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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? R@P£D BY








Winner scoffed dusting off the dirt on her dress..

She managed to survive cos she was lucky to hold until a piece of rod was the broken part of the bridge..

Then she used her hands to break a big part of the concrete,, although it was already weak ..then she threw it heavily into the water making poppy believe she was the one that fell into the water..and the police weren’t active enough to have checked properly..

“ poppy hold on,,,am coming for you ..


Poppy forced her eyes opened glearing at the unfamiliar surrendering…

“ No !! Am not supposed to be sleeping .. when I haven’t seen Clifford…poppy thought jumping out of the bed ..

She then touched her belly to see if her baby was still there..she signed before rushing out of the room ..

“ Please where is he ?? She asked one of the nurses… fortunately the nurse recognized her …

“ the first door when you take your left !! Are you okay? The nurse asked ..

“ Of course… thank you…poppy said rushing off ..

“ I pray my idol survives this !! The nurse prayed silently…

Poppy got to the first door .. piping in …but sadly Clifford wasn’t awake .. Poppy’s heart dropped.. thinking he was dead .

A tear slip down her eyes ….her heart shattered into million pieces..seeing Clifford in that state made her heart heavy ..

She fell on the door with her head resting on her knees… crying out her eyes ..

“ Hey !! Someone called making her look up ..

At first she never wanted to look up ..but when she heard the person’s voice for the second time..she was forced to look up .. she hurriedly stood up jumping into his arms forgetting he was still hurt ..

“ Clifford!! How come ?? Ain’t you supposed to be ln there ?? She finally asked when she regained her senses..

“ No !! That wasn’t me !! Thats the right door …not the left ..

Poppy gave him a hard spank on his butt making him whimper..

Clifford pouted his lips faking a frown ..

“ What’s that for?? He asked frowning his face ..

“ Fool !! That’s for making me worried…I thought..I lost you ..I thought I was never going to see you again!! Poppy cried hugging him tightly..

Clifford whimpered..

“ You …are … hurting me…he managed to speak up..cos he never wanted poppy to move away from the hug ..

“ Oh !! Poppy said removing her hands from under her stomach..

“ Come on…come with me !! Clifford said dragging her towards his room ….

“ Did you call to inform them ? Poppy asked ..while Clifford nodded ..

“ They will soon be here !! He replied..

“ I was worried!! Had it been you didnt survived ..I would have just ki||ed myself!! Poppy said making Clifford turn to look at her ..

“ I have nine lives..I can never die…what of our baby ?? You never thought of her ??

“ Her ?? Poppy frowned..

“ Yeah .. any problem with that ??

“ You must be joking?? It’s a he ..not a her the I should be the one to decide..not you … poppy chipped folding her hands across her B-__-bs ..

“ Am the father the decision should be mine to make …! Clifford said earning a glare from poppy.

“ In your dreams…


Winner kicked the cab angrily …she had taking the cab that took her to the place in the first place…since the car was dumped there ..

Little did she know that her doom was near ..

The police had placed a tracker on the car before leaving,,and sadly she wasn’t aware..

Almost immediately..a cab speed towards the lonely road ..she was left with no option than to wave …cos the part was lonely and was making her terrified..

The cab halted..

The driver walked out ..being a she devil winner never flinched…

“ Hey miss !! What are you doing in this lonely road ..

“ Actually my car got spoilt …have been here for the past thirty minutes… please can you help me …

“ Of would be heartless of my to live a young girl like you in this lonely road ..hop in ..
@Sarah’s library 2023 ( do not copy or repost my work without my permission)

Immediately he turned Winner picked a stick trying to hit his head..but he was fast enough to turn . Shoving an injection into her neck …she fainted…

He dragged her Into the car driving straight to the station..

He has already drove into the station when winner coughed.

“ Hey wait up ..where are you taking me ?

“ Remain silent!! The man ordered strictly..the next thing Winner jumped into the front seat .. dragging the stearing with him ..the car collided into a tree in the compound.. Winner refused to noticed..she was already grounded..

She opened the car hoping to run away ..but to her greatest surprise there were upto fifty police men surrendering the car..

“ You are under arrest for the attempt murder of Mr and Mrs Dior…and you are advised to remain silent,,, because anything you say or do would be used against you the court of law ..

Winner raised her hands in surrender..while two of them walked towards her to handcuff her ..

Meanwhile her eyes was on the gun in their waist..the moment they got to her..she dragged one of their guns $h00ting down five of them before she was finally shot down..

“ I never regretted any of my actions…she muttered before giving up..

The police were left speechless…

“ Gather her remains …she doesnt deserve to be buried…she should be thrown into the dungeon for the dogs to feed on !! The inspector said walking away..


The jet landed in front of large hospital…

Poppy’s mom was the first to rush out .. followed by Clifford’s mom before the rest..
Poppy’s friends.. Clifford’s friends..before their dad’s..


Poppy moved away from her mom when she noticed her friends behind her..

She ran to them hugging both at once..

“ Gosh !! I missed you guys ..

“ Indeed!! Jenny chipped rolling her eyes..

“ You look more cute and chubby …. Don’t Tell me Clifford has been…..poppy immediately covered ixora’s mouth preventing her from finishing what she wanted to say ..

“ I still can’t believe Winner could be this heartless…Gavin said ..

“ Look !! Wyaat rasped showing them the letest news on his phone..

“ Finally…she’s been getting rid of ….poppy signed..

“ What are w me still waiting for?? Let’s get going!! Clifford’s dad said…

They all returned to the mansion.. including Clifford who insisted on going with them..



Clifford rushed down the stairs rushing towards poppy ..

“ You fool… what took you so long .. can’t you see the baby is almost out ..Poppy yelled hitting him hard he tried to help her up ..

“ Am sorry I had to …

“ So what ?? You left me to Change?? You are the most stupid man have even seen …poppy cursed ..

She was due for delivery and her water just broke ..the past months wasn’t easy for Clifford..poppy made sure he never took a break..all she does was make silly demands and of course Clifford never complained..he made sure poppy never gets a reason to complain…but being a hand made witch poppy still found fault in everything he does..
@Sarah’s library 2023 . (Do not copy or repost my work without my permission).

At last …he was going to be free ..he never knew pregnancy could make one loose their mind …

“ Fool !! Drive fast ….the pain is becoming unbearable for me …and it’s all your fault..

“ Hold on…we are almost there ..

“ You have been saying that for the past one hour .. …poppy fired at him ..

Soon they arrived at the hospital..the nurse rolled the stretcher towards them ..

They helped her out of the car placing her in the stretcher ..

“ Come on hold my hands …poppy shouted at him …he held her hands while the nurses roll the stretcher into the hospital..

He wanted to go in with them ..but the doctor asked him to wait …


“ Congratulations sir …you are now a father of…..he couldn’t complete when Clifford ran off rushing into the ward that poppy was moved into ..

He was surprised to see two babies..

“ Wow !! He said jumping up happily..

The nurses were busy cleaning them up ..It was a boy and a girl… his Joy knew no bonds …

“ Hey !! Poppy managed to speak…it was then he noticed her presence..

He rushed towards her hugging her …

“ Thank you ..poppy Don’t know how happy I am …he said excitedly ..Kissing her cheeks. Then someone coughed behind them .
@Sarah’s library 2023 ,,

Poppy’s mom hugged her .. before the rest ..

“ What do you suggest we call the babies?? Jenny asked

“ The girl is the oldest so ..she should be named first…

“ Says who ?? The male is the first shut up Gavin snapped at Ixora ..

“ The female should be called Brianna while the male Brian !! Poppy added ..

“ What !??? Gunner asked

“ Take it or leave it !!! Ixora jibbered chasing him out of the room.. they were both dating.. …while Gavin Jenny were also a thing.

Clifford took one of the babies placing her in Poppy’s hands …

We forgot to mention someone!! Who’s that?? Any idea??



Pen down✍️ finally we have come to the end of R@P£D by a Playboy ??

It was only possible bcoz of you guys , thou you guys act like glo network sometimes,,but still I love you ,,all you are my happiness ♥️♥️?just know that sarah care.. about you all ? thanks family ?♥️ GHOSTIES ?even if is this once try to please me ? Don’t just read and leave ..say something about the

Favorite scene

Saddast scene

Happiest scene

Funniest scene

Most h@ťěd character

Most loved character..

Favorite male character aside from Clifford

Favourite female character aside from poppy ..

Seat tight and wait for the next story …as usual let me blow your minds .. you guys are the best ??muu na chop kiss ??????????????

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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