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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?



CHAPTER 39 & 40
★. ★. ★. ★.


Jasmine groaned and opened her eyes,the sun rays pierced into her eyes as she was facing the window and she shut them for a moment before opening them again.

A hand gripped her hair roughly from behind and she winced in pain.

“Good morning sunshine” Rachel spoke into her ear and stood before her “Welcome back!” she smirked

“W..What do you want from me! Let me go!” she shouted with her heart racing

“Don’t worry I will let you go sweetheart,I will get rid of you soon” she laughed “But you know before I do that I want you to look at something

“Wh..What? What is it?” she looked at Rachel

Rachel chuckled and dragged her chair and turned it to the table with a laptop placed on it.She looked at Jasmine before pressing play on the laptop.

A video of Xavier and his men torturing Mr Hosten played,tears streamed down Jasmine’s face as she heard how her father begged for mercy and screaming in pain.

She couldn’t watch more and shut her eyes while her cheeks were wet with tears streaming down.

“Stop it’s enough!” she shouted with her eyes shut

“And here you are” she paused the video “Wanting to run away like a coward while that man ki||ed your father ruthlessly and now he’s scott free, pathetic! Boys you can come on now!”

Several guards that Jasmine had beaten up last night before escaping walked in ,some limping and some with bandages on

“You’ve been a very,very bad girl…and now they are going to repay you for what you did” Rachel spoke harshly and slapped her hard across her face before going out.

The guards walked towards her slowly like predators hunting for their preys

“We’re gonna dig this coochie deep!” one of the men said lustfully and they all bursted into laughter



Catherine breathed out softly and was about to turn when she felt a strong hand hugging her tightly.

She flipped her eyes open and looked at her surroundings,her eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall and it was already quarter to eleven in the morning.

“Gosh! Sofie is going to ki|| me!” she tried to get off his grip and throw his hand off her but he only held her tighter and snuggled closer

“Where are you going?” He mumbled grumpily

“I have to go,let go please” she whispered

“No” he finally opened his eyes and looked at her

“Please,my friend is waiting for me and —” she was cut off by his phone ringing on the nightstand

He let go of her and reached for his phone

“Speak” he spoke roughly into the phone

Catherine used that opportunity to get up,she winced and m*aned lightly in pain.Her whole body was in pain, especially her back.

She picked up her dress and wore it without her undies and rearranged her hair well.

“I’ll be there” Xavier said before hanging up

Catherine looked at him and bit her lower lip nervously

“Earlier on,you asked me to—”

“I know what I said Mi amor” he got up and stood stark naked in front of her

Catherine gasped and turned away from him “Cover yourself up .. please”

He chuckled and took his robe and wore it

“Look at me Kitten” he smirked

“Are you dressed?” she opened her eyes

“Yes now will you turn to me?” He arched his brow and watched as she turned slowly

He walked up to her slowly “I know what I said,do you know what your response was?”

She nodded slowly as he tucked her hair behind her ears and held her soft cheeks

“Are you sure about it?” He looked into her eyes

“I…i—” a knock interrupted what she wanted to say and she stepped back

“Sir,the car is here!” a man shouted outside the room

They kept mute and soon after they heard retreating footsteps

“I have to go!” she rushed her words and rushed out of the room

Xavier sighed and proceeded to take a quick shower and got dressed for his meetings

When he went downstairs he bumped into Miriam on the stairs.

“Ohh my goodness,sugar lips!” She smiled seductively at him

Xavier tried to ignore her but she blocked his way

“Why are you still here?” He frowned at her

“My my my,you look so segzy when you so serious,you know I’m here because of …” she rubbed her tummy “This baby,and you know if you hadn’t refused me…it would’ve been our baby” she smiled at him

He arched his brow at her “Would rather f-__-k a mouse then drown in that potholes” He said calmly and left her there fuming in anger

“He’s taking me for granted!” she stormed upstairs “I’m going to show him who—” she suddenly bumped into someone

“Aww! Watch it you sl*t!” Mrs Xuan fumed

“What? You take that back?” Miriam boiled in anger

“Ohh no I won’t! Don’t think that you won Miriam this is not over” Mrs Xuan pointed a finger at her

“Aww! Does it still hurt to lose your man to me?” she laughed and Mrs Xuan was about to pounce on her when Catherine cleared her throat behind them


Mrs Xuan cleared her throat and turned

“Ohh my dear” she turned to Catherine

“Umm I wanna plan Millicent’s birthday,and now I want to buy few things” Catherine eyed Miriam who smirked at her

“Ohh that it so thoughtful of you,her father and I just wanted to make a family dinner, something small but a party is still Okay” she smiled sweetly

“Okay,when I get back I’ll call you so you can keep Millicent somewhere so she won’t see and notice anything, please mom”

“Of course! Of course my dear!” she grinned

“I’ll be out now” she headed downstairs and rushed to her car and zoomed out

Sofie called and she immediately answered it

“Where are you Cathy? I’ve been waiting for over an hour!” Sofie exploded on the line

“I’m sorry, I’m almost there okay!” she hung up and stepped on it

When she arrived there she rushed into the store and searched for Sofie

“Cathy! Here!” Sofie waved at her while standing at the snacks area

“I’m so sorry friend! Something came up at home” Catherine rushed to her friend and hugged her lightly

“Wh@ťěver, let’s start here” Sofie threw some packs of chips in the trolley

“How do you think we should decorate it?” Catherine looked at her

“Can’t we just invite Leroy to do it for us?” Sofie arched her brow

“Well it’s not such a bad idea, I’ll give him a call” she threw more snacks into the trolley

“Did you order food already?”

“No, I’ll do it as soon as we’re done here”

“Okay,and i think you should invite more people,the more the merrier” Sofie smiled at her sheepishly

“Yeah! It’s gonna be fun!” Catherine squealed

“Fun indeed” she smirked “So what are you going to do about,you know..the two brothers” she whispered

“ I’m still thinking about it” she bit her lip

“Well think fast because I know that man doesn’t want to share you with his brother and Anderson doesn’t deserve this” Sofie stopped and examined Catherine’s reaction and she saw a hint of remorse in her eyes

“I know ,but this is confusing and frustrating!” she threw her head back

“Let’s go grab something after this” Sofie said Changing the topic while her heart was dancing inside


Catherine sneaked into the house and looked sideways to see if she could spot Millicent anywhere and luckily she didn’t ,meaning mom successfully kept her out of sight

They were done with everything and when she was on her way home she called mom to keep Millicent busy so she can sneak in with the presents she bought.

She made it upstairs and rushed into her room.

“Ohh hey” Anderson said while sitting on the bed typing something on his laptop

“Hey you’re back already!” she went to put the shopping bags in the walk in closet

“Yep ,I decided to knock off early” He closed his laptop “Umm Tessa,needed some …you know for her men..menstrur-a-tion earlier on so…I borrowed her yours, I’ll replace it tomorrow” He looked at her

“Umm okay it’s fine” she took off her jacket

“Coming to think of it,your date has long passed, you’re late” he arched his brow at her

Catherine felt nauseous all of a sudden and rushed to the bathroom to throw up

“Babe! Are you okay!?” He ran after her and was about to go in when she shut the door in his face

“Cathy talk to—” he got cut off by her throwing up and making sounds

“Is she… pregnant!?” He questioned himself


★ ★ ★ ★ ★



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