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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 86

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THE X-FAMILY Story by Faith Lucky (Octavia and the Master)

Episode 29.

It was only for a second tho, as he continued walking almost immediately.

“You’re awake” he stated gruffly, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

Octavia nodded sightly and lowered her gaze to the floor.

Her hands itched her to hold her tummy, but she forced herself not to – at least not in front of him. She couldn’t tell why, she just suddenly developed a strong urge to hold it.

“How’re you feeling now?” He asked as he sat on tbe edge of the bed and Octavia felt the smoke from his cigarette choking her

“I’m… I’m fine now. Thanks”.
She reached for her almost -torn clothes on the bed and started dressing up so she could leave. And Khalid watched her keenly.

He knew she was uncomfortable by the smoke, but he wasn’t ready to take it out because he really needed it.

She stood up from the bed completely so she could arrange her clothes and when she was done, she stood to face him.

“I’ll… I’ll be in my way now” she said with a bow and turned around to leave.

But getting to the door and about opening it, Khalid stopped her .

“Hold on”

She stopped abruptly with her hand around the hinges of the door, then turned slightly to look at him. Why did he ask her to wait?

Khalid took another drag from his stick and puffed out smoke through his nostrils before standing up and walking closer to her.

Octavia felt a little nervous as he did. What could he possibly wanna tell her? Why did he ask her to stop?

She lowered her gaze to the floor as he got closer and stood in front of her – very close to her. The cigarette was still burning in his hand and they made Octavia so uncomfortable.

Slowly, he lifted his hand to her back and pulled down her shirt and that was when Octavia realised she hadn’t worn the shirt properly but had a little part hanging in the middle. Oh!

“Thank you” she told him, her voice as timid as ever.

Khalid scoffed and brought the tip of the cigarette close to her lips. What?

“Don’t you need some?” He asked sarcastically as he made it touch her lips, but Octavia only coughed and withdrew her face.

“I ..I don’t smoke” she answered shyly and stepped back a little

Khalid scoffed again and took more drags for himself, then released the smoke into the air towards Octavia’s face.

What the hell is he doing? She thought as she stepped back a little and coughed slightly.

Then Khalid grinned and finally put it out, throwing it on the floor.

“Sorry about that” he muttered and opened the door for her.

Octavia looked at him with a little surprise. He was really apologizing to her? Again?

She lowered her gaze to the floor.

“Thank you, Master” she stated shyly and finally left.


Becca walked into the room hours later, looking for Khalid.

Her eyes found the bed and it was looking so rough – so so rough, it only meant something had happened there.

Her brows knitted into a frown. Khalid was never the type to rumble his bed unless he was having s.ex. That b!tch!! Octavia was there again! He had taken pleasures from her body!!

“Becca?” Khalid called as he walked in from the balcony and she took her head from the bed to look at him

“H… hi” she stuttered lightly, her head feeling a little heavy as she tried getting over the sight.

“Is there a problem?” Khalid asked, sipping from his glass.
He noticed her eyes.

“Oh! Not at all! I just… I actually came to check up on you. You know, I’d come in a while ago, but the guards told me you were sleeping and didn’t want to be disturbed. So, I decided to check later” she explained with a feigned smile.

Khalid just nodded and walked over to his table to wrap some weed.

Becca watched him and armored him. Everything about this guy was so cute and bad boy-ish. More reasons she liked him.

She walked closer to him and hugged him from behind.

“Khalid…” She cooed with her head on his back. “I’ve missed you terribly”.

Khalid stiffened a little, then dropped his glass and turned to look at her.
She moved her hands down to his waist as he cupped her cheeks and stared keenly into her eyes.

As Khalid stared into her eyes, he felt something different. They weren’t blue – not like Octavia’s.
That shy innocence was lacking in her face – unlike Octavia.
Her eyes weren’t nervous and always trying to stare at the floor – unlike Octavia..

And that was when it occurred to him for the first time – he liked everything about Octavia. Her blue eyes, her shyness, her innocence and ignorance.

For a Master like him, he’s always thought someone like Becca was what he needed – a lady he’d be extremely hot and crazy and capable of doing wired things with him in public. He always thought he needed someone with a burning character to be with him.

But as he stared quietly at Becca with his hands on her chest, he realized he liked his shy Octavia.
Becca was becoming confused with Khalid’s quiet stare. At first, she thought he’d wanted to kiss her or perhaps, romance her. But he just kept staring at her.

“Khalid?” She called and he snapped out of his thoughts and let go of her cheeks.

Then, he turned around to face the table.

“I’ve missed you too, Becca. We’ll talk later” he answered simply and walked away with a lighter.

For a second, Becca was confused. But the next second, she was angry.

Anyways, not to worry. As soon as they get to camp the following day, she was going to have all the time in the world with him. And then, she’d work so hard to win back his heart and make him realize he was madly in love her.

Over there at the camp, it was against the rules for any of the Masters to mingle with any member of his clan – aside his girlfriend. Any Master caught breaking the rule by associating with someone else, it’d definitely affect his results and might even get him disqualified from the elections.

So, since Khalid really had his mind into the elections, she was sure he wouldn’t want to do anything that’d disqualify him, and with that, he was sure to stay away from Octavia.

For so many days, Becca would be the only one with him, for so many days, he wouldn’t see Octavia and she’d use that medium to get rid of that sick stubborn child.

She giggled to herself, her anger suddenly fading away.

In the next few hours, she’d take everything that was hers and make Octavia pay for ever trying to dig her gold.


Octavia stood in front of the window, just staring outside with her hand touching her tummy soothingly.

She couldn’t tell why she felt so weak – probably because it was camp and she knew she wouldn’t be seeing Khalid again.

There were so many people outside, all looking busy and moving their things into the buses .

Khalid and his close guards already left a while ago – including Becca. She had watched them leave and it hurt her a little to know last night would probably be their last time together – probably for a long time.

Perhaps, if she had known, she’d have spent enough time with him, or did soemthing else.

She recalled all the things he made her feel the previous night, the kisses, the huggings and all. That was the first time he ever made her feel so much pleasure from their intercourse. Could it be possible he had done it because he knew that would probably be their last time together?

Over there at the camp, she knew what would happen. He’d become so important and wouldn’t be allowed to associate with anyone else – aside Becca. She’s never going to be with him again.

She sniffed and looked down at her tummy. How did she fall in love with this guy?

“Octavia” she heard her name and turned to see it was Mica.
She had their luggages with her.

“Come on. Let’s go” Mica said and walked towards the door, while Octavia followed.
To Be Continued… . . .

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