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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or
anything short,comment with something
meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 47 & 48
★. ★. ★. ★


Nanny Diana tapped her foot impatiently
waiting for the doctor to come out of the ward

The doctor finally came out after some time
and approached them.

“Doctor how is she?” Nanny Diana stood up

“How related are you to her? Are you family?”
the doctor looked at her

“No but—”

“I’m sorry but I can’t disclose any information
about the patient if you’re not related to her in
any way”

“I know I’m not but I’m very worried about her!
Please just tell me she’s okay!” she begged with
a shaky voice

“Mother calm down, I’m sure she’s okay” Flora
said rubbing her back

“I’ll look for her next of kin in her file, I’m sorry
ma’am” He said and gave them a small smile
before leaving

“Did you hear what he said Flora? What are we
g…my phone! Get my phone in my bag” Nanny
Diana rushed her words and watched Flora as
she ran to her bag and took her phone

“Here but who are you calling—”

“Shhhh..” she snatched the phone and
searched for Xavier’s number and called him

“Nanny” He said in his usual deep and calm

“Cole dear! Thank goodness you answered,
please come to the hospital now! Kimberly
hospital” she whined

“Is everything okay? Are you okay?” He rushed
his words in panic

“Stop asking questions and come here now!”
she snapped and hung up

Flora shook her head and sighed

“Rich people and their drama..” she muttered
under her breath



“Come on Jasmine,eat something it’s been
days now” Felicia begged and tried to feed her
but Jasmine shook her head

“I’ll eat later,right now I just need to train” she
stood up and picked up her gym bag and went

The same boy with emerald green eyes who
happens to be Jasmine’s crush came in after a

“What was that about?” He pointed towards the

“Green goblin,ohh it’s you” Felicia rolled her

“I told you, I’m Jason not wh@ťěver you call me”
he frowned

“You look like one to me” she shrugged “and I
don’t see why Jasmine and all of these girls trip
over you” she puffed out

“Wh@ťěver,you haven’t answered my question”
he threw himself on the couch

“Ever since what happened,you know what
Rachel did to her with…those men,she hasn’t
been herself.I know it hurts and it’s really
traumatic but she’s so hellbent in seeking
revenge,not only from her father’s ki||er!” she
stared at Jason

“You do know that she doesn’t stand a chance
against Rachel right?” He arched his brow and
she bit her lip and nodded

“I’ve tried to explain to her that she’s no match
for Rachel and that she’s really powerful but
still!” she groaned

“This is going to end badly,with a dead body
involved” He looked at her and she swallowed



Xavier rushed into the hospital,he didn’t care
about all those people who looked at him
weirdly as he ran down the hall.

“Cole!” Nanny Diana ran to his embrace as
soon as she saw him

“Nanny” he held her and looked at her “Are you
okay? Are you hurt?”

“No, it’s Catherine….she was bleeding an…and
we brought her here now the doctor doesn’t
want to let us know how she’s faring” she
sniffed in

“Which ward is she in?” He looked at her and
she pointed at ward 058 “I’ll be back” he pecked
her forehead and went to the ward

When he got there the doctor was busy
scribbling something on a file,when he heard
footsteps he turned

“Can I help you?”

“How is she?” He looked at Catherine sleeping

“Are you her husband?” He asked and Xavier
nodded his head

“I’ll be honest with you sir,the baby has slim
chances of surviving” He sighed

“Baby?” He asked completely perplexed

“Yes,you didn’t know? Your wife is pregnant,
Four weeks which is a month.We did manage to
stop the bleeding and save the baby but she
should be careful now,one slip and you’ll loose
the baby,make sure she’s stress free and please
don’t let her work too much she needs to rest”
The doctor advised sternly

Xavier nodded and went to sit by her side and
held her hand.

“I’ll give you some space” the doctor muttered
and went out

“Kitten,wake up soon.. I’m sorry for leaving you”
he muttered and kissed her hands

Catherine groaned and turned to his side,she
opened her eyes and saw his face first.

“You came back” she whispered with a smile

He nodded and forced a smile “How are you

“Tired and a bit sore” she looked down at her
tummy “I lost it … didn’t I?” she asked softly

“You didn’t..” he wanted to tell her everything
the doctor said but he fought against it “The
baby is fine, you just have to take it easy and
rest more” he said

“Okay,thank you” she smiled at him

He wanted to say something but he was
interrupted by the door opening and closing.

They turned to see Anderson who immediately
ran to her side.

“My love! Are you okay? What happened?” he
tried to hold her hands but she yanked them off

“What are you doing here? And how did you
know I was here?” she furrowed her brows and
looked at him

“I was called here by the doctor, I’m still your
husband remember? What happened to you?”

Xavier was fed up and he stood up and went to
the door but stopped mid way.

“Is he the father?” he asked and they both
turned to him “Is he the father of your baby?”
he asked impatiently and she looked down

“You’re really pregnant! ” Anderson shouted
“You’ve made me the happiest man alive!
Thank you ” he hugged her

Xavier hissed and left.

“How is she ? Nanny Diana rushed to him as
soon as he came out

“Yes, let’s go home” he held her

“Can’t I see her?” she looked at him

“No nanny let’s just go home!” he sighed and
she nodded and they left


“Please don’t touch me,let go Anderson!” she
snapped and pushed him off “How could you!?
You were acting all holier than thou knowing
perfectly well that you were sleeping with my
best friend!” she shouted

“Take it easy you’re going to harm the child” he
tried to hold her but she slapped his hands off
“That was a mistake Cathy,I…I was vulnerable
and hurt because of what you did..” he whined

She chuckled painfully and wiped off her tears
“Get out”


“Get out Anderson! Get out!” she threw pillows
at him and he went to the door and stood there

“I want a test done! I know that’s my child and
you cannot keep me from seeing my child! It
has to be mine, you’re supposed to carry my
side and not somebody else’s!” He thr_@tened
and stormed out

Catherine sighed and roughened her hair “What
have I gotten myself into!”



It was in the evening and the mansion was as
silent as a grave since Mr Xuan, Grandma Daisy
and Grandpa Paul were still yet to return with
Miriam.Sofie was out clubbing and only Tyson
and Millicent were at home

Millicent turned off the TV and stood up,she
stretched her body before going upstairs to their

Tyson was smoking in the room and the smoke
filled the whole room,when she got there she
coughed lightly and stood at the door

“I told you to stop smoking in here,go to the
balcony” she frowned

“Get used to it and stop being a nuisance” he
muttered without looking at her

“Did you really do it?” she asked softly

“Do what?” he looked at her

“Did you try to take advantage of Catherine?”
she raised her voice

“You’re still on that?” he stood up and
approached her “You still don’t trust me huh?”
he smirked and puffed out smoke

“I do” her voice shook

“Are you scared?” he chuckled “I’m always
trying to be a nice guy but your family keeps
pushing my buttons” he leaned in to kiss her
but she turned her head to the side

He laughed and placed the burning cigarette on
her soft cheek and she winced in pain.

“I believe you” she sobbed

“Ohh baby! Thank you” he cooed and laughed
before grabbing her throat and held her up
against the door

“T.. Tyson I..I can’t…I can’t breathe” she choked

“The next time you question me, I’ll skin you
alive!” he thr_@tened and let her fall to the cold
hard floor “Out of my way!” he kicked her and
she yelled in pain

He looked at her once before going out.



The bell rang for the umpteenth time and a
maid ran to open the door

“Who is it at this night?” Nanny Diana rushed to
see who it is and Catherine stood there freezing
in cold wearing just her dress

“It’s miss Catherine” The maid said and let her

“Ohh Catherine! Why didn’t you call us to fetch
you!?” Nanny Diana pulled her into the house

“I’m sorry for coming here this late at night,I just

“It’s okay it’s okay,Flora! Make some hot
chocolate for Catherine! Hurry!” she pulled her
to the living room and sat her down

Xavier came downstairs after a while and
walked towards them.

“Why are you here this late?” he arched his
brow “Where’s your husband?”

Nanny Diana looked amongst them and left
there silently

“We’re getting a divorce” she looked down

He sighed and took off his Jacket “Wear this”
he threw it at her and she nodded slowly and
wore it

“It’s not his child,I know that but he insists on
getting a test done…I don’t mind,as long as it
can prove that it’s yours” she looked at him

“How sure are you it’s mine?”

“Because you and I didn’t use protection when
we first…you know…it makes sense that way”
she said softly

“I’ll do the test,just to make everything clear” he
said calmly

“What if it’s his? I can’t let that happen”

“If it’s his you have to let him be part of his
child’s life” he shrugged and folded his arms

“I found him sleeping with my best friend! He
was acting so innocent and painting me bad!”
she spat out

“I’m not surprised” he rolled his eyes

“why, wait you knew!?” she stood up

“No,but even if I did I wouldn’t have told you,you
were gonna think I’m trying to make you h@ťě
him so you could be with me,am I wrong?” he
stared at him

“N..No” she mumbled and he chuckled

“Let’s get you warm” he scooped her up and
she blushed and held on to him as he went

Flora walked out of the kitchen with a cup of
hot chocolate but they were both nowhere to be

“Ohh well..” she grinned and sipped from it.


Xavier put her down when they got to the room
and helped her take off the jacket and her dress
leaving her only in her pant

She shivered and he hugged her tight.

“I’m sorry” he whispered and she nodded

“Come with me” she said and they went into
the shower together

She made him sit and she got into the shower,
the glass was transparent but blurry and he
could see her through it.

He got aurosed by just watching her and his
manhood hardened.

He went out and went to take a cigarette and lit
it to get his mind off going into the shower and
taking her there.

His phone suddenly rang and he went to pick up
his jacket and took it out

“Patrick” he answered

“Sir,I got really bad news,your mother has been
arrested” he rushed his words

“What! When? Where are you now?” his eyes
darkened as he spoke

“I was about to come to you”

“Go to the police station instead and get her,
keep her in your house for tonight, I’ll get fetch
her tomorrow morning” he said

“Okay sir, I’ll do that right away” he said and
hung up

“$h|t!” he was about to make a call when the
bathroom door open and he turned to see
Catherine wearing only a towel

“Is everything okay?” she dried her hair with the
other towel she was holding

He nodded and sat down on the bed “Come

She blushed and walked towards him,he pulled
her on top of him and she sat on him.

“Beautiful” he muttered before loosening the
towel and it fell off her chest

Her perky pinky Ɲīpplës stood there pointing at
him and he didn’t waste time as he took one
into his mouth and sucked on it

She bit her lower lip and dug her fingers into his
hair and pulled him closer to suck more before
throwing her head back.

He pinched on the other Ɲīpplë while playing
with his tongue on the one in his mouth

“Xavier..” she m*aned out his name sweetly
and he groaned as he felt this manhood twitch
in his pants demanding to be freed

He did justice to her other mountain of Jericho
and sucked and nibbled on it while the other
one stood all swollen and reddish.

She m*aned breathlessly and her eyes rolled to
the back as he did wonders to her Břě@šť

He suddenly stopped and looked at her,both
their eyes were filled with lust as they breathed

“You should get dressed up and go to sleep” he
said and she got off him and sat next to him

His stood up and went to take his t-shirt and
sweater from the walk in closet and came back
with it

Catherine suppressed her laughter and he
frowned at her wondering what’s funny and she
pointed downwards at his manhood

A wet patch was visible there of his precum.

“f-__-k!” he threw the clothes at her and went
back into the bathroom and Catherine burst into

“I’ll get you for this kitten I swear!” he shouted
from the bathroom and smiled to himself

It felt weird but he knew his heart was finally at

When he came out Catherine had already
dressed up and was already in bed

“Don’t wait up for me” he picked up his phone
and left

Catherine bit her inner cheek and blushed,she
inhaled his scent that reeked from the sheets
and pillows before closing her eyes.



Tyson took a huge bite off the sandwich he was
holding and Mõ@ɲed in satisfaction

“Peace at last” he smirked and hummed

His sandwich suddenly fell when he got
dragged into a corner by someone.

That person didn’t let him see his face and
knocked him out immediately

★★★ ††† ★★★



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