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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 77 & 78 ?



“f_ck!” Leonardo groaned.

He tried standing up but he fell back again, hitting his nose on the ground.

“Ahhh…” He Mõ@ɲed painfully and his nose became red as a result of the hard fall.

The twins stood outside and kept laughing at him.

“This is just a warning” Henry said.

Let’s go in and warn him” Hilliary said and they went in.

Leonardo who is trying to stand, smiled immediately he saw them.

” Henry help me up” Leonardo said.

” I should help you up, aww” Henry mocked.

“What??, help me up” Leonardo yelled.

” This is just a warning” Hilliary said.

” Wait you guys are behind this?” Leonardo asked.

” You’re so smart, yes we did it to serve as a warning to you, stay away from Summer, I saw you looking lustfully at her in the class, you even tried harassing her in your office, did you really think I was serious about linking you to her, you can f_ck all the girls in this school but don’t….”.

” Don’t touch the lord anointed, avoid any girl name Summer and Dorathy” Hilliary smirked.

” How dare you two?” Leonardo asked angrily.

” How dare we?” Henry said sarcastically, sharing a look with Hilliary.

” So sorry Mr Leonardo, you are stuck on the chair, super glue teacher” Hilliary said and they laughed.

Leonardo gritted his teeth, staring at them angrily.

” I will teach you both a lesson” Leonardo shouted.

“Should we upload the video?” Hilliary said and showed him the video.

“Imagine what this will do to you..”.

Leonardo eyes widened and he started shaking on the ground.

“Please! don’t leak out the video, I’m ready to do anything to safeguard my reputation, I will lose my certificate if this video get to the public”.

” You should have thought about that before turning into a pervert of a teacher”.

” We will tell you what to do next, enjoy your time on the ground” Henry said and went out with Hilliary.

” What did I get myself into?” Leonardo said regrettably.


Some security took out Leonardo out of his office, they held the chair side by side as he is still stuck on it.

As the securities started taking him to the school clinic, students started coming out of their classes to watch.

? What the f_ck is going?

?Our new teacher, what happened to him.

?Is he sick?

?I heard he is a new teacher.

One of the security lose his balance and the chair fell from their hands, Leonardo faced on his face and the students started laughing.

“Ahh God” He shouted in pains.

? Lake high is always full with dramas

? I pity his face

? Look at his nose.

?His @zz is glue to the chair

?Who did that to him is wicked.

Summer and the rest rushed out and immediately they saw the scene they started laughing so hard.

“He look so funny” Summer laughed.

“Seriously, our new teacher” Hailey said.

The securities help him up and rushed out of there.

“Who did that to him?” Lex asked, laughing slightly.

Some of the students started going back to their classes.

“He tried to seduce me in his office” Summer spiled the beans.

“What?” They gasped.

“He is not innocent as his looks” Summer said.

“Pervert bastard” Hailey scoffed.

“I was right about him” Lex said.

“What where is Henry and Hilliary” Blake asked.

“I’m sure they are the ones behind him getting his @@zz glued on that chair” Summer said.

” I knew they were upto something, immediately they left the class after you left” Blake said.

They all started laughing


The twins stood before Mrs Barrett as she glared at them.

She stood up and walked to them, he looked at Henry before looking at Hilliary.

She went back to her chair.

“Care for a lollipop?” Hilliary asked, offering her a stick.

“Hilliary!!” She yelled, banging the table hard.

“What did you two do to the new teacher?” Mrs Barrett asked.

“We?” They asked.

” Don’t try to be ignorant of what happened to Leonardo, you two sprinkled super glue on his seat” Mrs Barrett said.

” We don’t know what you’re saying, did he report to you?”.

” Evidence has it that you both were seen there, I know you two, you guys are the most bunch of trouble in this school, what did he do to you two?” Mrs Barrett said.

” Huh, so how did you know we are the one?”.

Mrs Barrett moved to them and grabbed both of them on their ears.

“Ahhh.. ahhh”.

“Talk now, I know you too well, I know you are the ones behind that, talk”.

“Okay, he was lusting after my girlfriend, so I decided to teach him a lesson”.

” We fool” Hilliary scoffed.

” I’m expelling you two now” Mrs Barrett said.

The twins stared at each other and suddenly…

” Ahhh…. ahhh” They groaned, holding their chests.

They went down on the ground and fainted.

Mrs Barrett gasped.

“Hilliary and Henry, I won’t expelled you again, are you alright?”.

” What happened to them?” She said scaringly and rushed out of the office.

The twins opened their eyes and started laughing.

Mrs Barrett returned with some securities and caught them red handed laughing.

“You two were pretending?” She asked.

“No, we were really…”.

“Community service for you both now” She yelled.


” f_ck!! “.

” I will teach that Leonardo a lesson ” Hilliary said.

The twins kept complaining as they washed the toilets.

“Gosh, this smell is dangerous”.

“Ten of my years has been reduce from me just by this smell” Hilliary said and Henry chuckled.

“Despite the masks we are putting on, nothing is working”.

“How did she even know it’s us?” Henry asked.

“That woman is a witch, I can see she really know us” Hilliary said.

” I know what to do” Henry said.

” What did you have in mind?” Hilliary asked.

” I will tell you later, for now let’s try finishing up with this”.

“I h@ťě you Mrs Barrett ” Hilliary cried.


Cassie laughter can be heard in the office as she talked on the phone with Brandon.

” Babe, please stop cracking me up” She said.

” I’m serious” He said.

” You want me to give you twelve children? are you planning a football team” Cassie asked and continue laughing.

” I love kids” He said.

“How is work?” She asked.

” I have been working since morning, can we go out today, Angel will be coming around, will you be okay with it?”.

” Why not, I can’t wait” She giggled.

” I love you baby but I got to go now, my boss is calling me” He said.

” I love you more” She said and kissed the phone.

” I’m so happy you’re my boyfriend”.

” I will not keep being single forever” Brittany scoffed, coming in.

” Jealousy is not good for the health baby” Cassie winked.

” Ɓîtçh” Brittany rolled eyes and Cassie laugh more

“Kid sis” The door opened and Thomas entered.

“Big bro!!!” Cassie screamed, getting up from her chair, she ran to him and hugged him.

“You missed me this much but you can’t even visit me” Thomas said and she pouted.

“Acting cute again huh?” He asked and pushed her head with a finger.

“Afternoon sir” Brittany greeted.

“After miss” Thomas replied warmingly.

“I will excuse you both” Brittany said and went out.

“How is my baby sis doing?” Thomas asked, walking to the table with her.

“As you can see I’m getting more cuter” She said, flaunting.

“You’re still crazy, I need to make time for myself, I saw the video, I need to see that girl that my Henry is going Gaga over” Cassie said.

“My son is so much in love but I pray it won’t bring destruction cos it’s clear the first lady is against their relationship but Henry is so stubborn, we tried convincing but we couldn’t ” Thomas said.

” How is Joyce?”.

” She is becoming more prettier everyday ” .

” Aww, I’m jealous now “.

” So who is this your boyfriend? ” Thomas asked.

” His name is Brandon, what about a dinner night with the family, I will introduce him to you” Cassie said.

” Really?, I can’t wait”.

” Invite your two crazy twins over too” Cassie said and they laughed.


The last lesson for the day has just came to an end.

The teacher left the class and the students started going out.

” My body ache” Henry groaned.

” Same here ” Hilliary said, stretching.

The others started laughing at them.

The twins scoffed and walked out.

” Seriously, they are laughing at us”.

” Armor ” Summer called but Henry rolled eyes.

” I’m sorry for laughing at you” She said and hugged him.

” I can’t believe the principal detected your handwork without anyone telling her ” Blake said and the rest laughed.

” That woman is a witch ” Hilliary said

“I will visit the hospital, gosh that devilishly smell”.

“Sorry bro” Lex and, likely a mock.

“Get off” Hilliary glared at him.

“I can’t stop laughing knowing the two comrades washed the toilets” Hailey said.

“We h@ťě you all” The twins yelled.

Suddenly Hilliary phone started ringing, he took out his phone and answered the call.

“Dad” Hilliary said.

“Guess what son?, we are in California” Samson said.

“What!! what are you two doing here, go back to London” Hilliary gasped.

“Idiot, come home now, bring your brother along” Janet screamed.

“Why did you screamed?”.

“My parents are here in California” Hilliary replied.

“Are you not happy about it, why screaming?”.

“Those two are a bone in my neck”.

“Senior Hilliary” A girl called, smiling.

Hilliary smiled and winked at her.

Dorathy who is walking there, yelled out his name.

“How dare you smiled and wink at her?” Dorathy snapped, jealousy.

“Babe, it’s not what you are thinking”.

“Let’s break up”.

Hilliary eyes widened.

“I h@ťě you, don’t talk to me , go to her” Dorathy said and started walking away.

“Babe, wait” Hilliary said and ran after her.

“What a jealous freak” Summer said.

“Love is a stress” Lex said.

“She will come around” Henry said.

At that moment, Leonardo came there, immediately he saw Henry, he hasten his pace and went to his car, he drove out immediately.

They laughed.


James looked up as the doctor entered the office with an envelope in his hand.

“Doctor” James said.

The bowed shortly.

“Sir, the results said nothing is wrong with you” The doctor said.

“But I have been coughing out blood” James said.

“It’s as a result of stress, you need to take a break and rest, the blood coming out is as a result of the stress” The doctor said.

“Okay, thank you doctor, your payment will be send to your account, good day” James said and left the office.

The doctor guilty fell on the chair, his conscience started judging him.

His phone started ringing and he sighed knowing who is calling.

“Do you do as I told you?” Audrey asked.

“Yes” He replied.

“I will reward you handsomely” She said and hung up.

“What did I get myself into” He said and covered his face.


Immediately Tiffany changed into another thing, she took her phone and started scrolling through her apps.

She stopped at a particular app ad opened it.

A smirk displayed on her lips and she started smiling.

” Step one failed, time to go to step two, this time it will work perfectly, I can’t wait to you Summer in tears, your relationship will come down cracking, if I can’t have Henry, you won’t have him too” She said before walking out of her room.


Hilliary got home and truly his parents car is parked outside.

He got down from the car and went in.

He entered the mansion and saw them in the living room.

Mr Samson and Janet turned to him with smiles on their faces.

“My heart” Janet said, widening her arms.

Hilliary went into her arms and she hugged him.

“Dad” Hilliary smiled.

“Son, you forgot about us cos you got a new family here right?” Mr Samson asked and Hilliary chuckled.

“Not so dad” He said and hugged his dad too.

“Where is your brother?” Janet asked.

It’s so surprising how they get to like Henry even without meeting him before.

“He took his girlfriend home but he will be here very soon” Hilliary replied.

“We are meeting with your other parents today” Mr Samson said.

“But dad..”.

“No but”.

The door opened and Henry came in.

Mr Samson and Janet turned to him.

” He is the one right?” Janet asked and Hilliary nodded.

Before Henry will not what is happening, Janet pulled him into a surprising hug.

“I finally meet you, my son told me a lot about you, you are so cute” Janet said and broke the hug.

” You’re so cute mum” Henry smiled.

” He called me mum” Janet said and turned to Mr Samson.

Mr Samson hugged Henry.

” I bet you are the reason why Hilliary didn’t get expelled this time” Mr Samson said.

” Thank you for that son”.

” You don’t need to thank me” Henry smiled.

” Tell your parents we are coming over, I can’t believe your parents accepted my son despite the color difference”.

” We are not racist, I love Hilliary more than a brother” Henry said and Mr Samson smiled.

” So I’m forgotten now” Hilliary pouted.

“Come here twin brother” Henry said.


“Where are you going?” Vicky asked Collins as he came downstairs.

“I just want to get something at the jewellery store” He replied.

“Be careful okay, take the guards with you” Vicky said.

” I will mum” He pecked her cheek before leaving.

Collins entered the car and it drove out.

The car stopped in front of one of the most expensive and biggest jewellery store in California.

He came out and entered the store with his guards.

Someone watching at a corner took out his phone and make a call.

“He is here boss” The guy said.

“Then make sure you delete him, no f_ck up”.

“Yes boss”.

The female workers started drooling on Collins but he kept a straight face as he select his best necklaces and pendents.

The necklaces had a price tag attached on them.

When he got tired of picking, he paid and everything was packed.

The guards took it and they started walking out.

Immediately the elevator arrived and Collins got outside.

A gunshot sounded and two bullets penetrated his stomach.




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