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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE ME TENDER – Episode 11

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( When Love Heals… )

THEME: Love And Rules


By, Ariel Mirabel




(?ℎ???? ????????… ?ℎ????)

Thalia was seen sitting on Flynn’s bed as she read a book. She was wearing one of his shirt and since her legs was weak, she had no choice than to stay in his room.

Flynn opened the door and walked in with a tray of food in his hand. He was shirtless with only his joggers on, his hair was slightly disheveled giving him this morning yet handsome look.

“Here’s your breakfast wifey” Flynn placed the tray on the bed and Thalia’s eyes brightened immediately.

She quickly made to take the tray but Flynn stopped her.

“I’ll feed you” He said and Thalia frowned.

“My legs are weak.. Not my hands” She said.

“I insist.. I have to pamper my wife” Flynn said and Thalia just sighed and let him do what he wanted, it was useless arguing with him anyways.

Flynn began feeding her and she ate slowly with that cute frown on her face

“I’ll leave you alone for today like I promised but I’ll have to come pick you up by 3pm so we can go visit Fred at the hospital” Flynn said and Thalia nodded.

Flynn placed the tray and brought out a box from the drawer beside the bed.

“Here.. I noticed you didn’t have it” Flynn said.

Thalia swallowed the food she was chewing before taking the box. She glanced at Flynn before slowly opening the box.

Her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her lips.

“An iPhone?” She said and looked at Flynn who nodded.

“My number is already saved in it in case you need me. I have to go get ready for work” Flynn said and pecked her lips but she was too surprised to even react.

Flynn began heading to the bathroom..

“Umm thank you,, alot” She said and Flynn turned to her

“It’ll be disgracing if my own wife walks around phone less” Flynn smiled.

“Another thing.. Umm last night,, did you.. Did you,, Com in me?” Thalia stuttered and Flynn smirked

“Countlessly” Flynn muttered and her eyes widened

“What!! How dare you!!” She began ranting while Flynn went in the bathroom.


Drake and Aubrey could be seen in an empty classroom. Drake was busy on his phone while Aubrey was sitting on his thigh, filming tiktok.

She turned the camera to Drake who looked up and winked before kissing her lips. She smiled in the kiss as she did so.

Aubrey saved the video and pecked Drake before she began editing the video to post.

“Babe..” Drake called and she hummed, signalling that he’s listening to her.

Drake sighed and turned her face to him

“Babe, it’s been almost five months we’ve been dating right?” Drake said

“Yes honey” Aubrey said.

“Don’t you think it’s time to take our relationship to the next level?” Drake said and Aubrey immediately blushed at that.

A gasp escaped her lips when Drake’s hand found it’s way beneath her skirt, caressing her thigh while his lips sucked on her neck.

“You can’t imagine just how many times I’ve always wanted to make you mine,,, completely” Drake whispered and squeezed her br**sts.

“Ahh…” Aubrey Mõ@ɲed silently.

“Let’s do it tonight babe.” Aubrey said and Drake stopped what he was doing to look at her.

“Tonight?” He asked and Aubrey smiled.

“Tonight” She muttered and Drake smiled then kissed her lips.

“I love you Șëx¥… Tonight I’ll make sure I destroy your legs” Drake said and Aubrey chuckled in the kiss

“I love you too babe” She said.

They broke the kiss afterwards and Drake smiled then kissed Aubrey’s forehead affectionately before picking his phone.

A devilish smirk settled on his face as he typed a text message

“??? ???? ?? 95% ????… ????? ????????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ??”


Nelson closed his locker after keeping his textbook in it. His eyes brightened when he saw Alice heading to the football yard.

He quickly rushed to her.

“Hey! Hey! Șëx¥!” He called and Alice turned to look at him with that chilly look on her face.

Nelson immediately paused and gulped down with the cold look he saw on her face.

“What do you want?” She said

“Umm.. Hi,, uh I.. I.. I was just wondering if,, if we could be friends yunno” Nelson stuttered and scratched his head nervously.

Alice looked at him from head to toe and then smirked.

“Sure let’s be friends” Alice smiled cutely and Nelson’s eyes widened.

“Really? I’m-”

“The day elephants will fly” Her face went back to serious and she walked away.

Nelson’s shoulder fell at that but he smirked afterwards.

“I’m never giving up. Once I’ve made up my mind,, nothing can move me!!” He said inwardly and walked away.

Alice continued walking when a girl suddenly blocked her way. She was putting on makeup and her dress was extra short and Șëx¥.

“Clara… I see you’re back on your feet, thought you’ll never be able to walk again after the beatings I gave you” Alice said and the girl referred to as Clara chuckled.

Well Clara is none other than Aubrey’s rivals.. She always compete with Aubrey in anything be it popularity or beauty.

Recently, Alice beat her black and blue when she plotted some guys to assault her and Aubrey.

“Mark my words ugly thing! You will pay for it!! And Aubrey should get ready to cry” Clara smirked and walked away.

Alice scoffed and continued her way


Thalia walked out of Flynn’s room, admiring her newest phone. She kissed it and smiled as she headed downstairs.


Thalia looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw it was Flynn.

“Ellis!” She beamed in smiles.

Ellis looked at her and couldn’t help but have mixed feelings. She looked so cute in the T-shirt she was putting on but she once saw Flynn wearing it and that means she slept in the same room with him.

He couldn’t help but feel jealous at the thought of it.

“The light of your room was off last night” Ellis stylishly asked.

“Oh that?? Well something happened I just don’t wanna think about it. Check out my phone!! This is the first good thing Flynn has done for me” Thalia said and Ellis frowned but quickly hide it.

“Lia, haven’t you ever thought of running away from this place to build a life you really want to?” Ellis said and Thalia looked up at him

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Nothing” Ellis shook his head and forced a smile

Thalia just looked at him. Did she hear it right or was her ear faulty??


“You really boycotted one of your exams just to go and watch a play with your friends? And I who thought you were someone serious with education” Frederick chuckled as he ate the cake from his plate.

“Me? Serious with education? never! I don’t even know how I managed to graduate from university because I h@ťěd the course I chose. Since I was small I’ve always wanted to be a model, walk and slay down the runways have my face all over the magazines but sadly I had the abandoned that dream since my phobia started.. Making formulas is just a gifted talent, not my dream” She sighed and scooped a huge portion of the cake then stuffed it in her mouth.

“I see…” Frederick muttered.

“For me I love music and singing” Frederick said and Catalina gasped loudly. She didn’t see that coming at all.

“You love singing? Can I hear you sing!!” Her eyes brightened and Frederick raised a brow as he looked at her.

“Sure you can, on one condition. If I deduct 90% of your salary” Frederick smirked.

“What the- 90%?! You can keep your frog voice to yourself” Catalina scoffed.

“Hey- Hey- Calm down okay? Just because you saw me shed some few droplets of insignificant tears doesn’t give you the right to talk to me anyhow. I’m your boss and I can still fire you” Frederick frowned.

Catalina smirked and rested her chin on her hand.

“C’mon.. I dare you” She teased and Frederick’s eyes widened



Frederick paused when Franklin walked in the room.

“I’m I hallucinating or is this really real. Fred is talking normally with the opposite segz. OMG!? The end time is near!!” Franklin exclaimed loudly

Frederick rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere.

Franklin gasped again when he saw the remaining cake on the plate placed on a table.

“Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. Cake, wait.. Frederick is this what I’m thinking?” Franklin asked and Frederick just nodded.


“Amen!!” Catalina said and laughed at the dramatic look on his face

“Bro, you celebrated your birthday… f-__-k, I’m so happy!!” Franklin exclaimed loudly and made to hug Frederick but the look on Frederick’s face made him to halt

“He also promised to turn a new leaf” Catalina said.

“I’m taking baby steps” Frederick muttered.

“Meet my secretary. Catalina Watson,, Miss Watson meet my friend, Franklin Coleman” Frederick presented them

“So you’re the androphobic secretary who not only almost sent my guy here to hell but also made him to accept to celebrate his birthdays and you’ve been working for him for barely a month… You deserve an award” Franklin said and Catalina flaunted her hair.

“No one can resist my sunshine mood” She said proudly and Frederick chuckled.

“Fred can you walk? How about you get discharged so we can go have fun, it’s your birthday man! You’re finally 27”

“27?! You’re old!” Catalina said and Frederick shot her a glare.

She smirked and stuck out her tongue.


Calvin was heading to the library to meet Dream and Nelson when he suddenly heard two people discussing.

His curiosity took over and he went to where the voice were coming from to see Drake talking with a guy. From his looks the guy wasn’t in their class but he looks rich.

“I’m close to winning the bet. Start getting the car you promised me” Drake smirked and the guy scoffed.

“What if she refuses to give you her first time” The guy said and Drake scoffed.

“She can never. She’s so foolishly in love with me” Drake laughed.

“I honestly thought Aubrey was someone wise enough to see your intentions” The guy said.

“She’s so dúmb!” Drake said and they laughed

Calvin’s eyes widened and he walked to them then without wasting time he landed a punch on Drake’s face.

“How can you be so heartless!” Calvin said angrily.

Drake stood and punched Calvin back. Calvin stood and gave Drake a spear, they both went down with him on top.

“You’re so heartless to plot that on her!! What if you had a sister and the someone did it to her!!” Calvin shouted angrily as he rained Drake’s face with punches.

“Just wait till I tell her everything!!”

Drake pushed him and came on top of him then began punching him too.

“Go on!! Go and tell her let’s see who she’ll believe!! Her boyfriend whom she loves so much! Or some poor pathetic thing!” Drake said, raining punches on Drake’s face.

The other guy left to inform the administration before things escalate.

Calvin punched him and pushed him then took control over the fight again

People were already gathering around them, some where taking videos of the fight.

“Babe!!” Aubrey exclaimed

“Calvin!!” Dream and Nelson rushed to him.

They succeeded in separating them and Aubrey rushed to Drake who’s lips were bursted.

“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you that much right?” Aubrey asked at the verge of tears.

Seeing him hurt like this made her sad.

“Yeah.. You should ask that bàstard what is wrong with him. He suddenly jumped on me” Drake glared at Calvin

Aubrey turned to Calvin.

“Don’t believe a word of what that punk says. I overheard him, he’s-”

Aubrey landed a deafening slap on Calvin’s cheek before he could finish talking.

“How dare you touch my man!! Who do you think you are!! I h@ťě you!! I h@ťě you so much!! f_ck you!!” She said and slapped him again.

“You’re a nobody you hear that!! You’re nothing.. You disgusting monger!!” Aubrey spatted the words at his face and Calvin swallowed hard.

Dream got angry and released Calvin whom she was holding back. She walked to Calvin’s front and landed a slap at Aubrey’s cheek.

Everybody gasped loudly.

“Who do you think you are huh? So because you’re rich that gives you the right to look down on the poor?!” Dream shouted.

Aubrey touched her cheek and looked at Dream with rage in her eyes.

“You’ll pay for this Ɓîtçh!!” Aubrey pounced on Dream and they both went down as another fight started.

“????? ????????, ?????? ??????… ?? ??? ?????????’? ??????,,, ???!!”


Frederick walked out of the ward in a clean shirt with jeans and canvas. He just got discharged from the hospital and the doctor told him to come back two times per week for his checkups

He wore his face mask just like Franklin before they walked out of the hospital with Catalina

Just at that moment, Flynn’s car stopped by and he got down the car with Thalia.

Catalina’s eyes widened.. Same as Thalia.



“Oh my gosh!!” Thalia rushed to Catalina and they hugged.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Catalina asked in surprise.

“You two know each other?” Frederick raised a brow and Catalina nodded.

“Yeah.. We were neighbors back then but my family had to move to another side of the town” Catalina explained.

“Gosh! You didn’t even change one bit… Except the B-__-bs and hips which became bigger” Thalia wiggled her brows naughtily and Catalina chuckled then shook her head.

Franklin cleared his throat loudly and the two ladies faced them.

“Oh Cat,, meet my…my husband.. Flynn” Thalia said it with great difficulty and Catalina gasped.

“What!! You’re the one the news kept talking about!!” Catalina gasped.

“Yes but trust me,, the news is fake. It didn’t happen that way between us” Thalia said

“Of course I trust you! My Thalia can’t possibly stoop so low” Catalina said and Thalia smiled.

“Umm we still have a birthday to celebrate here” Franklin said.

“Oh! Let’s go then” Thalia said and they began heading to the cars.


Catalina who was about to enter stopped when someone shouted her name.

She looked up and was surprised at who she saw. It was Marcel and Jolie.

Frederick who was about to enter a different car paused and looked up too. He immediately frowned when he saw Marcel.

“Thankfully, we saw you here. Your mom said you’ll be here,, we planned to celebrate our 10 years of friendship remember?” Jolie said and Catalina gasped

How could she forget their anniversary??


“She won’t be able to celebrate it with you guys because we’re taking her along to celebrate my birthday” Frederick said with a cold look on his face as he look directly at Marcel.

Catalina looked at Frederick and opened her mouth to speak.

“No, she’s coming with us.. Cat-Cat we’ve been planning this for years remember?” Marcel spoke.

Frederick and Marcel began glaring at each other.

Catalina looked at Frederick then at Marcel as she stood in between them. She gulped down hard.

Who’s she going to choose now??


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