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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Permit me to–”

“Permission granted”She cuts him off


“You can’t wait,huh?”Edgar smiled naughtily

“Get your lips down there, right now!”She said and he smirk before wiggling his tongue on her ćƖĩť for 20 seconds

“Gwad….f-__-k!”The unexpected tiny Mõ@ɲ escape her lips,due to the amount of pleasure that ran through her spine,

Using two fingers,he caressed the entrance of her ćƖĩť before he deeped those same two fingers into her hon*yspot,

“Ouch!”She Mõ@ɲed as he started going in and out of her, using his fingers,he kissed her pu**y with his fingers still doing wonders on her ćƖĩť,

“Your pu**y is tight, you are a virgin?”He asked

“Yes,am I, am glad you are the one breaking it”Charlotte said

“What about Hareton, did he–”

“I never loved him, I accepted to get engaged to him because of my dad, when he came back to claim me, I see no reason to accept him”Charlotte said

“I was even happy when he left the country”She added

“You will never regret it”He said

“Than… ouch!”She Mõ@ɲed when he added one more finger making it three fingers,

“It’s kinda painful right now”she said

“Don’t worry, you will get use to it”He said and gave her another th-ru_st using his fingers,

Charlotte pinched her eyes closed, she held the bedsheets very tightly,

Right now, his fingers was filled with her Coms,he brought it out from her pu**y, replacing her pu**y with her mouth,

Charlotte started licking his fingers like she would do to her favorite lollipop, she released her grip on the bedsheets and her eyes flew open,

“It’s sweet”she smiled naughtily

“Taste like what?”He replied naughtily

“Dunno–“She stop when he suddenly brought his fingers out from her mouth and claimed her lips,s**king back her sperm into his mouth which he swallowed

He broke the kiss

“It’s would be greediness if you enjoyed that alone”He chuckled and she smiled

He went down to her pu**y but this time with his tongue,he kissed her pu**y and bit her labial in the process,

Words alone could not express how that single act made her feel, it’s was as if she travelled to another planet called pleasure,

His tongues were gummed to her pu**y as he licks and s**ks on her ćƖĩť

“Let’s stop here”He said and stood up

“Why??”She asked

“Am still not ready to break your virginity”He said and she felt bad,a little

It’s made her feel as if he doesn’t have future plans for both of them,

Without saying a word, she stood up and completely pulled off her gown, remaining her in only her bra, she pulled off her bra too and started walking towards the bathroom,

Edgar’s spotted her standing Ɲīpplës and his eyes darkened immediately, he turned his gaze at her B-__-bs with lust surrounding those brown eyes of his,

Meanwhile, Charlotte already stepped into the bathroom, she turned on the faucet as water rain down her body, sounds of water hitting the floor were heard,

Edgar was still standing staring at the direction which she went into the bathroom,even though she wasn’t there anymore,

He began imagining s**King on her Ɲīpplës, playing with her B-__-bs, cupping her B-__-bs…..Gwad, that was the height of it,

He lost control and step into the bathroom where she was having her bath and hugged her from the behind,as the water drenched both of them

“What??”She rolled her eyes

“Don’t talk to me that way,else I will cry”He said and that alone made her blush,

He brought his hands up so his hands could touch her Břě@šť,

“Why didn’t you want to have s*x?”She finally asked the question that was bothering her,

“So I could learn new s*x styles”He smiled naughtily and she giggled,

“I was just afraid, it’s hurts alot and I h@ťě seeing you in pains”He said

“Aww”She blushed

“Let’s do it tomorrow night, I will bear the pains”She said,

“Don’t you worry, tomorrow is enough time to learn new s*x styles”He smiled

“You are funny”She said

“Enough…. let’s get to business”he said calmly and squeezed her B-__-bs,

“Mm….”She Mõ@ɲed silently

He cupped her B-__-bs from the behind and planted an hickey on a sensitive part on her neck, which made her released a slight Mõ@ɲ again,

He travelled to her front and took one of her Ɲīpplës into his mouth, while using his thumb to caressed her other Ɲīpplë,

He kept s**King like a toddler, she threw her head backwards as the water coming from the shower drenched their body, making it more steamy,

“You s**k like a toddler”Charlotte said, more sounding like a Mõ@ɲ,

“That’s because am your toddler”He disconnected his mouth from her Ɲīpplës, and said

He took in her Ɲīpplës back into her mouth and started s**King, blessing Charlotte with showers of pleasure



Charlotte’s eyes flew open and as the rays of sun hits her eyes she closed it back and she rolled herself to another corner of the bed, she yawned!

She opened her eyes again and raised up the duvet, she found out that she was still naked, she remembered last night with Edgar and smiled,

To think that he’s now hers made her more happier, that she could dash you her car if you ask for that right now,

“You are mine forever,Edgar”She smiled

“But where is he?”She asked herself, she was so engrossed with happiness that she didn’t notice he wasn’t on the bed,

She came down from the bed and wore her P@ŋtîēṣ before putting on a lingerie, not a too segzy one though,

She didn’t bother to brush, seeing his face is all she needs right now,

She met him in the living room, discussing with Holo,

“Eddie”She smiled

Edgar smiled and Walk towards her,he palmed her cheeks, he took parts of her hair and hid it behind her ear,

“You are awake”He smiled and she nodded, blushing very hard,

He claimed her lips immediately and that moment Thomas came in, Edgar perceived his scent and broke the kiss,

“Thomas I–”

“I know, I know, you guys are dating right?, that’s why you guys didn’t let me have a good sleep last night,huh?”Thomas said and they smiled including Holo,

“I was discussing something with Holo, before you guys came in”Edgar said and they all walk to sit on the sofa, Charlotte sat beside Edgar, linking her arms with his

“Here,Grace Lincoln”Edgar dropped the iPad on the table in the middle of the sofa’s,

Thomas took it, staring at the picture of a lady in her early 40’s

“She’s running for mayor and in other to make sure Byram doesn’t win,we need to help her”Edgar said

“Yes, that’s true”Thomas said dropping the picture on the table, Charlotte took it this time

“She’s pretty”Charlotte said

“Heard she visits the temple almost every day”Holo said,

“Let’s visit her–“Edgar said

“Our own way”Thomas completed and they smiled

“We are still organizing the small party, right?”Charlotte suddenly ask

“Yes,of course”


A slender lady in her early 40’s stepped out from her mansion, looking pretty,her being the most pretty in Florida can be argued,

That’s Grace Lincoln, one of the powerful women in Florida, Tallahassee.

“I need only twenty guards, am visiting the temple”She said,

“Okay, ma’am”The senior guard said

Four guards entered a car till they were up to twenty,Grace Lincoln shares her car with no one, only the senior guard which is also her driver,she was in the middle of the cars,

While they were riding to the temple,the last car broke down, the guards had to come down to know it’s problem

“The last car broke down,we will join you guys after we are done fixing”A guard reported using his walkie talkie,

Just then four shots of tranquilizer was shot at the four guards,

Thomas rode his bike pursuing the others,he was putting on an helmet,he shot at the tyre of the car and it’s came to an halt

“I think we’re being attacked!”A guard announcing using his walkie talkie

“Go after him!”The senior guard announce when he saw Thomas riding away

The four guards who’s car’s tyre was shot join the other four and the hot chase began, right now, it’s remaining eight guards

The senior guard was driving the car, Grace was in,so he brought out his gun ready to $h00t,

Immediately, Charlotte stopped her bike in front of them, she was rocking all black with an helmet covering her face,

Charlotte shot at the tyre’s of the guard’s remaining two cars, the guards came down from the car as they take cover while $h00ting at the her,

The senior guard used the opportunity to zoom off with him and Grace in the car,

“What was he thinking?,he over smart me?”Charlotte scoffed as she ducked all bullets sent to her,

“It’s time to go babies”Charlotte winked at them though her helmet was still on, she zoomed off

“Go after her!”A guard screamed and they entered their car chasing after Charlotte, but before they could even bring the cars engine to life, Charlotte was nowhere to be found

Meanwhile, the guards was still giving Thomas a hot chase,he was $h00ting at them but the driver wasn’t a simpleton,he was ducking all bullets

“No one is smart when it’s comes to me”Thomas said and shot at the car windscreen, without wasting time he shot at the tyre, the car screech to an halt

Thomas smirked and zoomed off

“What was that?”Grace held her chest, breathing heavily as she speaks, the senior guard was driving her to a safer place

“We are being attacked, My Lady”The senior guard said

“Byram!”Grace folded her fist

“Do you think he’s behind this?”The senior guard said,he was close to the lady,so he could speak informally to her sometimes

“Who else?”Grace rolled her eyes, just then a hand shot a tranquilizer into the senior’s driver neck,

Fear gripped Grace when she saw a male figure behind her through the front mirror of the car

“How…. how…”

“Don’t panic”Edgar smirked, using his Powers, he stopped the moving car


“why did you bring me here?!”Grace yelled

“Don’t yell at me, because am not being harsh?, I can ki|| right now and no one would know”Thomas yelled back

“Easy “Edgar said

“She should borrow some manners”Thomas said

“Am sorry…why did you bring me here?”She said calmly

“Wants to help you win the mayoral election”Edgar said and she bursted out in laughter

“Win…. what?, do you think the mayoral election is a joke?”Grace asked admist laughter

“You listen to news,right?, you saw how we won Charlotte’s murder case, the gas exposure?,we were behind it”Edgar said and Grace gasp

“Just one video, that’s all it would take”Edgar smirked

“What would do with a mere video?”Grace asked

“Work with us and find out, you in?”Edgar smirked

Grace looked at Charlotte,then turn to look at Thomas before looking at Edgar

“Am in”She said


Ryan and Isabella was acting all lovey and dovey when, Francisco, Andrew, Shirley and Princess walked in

“Guys!”Ryan smiled

“Get outta of that bed let’s go complete the game”Francisco said

“It’s breaks my heart seeing you that way”Andrew said,

“Awwn”Ryan muttered

“Bro”Princess said and hug him with a smile, Isabella shot her a glare

“What??”Princess asked

“You are hugging him so tightly, what if he suffocates to death?”Isabella said, obviously she was jealous,

“He might be your boyfriend but he’s still my brother, stop being jealous, it’s annoying”Princess rolled her eyes and Ryan pushed away

“You don’t speak that way to my heartbeat “Ryan said

“Now you choose your girlfriend over your sister?”Princess scoffed, but he glared at her

“Single me”Shirley smiled

“Am here”Francisco said and she rolled her eyes

“Wh@ťěver,why aren’t you picking your mom’s calls?”Princess asked

“You don’t pick up your mom’s calls?”Shirley gasp

“He also banned her from coming to see her,who those that?”Princess asked and rolled her eyes

“Me!”Ryan said


“You ask a question, that’s my reply”He caught her off,

“I thought am the only crazy one”Francisco smirked

“Andrew,why silent?”Princess asked

“The odour oozing out from your mouth won’t let me talk”Andrew said and they bursted out in laughter,

“Don’t insult me!”Princess yelled

“Am not mad, only a mad man would insult a monkey”Andrew scoffed, that made everyone laugh more hard

“So asking a question is now bad,right”Princess said angrily,

“It’s not”Andrew said and hugged her, she blushed

“I was joking”Andrew added and she blushed really hard this time, she was smiling too


“Guys,we are getting discharged tomorrow”Ryan said,

“Yeah hhh!”They’ll screamed



Charlotte and Jennie screamed as Thomas popped the Champagne, some content of the Champagne popped up, in form of bubbles,

“Happy freedom!”Jennie screamed

“Really?”Charlotte chuckled

“Wh@ťěver, am happy you are free now”Jennie said

“That’s all thanks to you”Charlotte smiled

“Apart from being a sl*t, she’s also smart”Thomas smirked and Jennie shot him a glare,

“Don’t glare at me!”Thomas yelled

“You??, I can’t see anyone, Charlotte please can you see anyone?”Jennie act like she isn’t seeing Thomas

“Jennie! don’t act funny, Thomas is standing few distance far from you”Charlotte said

“Oh… this pig??, first time seeing a pig talk”Jennie rolled her eyes, Charlotte bursted out in laughter,

“Me??a pig??”Thomas scoffed

“It’s okay guys, just stop!”Charlotte said and they began glaring at each other

But slowly while staring at Thomas’s face, Jennie found herself smiling and blushing, just when Thomas was about saying something, Edgar showed up

“Am here, needed to freshen up”Edgar smiled

“Let’s the party begin”Thomas yelled pouring the Champagne into everybody’s goblet, Edgar took one of the goblet on the table, Thomas poured some content of the Champagne into his goblet

“Can’t wait for tonight”Charlotte winked at Edgar and he claimed her lips,no one touched each other, just there lips on each other

Thomas stared at them, he felt bad, he’s trying to ki|| those freaking feelings he has for her, but it’s isn’t working,

Slowly, his jealous side started kicking in, thr_@tening to take the best of him,

Jennie on seeing how Thomas was staring at them, didn’t feel good about it so she walked to Thomas

“I know you love her, but she loves someone else,why not give up on her?, they’re many fishes in the river,forget about her, find someone who would helped you f-__-k off your feelings for her,stop dwelling in jealousy”Jennie said in a low tone that Edgar and Charlotte didn’t hear her

“What–“Thomas gasp

“Can I heal you?”She asked and without waiting for his reply, she slammed her lips on his, Thomas’s eyes widened

But that was for awhile,he started responding with a smirk,

“f-__-k!”Edgar gasp

“What??”Charlotte asked, but her curiosity cleared when she saw Thomas and Jennie…..








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