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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? CHAPTER 98 & 99 ?



Henry maintained his gaze on Austin as he wait to hear what he will say.

Everybody has their eyes on him.

“The attack on the bridge, I was the one behind it… I’m sorry, I was foolish that time, you can choose to h@ťě me but”.

“Stand up” Hilliary cut him short.


“Stand up, I’m not angry with you Austin, I don’t even mind if you did something like that” Henry said.

Austin slowly stood up and Joyce moved to him.

“Austin, the one that exposed Lex?” She asked and Henry nodded.

” Thank you Austin” She said and hugged him.

Thomas smiled and pulled Austin into a hug after Joyce broke the hug.

” God will reward you for your good work, thank you” Thomas said.

Austin smiled.

“Sorry for hating on you” Blake said and Austin looked at him.

” It’s fine, it wasn’t your fault” Austin said.

” But how did you knew about lex’s plan?” Summer asked.

“I went to a club and I happened to came across him, he was standing some space away from me.. somehow I managed over head his conversation with someone on the phone concerning Henry.. I started following him since that day with the help of a micro chip I planted on his body but it got to a point I lost the connection with him and then Jaxon came into the picture” Austin said.. he continued from there and told them everything.

“Where is Jaxon?”.

“He went to hand over himself to the police”.

“Why didn’t you stop him?” Henry asked.

“He refused to listened to me” Austin replied.

“There’s no need doing what he did, since the other gangsters are arrested” Hilliary said.

“Visiting Lex tomorrow who is in?” Blake said.

“He disgust me now” Henry said.

“Are you okay now?” Joyce asked.

“Bit like I will continue in my pains, let’s go home” Henry replied and stepped down from the bed.

Summer hugged his arm and he quickly pecked her.

“Hey, we are here” Thomas yelled and everybody laughed.


? Young master is back

?Who else notice he is more handsome?

?Who is the guy with him?

?He is so young and handsome

?He is not dead

? I’m so happy

The maids started murmuring as Austin came out of the car with Collins.

“Welcome young master”.

“Young master”.

Collins exhaled and looked at the mansion.

“So good to be home again” Collins said and turned to Austin.

“Thank you bro” Collins said.

“You’re welcome” Austin smiled.

“Everything is over, I will visit that bastard tomorrow” Collins said.

“I will take my leave now” Austin said.

“Huh!! why?.. I want my parents to see you” Collins said.

“That will be next time, bye friend” Austin said and didn’t wait for him to say a word, he entered the car and drove out.

“He is so unpredictable” Collins said and smiled.

The maids kept talking about him, he smiled at them before entering the mansion.

“Collins” Vicky shouted immediately he stepped in.

“Mum” He replied emotionally.

Tears slipped out of her eyes and she ran to him.

She jumped on him like a baby, hugging him so tight.

Collins hugged her back and they stayed like that for five minutes before they broke the hug.

Collins started wiping her tears.

“Stop crying, I’m back to you” Collins said and Vicky hugged him again.

“How are you?” She asked after a while.

“I’m fine, Austin took good care of me” He replied.

“The one who exposed that criminal?” She asked and he nodded.

“I will make sure he rot in jail” She h@ťěfully.

Collins smiled.

“You emaciated” He said.

“Don’t tell you haven’t been eating? but Austin texted you that I was alive, why did you starved yourself?” He asked.

“He was the one who texted us?”.


“Where is Austin?” She asked eagerly.

“He dropped me off but he already left, I tried stopping but I couldn’t” He replied.

“I will go on my knees before him when I see him” She said and Collins laughed.

“I missed you madly mum, where is dad?”.

“Went for a meeting but he will be back today, he will be so happy to see you” She said.

“I’m going to cook for you today” She said.

“Really?” He asked happily.

“Yes, hug me again” She said and he excitedly hugged her.


Tiffany returned home after leaving the hospital… somehow she felt guilty, knowing she once did something like that to Summer.

“I’m not different from him” She muttered sadly.

“You betrayed Summer but you didn’t plan death for her” She remembered Hailey’s voice and smiled.

“Maybe” She said and came down from the car.

She entered the mansion and saw her mother in the living room.

She greeted her mother slowly and turned to the stairs but her mother’s voice brought her to a halt.

“My baby”.

Tiffany slowly turned. it has been a while since she called her that.

“My child I’m sorry” She said and hugged Tiffany.


“Forgive me child, I’m sorry” She said.

Tiffany sniffed and tighten her arms around her body.


Tiffany smiled beautifully, it feels good to reconciled with her mother.

She is brushing her hair after a warm bath.

Her phone started ringing on the stand and her eyes widened in excitement as she saw Saint name on the screen.. it’s has been long they talked.

She took the call.

“Tiffany” He called and her heart skipped a beat..

The way he called her name was so different that she wished to hear it again.

“Call my name again please” She said.

“Tiffany” He repeated and she smiled.

“Saint, I missed you” That was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

“Guess what?”.

“What?, tell me”.

“I’m in Cali right now” He said and she almost screamed.

“Really?, Oh my!!”.

“Come out I’m waiting for you at the gate” He said and her eyes widened.

“You’re joking?” She asked shockingly.

“I’m not, come out”.

Tiffany quickly run out to room, she got downstairs and dashed out of the mansion.

She went to the gate and opened it and truly there was Saint standing there.

She couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared at him, his handsome face.

“Saint” She called.

“Tiffany” He called and like that they started running towards each other.

They collided and Saint pulled her to himself.

They started staring at each other, Tiffany felt her heart beating so fast and the sparks she was feeling was making her body to react.

Saint brought his face closer to her and Tiffany looked at him.

He started leaning in and she found her eyes closing slowly.

Saint lips finally landed on hers.


Carolina eyes snapped opened and she stood up immediately.

Donald who was sitting on the bed with her moved his eyes towards her.

“Carolina” He called.

“Lex… where’s my son?” She asked and Donald looked down.

“Don’t tell me it’s true, Lex is not a criminal” She said and tears started coming out.

“I’m sorry it’s true Carolina, he is prison now” He said and Carolina broke completely into tears.

“Why? he promised never to turned a villain, he promised me, he has disappointed me..”.

Donald shifted to her and hugged her to his chest, her tears wetting his shirt as she cried.

“I’m sorry” He said and surprisingly she didn’t pushed him away.

“I want to see my son” She said and broke the hug. she immediately came down from the bed and rushed out.

“Carolina” He called and rushed out after her.


“Mum” Blake called as he got downstairs.

“Yes baby” She replied coming out of a room.

She looked at him.

“Aren’t you going to school today?” She asked.

“No” He replied.

“It’s still a surprise to me, Lex look so soft but inside he is a devil, don’t ever turn out like him” She said.

“I won’t mum, he disappointed me the most”.

“How is my boyfriend?” She asked and Blake groaned.

“Okay, okay” She said rolling eyes and Blake laughed.

“Henry is fine,it will take a while for him to get over it, it’s not easy to found out your best friend was your enemy” He said.

“Where are you heading now?”.

” To Henry’s house” He replied.

” Invite him over for dinner, I would have follow you but I have something every important to handle in the office” She said.

“Okay mum bye” He said and pecked her.


Lex has already been thrown into the cell.

Carolina got there with Donald and he was brought out.

Carolina started crying immediately she saw him, his untreated bruise face.

Lex felt an unending guilt and shame as he faced his mother.

“Lex” Carolina called in tears.

“Mum, I’m sorry” Lex said as tears escaped his eyes.

Saying he didn’t regret his actions would be a blatant lie, he was blinded by his obsession and allowed it to destroyed his humanity, he became something else the day he met the man who turned him into a monster.

“Sorry, will you sorry reverse your hideous actions, you almost ki||ed two people cos of a girl who doesn’t even love you, what were you thinking? that she will love you after you ki||ed them… I didn’t raised you this way Lex, where was your conscience” Carolina cried painfully.

“Lex” Donald called, feeling so ashamed of himself.

“I blame myself for being the worst father on earth and a worst husband.. I wasn’t there for you, I don’t deserve forgiveness from both of you” He said.

Carolina looked at Lex with disappointment written on her face.

” I lost you Lex, tell me what I should do, you didn’t even care about me” Her eyes turned red but tears kept flowing out.

“I don’t your forgiveness mum” Lex said in tears.

” Time up” A cop said and started taking Lex away.

” Mum” Lex called, crying as he was taken away.

Carolina watched as he was taken away and she fell on the ground and broke into more tears.

“I lost my only son”.


Summer stepped down the stairs till she got downstairs.

She came across Audrey who gave her a blank look.

“Good morning” Summer said.

“Collins is back, prepare for the engagement coming up next” Audrey said and climbed the stairs.

Summer laughed shortly.

“Did she left her brain somewhere?” She asked and laughed before leaving the mansion.

“She won’t get engage to Collins” James shouted.

“Why won’t she?” Audrey fired back.

“Cos she has a boyfriend already and she doesn’t even love this Collins of a guy, why are you so bent on getting them engaged, for money or what? I am filthy rich Audrey.. what did you want with the Hayes family?” James shouted.

“Everything, I want everything, I am doing this cos of you, don’t you want to repeat your position as the governor in the coming election, you know the power Steven holds in the government”.

“I appreciate your effort but I don’t need it, if I am going to repeat the position I will do it without Steven influence and know one thing, as long as I’m alive, Summer will only get engaged to one person and that’s Henry kitchen” James said and walked out.

“Really? Henry kitchen, you are dying soon James, I h@ťě you and the child I gave birth to for you” Audrey muttered with a poisonous look.


Blake, Hailey, Dorathy were in the living room when the twins came downstairs.

“Bro” Blake said and hugged the twins.

“Fake twins” Hailey smiled.

“Hailey” They replied.

“Henry” Dorathy said and moved to Hillary side.

“Bunny” He said and kissed her nose. Dorathy smiled.

The door opened and Summer walked in.

She ran into Henry’s arms, hugging him.

“Heartbeat” He said and she looked at him.

“Armor” She said beautifully.

“Stop acting cute” Hailey and Dorathy scoffed.

“Armor they are bullying” Summer pouted.

“Stop bullying my heartbeat” Henry said and everybody laughed.

“Hi everyone” Summer said and everyone nodded.

“Let’s go” Blake said.

“Where is Austin?”.

“He is taking over his father’s company today, he can’t come” Hilliary said.

“Woah!! he will become the youngest CEO in California” Summer said.


A black range over stopped in the company and Austin came out.

? It’s Austin

? The new president

Immediately cameras started clicking.

” How do you feel about this?”.

” I feel glad” Austin replied and started walking, the reporters tried following him in the guards stopped them.

” Oh!! my the new CEO”.

” I wanna date him”

” His black suit, he is so dashing”.

Austin kept smiling till he reached the floor were everybody was waiting for him.

They all stood up immediately he walked in.


” I greet everyone, my name is Austin Wilson, the new CEO and president of Wilson holding, I hope we cooperate together, I h@ťě laziness and corruption, see you all later” He said and entered his office.

” I love him already”.

” He is so cute and mostly he is single”.

” Look for someone else to crush on”.


Lex was brought the guys and made to sit before them,, they all had their eyes on him, giving him h@ťěful, glaringly and disgusting look.

“How dare you Lex?” Henry shouted ragingly.

” You bastard, back biter ” Hilliary yelled at his face.

Summer stepped in next.

” My heart chose to love Henry kitchen, did you think I would love you if you ki||ed him?”.

” You even had to involve my baby” Dorathy said hotly.

“We stayed for how many years in the school before Henry came back to Cali, why did you suddenly fell for Summer, I understand the heart can’t be controlled, but you turned into a villain, you were acting good while you were a monster, criminal Lex, I h@ťě you.. I should have known when you left us in the first place” Blake yelled.

” I thought ki||ing him will make us lose both”.

Suddenly Collins rushed into the room and before everyone could knew it, Collins threw a punch at his face.

“Bastard, you almost ki||ed me, thanks to Austin who saved me” He said and started punching him hard.

Henry pushed Collins away and grabbed Lex from him.

He threw Lex at the wall and his back collided with the wall.

Summer went to the wall and slapped Lex.

“That’s for trying to ki|| my baby, I f_cking h@ťě you criminal what makes you think you deserve me?”.

“Cos I love you” Lex yelled.

“Say that again”.

“I love her, I deserve her, I fell for her first” Lex yelled with his bloody mouth.

Hilliary held him and punched his jaw and pushed him to Blake.

“You deserve death” Blake said and punched him on the nose, his nose broke immediately.

“Cops” A cop shouted and the cops started running in.

They met the boys punching Lex so badly, they started pushing them away until they succeeded in pulling them away.

The cops started dragging Hilliary and Blake away.

“Good luck in jail” Hilliary shouted.

“Die in jail worst friend” Blake shouted.

Henry smirked at Lex’s face.

“Summer is mine, criminal, wait for our wedding announcement” Henry said and left the room with Summer and the girls.




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