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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ War Of Hearts… }

THEME: In His Poems


BY: Naomi Cindy B.




“Can I kiss your lips again?”


Jennifer’s eyes widened, and she quickly pushed him away from herself, leaving the car body.

“Are you sick?” She said fast.

Aaron came closer again, but she pointed her hand forward, stopping him.

“Take another step, I’m gonna kick your @zz for real” she said, but he moved closer without minding, and he grabbed her hand, bringing it down before going for her lips.

“Stop!” She pushed him away before he could reach her lips, then she ran into the house without looking back, shutting the door hard.

“What was that?” Aaron chuckled cutely.

“Why is she acting cute?” He muttered, and his smile got wider as he got in his car and finally got his phone.

It has been ringing non-stop, but he knowingly didn’t pick.

He got ten missed calls from Vance already, then one from his dad.

“Why the hell are they calling? They’d have just postponed the darn $h00t” he complained, and The mayor’s call rang immediately.

“$h|t” he mumbled before swiping the green.

“You think you own the fame you have? Sunrise conglomerates backs up 99 percent of the fame so you should know that your handsome face only accounts for one percent! Why would you ditch the $h00t Aaron!” He shouted angrily.

“Wait… Did you call to shout at me? Yunno how much I..

“You h@ťě being shouted at, then stop doing things to make me shout at you bully! Now get to that studio right now!” The mayor interrupted, and he sighed.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood tonight,” he said and hung up, dropping his phone.

He looked at the mansion again and smiled before facing his phone.

Thankfully, he got her number from the school records book, so he texted her.


He waited for a while and decided that won’t be a good way to start a conversion, so he wiped it and typed another.


He sent that, then he dropped his phone and drove away.


“f-__-k! What the heck is wrong with him!” Jennifer gasped when she saw the message.

She doesn’t have his line, but the Aura surrounding each word shows that it’s him.

She remembered the kiss that almost happened earlier and shook her head.

“Wait! Why is he suddenly acting different? Did he eat something unpleasant? I can’t just get this no matter how hard I think about it…$h00t!” She complained to herself, and her phone buzzed again.

She quickly checked, but she breathed in relief when she saw it’s from the group chat.

LESLIE: Guys! Kiss wants to be my friend

JENNIFER: That playboy? He obviously has ulterior motives

MIRANDA: Leslie’s crush on Prof Ethan is still so crunchy

LESLIE: I think I’m gonna be his friend, but I’m never gonna allow him to use me like he does to girls.

MIRANDA: I trust you baby!

JENNIFER: I have a bigger news, hold your breaths

LESLIE: Aye captain!


JENNIFER: Aaron came to my house some minutes ago, said he didn’t mean to push me at the ride, then he asked for a kiss, and he tried to kiss me, and now he texted that he wants to call me…

MIRANDA: Bill Gates is my dad

LESLIE: My father owns the world bank.

JENNIFER: Guys c’mon…

MIRANDA: thought we’re in a lying competition

LESLIE: Exactly!

Jennifer forwarded the text to them immediately.

LESLIE: Wait, it’s really Aaron’s phone number!

“Oh my f-__-king goodness I need a fan! Aaron begged you for a kiss, and….and … And what? I’m passing out right now, see y’all in the library tommorow night!” Miranda shouted through voice note, then she went offline.

“I’m not believing you till tommorow night too, ok? I wanna pass out too” Leslie replied with voice note and also went offline.

“Can they just be serious for once? Guys!!!” Jennifer shouted, jumping around her room.

“Any problem?” Tanya peeped in.

“Mum!” She pouted, walking to her.

She hugged her, resting her head on her B-__-bs.

“Mum I think I’m starting to see things” she said.

“Things like… New boyfriend?” Tanya replied, stroking her hair.

“I dunno” she replied like a baby again, dipping her face between Tanya’s B-__-bs.

“You wanna go back to being a baby and suck me again?” Tanya laughed.

“Yes, I missed your milk” Jennifer winked, and Tanya pushed her.

She landed in bed, hair scattered around her.

“Come downstairs and let’s watch the office romance together when you’re done, brat” Tanya laughed, leaving the room.

Jennifer’s phone rang beside her, and when she checked to see Teddy ?, she smiled and picked.

“Hey bear!”

“Are you home already?” He asked.

“Yeah, what about you?”

“Just getting home, I called to check on you in case you branched at a club to drink again” he replied, and she chuckled.

“I’ll only drink when you’re around”


“Cos I’ll have you to take me home and protect me from bad guys” she replied, and she could imagine him smiling.

“Wh@ťěver, I’m going to eat with my dad now” he replied.

“Ok bear, see ya at our outing tommorow” she said.

“I almost forgot”

“You dare not, I’ll kidnap you” she replied, and he finally laughed.

“Bye Teddy!” She said in a tiny voice.

“Bye, baby face” he replied, hanging up.


Teddy turned back immediately he ended the call, and he was surprised to see his dad behind him, smiling knowingly with a tray of food in his hands.

“Don’t get weird thoughts, she’s just a friend” he said.

“It’s a good thing you’re brightening up these days, who’s she?” Mr Tiffin asked, settling the tray on the reading table.

They eat in here since it’s not allowed in the dinning room.

“Told you she’s just a friend” Teddy replied, sitting with him on the chair.

“I’ll meet her soon” Mr Tiffin said, and Teddy faced him.

“Fine… Let’s just eat” he said, and Teddy smiled before offloading the dishes from the tray.

It’s three plates of macaroons and Cobb salad.

Mr Tiffin took just a plate as usual, leaving the other two for him.

“Foodie, have it all” he said, stroking his hair fondly.

Teddy smiled and digged in, eating with a great appetite.

Mr Tiffin had to stop when it got to a point, then he began staring at his son.

The fact that he changed from the gloomy guy to the former lively one who eats well is making him happy, he’s finally getting the real Teddy back, and he hopes it continues like this.

Teddy suddenly looked up and found him smiling.

“You aren’t eating?” He asked.

“Yunno I love you, right?” Mr Tiffin blew him a kiss, and he covered his face with a palm.

“Stop it dad” he laughed.

“I love you” Mr Tiffin said again.

“Daaad gawd!” He laughed again.


The crew photo$h00t is over, and Aaron is currently $h00ting the personal pictures for Sunrise.

His white jacket is off his shoulders, staying below his arms as he winked at the camera.

“A Șëx¥ look this time around Aaron! Very Șëx¥!” The photographer said.

Aaron made his eyes slightly drowsy, then he bit his lip

“Yes! That’s it! That’s it Aaron!” The photographer smiled, snapping as many as possible.

“Now a badass look! Bad boy ok?”

Aaron began posing with that concept, and the photographer clapped before starting to $h00t again.

“What’s up with him tonight? He’s not the type to be obedient to the photographer” Pascal said.

“Who knows?” Vance replied.

“Wish I could see more of this side of him, isn’t he so cute?” Pascal laughed.

“You can say that again, he’s not the leader for nothing” Vance replied.

“But this f-__-king stubborn attitude of his is annoying” Pascal said.

“Are you guys gossiping about me?” Aaron suddenly appeared.

“You? I’d rather talk about a passing dog” Pascal scoffed.

“C’mon Kiss, are you still mad at me?” Aaron entered their middle, hanging his arms on their shoulders.

“I’m not ready for your childish plays tonight” Vance said.

“Let’s go drink my guys!” Aaron shouted, running out of the studio with them.

“I have no plans to drink tonight” Pascal said.

“It’s an order” Aaron smiled, pushing him into the car.

“Don’t push me” Vance said and entered by himself.

He drove them to Bemelmans bar, their usual, and they soaked themselves in alcohol before driving home separately.

Kitty was already asleep when Pascal arrived, but Anita was still waiting in the living room.

She opened the door immediately she heard the honk of his car, then she rushed to his car to help him in since he can’t even walk on his own.

“Kitty h@ťěs seeing you drunk, master” she said, struggling before she could get him to take another step.

“I’m so……Ted!” He smiled, shaking his head so his hair fell on his face.

“You need to go upstairs and take a shower” Anita replied, and he smiled again.

“Sure” he mumbled and tried to take another step, but his legs tangled, and Anita’s eyes widened as he crumbled on her, and they fell on the bare ground together.

“Ouch! My back!” She winced, and he tilted slightly above her to look at her face.

“Mas … Ter” she muttered, causing him to smile.

“It’s you, Nita”

Anita folded her fists when he brought his face down again, and the smell of alcohol filled her nose as he kissed her lips directly.

Her eyes didn’t widen, she swallowed nothing instead, and he smiled.

“You’re so… Pretty… I want to… Kiss… You all night…” He whispered, and she blinked once as he brought down his head again.

She tried to push his chest in the last minute, but he captured her lips so hard that she lost all the zeal to push him, and before she knew it, her fingers teleported to his hair, and she began kissing him back just as hard.


“Are you going somewhere?” Mr Tiffin asked when Teddy finished dressing up, wearing a pure white shirt on jean.

“Yeah dad, going out with my friend” he replied.

“The female one?” Mr Tiffin said.

“Don’t even start” he replied, and Mr Tiffin laughed as he got his phone.

“Take your time!” He shouted.

“See you later!” Teddy replied, leaving the room.

Jennifer was already waiting in her car when he got out, and she winded down to take a good look at him.

“White looks good on you, Teddy bear” she smiled out her cheeks.

“Don’t fall for me” he teased, and she laughed.

“And if I do?”

“At your own risk” he laughed too, entering with her.

“Wait… How many cars do you have?” He asked, noticing this is different from the one she brought to the library last night.

“Three. Ferrari, Bugatti, and this sports car” she replied, and he nodded.

“Feels good to be rich”

Jennifer smiled and drove off.


Waking up to sunlight felt like a dream to Aaron. He doesn’t even know how he got home last night. The Mayor’s guards always take care of that.

He sat up in bed and yawned lightly, stretching himself like a starfish before getting his phone.

He even forgot to call Jennifer last night cos of the joy that he got close to her.

He smiled as he went to the dialler and dialled her line, but she’s not picking up.

“Is she still asleep?” He muttered, deciding to type a message.


He clicked send and got down from the bed, entering his bathroom to brush.

He was smiling like a fool throughout, thinking about the kiss that almost happened last night. If only he was one second faster.

He finished brushing and came back to meet a maid in the bedroom already with his cup of morning coffee.

“Cloud coffee?” He asked, taking the cup.

“Yes, young master” the maid nodded, surprised that he’s not being cranky as usual.

He took a sip but quickly took it off his lips. “That’s hot!” He gasped.

“Sorry sir!” The maid quickly bowed.

“Where’s Teddy? Call him to mix my bath” he said.

“He already mixed it before going out” the maid replied, and Aaron squinted.

“He went out?”

“Yes sir, with a girl”

“A girl?” He came closer suspiciously.

“Yes sir, she has been here before”

“Wait… Pink lips? Baby face? Round cheeks?” He said.

“Yes sir” the maid replied, and the cup of coffee fell from him immediately.

He stormed out of the room, meeting The Mayor by the door.

“We need to talk, Aaron” he said.

“Do I look like I’m in the mood to talk to you? Please!” Aaron snapped and went back into his room.

He shut the door at his face angrily.


“You didn’t tell me we’d be coming here” Teddy said as Jennifer got ice cream from a vendor.

“You said it the other night that it’s like your second home” she replied, taking the ice cream from the man.

“That’s because Angel died here” he said, and the ice cream fell from her.


He pointed at an abandoned rollercoaster.

“She fell from that” he said sadly, and she felt bad immediately.

“I’m sorry”

“It’s nothing, I’m happy to be here anyways” he replied, rubbing his necklace.

“Teddy?” Nicholas called behind him, and he swiftly turned to see him with his foams of cotton candy as usual.

“Nicholas!” He smiled, taking a pink one from him immediately.

“New girlfriend?” Nicholas smiled at Jennifer.

“No, she’s my friend” Teddy replied.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer” Jennifer waved.

“He might be harsh at times, but don’t take it to heart, he’s actually a sweetheart” Nicholas said.

“”I know” Jennifer laughed.

“Go, enough of the talk” Teddy pushed him away, and he laughed as he left to sell his wares at the other end.

“It’s more enjoyable at night here” Teddy said, eating the candy sweetly.

“Then should we go somewhere else for now?” Jennifer said, and be faced her.



“Are we here to chill with the fishes?” Teddy asked surprisingly when they arrived.

“I found out this spot last night, so don’t spoil things and let’s just enjoy the view” she replied, and he nodded.


Her phone rang. It’s Aaron again, but she ignored.

“You haven’t been picking your calls” he said.

“It’s not important” she replied as he began walking to the river.

“You’re gonna swim?” She asked, dropping her bag.

“Maybe” he replied.

“Then you should take off your shirt” she replied.

“I’m afraid you’ll fall for me if you see my shirtless body” he replied, and she laughed.

“Now that I think about it, you’re arrogant than Aaron”

“No, it’s confidence” he winked, and she laughed again as he finally stepped into the river, going deeper till it reached his chest, soaking his shirt.

He turned back to see her still standing.

“You can just sit and watch me!” He shouted.

“No!” She shouted back, taking off her gown.

She’s wearing black thighs and singlet underneath, so she’s still covered as she entered the water with him.

His eyes never left her till she got to him, and she smiled.

“Are you surprised? I’m the host of this outing so…hey!” She returned his wink.

“You’re cute!” He laughed, and she bit her lip, fighting the blush on her cheeks.

It’s her cheeks tendency to redden at the slightest compliment.

Right now, his shirt is sticking so tight to his body, and she’s trying so hard not to stare.

“Skin dip?” He suddenly said.

“Sure” she smiled, and they both went under at a time, only to come out after one minute.

The wetness complicated things, and immediately they beheld each other, Teddy’s eyes widened, and Jennifer’s mouth forgot how to close. They’re right in front of each other.

The water pulled down Jennifer’s singlet dangerously low in the front, revealing much of her bra.

Teddy’s abs are even f-__-king obvious in the completely wet shirt, and his hair sticking cutely to his face like this reminded her of the first time she saw his wet hair in the restroom. Again, and again… This guy right here… He’s Șëx¥!

Her throat ran madly dry as she moved closer senselessly, looking up at his face as their eyes locked hard.

They started leaning in at once, the heat and tension so bad as they drew closer and closer.

Their eyes went shut at the same time, but just as it was about to happen, Teddy’s eyes flew open, and he held her bare shoulders, holding her back

“Jenny” he called, and her eyes opened.

She swallowed hard, and he gently let go of her shoulders.

He walked out of the water, and Jennifer found herself smiling as she continued standing on her spot.

He just called her Jenny!


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