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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Oh no, what have I done…this is bad, could it be what I’m thinking?

Goodness never,the love potion can’t work on the wolf…

Let go of me kiddie… Manley do something about this” I said very scared as the little wolf kept licking my whole face”

” Manley rushed to get her off from me but the wolf looked at him angrily”

What! Wovia what’s happening to kiddie, she has never been angry with you before ” Moana said”

I don’t know either..I can’t tell why she’s all over Laura ” Manley said confusedly as the goddess of water rose up and casted a spell on kiddie which made her fell immediately asleep”

Huhhh.. thank goodness ” I said as Manley took her from me as the goddess walked up to father and said”

This is really strange… demon king…I can tell that the little wolf was poisoned from the wine she licked from the floor, demon king.. what have you to say about this” the goddess asked angrily ”

Goddess of water..I really don’t know what you’re talking about..I only called you all here to come celebrate with me, I have no intention of harming any of you” father said as Moana stood up angrily saying”

That wine was poisoned my king,and since Kiddie was all over Laura then that means it was a love poison… kiddie doesn’t disobey Wovia and she doesn’t even know Laura so how come about that if the wine wasn’t poisoned ” Moana asked as I said to her angrily”

Keep quiet Moana, what are you implying..are you trying to say I poisoned the wine in other for Manley to fall in love with me” I asked angrily as Lydia stood up saying”

That’s enough demon princess,you shouldn’t talk to princess Moana like that, listen carefully you’ve already said what you did with your own mouth… goddess of water I don’t think we should stay here anymore because we don’t know the kind of poison we’ll be served next, we should head back my queen “Lydia said angrily”

You’re right Lydia..we should leave this place as soon as possible… let’s go” the goddess said as they stood up to leave as father said to them”

Goddess of water please don’t leave…I promise to get to the bottom of this… please stay ,there’s something I would really need your help with ” father said”

Manley are you really leaving with them?” I asked Manley”

Laura..I know you’re a good person..I know you saved my life and taught me how to speak and I really appreciate..but I think you went too far this time… please take care of yourself ” Manley said leaving already as they all left together”

” I sat down on the chair in tears as father walked to me angrily saying”

I knew that was your handwork Laura..why would you do that at this particular moment I wanted to know how your mother died.. what has come over you Laura, remember you’re not just a princess but a soldier too,why don’t you remember the rules, I’m so disappointed at you ” father said angrily”

Father I’m sorry..I really don’t want to lose Manley, father please try to understand me” I said in tears as he hugged me tightly saying”

My dear,I understand how you’re feeling right now, listen Laura..I myself was Shocked when I heard you talking about a boy for the first time after you lost your Manley, Manley was a good boy and you two loved each other so much to the extent that he gave his life just to save you in the battle field…but what you have to remember is that Wovia is not that Manley, even though you’ve named him Manley he will never be your late Manley my dear… please understand and stop this before it’s too late” father said as I cried harder”

Father I want to be with Manley, pleaseeeeeee” I said in tears ”

Please stop crying my dear,you know how I miss your mum so much, don’t make things too hard for us emotionally” he said sadly as we saw a savant rushing in ”

Greetings my king” he bowed ”

You may rise” father said ”


My king, this is a letter for you” he said as I collected it quickly”

You may leave ” I said”

Yes my king” he responded leaving as I opened the letter and read,it says”

” I have a surprise for you demon king… meet me on the mountain now..
From Cansana”

” What! ”

Father…what does the letter says” Laura asked ”

It’s from cansana.. don’t worry I’ll handle this..stay here I’ll be right back” I said leaving ”


I took my horse to the mountain looking all over for him.

If he dares tries any tricks he’ll surely get it hot from me.

Cansana.. show yourself… I’m not here for plays” I said aloud when suddenly I heard him laughing but he was invisible”

Hahaha… demon came ” he said appearing right Infront of me with my wife”

Thelma??” I called surprisingly looking at my wife who was very weak as cansana held her hair from behind”

Donsa,donsa ” my wife managed to call my name as I looked at cansana angrily with my whole body boiling to attack him”

Cansana..what is the meaning of thisssss…why did you take my wife hostage and lied that she was dead ” I asked surprisingly”

Demon king…relax okay…if I wanted to ki|| her I would have ki||ed her long ago..” cansana said smiling”

Cansana you’re indeed evil…after everything I and my wife did for you..let me have my wife back nowww” I said angrily”

Never, hahaha ” he said laughing”

What did you do to my wife that has made her powerless…what have you done to her” i asked angrily”

Do you really want to know?” He asked”

Tell me now ” I said angrily”

Fine…I gave her the water which the goddess of waters gave me ” he said as I looked at him surprisingly”

What are you trying to say” I asked”

Hahaha, demon told me some days ago that I wasn’t smart and I thought you’d be smarter to know that they was something else I demanded from the goddess of water that made me not to attack her kingdom for babies and pregnant women ” he said”

I still don’t get what you’re saying cansana..stop beating around the bush “I said angrily”

Fine..I promised the goddess of water never to attack her kingdom if she avoid battling with me but that wasn’t everything I asked of her..I also asked her to give me some water mix with some weakening pills to make your wife powerless and she did just that” he said as I was Shocked”

What! Unbelievable cansana,do you think I can fall for such lies” I said angrily”

Fine..if you don’t believe me.. then ask your wife which water she drank that put her in this condition ” cansana said as I looked at my wife who can barely breathe nor talk”

Thelma Dear…is it true that the water came from the goddess’s stream?” I asked”

Yes husband” she managed to say”

How heartless could the goddess be to work with you to destroy my wife” I said angrily breathing very fast”

Hahahaha,you see that demon king, that I am not the only enemy you have…I should get going now with your wife back from where we came from” he said about leaving” can’t leave without giving me back my wife” I said angrily”

Common.. don’t worry demon king..I will give you back your wife only if you ki|| Wovia”he said”

Impossible…” I said angrily”

Fine..then I should leave with your precious wife…” He said about leaving”

Cansana wait.. what do you really want from me.. haven’t I done enough for you?” I asked angrily”

Yes you have but only one thing remaining…I wouldn’t want to ask you to ki|| the goddess because I don’t think it’ll be possible for you,but Wovia…I know you can do it… demon king…ki|| Wovia as soon as you can and I promise.. you’ll have your wife back fully intact” he said aloud and vanished”

No..noooooo, Thelma.. Thelma” I Called aloud in tears rolling on the ground”

How long will you keep suffering because of my foolishness… I’m so sorry Thelma..” I said aloud in tears”


I was in prison thinking about everything that has happened…

I couldn’t believe Tasha and Abigail’s children could still be alive…i thought my husband was going to eat them on the day of their birth but he decided to keep Moana and send Wovia to the wolf forest,this is all his fault..he could have eaten them up back then..

This is not good…” I said to myself In tears when suddenly I saw Shakira sneaking into the prison”

Shakira” I called surprisingly”

Mother” she called surprisingly rushing to me”

What are you doing here my shouldn’t be here ” I said as she brought out some keys and began to unlock me”

Mother we need to leave…I can’t stay a day knowing how hard it is for you in prison… let’s go” she said dragging me out of the cage as I pushed her into the cage, grabbed the keys from her and locked her inside”

Mother… what are you doing ” she asked surprisingly” turned your back on me and your dad.. your father has only you as a child instead of you to always be by his side and fight but you chossed to work with those evil being ,now your father’s life is about to be ruined,stay here and learn your lessons, I should go look for your father, goodbye ” I said rushing out”


I can’t believe this ..I really can’t..

Now I know that mother loves father more than me…

Last time when I mistakenly ate the poison she made for Moana,she didn’t even bother to stay with me but went to steal babies and pregnant women for father to feed on.. Moana was the one who always stood by my side,to the extent that she even agreed to marry father because she wanted to save my life by giving me the water from the stream…

I’m so sorry Moana,now I know you’re the only one I should trust…I which we can be just the way we used to be .

? Anita obi POV.?

?In the underwater ?

Wovia, Moana, Samuel and Lydia were having some chats drinking and laughing.

The goddess of water was already resting because of her health situation…

The goddess sent the fours to find the spy in the kingdom…

The fours has done some searching but couldn’t find anyone so they decided to take some rest with some cup of wines..

Wovia..why not we play a truth or dare game ” Samuel said as Wovia smiled”

Fine…pour more wine then..hey Moana would you love to play that?” Wovia asked”

Of course I want to play wh@ťěver you play “Moana said smiling”

How about you Lydia…” Samuel asked Lydia”

Of course not,I just want to keep drinking ” Lydia said smiling”

Fine then.. Lydia is not we should proceed while she keeps drinking ” Samuel said”

Okay..let me go first, truth” Wovia said”

Okay go on.. I’m waiting” Samuel said”

Okay, Samuel have you gone nuts before?” Wovia asked as Lydia and Moana laughed ”

What, what sort of question was that should be out of your senses” Samuel said angrily ”

No you’re the one who has gone nuts because if you haven’t then you would have seen it clearly that Moana loves me and not you” Wovia said drinking as they began to become drunk”

Really..fine…my turn now” Samuel said ”

Okay.. I’m waiting”Wovia said”

Not for you, I’m throwing this to Moana,if she doesn’t do it then she’ll take ten cups of wine ” Samuel said”

What! Samuel.. can’t you see she’s already getting drunk… don’t ask her something that would permit her to drink such idiot ” Wovia said”

Common Wovia..let him ask me… there’s nothing I can’t do” Moana said smiling drunkenly”

Okay then.. Moana dear..I dare you to give me a deep kiss” Samuel said”

What!!” They said at a time”

Why are you all shouting..hey don’t wake the goddess up..common Moana do it” Samuel said”

Okay ” Moana said drunkenly taking her lips closer to Samuel’s as Wovia dragged her back”

In your dreams can never taste my woman’s lips ” Wovia said angrily”

Hey everyone..let me take five cups for Moana not to kiss my man” Lydia said drunkenly”

Me too.. I’ll take the other five for Moana ” Wovia said taking five cups for Moana and Lydia did the same”

You two are stingy …how could you” Samuel said drunkenly”

Hey guys.. I need to go to bed now” Moana said getting up to move but her legs were shaking,she was about falling to the ground as Samuel grabbed her into his arms saying”

Juliet, please don’t leave me I’m Romeo” Samuel said drunkenly as Wovia stood up drunkenly saying to Lydia ”

Moana.. let’s go to bed” Wovia said drunkenly taking Lydia with him thinking she was Moana”

Okay Samuel ” Lydia responded to Wovia drunkenly thinking he was Samuel ”

And I should..go..with.. Lydia then ” Samuel said drunkenly taking Moana with him thinking she was Lydia ”

Okay Wovia, let’s gooooo” Moana said drunkenly to Samuel as they all left to their rooms with different partners ”


Greetings my king.. I’ve returned my king” one of my soldiers said ”

How was it in the underwater,is there any strong vigilant there tonight?” I asked ”

My king..I descoverd that the goddess was already in bed while Wovia and the rest were drinking and have even gotten drunk,my king..with my view tonight in the underwater,I can tell that this is the right time for you to attack and ki|| the new king of sukunda ” he said bowing”

Very good,stay back..I don’t need any soldiers because I don’t want my daughter to suspect a thing.. make sure you don’t let her know I’m going to ki|| Wovia tonight in exchange for her mom ” I said”

Yes my king ” he bowed as I vanished”


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