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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Melting His Icy Heart…)

Chapter 29&30

THEME; Making Him Fall.


Gbemi Writes ✍️



“Why are you here mom?” Logan asked as he and Whitney kept starring at her.

“To see you. I heard of the incident and came to check on you. Am glad you are okay though I wonder why you got injured in the first place” Rose said as she stared from one to another.

Quickly, Whitney got out of bed giving her a bow.

“It all happen because of me. Am sorry” Whitney said apologizing.

“You don’t need have to apologise. She should be the one doing that since she’s invading our privacy” Logan let out but Whitney gave him a shut up look which got him quiet.

Rose noticed the look between the both of them and she couldn’t help but to feel happy.

Finally, her son is behaving like a human again.

“Am sorry if I came unannounce. I just wanted to give this to you two” Rose told them as she gave each a card.

“A few days trip to Milan?” Whitney asked.

“We own a resort there and every year we give this out to special customers a thank you gift for patronizing us”

“So why are you giving this to us?” Logan asked.

“Cause I want you two to go there. It’s only a three days thing and since am still in doubt about your relationship, I want to use this moment to convince myself that what’s happening between you two is real” Rose said which got Whitney and Logan starring at each other.

“You can bring your friends along, I don’t mind. Just don’t refuse to go, I really need to be sure about you two” Rose added lightly.

“Fine then. If it will please you then we will go but do you intend to let your guard watch us while we are on this trip?” Logan asked.

“No, I have a better idea” Rose replied giving both of them a mischievous grin.


“I can’t believe am here!” Elizabeth said in excitement.

“Has it always been your dream to visit Milian?” Whitney asked.

“It’s been a dream of mine and thanks to you and Logan, I get to fulfil it” Elizabeth said as she wave at Logan who was talking to Ben.

“Isn’t she gorgeous when she smile like that?” Ben ask as he kept starring at Elizabeth who was now talking to Whitney.

“Tch! It’s so obvious that you’ve fallen hopelessly for her” Logan said.

“I have and am not going to deny it like you” Ben return mildly.


“You are in love with Whitney but you keep denying it. At least am in love with Elizabeth and I won’t deny it rather, I will do my best to make her mine during this trip” Ben admitted.

“I also plan to do the same” Logan said.

“Really! That’s it dude ” Ben let out in excitement as he put his arm around Logan neck.

He was still laughing when he caught Susan watching them.

“I know your mother told you to bring your friends along but why did you bring Susan and that Romeo doctor ” Ben whispered as he stared at Romeo who also had Mary by his side.

“Susan hardly takes her holiday break and that’s due to me and I was kind of rude to her some days ago that was why I ask her to accompany us and as for the doctor guy, I suggest you ask Elizabeth since she’s the one who told him about it” Logan replied feeling a bit annoyed that Romeo decided to come and to top it all, he had to bring his girlfriend along.

He just hope that Romeo presence won’t get him farther away from Whitney.

The bus which had been booked for their use came to pick them up at the airport and as soon as they got to the resort.

Everyone was handed their room key apart from Logan and Whitney.

“If you will come with us sir, we will show you and your fiancee your room” The manager said to them and after saying their good bye to the rest they followed the manager.

“Everyone was given different room. Why is ours different?” Whitney asked just as they stop in front of a room.

“I would have known if I had prepared it but since mom did everything, I have no idea” Logan answered as they went into the room.

On getting in, Logan and Whitney pause at the door way when they saw who was waiting for them inside.

“What are you doing here, mom?” Logan asked.

“I told you both that I have a better idea right?” Rose replied as she chuckle slightly.

“And that better idea is to stay in the same room as us and instead of your guards, you will be the one watching us?” Logan asked which got her nodding.

“I need to get rid of my doubt and the only way to succeed in that is by keeping an eye on you two myself. Hope you don’t mind, Whitney?” Rose asked.

“I don’t…huh, mind but what am worried about is your health. You shouldn’t be travelling at this time and…”

“Don’t worry my dear. I got the go ahead from my doctor and I have my drugs here with me” Rose replied.

“It’s almost night time. If you both are done packing in your room then we can go out for dinner or you aren’t hungry?” Rose asked.

“Am not hungry” Logan said as he went upstairs while Whitney followed suit.

“Are you angry at your mom?” Whitney asked.

“She’s invading our privacy” Logan replied

“She’s only doing it to be sure of us. If I was also in her shoes then I would do the same, I would want to know that the girl my son chose to spend the rest of his life with is the one for him” Whitney said having a dreamy look on her face and that calmed down his anger.

“That’s a good reason but what do you suggest we do, it’s only one bed?” Logan asked.

“Well, I can take the floor while you take the bed ” she suggested lightly.

“I don’t like that. Think of some thing else before I return ” he said as he went into the bathroom with his suitcase.

A while later, he got out to see her also dressed in her pyjamas.

“Have you thought of some thing?” He asked dressed in only his pyjamas trousers which left his body shirtless.

This is the second time she will see him shirtless and she wouldn’t that he looks fit just like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“Urm….I still think sleeping on the floor will be best” she replied looking away from his body.

“And I told you that I don’t like that idea, I ‘d prefer this one instead” he said as he walk towards her lifting her bodily into arms.

“Logan!” She let out softly.

“Sharing the bed is a much better idea” Logan said as he gently put her on the bed while he got in beside her.

“I don’t think this is a good idea” she said wanting to get off but he pulled her back.

“Why is it not a good idea?” He asked as they both lay on the bed facing each other.

“If you are thinking I will pounce on you then you should forget it. You are not the type of girl I fall for” he said trying to put her at ease but it only made Whitney angry.

“And you aren’t the type of guy I fall for either. It’s best we put a pillow in between” She said as put three to four pillow in between them.

Logan smiled due to her action, she didn’t know how cute whenever she’s angry.

Later that night, Logan woke up to see Whitney deep in sleep.

He deftly removed the pillow and pulled her into his arms.

Still sleeping, She put her arms around him and snuggle close to his body. This got Logan feeling content and he went back to sleep with her in his arms.


“Mr Graham everything is set” the captain of his yatch said as he approach him.

“Okay. Once my fiancee arrive, we will leave then” Logan replied which got the captain nodding before walking off.

He had woke up to see Whitney sleeping soundly in his arms and to be sincere, he had been tempted to kiss her but he stopped himself.

If he’s going to do anything, he should do it right and that’s why he’s currently waiting for her on his yatch.

He intends to explore with her and when it’s the right time, he will tell her of his feeling and hope that she accept him.

His mother idea isn’t a bad one after all she gave him the chance to confess his feeling to Whitney in a romantic way.

“She should be here by now” he said starring at his watch.

“Logan!” On hearing his name, he look away from his watch to see Whitney approach the yatch.

She was dressed in a pale blue gown which clung to her body bringing out her lovely curves.

“Why does she look so gorgeous today” he whispered to himself before going to her.

“What’s with the yatch?” she asked starring at it.

“I just thought that we could do some sight seeing. You aren’t sea sick?” Logan asked.

“No. I have stomach strong for a rocking yatch, so don’t worry ” she said as she assured him.

“If that’s so, you will need this” bring out another pair of dark glass, he put it on for her.

Instead of moving away like he’s meant to, he bent towards her and whisper into her ear.

“By the way, you look gorgeous today” that got Whitney blushing hard.

“Stop teasing me” she said softly.

“I wasn’t teasing you, I meant it” he replied which got her starring at him.

“Logan” on hearing Susan call, he turn to see her coming along with Romeo and his girlfriend.

“Why are they here? I didn’t invite them” Logan let out softly.

“I did. Since we are all on a trip together, it will be unfair if we didn’t take them along” Whitney said.

He had planned this just so he can confess his feelings to her but thanks to her, lts all ruined…..

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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