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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?


CHAPTER 15 & 16
★. ★. ★. ★.


She slowly raised the knife aiming for his chest.Xavier felt uneasy and he slowly opened his eyes but he saw a knife coming his way and tried to hold her hands but he was not fast enough as she plunged it into him.

“Die! die you bastard!” she stabbed him continuously while he battled with life and death trying to breathe but the pain was unbearable!

Candy stabbed him repeatedly making sure that he dies!

She snapped out of her thoughts and gasped and rushed quietly into the bathroom and placed the knife on the basin and proceeded to rinse her face.

“I have to think of something else,I can’t do it..what if he wakes up like I thought!” she took a towel and dried her face

“Okay Candy..” she breathed “Stop getting cold feet,you came here for a mission…time to do this” she muttered under her breath and picked up the knife and hit it behind her back and went out.

Xavier was still sleeping soundly,she prayed silently and walked lightly to his side and stood next to him.

Candy raised the knife aiming for his heart,she closed her eyes for a moment and breathed out.

She lowered the knife and when she was about to plunge it into him he quickly rolled to the other side and she ended up stabbing the bed and her eyes bulged out as soon as she realised that,one word rang in her head at that moment,death!

Xavier looked at her with a calm yet scary look and he smirked.

“You’ve been a very bad,bad girl Mera piyar”

“I…I…” she pulled out the knife and pointed it at him “Don’t come close! Don’t co..come near me!”she tried to act all brave but her cracking voice betrayed her

“Mera Piyar,put that down you’ll hurt yourself ” he cooed and smirked

“I mean it, I’m going to hurt you!” she shouted

He glared at her and walked to her calmly and she moved back and tripped over and she ended up falling and hitting her head hard on the nightstand and darkness consumed her

“Pathetic!” he kicked her and picked up his phone and called Don

“Boss!” he immediately answered

“Come get rid of this half-dead fly,but keep it at the base until further instructions, you’ll find it in my room” he hung up afterwards and went to sleep in one of the guestrooms

Don arrived after a while,he threw Candy’s lifeless body over his shoulder but not before checking her pulse and luckily she was still alive,but till when will her luck be by her side since her life was at the clutches of this merciless man.



Xavier walked down the stairs with a mini suitcase,Nanny Diana quickly rushed to him as soon as she spotted him.

“Little bug,where are you going with a suitcase??” she asked in confusion

“Good morning nanny” he pecked her forehead “I’ve decided to go home for some days, I’ll be back soon okay?”

Some maids eavesdropped on their conversation and some pretended to dust off the area near them just so they could hear what they were talking about.

“Okay,but I don’t think you need to take clothes,you have clothes back at home isn’t it?”

“i know,but these are jackets and warm clothes..just in case it gets cold,I have to get going now” he smiled at her

“Now?” he nodded

“but won’t you have breakfast first?”

“No,I have to get to work first,I have a meeting and I’m running late,take care nanny” he hugged her lightly and left

Nanny Diana sobbed dramatically and the maids laughed silently knowing she’s acting up again.They couldn’t understand how much she loved this little bug of hers.

★ ★ ★


Jasmine sat on the stairs quietly and watched as the relatives arrived bit by bit and the lonely house that was once filled with her father’s laughter and brightened by his smile was now filled with their relatives that always pretended to love her mom.

They all passed by her and tried to give her hope but she was so lost in her own little world that she didn’t hear a thing they said,if only they understood what and how she felt inside, she was shattered and felt like screaming to let it all out.

The funeral was set to be in the afternoon and she wished it wasn’t all true but she vowed to get justice for her father and fortunately she knew who to reach out to.

★ † † † ★


Catherine looked at herself one last time before picking her bag and wore her glasses and made for the exit but Anderson blocked her way still wearing his pyjamas

“Cath,you know you can still call your friend and postpone or cancel!” he whined

“No! I told you it’s our friendship anniversary today so I can’t cancel,besides I thought you were going to be busy today…as usual!” she frowned

“But I—”

“See you later!” she dashed out

“Can’t she see I’m trying!” he groaned and stormed into the bathroom

“Hey girlfriend! You ready‽” Sofie rushed to hug her friend

“Ohh god I missed you so much!” Catherine squealed and they embraced each other warmly

“I want to know e-very thing!” Sofie said sternly and Catherine laughed

“Okay okay! Now let’s go” they got into Sofie’s car and she drove out

“Soooo, how’s everything going?” Sofie smiled at her

“Well you know, nothing much” she immediately turned sour

“Nothing much?” Sofie looked at her then back at the road “Okay that tells me something is up, what’s going on Cathy?”

“Anderson is always too busy for me and you know we just got married…we should be spending time together! I feel lonely in that huge house and I miss home,aunt Becky,you, it’s just too much!” she complained

“Ohh I’m sorry girlfriend I’m sure things will get better” she held her friend’s hand “You know what? Let’s head to our favourite restaurant” she suggested “and get some good food,yeah?”

“You mean the restaurant where we first met‽ That’s a good idea! And you know we can order some burritos yeyy!!” she squealed

“Umm not for me..” Sofie bit her lip

“But you’ve never said no to burritos” Catherine narrowed her eyes at her

“Well…you know…se..seasons change… be…besides I’m on a diet” she stuttered

“Ohh wh@ťěver!” she leaned back on her seat

★ ★ ★


The priest continued the service while friends and family watched the casket with pain and sorrow

Mrs Hosten couldn’t stop crying her heart out and her sister tried to console her.

Jasmine decided to be strong for her father but it hurt so bad that she wasn’t able to hold herself as her tears streamed down her red face.

Ohh how she wish she could turn the hands of time and protect her father but it was too late now.

She saw her father before the service started,dressed in a black suit will all his wounds covered.She wished she could just undress his corpse and prove that it was not an accident but murder! Instead she decided to keep it to herself since her mother decided not to believe her,who would?

The memories of her father haunted her at that moment that she broke down and looked away and she saw the same woman she met some time back standing under a tree wearing black staring right at her.

She laughed bitterly and nodded her head,the woman understood what she meant and nodded back.

It was time to avenge Bizza Kiraz Hosten!

★ ★ ★


Xavier opened the elegant doors and dragged his suitcase in.The maids around muttered under their breaths

?️ He’s back”

?️Awww my dream man is finally here”

?Where has he been?”

“Big brother!” Millicent rushed to hug her brother as soon as she saw him alerting the other family members of his arrival and they also stood up to have a look if it was true

“Lily” he chuckled and hugged her tight

“Xavier where have you been‽” Grandpa Paul shouted

“Dear,he just came back please not now” Grandma Daisy spoke calmly

“Ohh my son!” Mrs Xuan embraced him warmly

“Welcome home big bro” Anderson chipped in

“Thank you bud” Xavier nodded at his brother and searched for his brother’s so-called wife with his eyes but he couldn’t see her anywhere.

where could she be hiding? Did she know he was coming?

He questioned himself.

Anderson’s phone rang and he quickly excused himself from the family reunion and went upstairs.

He answered as soon as he reached his room

“What is it‽ I told you not to call me! Do you want us to get caught huh‽”

“I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important you idiot!” an enraged woman spoke harshly

“Then what the f-__-k—”

“I’m pregnant!” she dropped the bombshell and Anderson froze

“Anderson! Can you hear me‽ Are you still there‽”


Sofie parked the car outside and Catherine came out and took out her shopping bags from the backseats

“Thanks again Sofie!” she waved at her

“Anytime pie,bye!” she honked and drove off

“Right!” she breathed out and walked in

As she got closer to the door she heard a familiar voice and some memories flashed in her mind

?“Kiss me Amor”


Could it!

No it couldn’t!

She fought with her thoughts that she didn’t realise that she reached the door

“Ohh son there she is!” Mr Xuan pointed at the door and all eyes fell on her

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Catherine raised her head and Xavier turned to her

Her hands became sweaty and numb,her throat dried up and he pupil dilated

“No it can’t!” Her mind screamed and the bags fell off her hands

“Hello,sister…in law” he smirked at her and all the memories of the sinful night rushed into her head

?“Kiss me Amor”

?“Yes! Please don’t stop!”

?“right there right theeere!!”

?“Mi amor look at me,ahh yes”

?“Mi amor I’m going to rip you apart”

?“Ahh! Yes! Don’t stop! Yes right there!!”

?“Beautiful” he muttered huskily

?“Com for me Amor”

?“Ohh my god!! Awww god!”

“Daughter,is everything okay?” Mrs Xuan approached her

Catherine looked at Xavier in horror like she saw a ghost or Lucifer himself!

?“Mi amor I’m gonna rip you off ” he grabbed her thighs and pulled her closer and she gasped

?“Don’t treat me like a stranger Mi amor..I owned you last night,we shared a passionate night together” he said huskily staring at her

“Sister,are you okay?” Millicent asked politely but Catherine wasn’t even hearing what everyone else is saying

It can’t be!

It cannot be!!!




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