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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HEART OF A SISTER – Episode 18

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⟨ Blood, Sweat And Tears… ⟩

THEME; Making Them Pay


By; Succie Brown.



Rock grabbed Felicia and pinned her to the wall, Felicia yelps in pain after her back came in contact with the wall.

“Who do you think you are to raise that little voice of yours on me?” Rock asked.

“I am just feeling sorry for Dario. He is innocent, he shouldn’t die when he didn’t commit any crime” Felicia said, struggling to free herself from Rock’s grip, but Rock didn’t give her the chance to.

“Are you suddenly feeling guilty? You accepted the offer when boss Venom brought the deal to you. Boss Venom payed you handsomely, so you should do what you are being paid, and as for Dario, he’s just paying the sins of his father” Rock said.

“I am just worried about him” Felicia muttered.

“If I were in you, I will worry more about myself. You don’t know what Boss Venom is capable of doing, so you should be careful. If Boss Venom finds out that you are going out from this mansion, your life is going to end, understood?”

Felicia looked at Rock and slowly nodded her head. “I won’t step out from this house anymore. It’s a promise”

“That’s good to know then. Your monthly allowance will be sent to you soon, and if you need anything, just put me on call, and I will get what you need. You are not allowed to see the sun, this is the life you chose, so live with it. But if you want to die so quickly, you can step out from this house” Rock said.

“I..I don’t want to die” Felicia said.

“Then you better stick to the plan. Have a nice day” Rock said and leaves the house.

Felicia sighed falls to the couch and sighed. “I wanted this kind of life in the first place, so why am I regretting my actions now? I feel sorry for Dario, my sister won’t stop until she ki||s him. I wish I can go out in the open and tell my sister to stop wh@ťěver plans she has on Dario” Felicia said, resting her head on the armrest of the couch.

In her face lies a lot of regrets, but it was too late to cry over spilled milk. The offer came to her when she needed money, and she had no choice but to accept it.


⟨ MCC ⟩

Back in MCC, Dario and Jaycee were still trying to catch the person that almost shot an arrow on Dario, but they couldn’t catch up, because she was ski||ed in running, and they lost her.

“Did you find her?” Jaycee asked, trying to catch up with his breath.

“No I didn’t” Dario answered.

“The person that almost shot an arrow at you was a lady, I couldn’t see her face, but I can tell she is a lady. Why is trying to ki|| you?” Jaycee asked.

“I think she is the same person that stabbed me. She won’t stop until she ki||s me for raping her sister to death” Dario said wearing a sad face, and Jaycee sighed.



“She attacked you again? What’s her motive? Why is she desperate to ki|| you?” Ariel asked. The seven friends were in Dario’s apartment, as they talked about the incident that happened to Dario earlier.

“I did something wrong and that’s why she’s after my life” Dario said in a low voice.

“You did something wrong? What did you do Dario?” Jessica asked.

Dario looked at Jaycee and he gave him a go ahead sigh to phrase everything out.

“I committed a gravely sin, and it’s a sin I regret, and because I regret it, it keeps hunting me every night” Dario said, as tears slowly began forming itself in his eyes.

“What are you trying to say Dario?” Ariel asked, while the rest of them looked at him.

“I R@P£D someone to death” He said, and they gasped in shock, except for Jaycee who already knows about it.

“But I didn’t mean to. I was drvgged and I lost control of myself. Before I realized my thinking, the girl was already dead. Because I was scared, my dad took care of the body. Jaycee couldn’t bear the guilt, so he reported me to the police, I was arrested, but somehow I found a way to escape from the charges. I was released from prison and that when my dispute with Jaycee began. I regret what I did that day, and I regret it so much. The girl who stabbed me said she wants revenge for what I did to her sister, I won’t blame her if she wants me dead, but I… I don’t want to die. I wish I could go back to that day and correct my mistake… I don’t want to die” Dario said, crying.

Jasper, Nora, Brett, Jessica, Jaycee and Ariel felt so sorry for Dario. Ariel cleaned her tears, and sat beside him, and then she hugged him.

“We might not know how hurt you are right now Dario, but we kind of understand where you are coming from, and you are not going to die Dario. We are not going to let you die” Ariel said.

Dario hugged Ariel back as balls of tears falls down from his eyes. Jaycee looked at them and let out a smile, while Brett had a jealous look on his face.

*I guess she has forgotten about me* Brett said to himself, caressing the bracelet he was wearing.


“The only way for Dario to be safe is if we find that girl?” Jaycee said.

“How? We don’t know what she looks like” Nora said.

“She is a student of MCC” Dario said and they looked at him.

“She is a student of MCC?” Jasper asked.

“Yes. She told me that she has been watching me since I came to MCC, which clearly means she a student here” Dario said.

“You are right Dario. If she is not a student of MCC, she won’t have gain access inside the school at this time of the night, since the gates are always secured” Ariel said.

“Now that we know that she is a student here, how are we going to get her? We don’t know what she looks like” Jessica said.

“We just have to be vigilant, and we are going to find her soon” Jaycee said.

“I hope we do find her soon, so we can talk to her, before she does something bad to Dario” Ariel said, and Dario looked at her.

“What about our rape case? Can we be able to handle both?” Brett asked.

“Yes we can. We just have to be careful” Jaycee said, and they all agreed. Ariel wanted to tell them about her sisters that look exactly like her, but she chose not to tell them.

“Aren’t you leaving?” Dario asked when Ariel was still in his apartment. The rest has gone back to their dormitory, since it was light out already.

Ariel looked at Dario, before walking closer to him. “Take off your shirt” She said, and Dario’s eyes widened.

“I… I should take off my shirt?…. Why?”

“Don’t be naughty and take off your shirt” She said and Dario looked at her for a while before taking off his shirt.

“I knew it. You haven’t been going back to the hospital to redress your wound, right?”

“I felt it wasn’t necessary. I have been redressing my wounds by myself. I just got lazy to do it” Dario said.

“Got lazy to do it? What if your wounds sustain infections because lack of treatment. Do you have any idea what it’s going to cost you? Your life!” Ariel said.

“Since you are here now. You can help me treat it” Dario said like a baby and Ariel looked at him.

“Does it hurt?” Ariel asked as she treats his wound.

“No” Dario said with a smile, admiring Ariel’s beautiful face. Ariel dressed his wound, and after that she helped him wear his shirt.

“You should learn to take care of yourself Dario, don’t let your handsome face go to waste, okay” Ariel said and Dario nodded his head.

“I will be going back to the dormitory now. Sleep night” She said and tried to leave, but Dario dragged her back and made her sit on his lap. Ariel gasped after he did that. She tried standing up, but Dario sit her back on his lap.

“What are you doing?” She asked more like a whisper.

“You should become an actress rather than a cop” He said.

“What are you trying to say?” She asked.

“I already remembered what happened that night Ariel. You kissed me”

“No I didn’t. It was a dream” Ariel said trying to stand up, but Dario glued her on his lap, and her eyes fell on his handsome face.

“Let’s see if it’s really a dream”

“What are you trying to….”

Ariel was caught short, because Dario kissed her. Her eyes were widened opened as Dario’s lips were on hers.

Dario broke the kiss and smile. “I knew it. It wasn’t a dream. You kissed me that night” He said, and Ariel hiccupped.

“Should I get you a glass of water?” He asked and Ariel quickly stood up from his lap.

“Good… Goodnight” She stuttered and rushed out from Dario’s apartment.

Dario lie down on the couch and smile, with so much joy in his heart. “It feels so good to be kissed by the girl you love”

“Why did she kiss me? Does she love me? Should I ask her out? Would it be better if I tell her how I feel?”

This was the questions Dario kept asking himself smiling. As for Ariel she spent the entire night, rolling on the bed smiling, she kept touching her lips throughout the night.


The following day, Jessica walked around the school’s library, looking for HOW TO BE A COP textbook. They should have been on training, but the school decided to give them a training day off, to focus more on their books. Jessica whose dream is to become a good cop, came to the library, to learn more about being a cop.

“I wondered where the textbook is” Jessica muttered searching around the library shelves and she smiled when she saw the text book.

She tried taking the text book, but her hand couldn’t get to it, and even when she raised her toes, she still couldn’t reach out for the book.

Someone helped her take the book from behind, and Jessica turned to look at the person. “Were you trying to reach out for this?” Leo asked, smiling.

“Yes, senior Leo” She said, and Leo smiled again.

“Here you go, Jessica” He said.

“You know my name?” She asked.

“Yes I do. I am a little bit closed to Dario, so that’s how I got to know your name” Leo said.

“Now I understand how you know my name”

“You are fond of books, right?”

“No I am not. I only love books that talks about being a cops” Jessica said, smiling.

“How sweet of you. You just have to get taller” Leo said ruffling her hair, and Jessica smile.

“Happy reading Jessica. See you at the training ground tomorrow” Leo said and walked away. Jessica kept looking at Leo as he walked out of the library, smiling.

She slapped herself when she realized she was smiling. “Get a hold of yourself Jessica, it’s just Leo” Jessica said, and she got a call from her mom.

“Hello, mom” She said smiling.

“How are you Jessica?” Paulina asked.

“I am fine mom. Why did you call?” She asked.

“I just wanted to check up on my only daughter” She said, and Jessica smile.


Nora had a happy smile on her face as she waited for Jasper. She was standing outside the boy’s dormitory, holding a shopping bag, with a cute smile on her face.

“Nora” Jasper called her name, and Nora turned to look at him with a smile on her face.


“What are you doing here Nora?” He asked.

“I came to give you this” She said, showing him the shopping bag.


“Well I…”

“Are you suddenly interested in me because I kissed you?”

“huh?” Nora muttered.

Jasper sighed and said. “Let’s get this straight Nora. I only kissed you because I was just trying to get rid of Priyanka”


“I am sure you heard me correctly Nora. I am not the kind of person that starts a relationship, so don’t fall in love with me”

“But I am already in love with you Jasper. I was in love with you way before you kissed me. In order to get close to you, I became a student of MCC” Nora said as her eyes became watery.

“Then you are so stupid Nora”

“What?” Nora said and tears came rolling down from her eyes.

“I don’t know why you love me Nora, but you should stop loving me, because I won’t love you back”

“Then why are you nice to me?”

“I am nice to everyone, you’re just so stupid to realize that”


“Just get lost Nora. Here I thought that we can just be friends and you went ahead to fall in love with me, and even came to MCC, just because of me. You are indeed so dumb. Don’t ever show your face in front of me again” Jasper said and entered the dormitory.

The shopping bag Nora was holding fell down from her hand. She fell to the ground too, crying.



Lorenzo, Connor Raymond, and some board members waited patiently for Jeremy and Hailey to arrive, so that they’d discussed about the kind of cars and kid’s toys to come up with.

“Are you sure he is coming? How can you trust a man wearing a mask?” Lorenzo asked.

“We trust him Lorenzo, and he will be a nice influence to our company” Raymond said.

“Fine. If you say so”

“Where’s Becca?” Connor asked.

“She is on her way. She will be part of this meeting since she knows about cars too” Lorenzo said and Connor nodded his head.

Jeremy and Rock entered the board meeting room, and angered filled Jeremy’s body the moment he saw Lorenzo, and he could remember all the cruel things Lorenzo did to him. He was wearing a mask, so his angry expression couldn’t be seen even when they exchange pleasantries.

“Can we start the meeting?” One of the board members asked.

“I’m sorry for showing up late” Becca said entering the meeting room. Sensational feelings caught up with Jeremy when he heard Becca’s voice. He slowly turned to look at Becca, and she was panting due to the way she ran.

She was still as beautiful as the morning sun. It’s been six years now, but she wasn’t looking different from the beautiful Becca he fell in love with.

“Mr. J meet my wife, Becca Anderson” Lorenzo said pretending to be a good husband as usual.

Jeremy stood up from the chair and said. “It’s nice meeting you Becca” Jeremy said bringing forth his hand for a handshake.

“Same here Mr. J” Becca said shaking hands with him. She felt this feelings after she shook hands with Jeremy. She tried looking at his face, but his face was masked up.

“Can you both stopped shaking hands now” Lorenzo said, and both Jeremy and Becca let go of each other’s hands. Throughout the meeting, Jeremy’s eyes never left Becca’s face, and the same goes to Becca, she kept wondering why she was having this sensational feelings towards Mr. J.



Becca sat on the bed, thinking about Jeremy, and she had a flashback on how badly he was beaten up that day. “*Jeremy is the only man that makes me feel this way. So why am I feeling this way toward Mr. J? Although I can’t see his face, but it doesn’t mean he is Jeremy, right?* Becca said inwardly.

“What are you thinking about?” Lorenzo asked, and Becca woke up from her thoughts.

“Not… Nothing” She stuttered.

“And you think I am going to buy that? I have been standing at the door for 30 minutes and you didn’t notice it because you were thinking. Who are you thinking about Becca? Is it Mr. J? I saw the way you were looking at him, are you falling for that mask man?” Lorenzo said, getting angry.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Lorenzo. I will just check up on Nadiya” Becca said trying to leave the room, but Lorenzo forcefully grabbed her arm.

“Don’t even think of walking out on me” Lorenzo said and pushed her to the ground.

“Are you trying to Leave me for another man, huh!!! Lorenzo shouted at Becca.

“Of course not Lorenzo. You are my husband” Becca said, but Lorenzo landed a thunderous slap on her face, and forcefully pressed her neck with his two hands.

“I know you are trying to leave me Becca, but I won’t let you. You can’t leave me, because you are mine, you are mine Becca!!!” Lorenzo shouted, pressing Becca’s neck aggressively.

“Lorenzo… I can’t breath”

“No one can have you expect for me!!!” He shouted again, pressing Becca’s neck. He stopped pressing her neck when he could no longer hear Becca’s voice.

The door of the room opened and Nadiya entered the room, her eyes widen when she saw her mom lying on the floor, lifeless.

“Momma!!!” She screamed crying, and some maids rushed inside the room.

“What the heck are you all looking at!!! Call the ambulance my wife is no longer breathing!!” Lorenzo shouted with tears in his eyes.



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