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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 22?

Alex was busy playing PS with his phone when Belinda walk in look segzy as always .
“Hey Linda ” he said and put down his phone .
” I need your help Alex ” she said and Alex smirk while she rolled her eyes .
“Am all ears ”
“You know I love Damon right , I need you to help me get him back” she said confidently .
” Wow i see anyways I can help you but what am I gonna get in return,you can’t make a deal with the devil and expect him to go empty handed “he said grinning , among all of Damon friend Alex is just so sly .
” Am willing to do anything ” she said and Damon giggle .
” will you be my segz mate for a week ”
“Hell no i can’t ” she snap and Alex chuckle .
“I can’t f-__-k Damon and also f-__-k his best friend ” she snap .
” Look Belinda I don’t have time for this $h|t are you in or out “he said now frowning .
” I won’t be your segz slave hell no am gonna get Damon using another means “she said .
” You will soon come back begging me to help you “he said but she ignored him and exit the room .
“Take a look at her segzy @zz no wonder Damon was in love with her oops he was in love with her @zz “he giggle and just then his phone beep and a message from Zara popped on the screen . A big smile formed on his face
” Am gonna have alot of fun tonight ” .


Maya and Mara went home straight after school and while Mara was preparing to go to work Maya on the other hand was getting ready to go to Damon place .

“Why are you dressed like that ” Mara ask glaring at Maya’s black jeans and big pink polo .
” I told you am now working as Damon maid in exchange for him to be my tutor “Maya whine .
” Is that why you’re dressed like that geez girl ,you are going out with a handsome dude so you need to look segzy and..”
” It’s not a date ,bye “Maya said and hurriedly walk out .
” Even if it’s not…”Mara was about to say when Maya slam the door shut ,she hiss.

A taxi stop in front a huge silver gate and Maya step out ,she paid the driver and he drove off . She stared at the gaze and took a glance at the cord which Damon gave her . 28 was boldly written beside the gate.

“Am at the right place ” she mumble and was about to knock when the gate rolled open on its own .
“Huh ,what just happen” she ask confuse , she look left and right before walking in and the gate automatically close.
“Wow ” a loud gasp escape her lips at the sight of the huge gigantic glass mansion , almost 70 percent of the building is made of unbreakable glass while the other 30 percent is made of concrete .
Maya was still in awe when a basketball ball flew out of nowhere and it hit her face hard ,she fell face flat on the floor .

“d@mn Rick ” lucky yelled and rush towards Maya who groan and manage to seat up .
“Hey are you alright ,how did you get in here ” lucky ask and assist her up .
” Who kicked the d@mn ball “Maya groan .
” You just walked into our house uninvited” Rick said and Maya shift her gaze to him .
” Is that why you throw the ball at my face ” Maya ask and Rick rolled his eyes .
” Guys am hungry …oh $h|t it’s you ” Candie who can came out shriek and rush to Maya and before she could react he held her hand and pull her close to himself.
” You look so beautiful can I have your number ,am sure you’re single because an also single and .. .”
” Candie ” both Rick and lucky scream .
“Can’t you see an talking to my future wife ” he snap .
” For the record am not your future wife”Maya said and Candie fake a dramatic heart attack while clinching his chest .
“Oh my God I can’t breath , somebody help . My baby just rejected me “he whine .
Maya sighted a guy dressed in a black singlet and army combat short , he wore a black Gucci head ban. It was her whole world revolves around this one person she couldn’t just take her eyes off him as he approach her .

“Hey girl wakeup” Damon snap his finger and Maya was brought back to reality ,her cheek instantly flush red .

“I have been calling your name for while now ” he said calmly and Maya look away .
” Sorry I..”
“Why is she in our house ” Rick ask .
” Maya is my new handmaid “Damon said .
“Maid and when did you start having one ” lucky ask and Damon scoff .
” Starting from today , Maya you will start by cleaning .” Damon said and Maya nodded .
” I hope you’re good at cooking ” Candie chirped in.
” Yeah you don’t have to worry “Maya said smiling .
” Come with me “Damon said and walk back into the mansion and she followed behind him ..
After the tour around the mansion Maya wash the dishes and clean the kitchen ,she also did some arrangements at the seating room and other segment of the mansion and by now the sky outside was slowly becoming dark .

***Unknown location
Inside a room filled with armed men
4 people were tied up on 4 wooden chairs while wailing in pains ,2 girls and 2 boys . The boys were badly beaten while the girl had few bruises on their body .
Zara sat on a table dressed in a black leather trousers and red bra ,her hair was packed up in a high ponytail . They were bundle of dollars all over the table along with wraps of cocain , 8 half naked girls were arranging the cocaine into a silver briefcase .

“I heard the boss is coming here today ” a guy holding a gun ask his friend.
” Yes ”
“Am sure he is weak and…” the first guy was about to say when Zara turn to him and he shut his mouth .
” If you wanna die then try any $h|t around Alex ” she said and just then the got a message from Alex and she smile and junk down from the table .
” You all should be on guard the boss is here ” she said and walk out of the room and shortly she return with Alex beside her , all eyes were on the handsome guy who had just walk in ..
“Hello everyone am sure most of you know and do not know me , am Alexander the great and welcome to the blood knight club .”he said cheerfully then his eyes move to his hostage .
” Alex am gonna ki|| you bastard ,how dare you ” Nelson , Alex cousin scream while trying to free himself .
“Hello cousin and long time no see ”
“f-__-k you ” Nelson yell but regretted his action as Alex land a hard jaw breaking punch on his face .
“Ahhh ” Nelson scream and blood gush out of his mouth .
” Who are you ,please I wanna go home ” a blonde hair girl cried and Alex beam .
” Let me go else am dad will have your head , do you know who my dad is huh . Lord f-__-king Ross the king of Italy Mafia” the second girl scream .
” Wow am honored to know that , and you Mr nice guy how do you feel ” Alex ask the second guy who have been quiet all this while .
” Am not scared of dead so do your worst but if I should survive then am gonna come for your head “he said confidently and Alex nodded .
” Zara can you please enlighten them on why they are all here ” Alex said and Zara step forward .
” You guys are here to pay for your father’s sins for eating from the forbidden tree ” Zara said and Nelson laugh out which got Zara furious.
“Whats funny ” she grit her teeth
“Forbidden tree huh,wait are you talking about Alex mom old Pů$$¥. Yes I know Lord Ross ,Lord Rico and my dad f-__-k you mom . I watch her cry and Mõ@ɲ in pain and pleasure am sure you dad was not even able to make her Com but guess what she come multiple times . Hahaha I can still remember how she Mõ@ɲ my dad name and she was like .faster baby rip my Pů$$¥ apart and all yours ” Nelson mimick a female Mõ@ɲ , Alex grit his teeth but manage to swallow his anger .
“Give me your gun ” Alex said to a guard standing beside him .
“Huh ” the guard mumble and Alex furiously smash the gun ,he first of all shot the guard straight to the forehead then he turn to Lord Rico son .
“Too bad I won’t get to know your name ” he said and pull the trigger ,he shot the guy 3 times. One to the head and 2 to the chest
“Ahhh ” the 2 girls scream out fearfully ,with out any emotion Alex point the gun at the first blond her girl .
“No no please I..” she was about to say when he fire 2 bullet bullet into head .
“Ahhh Pamela no no sister ,you monster how dare you. am gonna f-__-king ki|| “the second girl scream out while crying like a baby .
” I will ki|| you first ,say hello to Lucifer ” he said and put a single bullet into her skull .
“Alex please I forgive me ,I didn’t do anything wrong my dad is the one at fault “Nelson said shaking like dry leaf, Alex giggle and point his gun at him .
“Sorry bro but I don’t forgive my enemy ” Alex said
” No no nooo “Nelson scream and Alex pull the trigger but a loud click sound was produce which means the gun have run out of bullets .
Nelson breath out in relief while Alex frown
“Like seriously ” Alex said feeling disappointed ,he beam the moment he saw a gigantic hammer on the table beside Zara ..
“Hey you, bring that to me ” he said pointing at one of his guard who quickly grab the hammer and gave it to him . Alex felt the weight of the hammer and he smile creepily while Nelson swallow hard .
” Any last words ” he ask
“Alex please don’t do this I..” Nelson was about to say when Alex smash his head with the hammer and blood splash all around the place and Nelson skull crack open.
“You God d@mn bastard” Alex roar and smash Nelson head again and again and again until they was no head left for him to destroy . Nelson brain was scattered all over the floor and his blood were all over Alex face . Alex toss the hammer on the floor and turn to the men , and they all flinch while Zara smirk . They had new respect mix with fear for him .
Zara smirk and catwalk close to him
” You look so mess up ,here wipe your hand and face ” she gave him a towel .
” send their bodies back to their family “Alex said and Zara nodded.
” Consider it done “Zara assured him

Alex drove into the glass Villa and then he step out of the car ,he walk steadily into the mansion .
He could hear laughter coming from the dining room .
“Hey guys ” he said cheerfully , Damon ,Candie ,lucky and Rick were already seated in the dining room . A huge bowl of fried meat was placed in the middle of the table .
“d@mn this smells nice so what are we having for dinner ” he ask and made to take a of meat but Candie drag the bowl away .
” Calm down man ” he said smiling he Alex scoff .
” Okay guys am done and…” Alex heard a familiar voice and he look up .
Meanwhile Maya pause the moment she saw him , a big creepy smile form on his handsome face . Maya heart skip as she stared at him .


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