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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 23?

Maya dish out their food while Alex was busy staring at her .
“Why are you in my house ” he ask and Maya huff adjust her shirt .
“She’s Damon maid ” Rick sharply said and alex giggled .
” Is that a joke or..Damon “Alex call now staring at Damon who rolled his eyes .
“Yes she’s my personal maid ” he said and Alex scoff .
” Maya aren’t gonna eat with us ” Candie ask Maya who was just starting at then as they eat in peace .
“No don’t worry am not hungry ” she said .
” You can’t just stand there staring at us ” Candie added .
” Candie let her be “Damon finally said .
” Geez you aren’t romantic at all ,Maya take a seat “Alex said .
” No I..”
” You know I don’t take no for an answer “he said and got up from his seat ,he walked close to her .
” Am full Alex and..”
“Don’t be shy ” he held her hand and carefully lead her to an empty seat beside his own , Maya sat down and he also did . He dish out food for her .
“So Maya why did you accept to be Damon maid I thought you were working at a mall “he ask , Maya took a bite from her fried meat . Maya glance at Damon who sigh and out down his fork .
” Well it’s confidential ” Damon said .
“Oh I see , so it means I will be seeing you more often right .haha it will be fun to have a segzy girl around this boring army barrack”Alex said and Maya giggle and so did the other aside for Damon .
” I most say your cooking is splendid I hope to eat more of this ” Lucky said grinning .
” Foodie ” Candie said and lucky rolled his eyes in a girlish manner.
“f-__-ker ” he said and Candie smirk .
” At least am better than you virgin boy ” Candie wink and lucky grit his teeth .
” Am not a virgin for your record I have a girlfriend and..”
” She’s happily married to your uncle “Candie cut in .
” Candie “lucky scream and throw his fork at him but Candie swiftly Dodge while laughing .
They hall was field with laughter even Maya giggle as the scene .
“Do they always act this way ” Maya ask Alex in a low tone and Alex shrug .
” No body likes Candie he’s annoying , Rick is his prime enemy ” Alex whisper back .
” At least I ones had a girlfriend what about you huh ,your last girlfriend ran out of this building naked because you swap her body spray with pepper spray ” lucky fire back and Candie gasp.
” d@mn her @zz was f-__-king small ,what did you see in that flat @zz girl ” Rick ask nonchalantly and Candie jaw tighten .
” Shut up sleeping beauty no body ask for your opinion” Candie scream .
” It seems your friends are much more fun than I thought “Maya whisper and Alex smirk , Damon who have been staring at them all this while frown . He clinch his fist tight as he stare as Maya and Alex do their side talk ,it was like watching lovers chat in secret .
After the little fiasco at the dinning room they all scattered to different direction while Maya clear the table .
Damon walked into the kitchen while Maya was busy washing the dishes .
” It seems you know Alex alot ” he said and pick up an apple from the fruit basket ,Maya smile and took a quick glance at him .
” Yeah ” she said .
“How long ” he ask further .
“A while now why are you asking ” she turn to him and he scoff and took a big bite from the apple ,Maya watch as his segzy lips move and for no reason she wonder how it will feel to kiss him.
“$h|t get outta my Head ” Maya mumble to herself.
” Did you say something”
“No I…I ” she gulp down nervously.
” Why don’t I help you out “he said
“You’re kidding right ” she chuckle and Damon hiss .
” Do I look like am joking ,c’mon don’t tell me you think I can wash dishes”he ask
” Don’t get me wrong Damon it’s just that ..”
” I wanna help ,step aside am gonna wash while you rinse ” he said .
” Are you sure you can do this ” she ask laughing .
” Why not I have been doing this all my life “he said and grab the soft washing foam .
Maya step aside trying hard not to laugh as Damon pick up a ceramic plate .
” Am gonna prove to you that am good at domestic chores”he said , Maya laugh out as he wash the plate like he is fighting with the poor plate .
“haha c’mon Damon you are to wash the plate and not ki|| it “she protest but he paid no attention to her .
“You’re just jealous that am doing it better than you ,geez take a look at it . So sparkling”he said and wiggle his brows in a funny manner .
” Oh stop deceiving yourself ,take a look at the plate it seems you have succeed to wash off its colour “she teased .
” Admit am better than you “he said proudly .
” Hell no you can’t be as good as..”Maya was saying when he scoop a hand full of soapy water and sprinkles on her .
“Ahhh ,geez Damon stop ” she whine and move back ,he still scoop another and full and sprinkle at her again .
“Stop ”
“Just admit am better “he said smiling
“Hell no ”
” Then I won’t back down “he said and grab the bowl of water , Maya grab the second bow fill with clean water for rinsing .
“You’re not the only one with water Damon ” she said grinning ..

Alex walk steadily towards the kitchen but he pause when he heard Maya and Damon laughing sound booming from ahead.
” C’mon bring it on haha ,am also not backing down .if you want civil war then am gonna give one to you ” he heard Maya voice
” Let’s see about that “Damon voice also echoed , Alex increase his pace .
“Ahhh ” Maya loud frightful scream was heard and Alex quickly rush into the kitchen only to find Damon on the floor with Maya lying on top of him.
The kitchen floor was wet and plates and spoons where all over the floor .

Meanwhile Maya and Damon remain on the floor staring at each other eyes ,his gaze move down to her pale pink lips and like magnet he lean forward to kiss her . Maya on the other hand shut her eyes waiting for the moment .
“What In the name of Pů$$¥ is going on here ” Alex voice interrupt them . Maya rolled off Damon and she quickly rose up and so did Damon who had a calm smile while Alex glare dagger at him .

“Take a look at the kitchen ,what were you 2 doing on the floor “he ask .
” We were having fun when Maya slipped and fell but good thing I caught her on time before she could sustain any serious injury”Damon said
“Fun ” Alex ask now staring at Maya who is busy biting her lips nervously . the frown on Alex face brighten up to a big smile .
“Geez are you okay Maya ,d@mn why did you guys pour water all over the kitchen floor . Are you alright baby dull “Alex ask and carefully examine her body, he turn Maya 360 degree to make sure she’s okay .
“Look at me dull ” he held up he face now staring into her eyes .
“You shouldn’t play around wet floors you might injure yourself , are you sure you don’t feel any pains “he ask worriedly but she shook her head negative like a child .
“C’mon let’s get outta here ” he held her hand tenderly.
” What about the wet floor, I have to clean the water “she pouted and Alex glance round the kitchen .
“Don’t worry Damon will clean it ” he said not minding Damon opinion ,Maya look over to Damon who had a big frown on his face . Before Damon could react Alex drag her out of the kitchen.

Damon stood still glaring at the door ,he felt something weird building inside his chest . He felt like ripping off Alex head .
“Wait am I jealous,nah I can’t be jealous she’s not even my girlfriend “Damon said to himself.
” f-__-k Alex , d@mn her lips looks so segzy and soft . I wonder how it would test ” Damon manage to smile as he think about Maya perfect lips .


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