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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .?




Everyone bowed to Wovia as Wovia kept watching at us in Shocks…he turned to the throne he was sitting and saw no blood on it anymore..

Wovia is really the real king as mother said…God this is Great.

Long live our king!
Long live our king!
Long live our king!

” Everyone kept saying as cansana said angrily”

What is going on here? Huh, someone should talk to me..why is Wovia the real king ,is this some kind of jokes? Goddess of water…what do you have to say about this ..” cansana said confusedly”

Cansana…you can see clearly that Wovia is the real king, what else do you want to know ” mother asked smiling”

Really? Impossible..I want to know everything about this set-up..what are you up to this time ” cansana asked angrily as mother walked closer to him smiling saying”

Cansana,you really want to know everything? Don’t tell me you have just forgotten the baby you asked to be thrown into the wolf forest years ago… Wovia is that child ” mother said smiling as Wovia and cansana looked at her surprisingly”

What! He..he..he..he.. he wasn’t eaten by the wolves? Can you make it clear to me…I can’t feel my brain anymore ” cansana said almost in tears as Wovia rushed to mother saying”

Goddess, everything you’re saying the truth? Did he really throw me into the wolves forest?” Wovia asked”

Don’t you believe me Wovia…who was the first person you knew” mother asked”

It was you goddess ” Wovia responded”

Yes Wovia,I saved you from the wolves by turning Thier hearts to love you,this old fool here was behind the dead of your parent because of some stupid traditions he kept after ki||ing his own father your grandpa ” mother said as everyone was surprised”

This..this is a dream,I need to wake up from it ” cansana said confusedly and vanished immediately”

He left again ” king of Bruzuna said angrily as we saw Shantel watching surprisingly saying”

No this can’t be,this can never be” Shantel said in tears as mother said ”

Soldiers, I’m commanding you with the permission from your king Wovia to arrest that woman and prison her” mother said ”

Yes goddess” they responded and grabbed Shantel with them as she kept crying ”

Father please don’t let this happen.. Shakira.. Shakira” she called in tears but they took her away ”

” The demon princess walked closer to Wovia and held his hands saying ”

Greetings my king” she said smiling ”

Laura..stop it already… don’t be too formal,we are still friends okay ” Wovia said smiling as the demon king bowed to Wovia saying”

Greetings our real king.. Manley we are so happy for you” the demon king said”

By the way real king..why do everyone call you different names… Wovia, Manley.. don’t tell me you’re too daft to make a name for yourself ” Samuel said rudely as Wovia looked at him angrily”

Son.. don’t be rude to him.. don’t you know his title now?” King of Bruzuna said as Shakira said”

Anyway..I think Samuel is that you’ve become a king.. isn’t it time for you to have a name for yourself?” Shakira asked as Laura cut in saying ”

He has a name already..his name is Manley” Laura said as mother said to him”

Wovia…you have to chose for yourself which name you’d want to be it Manley or Wovia, better still you can get a new one for yourself” mother added as Wovia looked at everyone and said ”

My name is Wovia…this will be my permanent name” Wovia said as I smiled at him happily but Laura was angry ”

Greetings king Wovia!!

” Everyone said happily as I rushed to him and hugged him”

Wovia..thank you for choosing my name” I said happily ”

Moana,I should be thanking you” he said hugging me tightly as mother said”

Okay okay.. that’s enough..I think it’s time for everyone to return and have some rest before hunting for cansana
, should stay in your kingdom and protect your people.. while Moana will return with me to our kingdom.. let’s go” mother said as I looked at her sadly”

My queen, please allow Moana to stay here for some days, she’s familiar with everywhere here so she can teach me somethings” Wovia said as Samuel cut in”

Wovia.. you’re a man,a grownup one at that, don’t tell me you don’t even know what to do as a man but want a girl from the waters to come teach you… incredible.. looking for a way to win her heart,what a loser ” Samuel said angrily”

Samuel I wasn’t talking to quiet else I’ll get you beaten ” Wovia said as Samuel walked closer to him”

Beat me? Common go on and do it” Samuel said hitting his Head on wovia’s for a fight”

Enough of all this you two.. Moana let’s go back home” mother said as Samuel held her hand immediately saying”

Goddess.. please can I come and stay in the waters for some days? I really can’t stay a day without seeing Moana ” Samuel said”

Goddess,my son is right..he has always been in love with Moana even before she was born.. please let him go with you to the underwater ” king of Bruzuna said”

Samuel.. I’m not refusing anyone from coming to my kingdom but the fact is that you can’t deal with your breath when you’re there and I can’t protect you because I’m already doing so for the people we saved,think about it” mother said as Samuel said to her”

My beautiful goddess, don’t worry about my breath.. I’m ready to die for the sake of Moana.. let’s go” Samuel said to mother as Wovia looked at him angrily and said”

Goddess of water..I want to come with you too ” Wovia said as everyone was surprised”

What! Impossible.. goddess don’t even allow him do that ” Samuel said”

Wovia..why do you want to come with me to the underwater ” mother asked”

Goddess..I want to come look for the spy cansana sent with the pregnant women… that’s all” Wovia said looking at Samuel angrily”

How will you do that when you’re human ” mother asked”

Goddess don’t worry.. I’m good in the breathing aspect ” Wovia said as Lydia whispered to me saying”

I’m really happy Samuel is coming with us to the underground even though it’s because of you ” she whispered as I smiled at her”

Fine.. since you two wants to come with us..I won’t say no.. but Wovia you have to remember you have people over here to protect.. let’s go everyone ” mother said leaving as Samuel said to Wovia”

Leaving your kingdom because of a woman.. you’re so unreasonable ” Samuel said”

Just looking for a way to piss you off” Wovia said back”

Manley take care of yourself ” Laura said smiling at him as he smiled back”


We arrived at the river…

We couldn’t vanish and leave them behind so we had to walk together to the stream..

We went into the stream and began heading home..

I glanced at Samuel and Wovia who were holding and releasing breath like they were doing some kind of work..

Oh no..this..this..this is really choking ” Samuel said”

What did you say Samuel?” Mother asked”

Oh , goddess I said the stream is so nice… right Wovia ” Samuel asked Wovia who can’t even open his mouth to speak but just nodded”


We arrived in our kingdom as I was very sad.

Laura.. what’s happening to that face of yours again” father asked ”

Father..why asking as if you didn’t see what happened out there.. didn’t you see how that Moana girl was all over Manley?” I asked sadly ”

Common dear, that doesn’t mean they love each other beside even if they should be happy for them and look for a handsome man in our kingdom to marry” father said ”

What! Father.. don’t say that again..I love Manley…” I said ”

Common dear, I’m so tired..we should have some rest and prepare for my birthday tomorrow” he said about leaving ”

Wait a sec father…why not we invite the goddess and the rest ” I said happily”

Because you want to see Wovia?” He asked”

Of course father.. please send them an invite..I don’t think the goddess will refuse ” I said holding his hand”

Fine.. I’ll send an invite now to them..” he said leaving”

Thank you father,I love you ” I said happily”

” Yesss..this is my chance.. this is my chance to make king Manley mine…,I know what I’m about doing is wrong but I need to do it for my feelings for him…”

” I shall look for the water flower and prepare a special wine for him tomorrow,this flower is a powerful one in our kingdom but hardly to find…the flower works like a love potion…as soon as Manley drinks the wine I made with the water flower then everything he thinks of will be me..he wouldn’t for once want to take his eyes off me.. he’ll propose marriage immediately especially now that he has become a king…yessss”


We sat down in the palace with the goddess and Moana..

If I Must confess I don’t think I can survive in here for another ten minutes…I can’t let Samuel win me..

Hey kiddie,go and meet Samuel please..I don’t have energy for now” I said to kiddie who wanted to play with me as she ran to Samuel ”

Oh no.. kiddie.. please go back to Wovia…you know Moana is using her breath to keep you here but me I’m using myself and I think I’m going to die Soon” Samuel said as everyone bursted into laughter ”

Hahaha” the goddess laughed ”

Oh no.. Wovia can we do something” Samuel said to Wovia ”

Do what?” Wovia asked ”

Can we exchange breath for some seconds?” Samuel said as Wovia looked at him surprisingly ” want me to kiss you and exchange breath? Oh no.. pervert.. pervert” Wovia said as everyone began to laugh ”

My queen..there’s an invite from the demon King , he’s inviting us for his birthday ” Lydia said reading the letter”

Really” mother said surprisingly”



You’re welcome everyone” father said happily as Wovia sat down with his little wolf smiling ”

Happy birthday my king” Moana said ”

Thank you are all welcome” father said as I looked at Moana angrily as she looked back at me”

Goddess of water…thank you so much for honoring my invitation… where are the maidens… bring out the food and drinks” father said as they began to bring them out ”

” They placed the drinks according to how I’ve ordered them especially wovia’s wine…”

Let’s make a toast everyone” father said as we all lifted our wines ”

” Everyone began to drink except Wovia who was busy playing with kiddie ”

” Goodness..why is that little thing so important to him …has he forgotten he’s now a king? ”

” I couldn’t wait for him to have his wine so I walked up to him with my glass of wine and said to him”

A toast to you my king” I said as he carried the wine in his hands to have a sip when suddenly kiddie mistakenly threw it on the ground and the glass was broken ”

Oh no” I said angrily as kiddie rushed down and began to lick the wine with his tongue on the ground ”

Laura I’m so sorry.. please pardon her.. she’s still a can get me another wine” Wovia said when suddenly I saw kiddie walking majestically to me”

” Suddenly kiddie jumped on me and began hugging me and also licking my whole face ”

Kiddie stop that” Wovia said but kiddie held me closer to herself looking straight into my eyes ”


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