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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Their palms met with each other,they hold their palms tightly as their blood mixed with each other.


Two stretchers were pushed into the hospital by nurses,while Stella run after them,holding the edge of Ryan’s stretcher

“No this can happen to me,Ryan!, please wake up,don’t die”Stella cried,

Ryan and Isabella were pushed into the OR,Stella made to join them

“No,ma’am,you aren’t allowed in there”A nurse block Stella from entering,

“That’s my son,I need to make sure he’s alright”Stella cried ,

“Calm down,you still can’t be allowed”The nurse said and shut the door,

“Ryan! Ryan!”Stella screamed

“Where is my daughter?,where is she?”Grandma kate asked the nurse she met,her expression could only say one thing,worriedness!

“Her name,ma’am?”The nurse asked

“Isabella Godson,that’s her name”Grandma kate replied,

“Okay,she’s in the OR for an emergency surgery,she was involved in an accident”The nurse said

“No,No,not my daughter”Kate said

Stella spotted kate and marched angrily towards her,

“How dare your daughter try to ki|| my son?!”Stella yelled angrily,

“Don’t try put the blame on my daughter,you slut!”Kate yelled

“Your daughter is the cause,she is the cause of everything!”Stella yelled

“I don’t have your time now,when I have,you will know”Kate said and made to leave but Stella grabbed her hair and pulled her back

“Leave my hair,you slut!”Kate yelled

“Shut up you old woman”Stella said,by now people were already paying attention to them

“If you don’t let go of my hair in the next 50 seconds,i swear I will show what this old woman is capable of”Kate said,

Kate may be old but she’s still very hale

“Do your worst,old woman”Stella fired back,people were already making videos of them,

“Okay,you asked for it”Stella gnash her teeth before raising Stella up,she let go of her and Stella landed on the floor with a loud thud

“AHH!”Stella winced

Kate stepped on her tummy,

“Am still that old woman to you?”Kate asked

“No,ahh!!….my tummy hurts!”Stella cried in pains


Stella raised her head up and her hair flew back to her back,her face was covered with water,seems she poured water on her head since she was in the restroom,

“How can that old woman be so strong”Stella said

“I won’t let this slide,I would get back at her”Stella folded her fist,almost immediately,her phone rang,

Dad,was on the caller’s id,she swiped the green icon,

“Hello,Dad!”Stella said

“What do hell have you done?”Lorenzo yelled

“What’s wrong father?”Stella asked

“A video of a old woman beat up the daughter of a presidential candidate?”Lorenzo asked

“Dad,look,I can explain”Stella said

“Come,right here and explain”Lorenzo said and hanged up

“$h|t!”Stella cussed


Everyone was seated as usual on the dinny table,Lorenzo has an angry look on his face,

“Dad,that’s all that happened,she’s the one at fault here”Stella said

“How we gonna solved this issue now?”Byram asked

“Come on,it’s not a big deal,it’s would die down sooner or later”Hareton said

“Don’t you know the presidential election is fast approaching?”Byram asked

“Worry about yourself,Grace Lincoln may win the mayoral election,who knows?”Evenly rolled her eyes

“Am not that daft,a woman win against me?,that’s crap!”Byram said

“Enough!”Lorenzo yelled and everywhere become silent,

“Stella have you heard from Luna?”Lorenzo asked

“Yes,the Job was successful,haven’t the president called you?”Stella asked

“He haven’t,i should be expecting his call then”Lorenzo smiled,almost immediately Lorenzo’s phone rang,

“It’s the president”Lorenzo smiled

“Hello,president”Lorenzo smiled

“Am sorry for blaming you for the gas exposure incident”Roman said

“It’s nothing,I would have act more rash,if I were in your shoes,am glad you realized it’s wasn’t my fault”Lorenzo said

“Okay,I will help you win the presidential election,you don’t have to worry about anything else”Roman said

“Thanks,president,words can’t express how happy I am,am so happy,president”Lorenzo said and Roman could imagining him smiling,Roman chuckled

“It’s nothing,the people need good and able men like you”Roman said

“But there is bad news”Roman added and from his voice,you could notice how sad he was,

“What is it?”Lorenzo asked

“Your personal bodyguard,Luna was shot”Roman dropped the bombshell

“What… Luna was shot?,no,that’s a lie,I saw her couple of hours ago”Lorenzo pretended

“Actually,it’s happened…. Forget it,let’s meet”Roman said,

“Okay president”Lorenzo hanged up

“He fell for it,he fell for the trap”Lorenzo smiled

“I told you it would work,Dad”Stella smiled

“Emm…..Byram,you need to keep yourself free from anything that would cause harm to the mayoral election,we have the president on our side,now”Lorenzo said

“Yes,father in law”Byram replied

“Let me go see my son at the hospital”Byram stood

“Don’t dare me!,he’s not your son!”Stella yelled

“He’s my son,nothing you say,can change that!”Byram yelled and walk out angrily,

“That fool,did he ever contribute anything to his growth,i was the one who feed him,clothed him, I raised him on my own!”Stella lamented


“Grandma,you are superhero”Ryan threw his fist in the air,the surgery was successful and they wake up after six hours,it’s wasn’t that fatal,right now,he’s currently watching the video of what happened between his mom and Grandma kate,

“Am sorry I did that to your mom,she’s stepped on my nerves”Grandma kate said

“Am not blaming you,Grandma”Ryan smiled

“Ahh!”Grandma kate said,offering Ryan a spoonful of spaghetti,Ryan ate and started chewing

“You are the best,Grandma”Ryan said

“Grandma,feed me too”Isabella pouted sadly

“I need to take care of my son in law”Grandma smiled and Ryan blushed

“But am hungry too”She pouted sadly

“We are here!!”Shirley screamed,Francisco,Andrew,Shirley and princess walked into the ward,

“Shirley!”Isabella gushed happily

“Isabella,what happened to my baby?”Shirley rushed to her,

“I will leave you guys to have fun”Grandma kate said

“No,Grandma,don’t go”Ryan pulled her back

“I need to go back to my business,son in law”Grandma kate smiled

“Son in law?”Francisco and Princess asked at the same time,

“Yes,he told me he’s dating my daughter”Grandma kate said

“You are so dead, how dare you hide that from me”Francisco said dragging up his sleeves,Andrew was doing same

“Guys,calm down,I was planning to tell you guys,later on”Ryan said

“Just get discharged from the hospital and await your punishment”Andrew smirked

“Babe,am hungry”Isabella pouted

“Isn’t that food in front of you?”Shirley asked

“Not that kind of food”Isabella said

“Which kind of–“Shirley stopped talking when Ryan slammed his lips On Isabella lips,

“Hey,don’t do that in front of me”Francisco said

“I didn’t know she was this naughty”Andrew said

Princess was already imagining it to be her and Andrew,kissing in a beautiful garden with fireflies hovering around them

Andrew broke the kiss

“Can I kiss you again?”He asked with a cute smile

“Yes,you can,you can kiss me!”Princess screamed out loud


“f-__-k!”Princess whispered to herself with a funny look on her face

“It’s nothing”She said


“All rise”The familiar voice sounded and everyone stood up,a female Judge walked in with her two male assistant,

Immediately she sat down,everyone sat down too,many reporters were present

“This is the second hearing of the murder of mr &mrs Bronte”The judge said

“Defendant counsel,you may begin”The Judge said,

“Yes,your honour”Jennie stood up

“I did a little investigation and found out that Clifford Bronte was ki||ed with a gun,where as,my client can’t handle a gun”Jennie said

“Objection!”Hareton stood up

“Overruled”The Judge replied

“Thanks,your honour”Jennie bowed shortly before she continued…

“You may ask her”Jennie said

“Defendant,is it true that you can’t use a gun?”The Judge asked

“Yes,I don’t know how to use a gun”Charlotte replied

“Defendant council do you have a witness that would testify that she doesn’t know to use a gun?”

“Yes,your honour”Jennie replied

“Witness get ready to testify”the Judge said

Blake stood up admist the audience,he smiled at Charlotte and she returned the smile

(For those that forgot,Blake is Charlotte’s manager in the movie industry)

“Witness,take an oath”The Judge said

“I solemnly swear to say nothing but the truth under the pains and penalities of perjury”Blake swore with a opened book placed on his right palm and his left hand raised in the air

“Witness you can testify”The Judge said

“Have known Charlotte for a long time,she doesn’t know how to handle a gun and she never bothered learning”Blake said

“Defendant counsel,you may go back to your seat,Plaintiff counsel you may cross examine the witness”The Judge said

“Yes,your honour”Hareton stood

“Witness how are you sure,she doesn’t know how to use a gun?”Hareton asked

“Because I worked as her manager for ten years”Blake replied

“That’s doesn’t gurantee that you know everything about her”Hareton said

“You are right,I don’t know everything about her but her not able to handle guns was obvious that she doesn’t acts scene with guns and she never use guns for hunting,she makes use of arrows,though she wasn’t good at it but has always wanted to learn how to use it”Blake said

“Plaintiff counsel have you ever seen her act a scene with guns?”The Judge asked

Hareton wanted to lie but at a second thought he decided not to,since there is no way he would get the evidence

“No,I haven’t see her act movies with guns”Hareton replied,dejectedly

“That means the testimony of the witness is considered worthy”The Judge said

“Plaintiff counsel,do you have anything to say?”The Judge asked

“No,that’s all,your honour”Hareton said

“Before the ruling is announced i would like to say something”Jennie said

“Go on”The Judge said

“Thanks,your honour”Jennie bowed

“My client has been in a lot of troubles lately, all because of the false accusations labelled on her,she lost her parents and was accused for her parents?,you all know how that could hurt,I did so many investigations and find out that her finger prints wasn’t on the gun,found at the crime scene,her career is almost ruined all because of the false accusations,she spent one month hiding,and came out to face her fears,would a murderer do that?,if she was to be a murderer, a month is a big space of time to escape from this country,but she didn’t escape and took the courage to face trial with hope that Justice would prevail,I wish for her honour to consider that when annoucing the ruling”Jennie bowed

By now everyone was already emotional,the reporters hands never left their keyboard,creating different articles about the case

“Here is the ruling,Charlotte Bronte,who was accused of murder,took the courage to face trial,all the evidence was in her favour,therefore Charlotte Bronte is not guilty of the crime labeled against her”The Judge said

Edgar and Thomas smiled,Charlotte and Jennie was smiling at each,with only one sentence beaming on Charlotte’s eyes,

“Thank you”that’s the two word,you could see when you look directly into her eyes,

Hareton ruffled his hair in anger,Byram and Stella smirked,


Charlotte stood nakedly in the bathroom as the water showered on her,

She was released and was able to go home with Edgar and Thomas,right now she is the bathroom,since she never heard a proper bath back in the prison,

At last she was found not guilty!

Her mind went to Edgar and she smiled,she wanted to confess her feelings when all this is over,but right now,she can’t wait anymore

She badly wants to make him hers,


“Can I come over some other time?”Jennie voice sounded from the background,

“Sure,you can!”Edgar replied,he was on a call with Jennie,

“Thomas lives with you guys,right”Edgar could imagine her biting her lips

“Not really,but he comes every weekend”Edgar said

“Sometimes he decides to stay in his mansion,sometimes he stays with us,he mostly stays with us,though”Edgar replied

“Then I would come during weekends”Jennie said

“Why?,your reason for coming is Thomas,right?”Edgar smirked

“Bye”Jennie hanged up

“Eddie!”Edgar heard Charlotte’s voice,he turned to see her smiling,

Thomas came out,his right hand was holding his phone while his left hand was holding a bottle of wine,

“Thomas when are you going back to your mansion?”Edgar asked

“Not soon not later,in fact I don’t know,I may never go back,it’s boring living alone,but why the sudden question?,you wanna chase me out?”Thomas said

“No,someone was asking”Edgar said

“Who?”Thomas asked

“Never mind”Edgar replied

“I really know about the feeling of living alone,too boring”Charlotte nodded her head as she speaks

“Yeah,no one knows the feeling better than I do”Edgar said


“I live 130 years alone,don’t argue with me”Edgar said,

“Wh@ťěver”Charlotte made a funny look,

“We should celebrate Charlotte freedom”Thomas said,

“Yeah!!”Charlotte screamed

“Let’s do that tomorrow,so we can invite our smart lawyer,Jennie”Edgar smiled


Edgar sent to Jennie

Meanwhile,after reading the message,Jennie threw her phone and started bouncing on her bed happily,

“Off to my room”Thomas said and left

“Am becoming bored”Edgar said

“Let’s take a walk then”Charlotte suggested

“Sure”He replied and like that they left the mansion as they stroll through the roads of Tallahassee,

“Edgar”She called in a low tone and he faced her,he stop walking,she held her two palms

“Have been wanting to tell you this after everything is over but I don’t think I can keep it anymore”She said


“Am madly in love with you Edgar”She cut him off and he felt a lump in his throat

“Don’t love me”He said and she almost fainted

“Why??”She asked and his eyes beamed gold,all the moving things got freeze on the spot

“Look around you,what do you see?”,he asked In a normal tone,not loud,not low

She look around and found out that everything, objects and humans were all frozed on their spot,

Nothing was moving,except for these two standing at the roadside,

“I don’t care!,I don’t care if you aren’t human,in fact I h@ťě humans”,she blurted out and his eyes widened

“Don’t love me…. Am not human,don’t–”

The rest of his words were swallowed by him, as she slams her lips on his,

Fireflies,green in color surrounded them immediately,witnessing the sight

After some minutes she broke the kiss,but he grab her waist and pulled her into another kiss,like that they teleporated,

Immediately they left everything turned normal again,objects and humans started moving again,

Meanwhile,they landed on the bed in Edgar’s room,Charlotte broke the kiss

“I can’t hide and deny my feelings anymore,I love you too,Charlotte”He said and they started kissing again,

Charlotte unbutton is shirt and pulled it off in just five minutes,

He left her lips and started planting hickeys from her neck down her B-__-bs,cold shivers of pleasure ran through Charlotte’s spine as he did wonders with his lips

He pulled up her gown and removed her P@ŋtîēṣ,her neat shaved P@ŋtîēṣ came to view

“Permit me to–”

“Permission granted”She cuts him off







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