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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Family tradition 1

Dorathy and David have been dating for over two years now And this year they decided to settle down.

Dora was received well by the family when she first visited, it wasn’t a secret that they all loved her.

Soon after the visit, plans for the weddings were made.

Dorathy and David were very happy on their wedding day as they displayed their dancing ski||s.

The day was over and the newly wedded couples head home, they would pass the night at David’s parents (Mr and Mrs Williams) mansion. It was a family tradition David said, “it is just for that night after that we can go home”.

They arrived the mansion, after a few minutes they went to the dinning room.

After dinner David’s mom asked Dora to help her in the kitchen.

While in the kitchen..
Dorathy stood at the right side of the kitchen counter, drying and arranging the plates David’s mom had washed.
A conversation ensued;

“You are a very beautiful woman, you must have taken it from your mom right?” David’s mom started the conversation.

” No, I got it from my dad” Dora chuckled after saying it.

” You must get complements of how beautiful you are regularly, your beauty was what captured my son’s eyes for sure”. David’s mom (Mrs Williams) paused, she took some steps closer to dorathy, placed both hands on her face and continued.

” You beauty caught my attention immediately I saw you that day, I really love you and I want us to have a special bond”. Her hands were reaching for Dora’s Břě@šťs.

” I don’t understand what you mean, I would appreciate if you stop touching me” dorathy forcefully removed her hands.

” Dorathy I thought you were big girl you should know what I mean, I want us to have a consensual séx affair” Mrs Williams replied.

” You’re my mother in law, I am married to you son for Christ sake. it’s a sin before God and man, I will pretend I didn’t hear any of that and go back outside” dorathy countered her.

David’s mom blocked her part, restraining her to a very small part of the kitchen.

” You are married to this family, you are our wife or didn’t David tell you? ” She asked.

” Tell me what? ” Dorathy quick replied.

Just as the conversation was getting heated up David’s dad walking in breaking up the conversation. Dorathy walked out of the kitchen with a transparent glass cup in her hands, she banged the hard as she left the kitchen angrily.

She stood behind the closed door with the cup pin to the door and listened to their conversation.

“You just have to hold on, we would all have our turn with her this night. You know it must be 12 Am when we do it”. Mr Williams calmed his wife.

” Instead of scolding me, why don’t you scold your son for not telling her why she’s here”. Mr Williams replied in an angry tone while leaving the kitchen.

As she pulled the door open the glass cup fell from dorathy’s hand making a loud noise as it shattered.

Dorathy ran upstairs to the room reserved for she and her husband, she grabbed her bag and hurried downstairs.

She tried pulling the front door but it didn’t budge, she turned back and saw the whole family putting on a black robe including David.

” Give me the key to this door or I will scream for help”. She said pointing her fingers at David.

“I should have told you before we got married, the Williams family is one of the most powerful and rich family in this country, whenever a soul is added to the family they must undergo the initiation process, it is custom for every member of this family to have séx with you by 12 am, that’s the only way our for fathers will accept you into this family, that is how we form a blood bond” he narrated

” I don’t want the marriage anymore just give me the keys, I won’t be part of this occultic practice”.

” There’s no going back my love”. He said, as he stepped close to her.

Dorathy leaned on the door to stop herself from falling as she was feeling dizzy, with her eyes slowly closing she uttered her last few words
“You drvgged me”

“Don’t worry you won’t remember any of this when you wake up in the morning” he replied.

Her eyes lids close.

David and his brother Steve carried unconscious dorathy into the initiation room while their parents followed behind.

They opened the room door and laid her on the bed. The room was decorated with black clothes and had lit black candles around the room.

They stepped out of the room, his father (Mr Williams) stepped in first and the rest of them went downstairs and waited for him to be done.

They took turns on her, from the father to the mother…

The next morning..

The morning light shone through the curtains, waking dorathy up.

Dorathy opened her eyes slowly, her eyes went round the room admiring the decorations.

The door screeched open as David walked in with a cup of tea.

“Good morning, my love” he greeted her, he drop the tea on a stool before hopping on the bed to give her a kiss.

” I don’t remember anything from last night, do you remember?” She asked.

” Of course I remember, we were all sitted in the living room watching TV before you slept off and i brought you upstairs” David replied.

He walked to the window and opened it.

” I am feeling pains all over my body, Did we have séx last night”

“Yes we did, I’m surprised you didn’t remember, I’ll leave you to freshen up, then you could take something for the pains”

David exit the room and shut the door behind him, his family members were outside waiting for him.

“So how did it go?” Mr Williams asked.

” She did not remember anything” David responded.

” That’s good, at least we did not have to dispose this one” Mrs Williams replied.
They all laughed maniacally and left

3 months later

David and dorathy have been living very well, dorathy has a supermarket which she manages.

Dora opened the door and walked in, David was on the couch watching a football game.

“Babe, welcome” David uttered before returning his attention to the TV.

” So how did it go?” He added.

” It went well, the Doctor said it’s a girl” she replied him.

His mood changed immediately, he tried hiding it with a weird smile, followed by an awkward silence.

” I am cooking something, go freshen up then come to the dinning room” he dismissed her quickly to breakup the awkward moment.

After she left, he picked up his phone and dialed his father’s number

“Hello dad, it’s a girl”. he said

” You know what to do, put the red substance in her food, by tomorrow morning she will have a miscarriage” his dad responded.

He hung up the call, walked into the kitchen and added the substance into her food.

“Babe, hurry up the food is ready” he spoke loudly.

©️ Christian Ngei Laleobe


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