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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MASKED MELODY – Episode 16

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? Bad boy’s

baby ?







“Bro, what was that?” Glassman asked

“What was that all about Nick? You could have gotten yourself in trouble,” Glassman scolded

“Don’t talk to me, man!” Nickolas warned, pointing her fingers at him

Bex and Nickolas wasted a lot of time during their conversation so Arianna suggested they go looking for them and when they get outside they saw Nickolas raising his hand to hit her but Glassman was fast to stop him

“I should not talk to you? Cos I stopped you from assaulting a woman in front of thousands of people. Do you think of this company? Do you think of what will happen if you had done that…”

“ I don’t care, she didn’t listen,” Nickolas fired, standing on his feet

“You would have committed a crime, assault is against the law, and you will go to jail for a very long time, is that what you want for yourself? What about your mom? Sister? The name Miller? What about this company and all that you suffered to build, you were ready to risk it all,” Glassman yelled at him while moving closer

“You do not talk to me in such manner, okay? Leave my family out of this, I told her I don’t want a baby made out of wedlock so tell me how that is bad? She should abort it cos I’m ready,” he roared

“Listen to yourself, are you the one carrying the child….”

“It’s my child and I’m the father….”

“It’s also her child, you can’t force a woman to take out what’s inside her body, what if she was your sister? Will you advise Bella to do that?” Glassman fired and a punch came to his face, he dodged moving back

He saw it coming

“Oh, now that is your sister you want to ki|| me? But because she’s someone else’s sister you don’t care if she leaves or dies while doing this stupid abortion of yours….”

“Do I look like I care?” Nickolas fired, he was so agitated

“Keep my sister off your mouth, okay? You of all people should know how I feel about Natalie…”

“The same Natalie that refused to talk about marriage or having a child…”

“We are done, get out of my office,” Nickolas said pointing at the door

“I’m disappointed,” Glassman said disappointedly and left

Nickolas went back to his chair, he sat down whilst taking his hands to his jaw, shaking his legs

“She thinks she’s smart, I will show her that she’s messing with Nickolas Miller,” he uttered, an evil idea came to his mind

“Sir, you have a visitor,” his secretary said coming in

“I don’t want to see anyone,”

“She said she has something that might interest you, her name is Madison, she said she’s Bex’s best friend,” she added and Nickolas looked at her

He didn’t say a word

A few minutes went bye

“Let her in,” he finally said



“No, what I need is for you to tell me what you’re hiding, who’s my daddy? Where and what did you do to my sister?” Melody yelled into the phone

She’s currently speaking with Goddess over the phone

“Where you a wh-_-re? Tell me. I need answers, my head hurts, okay,” she screamed like a psychopath

“You know what Mom, never mind…. no.. no… I said no cos if you send anyone to my place I’m never coming,” she ended the call not knowing that someone was watching and recording her conversation

She walked away

Melody went straight home, she went into her room and slammed her door short then leaned on it, endless tears flowing down her eyes

Does she really have a brother? Is her sister still alive or dead? Why doesn’t it bother goddess? Why does her mother h@ťě it when she mentioned her father’s name?

Too many thoughts were running through her mind but she has no answer to it

She sniffed and cleaned her eyes with the back of her palm

Suddenly she heard the doorbell but she was too weak to even move an inch, someone pushed against her bedroom door and she shifted away

Bush came in

“Little boss, you’re coming with me,” he said instantly

“Go and tell Goddess that the only way I can leave this room is only if you put a bullet through my skull,” she said meaning every word coming out of her mouth

“I don’t want to drag you…”

“Try touching me and I will scream till the whole neighborhood gather outside and I will report you for rape,” she thr_@tened

He chuckled

“I don’t want to do it the hard way, please come with me I don’t want the boss’s trouble,” Bush took a step forward and she shifted backward

He grabbed her hand pulling her outside with force, Melody started struggling with him

“I don’t have enough balls to go against Goddess orders,” he replied and almost immediately his gun left his back pocket

“Put that down,” Bush let go of her instantly

“leave or I will pull the trigger,” she shouted, holding the gun to her head

He raised his hand in surrender

“Okay, alright, just don’t $h00t please,” he pleaded, taking steady steps backward

He opened the door and left hurriedly, Melody dropped the gun on the floor, her eyes caught the paper on the floor and she busts into tears



Goddess went down the bike with Jeremy by her side, Bush didn’t come with her but Tony was on her left-hand side

Her men were behind as they approach the magnificent building, standing in front of the building with a tobacco pipe in his mouth was a man popularly known as Pablo, a dangerous drug lord

Goddess enemy in the first order

Standing by his side were his two sons, Lorenzo and Sebastian, Lorenzo was at his right-hand side while Sebastian his first child was at his left-hand side

“Goddess, your presence annoys me more than anything in this world,” Pablo said in a deep cold voice, the expression on his face is enough to scare you

“Well… well,” Goddess stopped right before him

“I deserve a Grammy since the devil himself is afraid of Goddess,”

“What do you want?” he asked, staring directly into her eyes

Goddess took a step forward and he stood his ground

“I want your head hanged in front of my building,” she replied, seeing the look on his face, and laughed like a witch

Lorenzo and Sebastian pulled their gun, Jeremy and Tony also pulled theirs, pointing it at their father

Pablo’s mobsters became alerted and all the men Goddess came with also got ready, no one was smiling

Pablo laughed, he went closer

“I know just how to break your wings,” he said moving closer

“Wow,” she exclaimed

“But I ki||ed your wife and fed you her body yet you haven’t broken my wings, how was her meat by the way?” she asked smirking

“You rascal,” Pablo growled, sending a long kick her way but she dodged, laughing at him

“I will be the end of you Goddess,” Lorenzo said moving forward

It wasn’t their mother but their father’s mistress

“I would like to see the end of me too, how will it be? You f-__-king my P@zzy till I die? Or s*cking on it?” she asked, sucking on her lower lips seductively

“She was your mother!” Pablo said moving closer to her

Goddess scoffed

Her men were still pointing their guns at Pablo’s men

“And I enjoyed ki||ing her and feeding her body to you, Hope you enjoyed eating it too?” she asked shifting backward

Pablo cliched his fist tightly, rage dripped like a running tap

“Father, are we just gonna let her go?” Lorenzo asked, he was ready to get it down with

“As her face is pretty so is her connection in high places,” he replied going backside

They followed him instantly

“But how?” Sebastian asked

“I saw it in her eyes when I ki||ed Richard, her kids are like her greatest weapon, once you get Masked Melody she will be powerless and crawl to your feet, just the way she was with Richard,” He replied, going into his inner chamber

“Powerless,” Sebastian smirked



“You mean Micheal?” Selena asked gushing


Georgia just finished telling her how she got her p@zzy screwed by him

“Wow, can’t wait for my Lorenzo,” Selena pouted

“I can always replace him you know,” Leo who is busily finger-f-__-king Georgia on the bed said

“Shut the f-__-k up,” Selena snapped rudely

“And where is Rose?” she asked looking around

“Went out, Oh f-__-k,” Georgia Mõ@ɲed and grabbed his collar pulling him closer before slamming her lips on his.



“Barry… Barry please, just this once please,” Rose shouted running after him

He didn’t even look at her, she continues running toward him till she caught up with him and held his arms

“Please f-__-k me, just this once even if it’s just the tip, just push it in,” Rose pleaded with watering eyes

He flings her hand away

“Are you high?” Barry snapped

“Yes, I’m high for your Ďïčk, I love you very much Barry, please f-__-k me just once,” she replied, tears came rolling down her cheeks

He started walking away


“If you dare!!” He snapped angrily, she could see the rage in his eyes so she stopped, sniffing

“Barry, please f-__-k me,” she whimpered, shading tears

“What a shameless fellow,” he hissed and walked off


Agatha close her door and Simon who was waiting for her smiled, his both hand tucked in his trousers pocket

“Aggie,” Barry called, totally ignoring Simon that was there

“Hey,” she flashes a smile

“Are you ready?” He asked and she nodded

“Let’s go then,” he grabbed her hand, Simon grabbed her other hand

She looks at them confused

“What are you doing bro?” Simon asked, he didn’t want to believe what his mind was telling him

“Let her go,” Barry said with authority

“You should be the one to do that,” Simon went closer

They lock eyes sending deadly glares at each other

Barry raised his hand as if trying to punch him but laughed when he saw how Simon dodge

“Whimp, let’s go, my lady,” Barry said but a sudden kick landed on his neck

The kick came hard on him that he lost his balance, falling face down. Barry dragged himself up and position himself

“Stop it both of you,” Agatha shouted but they didn’t look at her

Barry throws a punch, and Simon caught his fist whilst giving him an uppercut, he flies up landing on his back

“Argh!!! My spinal Ďïčk,” he let out an agonizing scream

Pulled him up by his collar, punching his face instantly, he made to give him another punch but Agatha held his hand

“Stop it, Simon!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, why are they fighting?

“Why the h*ll are you yelling at me? He started it, he’s the one at fault,” he fired back

She shoved him out of the way, kneeling beside Barry on the floor, slowly she lifted his head dropping it on her lap


“Just go,” She cut him off

Simon instantly felt bad, why didn’t he control himself? Why did he allow jealousy to get into his head


“Go away, please!!!” She shouted, cutting in again

He ran his hand through his head, the fact that she cared so much about Barry was eating him up

His eyes met with Barry and he winked at him, Simon felt the urge to ki|| him instead but withhold himself, turning around he left heartbroken

“Barry, are you alright?” Agatha asked, helping him up

“No, my spinal Ďïčk is broken,” he said winching in pain

“Barry, there is no such thing as Spinal p*nis….”

“There is, touch it you will feel it,” He replied, taking her hand to his Ďïčk but she quickly took her hand from him

He crossed his other hand over her shoulder for support, he was slightly touching her B-__-bies

“My spinal Ďïčk, my family,” Barry winched


“Touch it you can feel it, my Ďïčk have a spine but it’s broken,” He cut in

“Please, stop it,” she shouted

“Okay, but it seems like you have no experience. While there is no harm in learning new….”


He held his mouth



Thick cloud of smoke filled the room as Lorenzo smoke none stop, Different thoughts clouded his mind as he smoked out his anger

He stood from the couch and went to the wall, leaning on it whilst puffing out smoke, he looked at the tiny wrap of weed in his hand, dropping it in the ashtray he took another one

He reaches for the liquor on the table he took it drinking directly from the bottle, he dropped it, and continues smoking

Simon entered, without saying a word he reached for the wrap weed on the table and took it, he lit it and began smoking dangerously

“Are you both Planning to ki|| yourselves with weed?” Lilly asked, she could barely see a thing

They ignored her

Lorenzo has tried calling Melody but she didn’t pick any of his calls, he sent a massage and she didn’t reply

Right now he was going insane, he badly wanted to see her



Melody was laying in her bed face up, her head stuck on what she read

Her bedroom door slowly cracked open and Goddess entered, she rolled her eyes

“Bestie, are we mad?” Goddess asked, folding her hands under her Břě@šť

Melody ignore her

“Okay! We are mad, you know what? Just go away from me,” Goddess climbed the bed and began tickling her

“Mom.. hahaha, haha Mom stop,” she laughed even though she didn’t want to

Goddess always has a way of getting into people’s hearts that’s why you shouldn’t underestimate her, she’s unpredictable

“You, go away, I don’t want you cos we have broken up, go!!” Goddess replied still tickling her, Melody laughed so hard

She finally stopped

Melody was trying to catch her breath

“Are we still mad?” Goddess asked, stroking her hair gently while pulling her closer


That’s my Mom for you, she never likes approaching situations, she rather does things her way than tell anyone, always pretending as if everything is perfect even when you know that they aren’t, she will make you believe that they are. In her eyes everything is black and white. A pro at lying

There was a sudden knock on the door

They exchange glances

“I will get it,” Goddess stood, she went down the bed

Reaching for the door handle she held it before gently twisting it, pulling it backward. the door went open and she came vice versa with Micheal…..

TBC ????

As e dey hot ?

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