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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Rhema J ✨

Episode 48
“It’s you” Jordan said lowly

Snow immediately stood up and began bowing her head repeatedly

“I’m sorry the hall was too noisy and master Xian was wasting time that’s why I fell asleep, it’s the last time I promise” she pleaded

“Have your sit I’ll let this one slide” the female teacher said and faced the board

Snow sat down and turned to her side to thank the person but gasped

“It’s you” she said

“Hi, Snow right?” He asked and she nodded

“You’re the prince Jordan my friends are screaming about right?” She asked

“Yes” he nodded

“Oh my gosh I’m sorry I stole your horse I-

“It’s fine, I have a lot and after class I wanna give you something” he said

“Okay” Snow bit her lips and faced front

“What could they be talking about?” Lilith whispered to Mora

“Ion know but she’s lucky, I wish I am in her shoes right now” Mora gushed

“Babe” Lan frowned

“Oh I’m sorry you know you’re the best” Mora smiled and pecked Lan on the lips

“He’s just a freak in mask, what do you girls see in him!” Daniel scoffed

“He’s a cool confessor, he’s just my celebrity crush but he’s no where compared to you my handsome baby boyfriend” Lilith added when she saw Daniel glared at her


After class***

The girls rushed to meet Snow when they saw her came out of the hall

“So tell me what you two were talking about?” Lilith asked excitedly

“It’s plenty of gist,come let’s talk inside” Snow smiled and rushed to their hostel room

“Wait for me” Lilith and Mora rushed along behind her while the rest just chuckled from behind

“Okay remember when I told you guys about someone that helped me at a club and instead of thanking him properly I stole his horse?, Well he’s the guy” Snow said

Lilith and Mora gasped loudly

“Guess what Blake told me?, He said Jordan is their roomie and now they are at the cafeteria together” Selene said

“What?!” Lilith and Mora shouted

“Daniel didn’t tell me” Lilith pouted

“Haha” Ruby laughed

“Should we meet him?” Selene asked

“Absolutely, where’s Mabel?” Mora asked

“Out on a date with Eddy, it remain Snow I hope you and the prince-

Snow took a pillow and began hitting Lilith before she could finish

“Let’s shower together?” Elena asked

“On it” the girls said at once expect Ruby but however they dragged her along with them


The cafeteria is very noisy, prince Jordan is the talk of the school worst he’s sitting at the cafeteria with Daniel, Lan, Raphael, Ezekiel and Blake

“Okay you’re just cool” Daniel laughed when Jordan said something funny again

“Quick question what if a guy takes off your mask?” Lan asked

“What’s that!, Are you crushing on him now?” Blake laughed

“Dude show us something cool” Raphael said

“Watch this” Jordan smirked and looked at the waitress

“Get us your lunch special for free” he ordered

“Yes master” she nodded and started bringing the orders

“Woah” Lan exclaimed when he saw the food that was placed at their front

“Get us drinks” Ezekiel said but she never answered

“Get us drinks chilled one” Raphael ordered but she didn’t answer instead she kept on looking at Jordan

“I command you, get us drinks” Raphael said again feeling annoyed while Blake is trying to hide his laughter

“Listen to me I’m your boss and-

“Just give it up” Blake laughed while Raphael rolled his eyes

“Get us drinks” Jordan said and she bowed and went to do as he said

She came back with the drink and bowed, Jordan then snapped her fingers and she came back to her senses

“What am I doing here?” She thought and left

“Daniel” that was Lilith running to him, she immediately jumped on his laps and hug him

“Babe” Daniel cuddled her

“Meet my girlfriend Lilith” he said to Jordan

“She’s cute” Jordan said earning a glare from Daniel

“I am?” Lilith smiled

“Babe you’re cute too” Daniel said

“I know I believe you” she winked

“Hunny” Selene entered with Elena, she sat on Blake’s lap while Elena sat down on an empty chair beside Ezekiel, their eyes met and they smiled at themselves

“Your girlfriend?” Jordan asked Blake

“Yea meet Selene” Blake said

“She’s pretty” Jordan smiled

“Where’s Ruby and Snow?” Lan asked when Mora entered and sat on his laps

“Here” Ruby shouted as she just entered with Snow

Jordan turned like a slow mo to see Snow slowly entered the cafeteria looking as pretty as ever, he kept on staring till they got to his front

“Hey free chair” Ruby said using her powers to drag a chair and sitting beside Raphael

Snow also took a chair and sat beside Ruby

“This is Ruby and Snow” Blake introduced

“Nice to meet you both” he smiled and looked at Snow

“Nice to meet you again” he said

“Have you met before?” Daniel asked

“Yea it’s a long story” Jordan smiled and began telling them what happened

Some hours later***

Snow and Jordan were walking out of the cafeteria together, the rest where busy with their boyfriend, Elena and Ezekiel were gisting even Ruby and Raphael

“Um, I’ve never thanked you properly for helping me that day. Thank you” she said

“I told you it’s cool” he smiled and dipped his hands into his pocket bringing out her hairpin

“You left it and I vowed to give you back so??..

“You can keep it it’s cool, ion really need it” she shook her head

“Nonsense, it looks good on you” he hushed her and helped her wear it on her hair

“Thanks” she smiled

People passing kept taking pics of them

Mabel and Edward stopped at the front of the girls hostel hand in hand

“Can we do this again next time?” He asked

“Absolutely,it’s the best so far” Mabel smiled

“Am I allowed to kss you?” He asked again

“Dummy” Mabel chuckled , she made to enter but he pulled her back and captured her lips

It’s a short one but it’s the best for them

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he smiled after breaking the kss

Mabel won’t stop smiling, she held her chest and heaved

“How did you manage to tame me?” She asked herself

It’s evening already, Selene is the first to leave the cafeteria cause master Xian has request to see her

On getting to her hostel, she began hearing some noise like someone crying

“Huh?” She muttered to herself and decides to follow the noise,it’s coming from an empty room, she suddenly pushed the door opened and gasped

“Sis” she called in shock

Ariana stood up and wiped her tears

“What are you doing here?”

“You’re crying, are you..

“I’m fine” Ariana cut her off and made to leave but Selene grabbed her back

“You’ve really grown wings huh?” Ariana yelled

“Just for once open up to someone, tell me what’s bothering you and you’ll be fine” Selene said instead Ariana broke down in tears again

“I never wanted all this to happen, no one can help me now I’m doomed” she cried even more and sat down on the floor

“Talk to me Ari” Selene said, sitting beside her

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes and now it’s too late, I’m suffering, just leave me” Ariana cried

“Calm down and tell me, everything it’s not too late to amend” Selene said but Ariana never stopped crying

“Let’s go out of here, I promise to talk but not here I’m scared” Ariana said sniffing

Selene nodded and raised her up and they both stepped out of the school


Some mins later**

“You did all that cause of love?” Selene asked as both her and Ariana were taking a walk

“I was just stupid” Ariana said sadly

“Yes I admit you loved him at first but you allowed it to turn to obsession and now you’ve made a terrible mistake by working for the de.mons” Selene said

“That’s why I said you can’t help me, I’ve digged my own grave, I should have think twice before accepting the offer but o well I’ll die it’s sure” Ariana said with a sad smile

“Don’t give up just yet, I promise to help you, let’s talk to my friends this evening trust me they are understanding” Selene said and Ariana stopped and smiled

“Thank you Selene” she hugged her

“You’re my sis after all, I’ve always dreamt of this day a day like this” Selene said in tears

“I love you, I was just jealous” Ariana said

“It’s okay” Selene smiled

Ariana broke the hug and smiled

“Let’s hang out today, it might be my last day” Ariana said

“Stop saying that nothing will happen to you,it’s good as you open up if they wanna face you they’ll get through me” Selene replied

“Sure” Ariana laughed and cleaned her tears

They both went to the mall and shopped for different things together in all smiles after that they went to a restaurant, then a dance game show

They sat at the back and watched the people dance till darkness meet them

Both Ariana and Selene stepped out of the dance game show in laughter

“This is the best sister hang out time in my life, I can’t wait to do more” Selene said

“Me too” Ariana smiled and held her hand

“I have one more surprise, I’ve been thinking of how to give you hope you’ll love it” Ariana said and brought out a brown flute, she placed it on her mouth and blew it

Before Selene knew it someone grabbed her by the arm tight and Catylon appeared with a smile

“Good job Ariana” Catylon said and Ariana smiled

“What’s the meaning of this Ariana!?” Selene asked trying to break free from the de.mons holding her

“It means you’re a fool, you really think I’ll change just like that” Ariana smirked

“So you were playing me?” Selene asked trying to break free

“We are sisters how could you!?” Selene asked in tears this time

Ariana shook her head and moved closer to her

“Mom and dad lied to us,we aren’t sisters not by blood or anything, you’re a royal while I’m a nobody you have everything while I don’t, love you had, friends you had now this post to have. You’re the goddess daughter Selene a royal, a princess, someone that have a throne so why won’t I h@ťě you??” Ariana replied with nothing but pure hatred

“I thought you changed for real, I was happy that we get to bond, just that little bonding meant so much, tell me why!?” Selene said in tears

“Why?, I just h@ťě you and I h@ťě life I h@ťě nature,I h@ťě everything. If life and natured had played fair on me then maybe things might be different but no one cares about me, I fell inlove and no one cares. I h@ťě all of you and this is just the starting, I hope you have a nice time” Ariana said before slowly turning her back on Selene

“I love smart girls like you Ari, last mission the school key of initial” Catylon said, Ariana nodded and began leaving

“Ariana!!!!!” Selene yelled in tears making her freeze her tracks

“I curse you Ariana!, I curse you that the worst awaits you” Selene yelled

“I’ll meet you in hell or heaven first” Ariana smirked and left completely

“Let me go!, Let me go. You’ll all regret this I swear!!!!” Selene yelled in tears but the de.mons disappeared off with her.
To be continued

Episode 49

Blake had been pacing around his hostel with his phone on his ears, Lan and Raphael exchanged looks and sighed

“Maybe she’s still sleeping or bathing, you’re just worrying too much” Jordan said, coming out of the bathroom and drying his hair

“I know Selene very well she don’t take seconds to reply my messages, she never forgets to send me a goodnight message, I have every reason to be worried” Blake ranted

“Maybe her phone spoilt” Daniel said

“Forget it I’m going to the girls hostel” Blake hissed and barged out


Blake impatiently knocked on the door and it opened instantly

“Sele.. Mora paused when she saw it was Blake

“Where’s Selene?” He asked

“She didn’t return last night we thought she was with you” Ruby said coming out

“What?” Blake yelled

“Dmn she hasn’t been picking my call, where could she have gone” Blake said pacing up and down

The boys just got there

“Selene she-

“She’s missing” Lilith cut Jordan off and sighed

“Maybe we should inform master Xian” Ezekiel said

“Yea let’s go he was the last person that wanted to see her yesterday” Blake said and rushed to master Xian chamber

“I don’t like all this” Lilith hissed and followed behind with Daniel

“I have a bad feeling about all this” Elena said with a sighed and followed them lastly

Ariana just entered her hostel through the window and met Mirabel pacing up and down, once Mirabel saw her, she rushed to her

“Is it done?”

“Selene gone” Ariana smirked

“But her friends has all gone to master Xian, what do we do?” Mirabel asked

“They’ll be distracted then we strike, you’ll be on the lookout,I’ll block the school with the de.monic barrel so no one leaves, we must get the key of initial we can’t afford to fail” Ariana said

Mirabel smiled and nodded


Selene is chained to a chair, her hands waist leg everything were chained, she had dark circles around her eyes that showed she didn’t sleep at all plus her body is tattered and rough, she’s even sweating like she had been tortured

“How’s it going?” The commander asked Catylon who’s cooking something in a huge pot

“The girl is stubborn than I thought, she won’t talk and now I have no choice than to control her” Catylon replied

“What’s your plan exactly?” The commander asked moving close to her

“Once she take the control pill, we’ll have full access to her brain she’ll do wh@ťěver we ask without thinking twice, she’ll wake our prince ki|| that goddess and destroy every supernatural school” Catylon replied

“I’ll trust you in this but the key of initial if those girls fail us then we’ll use her to get it” he spoke

“But what do we do with the girls?” Catylon asked

“What do you expect” he smirked and Catylon smiled too


“Let me go, you’ll never get anything from me” Selene yelled and spit out bIood

Catylon came out holding a small plate and more than 20 demonic munk priest were following her from behind

“Since you’re too stubborn I’ll do it my own way” Catylon smiled when she got close to her

“Bastard” Selene yelled

“Yes baby, open up for me” Catylon smiled and grabbed her chin

Selene pressed her lips tightly together but Catylon used her claws, she pierced it into Selene cheeks

Selene shot her eyes tight as blood were licking from her face

“Open your mouth d@mn it” Catylon yelled and pierced it in even more

The pain is too much for Selene to handle so she whimpered a bit and this made Catylon take control. Catylon pressed chin tight and made her open her mouth then she forcefully made her take the pills

“What did you do to me?” Selene asked, trying to cough it out

“You’ll see” Catylon smiled and faced the monks

“Begin” she ordered

The priests began chanting something as their lips move Selene began feeling dizzy, seeing double and her head began pounding

“My head” she screamed and try moving her hand but it was impossible

“Stop it hurts”

“Stop what you’re doing I’m begging you”



“The de.mons have her” master Xian said

“What!” Blake screamed

“Oh no my baby are they gonna ki|| her and feed her bIood to that prince or have they-

“No I won’t believe it” Blake yelled cutting Lilith of

“Nothing will happen to my Selene” he screamed and rushed out

“Blake” they yelled and followed him from behind while Master Xian is still standing and looking in shock

“Finally it has happen,our main purpose for coming here has already happen” he said


Blake kept running, he is about reaching the gate but a strong force pushed him back

He moved again the same thing, Ruby drew out her sword and tried slashing pass it but the same force pulled her back

“Let’s all do it together” Lilith said

They all brought out their weapons and tried but the same force pushed them back

“Stop it’s a demonic barrel, it can’t break till 48hours, we have a snitch here” master Xian said

“So we’ll wait two days no way let’s keep trying” Blake yelled

“Keep trying, I’ll try mediating and see if it’s works” master Xian said and sat on the floor

He closed his eyes and a blue light covered him while the rest were trying to break the barrel

At the back of the compound Mirabel and Ariana could be seen sneaking inside master Xian chamber

“Be the look out I’ll look for the key” Ariana said and Mirabel nodded

Ariana entered inside and sighed

“Old man where did you hide it huh?, I must find it today or I’m toast” she thought as she moved in deeper and scattering everywhere


It’s evening already Selene eyes flung open and she sat up immediately, at this point she couldn’t process anything, her head is pure blank

“Master she’s awake” she heard someone say, then footsteps coming towards her could be heard

“Finally you’re awake” Catylon smiled, coming in with the commander

“Who are you guys?” Selene asked lifelessly

“Your master” the commander said

Selene rose up immediately and bowed to them

“Master how may I help you?’

“Come with us” Catylon said and left, Selene immediately ran after them

“Look, he’s your husband and someone put him to sleep, only you can wake him up” Catylon said

Selene didn’t respond she only stared at the guy sleeping on the bed, the priest began chanting and her head started spinning again

“Yes master” she bowed and faced the young prince sleeping

The commander brought out a spell book, he opened a page that’s full with gibberish words and gave it to Selene

“Use this spell, start now so he’ll wake up sooner” he ordered

“Yes master” Selene collected the book and sat on the ground

She closed her eyes and began chanting the spells, everywhere turned gold the room, the windows pushes open followed by strong winds


The huge strong wind pushed all of them back including master Xian, the sky has began changing colour

“What’s happening? Snow asked

Master Xian sighed and looked up

“The de.mon prince is waking up” he said

“What?!” They shouted

“Everyone to the hall and put on your fighting belt cause I have something big to announce” master Xian ordered

“But what about Selene?” Blake asked

“I’ll tell you just move to the hall this is important” master Xian replied

“Let’s go” Raphael grabbed Blake forcefully and they all went to their hostel to change to their fighting belt as master Xian said


The school hall**

The whole students are dressed in their fighting belt and were standing with their weapons

“Where’s Ariana and Mirabel?” Mora asked

“Who have time for those ones” Ruby hissed

“It’s strange they have been missing” Lilith said

Master Xian stepped in dressed to and heaved

“I gathered you all here to tell you that our main purpose for coming here has finally occur” he said and people began murmuring

“But I just got here” Jordan said to himself

“We are familiar with the cur$ed de.mon prince, that only a powerful royal can wake him up and unknown to us we have that royal here with us this whole while, unluckily the de.mons found out first and now they have took her, they will use her to wake their crown prince and ki|| the water goddess cause she’s her daughter then a dangerous war will occur, they would battle for the key of initial and once they have it, the de.mon prince would be able to unlock his father’s crown, evil will befall, there would be no one to stop them and it’ll be the end for all of us” master Xian said and swallowed nothing in particular

“Selene” Blake muttered as a tear drop fell from his eyes

“If we fail then I won’t see you again” Lilith said to Daniel feeling emotional already

“Come here” Daniel pulled her for a deep hug

“The end I’ve heard about it and it’s finally near” Mora said with teary eyes and hugged Lan tight

“I never get to find a cure to my problem” Ruby said, getting emotional too, she moved to Raphael and captured his lips not caring about the blood dripping from her mouth due to the terrible chest pains she’s feeling

“It’s not over yet no” Raphael shook his head

“If we don’t make it, just know I love you infact I love all of you” Ruby said and burst in tears

Blake is already sitting on the floor and crying

“Elena” Ezekiel called, and she turned to him with red eyes

“Incase we don’t make it I’ll like to confess now, when I told you there’s a girl I like, that girl is you. I love you Elena” he said with teary eyes

Elena let her tears fall freely. “I’m sorry now I won’t know if I’ll ever return your love back in the future” she said and hugged him

“No one gets to remove my mask but I don’t care, I’m already in love with someone” Jordan said, no one knows of he’s crying cause of his mask

Snow moved to him and hugged him in tears

“I love you Eddy, I hope I’m not late” Mabel smiled out tears

“Even if I die now this would be my happiest day” Edward smiled and pulled her for a hug

“Let’s all group hug” Mabel said and they all nodded

Edward raised Blake up and they all group hug

Dexton is crying at the back. “How will I tell you that I’m really sorry and that I really love you” he thought, looking at Elena who’s busy group hugging her friends

Some other students were crying too

“Now is not the time to cry, it’s the time to be strong, I’ll urge everyone to fight with all they’ve got and let’s stay positive” master Xian ordered

The hall students stopped crying and got serious

“They want war we’ll give them war” Blake thought

In not time thousands of de.mons have barged in the school

“Fight!” Master Xian shouted.
To be continued

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