, and his head went to her shoulder.


“Shh!” He replied.

“But Seven…

“She’s not here, so allow me, please” he said, and she relented.

“You’re going on the trip too, right?” He asked.

“Yeah” she replied, and he smiled, holding her hand tighter as he closed his eyes.


“Are you sure you’re really going on the trip? It’s almost 6am!” Bristol shouted, entering Miranda’s room.

She’s still sleeping soundly in bed.

“Mira!!!” He screamed, and she opened her eyes slightly.

“Shut up! Bristol please…” She turned to another side and continued her sleep.

“The trip to Dubai, the time is 5:30” he said, and her eyes flew open.

“What!” She rolled down from the bed and stood.

“5:30? The flight is in an hour! You should have woken me!”

“I did! but you were busy saying gibberish!” He shouted back.

“Wait… How did I get home last night?” She gasped, holding her throbbing head.

“Knight Seth brought you home, and your silly self even puked on him at the party, eew! You stained that beautiful boy” Bristol replied, and her eyes widened madly.


Then the memories came back at once, how she puked directly on him and fell on him afterwards. Her eyes widened more.

“Bristol ki|| me! I’m a disgrace!!!!” She screamed, falling back on the bed.

She began throwing herself around, just thinking about it makes her mad at herself.

“I’m tired of you, seriously” Bristol shook his head and left.



Kitty and Anita were already eating breakfast at the dinning when Pascal came down with his bag for the trip, he’s all dressed.

“Kiss!” Kitty pouted, rushing to jump on him.

“It’s just a week trip” he smiled, kissing her hair fondly.

“But still… I’m missing you already” she pouted again, peppering his face with kisses.

“I’ll get you a whole lot from Dubai, don’t worry” he winked, and they stuck hands.


“Promise baby” he kissed her forehead before facing Anita. He’s wearing the stud she gave him, and immediately she saw it, she forgot about last night and smiled.

“Take care of my baby, please” Pascal said.

*Trust me, master” she smiled, and he winked at her before going out with Kitty.

They were still waving at him as he drove off in his car.

“High five nanny” Kitty faced Anita, and they stuck hands.

“Kiss is gone, freedom!!!” She shouted, and Anita laughed as they went back in.


The maids were wheeling Aaron’s bag already, and when he got downstairs, he looked around for any sign of Teddy, but he’s not around, and he’s not in his room either.

“Is Teddy gone already?” He asked a maid.

“He came back home late last night, and he left early too” the maid replied, and he frowned before getting his phone.

It’s almost time for the flight.

He dialled manager Sadie’s line.

“Have all our photo$h00ts rescheduled to two weeks time” he said.

“I did that already, so don’t panic and go have fun in Dubai, but just know what when you come back, there’ll be a whole lot of $h00ts waiting for The Knights” Sadie replied, and he hung up.

“Ready to leave?” The Mayor said from the stairs, and he looked back at him h@ťěfully.

Without saying a word, he walked out of the house.


Students of SRC have the largest population in the airport that morning, and more are still coming in. They’ll go on board in thirty minutes.

Jennifer came in her mum’s car, and she looks sad as she stepped out with Tanya.

“I still don’t understand why you’re moody” Tanya said, holding her face.

“I’ll be fine” she managed to smile a bit.

“Make sure you enjoy all you can, I’ll be waiting for pictures baby” Tanya smiled.

“Sure mum” she smiled lightly, and Tanya kissed her forehead .

“I love you baby”

“I love you more, mum”


They were waving at each other as she walked into the building, wheeling her bag along.

She got her phone and stared at the texts she sent to Teddy last night, he didn’t reply any.


He viewed everything, but he didn’t reply any, and she even called him, but he didn’t pick, so she was unable to sleep till daybreak, and she nearly cried.


He viewed again, but still no reply.

“Babe!” Leslie screamed from behind, and she turned to see her coming with Miranda.

“Babes” she smiled.

“Guess what happened last night” Leslie said”

“I can’t” Jennifer replied sullenly.

“Pascal kissed me! And Mira puked on Seth, then he took her home!” Leslie gushed.

“I just wanna disappear right now” Miranda muttered, looking funny.

They didn’t get to talk further when the flight was announced.

Leslie pulled them to go on board, but Jennifer kept looking back for Teddy.

Till she entered with her friends, she didn’t see him.

Leslie got to sit with Pascal luckily.

Miranda’s eyes widened when she saw Seth sitting on the seat beside hers already, and when their eyes met, he smirked.

“I’m dead” she muttered, walking slowly to him.

Jennifer settled on her window seat after mounting her luggage with the help of the flight attendant.

She was about to text Teddy again when he finally showed up, and her eyes brightened immediately she saw him.

He wore a turtle neck sweater to cover the bruises on his neck, then a black jacket.

Her happiness grew more when she saw the number on the slate he’s holding. 120!

She’s 121, meaning he’s sitting beside her! But one strange thing is that he’s not looking at her at all.

He remained cold till he got to her, and shockingly, he walked past her and went to the back.

“What!” She stood and saw him with Aaron.

“You can go sit beside her” he said, exchanging his slate with Aaron’s.

Aaron gave him a confused look as he walked away, and Jennifer swallowed nothing as Aaron started walking to her.

She fell back on her seat, picking on her fingers as she bit her lip repeatedly.

He’s obviously mad at her, and that’s why he ignored her messages and calls, and now he doesn’t even wanna sit with her?

It hurts, and she felt her throat shaking immediately Aaron settled beside her.

“Hey, Enny” he smiled, and she looked up, but surprisingly, tears ran down her round cheeks.

“Jennifer, what…

More tears escaped her eyes before he could land, and his eyes widened.



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