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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 37 & 38 ?



Henry kept laughing hard till he fell to the floor and continued laughing while looking at Hilliary.

Hilliary gave him a confused look and pouted childishly.

“Why are you laughing?” Hilliary asked.

Henry stop laughing and stood up, moving closer to him.

“Bro you’re crazy for love, you are in love bro, you are not going crazy mentally, gosh, you are something else” He giggled.

Hilliary fell on the couch and held his head.

” Try and ask her out” Henry said and stay down with him.

” Won’t it be too fast? like we haven’t gone that far”.

” It doesn’t matter, what matters is if she loves you too, but go ahead and ask her out, just try it, I want you to stop this your playboy lifestyle” Henry said.

” Thank you bro, you are the best” Hilliary smiled.

” I’m going out with Summer today, I might come back late” Henry said.

” Okay, let’s do something like playing games” Hilliary suggested.

Henry stood up with him and they went to the TV.


Summer walked with Hailey as they picked some things they need, they kept walking till Summer suddenly stopped and turned to look at Hailey.

“Don’t you think Tiffany is slightly avoiding us this days?” Summer asked.

“She is acting really weird and you too?” Hailey said.

“Huh!, how?” Summer raised a brow.

“You have changed Ɓîtçh, when last did we bully a student, you ain’t dating even after dumping Austin, this is not you Summer, everything change, you are not the rude and sassy queen, are you changing because of Henry?”.

“Why did you ask?”.

“Cos you started changing immediately you two started getting closer and right now you guys are friends” Hailey said.

” Everybody need a change right, I think that’s what I’m doing” Summer said.

” If you want to change I will follow you, morever we are best friends, please don’t leave us for Henry” Hailey pouted.

” I won’t try that” Summer said and touched her hair fondly.

” Is that not Summer?” Blake asked pointing at the direction.

Lex who took a shoe turned and looked at the direction, his eyes widened and he started walking there.

” Love is a bastard” Blake smiled and followed him.

” Summer” Lex called.

” Summer and Hailey turned.

They just stared at him without frowning or smiling, they just held an undescribable look.

“Hey Summer” Lex said again.

“Lex” Summer replied drly.

“Hailey” Blake waved and pocketed his hands.

“What are you two doing here?” Summer asked.

“Doing what you two are doing here” Blake replied.

“Summer don’t you think we should put the hatred we had between us and become friends, you are friends with Henry now, don’t you think?” Lex asked.

“Really, I thought you guys still h@ťě me” Summer said.

“We can’t h@ťě someone who is friends with our best friend” Blake said.

“Friends” Hailey said.

And they nodded.

They continued shopping together while gisting and chatting happily.

“I thought you two have suddenly forgotten about us” Joyce said hugging Hilliary and Henry.

“How can we forget the best mum in the world” Hilliary said and pecked her.

“Hey don’t pecked my mum again” Henry said.

“She is my mum too”.

“Your mum is in London, you can’t drag her with me” Henry said.

” Really? watch me” Hilliary said and carried Joyce.

” Seriously, has it gotten to this” Joyce said while laughing.

Henry moved closer and roughly took her from Hilliary’s arm.

” Don’t talk to me again, I h@ťě you” Hilliary said and started walking upstairs.

” Go and meet your twin brother” Joyce said and came down from his arms.

“He is so dramatic, we will settle it” Henry said.

“I’m cooking, you wanna join me?” Joyce asked.

“We will join you together, let me bring Hilliary downstairs” Henry said and began climbing the stairs.

Joyce smiled and walked to the kitchen.


Dorathy waved at some of the workers before stepping out of the restaurant with a smile.

She counted the money in her hands and smiled brightly, a kindhearted customer dashed her the money and it will be enough to sustain her with her grandma.

She was walking to the road when a car drove into the restaurant and halted.

Hilliary immediately came out and luckily he caught her glimpse.

“Dora” He called loudly after.

Dorathy paused and quickly turned back to look at the person calling her name.

Her eyes widened when she saw Hilliary running to her.

She smiled and started walking back.

“Dora” He called and immediately pulled her into his arms.

Dorathy relaxed in his arms as she felt the comfort of his body, his strong cologne hitting her nose.

Butterflies hosted a big party in her stomach while her heart does the remaining calling ceremony.

They broke the hug after some couple of minutes and stared at each other.

“Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?” He asked.

“No, you are the first guy to say it to me” She replied with a cute blush.

” I’m really lucky then”.

” How did you know this restaurant?” She asked.

” Are you asking?, the address is on the package and remember I knew about this restaurant before even ordering food from it” He said.

” Don’t mind me, why are you here?, you could have just order” She said.

” I’m here to see you, it seems you have closed” He said and she nodded.

” Let me take you home”.

” Really?”.

” Let’s go” He said and took her hand.

They felt the sparks runs through their spine and both smiled secretly before walking to the car.

Hilliary opened the door for her and she went in.

He entered the other side and soon he drove out.


Summer got there for the past thirty minutes and Henry is yet to get there.

“Is he not coming again?” She asked.

Henry got there and saw, she was backing him.

He smiled and started walking silently to her.

He got to her and touched her from behind.

Summer screamed scaringly and almost fell but he grabbed her in his arms.

Summer calm down as she saw his face.

“You scare me” She said.

“Sorry for scaring you” He said and made to released her but he held tightly onto him.

“I want to stay in your arms, please” She said.

“You will pay money after, my arms are costly” He said.

” I don’t mind paying” She smiled and he smiled back.

“You have the most segziest smile” Summer said.

For the first time in Henry’s life he found himself blushing.

He quickly looked away and bite his lips.

“I saw you blush” She laughed.

“I didn’t blush” He denied.

“I saw it clearly, don’t deny it”.

“Do you know you’re heavy weighted?” He asked.

“I know but I want to be in your arms, it’s so warm, I love your perfume” She said.

“I love yours too, the results are coming out tomorrow, what if you fail?” He asked.

Immediately he asked that Summer frowned and pushed him, hitting his chest.

“Do I look like someone that will fail such a simple exams, I will score higher than you” .

He laughed mockingly.

” I h@ťě you” She said and turned her back on him, folding her hands with a frown resting on her face.

“Do you have a knack for frowning?” He asked and moved to her front.

He pecked her cheek.

“Why did you do that?” She asked but inwardly, her heart was on fire.

“Shouldn’t you be happy that I pecked your hard cheek” He asked with a smirk.

She made to hit him but he ran off, she went after him.

” Come back here inactive Ďïčk, I h@ťě you” She screamed.

” Catch me if you can” He said while running.

Summer succeeded in getting hold of him, he turned and grabbed her back, their faces facing each other, their lips were just an inch away from touching.

Henry started getting that same strange feelings, his eyes rested on her lips and he lost control of himself that moment.

“Can I do this?” She asked.

Henry swallowed hard and just nodded without knowing what she really meant.

She gently placed her lips on him, the softness of her lips almost made her heart to flew out of her chest.

Henry didn’t pushed her off, he allowed her to feast on his lips, he slowly closed his eyes after some minutes and started kissing her back.

She bite his lips and he open up, giving her more access.

“Henry” Summer Mõ@ɲed softly in his mouth.

He held her waist protectively as he feasted on her lips.

Summer broke the kiss and looked at him.

” You’re making me crazy Henry” She said, her voice sounding with so much affection.

“You’re making me to do things I didn’t imagine I will be doing with you” He replied and captured her lips this time.


Summer woke up and yawned lightly, she touched her lips and started smiling to herself.

“I kissed him, it was different from all the kisses I had in my life” She said and started throwing her legs in the air.

A maid knocked on her door and entered.

She bowed.

“Young mistress” She said respectfully .

Summer smiled and came down from the bed, she went closer to the maid and held her hand.

The maid looked at her shockingly.

“How are you cutie?” Summer asked.

The maid almost fainted, she couldn’t believe Summer was the one doing this, did she left her brain in her sleep?

“M… mistress, I’m fine” She said immediately she found her voice back.

“I kissed him, he kissed me back” Summer said and hug the maid.

The maid just stood puzzledly and wondered what was wrong with her.


Collins stood up up from the bed and looked at the other side to see the maid he f_cked last night.

He frowned.

“What is she still doing here?” He said and hit her hard on the hand.

She moved and woke up.

“Get your @zz out of my room right now” He yelled.

“I’m sorry young master” She said and quickly took her clothes running out.

He stood up and entered the bathroom.

“Do you think he will agree to that?” Steven asked Vicky.

“I will try to convince him, I want him to marry that girl, she is so pretty” Vicky said.

“If he didn’t agree to it don’t force him to get engage with her you know the kind of son you have ” Steven said.

” I know, I just pray it works out ” Vicky said.


“You face is so bright today what happened last night?” Hilliary asked Henry as he entered the car.

“I’m always smiling, what are you saying?” He replied.

“I know but this smile hold something behind it, tell me” Hilliary said and faced him.

” You’re making me uncomfortable now twin bro” Henry said and smiled.

” Hiding something from me? I will soon know ” Hilliary grinned.

Henry looked him and smiled secretly, strangely he can’t get the kiss scene off his head, this is not his first time of kissing but there’s something special about the kiss.

He pressed the ignition and drove out.


The students full there checking out their results, students who partake in the exams yesterday.

Some of the students almost shed tears as they stared at their scores.

“Someone score 10 on 100” A guy said and the students started laughing.

The girl who got that score released hot tears and ran away.

? Someone got 8

?A guy

? Seriously this is funny

Dorathy got there with Nina and they started pushing the students away.

Dorathy felt her heart beating so fast as she searched for her name.

She screamed the moment she saw her name.

“I pass!!!, I pass Nina, I got 67” She said.

The students looked at her as she jumped excitedly.

Nina has a sad face as she couldn’t meet up ye require marks.

Dorathy smile fell immediately her eyes turned to her.

“I didn’t make it” Nina said sadly.

“I’m sorry” Dorathy said and hugged her.


Mrs Barrett entered the senior class with a female teacher.

The class stood up to greet her.

“Good morning students” Mrs Barrett said.

” What is the principal doing here? ” Summer asked.

” I don’t know ” Hailey replied.

” You’re looking stunning principal ” Hilliary shouted.

” And gorgeous too, cute girl ” Henry added.

The class laughed including the teacher with her.

Mrs Barrett smiled and said nothing.

“The results are out and I will be scoring out your scores, everyone listen, if you hear your name you will come up” The teacher said and started calling out the names.

“Hailey Haul 64” She said.

Hailey smiled and walked to the front.

“Tiffany Moses 68”.

Tiffany moved to the front.

“Collins Hayes 80”.

? Wow! he is so brilliant

Collins smirked and walked there.

“Lex Jorge 84”.

Lex smiled and stood up walking there.

“Blake Baldwin 88”.

Blake joined them.

“Summer Davidson 95”.

“Henry kitchen…”

The class bursted out in laughter.

” 98 “.

? Woah!!!

” Damola Hilliary 98″.

The class started chanting their names

? Henry!

? Hilliary

? Henry!

? Hilliary

The twins stood up and walked to the front of the class.

“Congratulations to you all, get ready you all will be leaving for New York on Monday” Mrs Barrett said.

” Can’t you see we are handsome and cute” Henry said and faced the principal.

They hug her at once and everyone gasped.

Mrs Barrett smiled and pushed them off, she walked out with the teacher.

” We love you principal” They shouted.

” How the hell did you two get 98?” Summer asked.

Hilliary smiled and wrapped his hand around her neck.

” We are brilliant and cute, don’t underestimate us” Hilliary winked.

” Jerk” Summer pushed him away.

” I told you” Henry winked.

” Can’t believe the son of the vice president’s son passed” Henry said mockingly.

” I would have done more better if I join the group study, I didn’t read, just fear me” Collins said.

” In your dreams, you will never score higher than me and my twin bro” Hilliary said.

They started moving back to their seats.

” You shocked me” Austin said.

” I like shocking people” Collins smirked.


“Where is Henry and Hilliary?” Lex asked.

“I can’t understand those two fake twins” Blake said.

Summer walked in the cafeteria and started walking to the girls when she walked pass Collins.

Collins quickly spanked her @zz and Summer eyes went wide, she quickly look back and saw him grinning.

“How dare you spanked my @zz?” She yelled.

“It’s so soft” He said naughtily.

Lex stood up and went there.

“How dare you spanked her @zz?” Lex demanded.

“And who are you? her boyfriend?” Collins asked.

Collins made to touch her @zz again but a punch landed on his face.

Collins punched Lex back and they started exchanging punches.

Blake stood up to rushed there but Henry and Hilliary entered the cafeteria.

Henry quickly grabbed Collins and turned him around, he was about punching him but Collins was faster, he punched him.

Henry staggered and almost fell.

Summer quickly rushed to him and grabbed him.

“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.

“I’m fine” He replied and hugged her.

Lex went there and separated them and before Henry will blinked Lex punched him.

Henry fell to the ground with a cut on his lips.



? ???

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