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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Abuja To Lagos

Episode 7 ?❤

“What did you want to be when you grew up?”

Clifford shrugged. “Mostly the usual. Doctor.”

“How did you get into academia?”
“Dad was a professor and wrote a couple of books,” Clifford replied. “He was always around the house either writing his next article or grading term papers. The hours are really good, and since there really isn’t a large job market for people with PhDs in history, university gigs are the best thing out there. What about you? What did you want to be when you grew up?”

“A pediatrician,” Adaora replied. “I got my undergraduate degree from UniAbuja in biology and spent a year trying to get into medical school.”

“Why didn’t you go?” Clifford asked. “You don’t have to answer that.”
“No, it’s okay,” she said with a slight smile. “I actually got admitted to the program, but I couldn’t get a financial aid package that wasn’t loaded up with student loans. So I put it on hold and haven’t gone back.”

“Would you?” Clifford said. “Go back, I mean.”
“I don’t know,” Adaora shrugged. “I’ve got a little bit in savings and I could probably get some additional financial aid since the government doesn’t think I’ve made any money for the past five years.”

Has it really been that long? she thought to herself.
“What do your parents think you do?” Clifford asked. “You don’t have to answer that either.”

“They think I’m a personal trainer,” Adaora flashed him a sardonic smile. “Let me ask you something else … why do you want to open this restaurant?”

Clifford’s gaze became distant for just a second. He took a sip of his wine. “When Ezinne and I met, we were at the University. She graduated a year ahead of me and we got engaged. She was a fabulous cook and when we moved to Abuja. She worked two jobs so I could go to school. After I graduated, we got married and moved back closer to home. Her degree was in business so she got her MBA and wanted to open her own restaurant. We kept putting it off because we each had loans to pay off and then she got pregnant. Her face would light up whenever we talked about the restaurant, though.”

The far-off look in his eyes returned. “She knew what she wanted everything to look like. How the kitchen would be set up. She was so excited about it, that she got me to want it to happen, too.”

A flash of sadness came across Clifford’s face. “When Ezinne died, my one regret was that she never got her dream to come true. She gave up so much for me—for us—that I want to make it work. I guess it’s my way of holding on to her.”
Adaora reached across the table and took Clifford’s hand in hers. They didn’t speak for a long time. They finished their meal. They walked around the Venetian, holding hands while working off dinner.

“Let’s take a boat ride,” Adaora said.
They headed back to the Grand Canal and found a boat rider bringing his boat in. There was no line. Another couple got out. He saw Clifford and Adaora standing there.

“Care for a ride?” he asked.

Clifford helped her in the boat. They sat down in the plush seats. Adaora sat close to her lover. The boat rider was funny and engaging. He sang in Yoruba.
All the while, Adaora felt Clifford’s hands on her bare shoulders and arms. His touch gave her chills.

When she looked at him, all she could think was, How can I do this? To him. To me.
And then another part of her thought, How can I not?
The boat rider slipped back into its berth and Clifford helped her out. He gave the boat rider a tip and they headed back to their car.

He started to drive and soon Adaora found that they were off the strip, headed out of town. She didn’t think Clifford knew where he was going, but she didn’t say anything. The top was down and the wind blew their hair around


Later on, Clifford and Adaora returned to the hotel. They held each other all night, overcome by their passion.
With the sun’s first rays shining in through the windows, Adaora found herself once again in Clifford’s arms. Unlike the day before, now she only wanted to stay in his embrace, but their time was almost up.

Clifford settled up the bill and was surprised to find that many of his expenses had been comped to him by the hotel. Adaora dashed him a knowing smile and he squeezed her hand appreciatively.

They took the rental car back to Murtala Muhammed International Airport and waited for their flight. Clifford fell asleep on the plane, but Adaora’s heart raced. She fidgeted nervously as her lover slept. For the first time in what seemed like forever, her future was clouded by uncertainty.

They landed in Abuja and waited for the Uber he ordered to arrive. Clifford went off looking for a restroom and something to eat while she watched their carry-on bags. As soon as he was out of sight, she checked her WhatsApp and found two messages. Both were from Omalicha.

When she heard the other girl’s voice, the bottom fell out of Adaora’s stomach. After her conversations with Clifford, after feelings within her had been awakened, she dreaded returning these calls. But she knew she had to.
Dialing the number, she hoped that it would roll over and trigger a game of phone tag.

No such luck.

“Hey there, sweetie,” Omalicha said.
“Hi Boss Oma,” Adaora replied, looking around to make sure Clifford wasn’t nearby.

“How was your trip?” the other girl asked conversationally.
“It was fine. We’re still at the airport waiting for Uber.” Just a week ago, Adaora never would have used the term “we”. Things can surely change quickly. “Lagos was nice. Not too hot.”

“Listen,” Omalicha said, cutting quickly to the chase. “Do you remember Fred Cubana? The stock broker? He’s wanting you Wednesday and Thursday night. I told him you were out of town, but that I’d see if you would work this one on a quick turnaround.”

“Um,” Adaora stammered, trying to conjure an image in her mind. Fred Cubana: tall, balding, likes to be spanked, good tipper. “I don’t know. I might take a couple of days off.”

“A vacation from your vacation, huh? Let me know either way.” She could hear Omalicha flipping through some papers. All business. “We’re coming up on the travel season and I’ve got a couple of requests for you for next weekend. Give me a call when you get back in town.”

“Sure thing,” Adaora said. She hung up the call, sat back in the seat, and let out a deep sigh. What am I going to do?

Clifford returned a few minutes later. He had a chilled drink and a Sprite for himself, and a double-helping of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream for her.
They sat together at the gate while waiting for their Uber. Soon she found herself absently resting her head on Clifford’s shoulder as he thumbed through the gazillion photos on his laptop that he had taken with his new camera. She smiled unconsciously every time she saw them together.

About thirty minutes later, the Uber man arrived. They held hands while walking toward the car.
The trip was quick and when they arrived, there neither wanted to talk. Adaora put her arm in Clifford’s, trying to savor the memory of his touch.

The war within her continued as her emotions struggled for control. Over the past day or two, her heart had been winning. She allowed herself to feel for another person again. She liked that Clifford made her smile. But old habits die hard. The part of her that had ruled her life for the past five years was trying to re-assert itself.

Clifford will break your heart.

What will you do? Get a job? You won’t find one that pays as well. Will you be Clifford’s private wh-_-re?
You’ve been in a bubble for the past week. Clifford’s going to realize that you’re not his wife, and he’ll put you out He’s on the rebound. When he wakes up with a hooker in his bed, he’ll come to his senses.

Adaora looked at her watch. It was almost six.
“What would you like for dinner?” Clifford asked as he got out of the car. She got out, too.

“Um, I’m not really hungry,” she said. Her body was still on Pacific Time.
“Well, I can’t have you wasting away on me, how about some fish?” Clifford held out his hand and she took it.

“Clifford, I really can’t stay. I’ve—”
“What? Got a hot date or something?” he interrupted her with a nervous smile. “Our arrangement was for eight days. By my math, that’s tomorrow at 9 am.”
He’s just trying to put off the inevitable, a voice within her said.

“You’re absolutely right,” Adaora replied. She didn’t know if she was rationalizing or not, but technically, he was correct. Any excuse to spend more time with him? We’ll talk tonight.

They went inside and Clifford picked up a couple of items, some for dinner and some to fill out his pantry. After all, they had been out of town for a week.
He drove them back to his house and they unloaded their stuff. Clifford sent her into the kitchen with the groceries while he unloaded their bags out of the trunk. In addition to their bags, Clifford had his laptop case and the new camera bag. They had also boxed up the goodie basket he had bought for her and some of the flowers were set and pressed by the hotel guest relations staff.

After setting the bag down inside the door, Adaora watched Clifford moving around his kitchen and thought that he looked a little more animated than the day they had met. He was even humming.

Clifford was finished putting all the groceries up, so he led her through the house back to his bedroom, each of them rolling their luggage. The house was large, with the master bedroom downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs. Although he and Ezinne didn’t need all the space, one day they had hoped to fill it with a family.

When she walked into the bedroom, the first thing she noticed was that the bed didn’t match any of the other furniture. The dresser, armoire, and nightstands were all colonial-style pieces.
Clifford took her bag, set it in a corner, and then went back out to the kitchen before she could ask him about it.

She followed him and sat down at the table while he prepared their meal. She poured them each a glass of red wine and watched him indulgently. He was so handsome.

First, he hard-boiled two eggs and then set them aside to cool. Then, he took the salmon filets and wrapped them in aluminum foil. He placed small cubes of butter in with each, a couple of slices of lemon. Once everything was in, he sealed the foil up.
All the while, he rambled aimlessly. Like Adaoa, it looked like he was trying to avoid the hard discussion they needed to have.

Coming back inside, Clifford opened a bag of spinach leaves. He sliced up some fresh mushrooms and put everything in a big bowl with a handful of bacon bits and some shredded cheddar cheese.

He led her out to the back deck just as the sun was setting. The compound was fairly large and had a high privacy fence. There was a wonderful view of a lake that was down over the hill. There were neighbors on each side, but the houses were far enough apart that they weren’t too cozy.

The evening was cool and a little humid, but it wasn’t too bad. They decided to eat out on the deck.
He diced the eggs and put them in the salad, then served it with a delightful sweet and sour dressing.

Adaora hadn’t eaten such a nice home-cooked meal in some time and was amazed at how quick and efficient Clifford was. It definitely qualified him as husband material.

Their conversation still wasn’t about anything important, although they were much more comfortable around each other than they were a week ago.

“Don’t you have papers to grade or something?” Adaora asked.
“Not this past week,” he replied with a grin. “There is a break. It’s not just for the kids.”

Adaora laughed and got up to refill their wine glasses. She wanted to have “the conversation” with Clifford and needed some courage.
While she was up, Clifford was futzing with something by the hot tub.

She went back out on the deck and found soft music playing. The sun had disappeared over the horizon and the only light on the back deck was from the flickering torches and what shone through from the kitchen.
Clifford took a sip from his wine glass and then placed both glasses on the railing. He reached out and Adaora couldn’t stop herself from stepping into his arms.

They started to dance slowly. Her heart raced.
“I had a wonderful time with you this week,” Clifford said in her ear.
“I did, too.” Adaora was trying to figure out how to say what she needed to. The palms of her hands started to sweat. “Listen … Clifford.. We need to—”

“Shhhhh…” he stopped her. His voice was gentle and the look in his eyes hypnotic. “Not now. I know we need to talk … but…”

Adaora wanted to cry out or slap him or something. She was falling for him.
A part of her wanted to know if he was worth it. If his unspoken promises would be delivered. If he felt the same way. She needed to hear the words.

Yet, the other part of her knew that he would catch her. He had treated her too well and his actions spoke louder than any words that could come out of his mouth.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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