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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✓All rights reserved ®

✓Written by T.M?

✓Please do not comment with “next,tag me or anything short,comment with something meaningful and longer?

✓Do not forget to like or react,leave a heart?


CHAPTER 13 & 14
★. ★. ★. ★.


Xavier walked calmly in the club yet his intimidating aura embraced every soul in the club.Different orbs couldn’t help but stay glued to him.

Women fixed their hair and some lifted up their dresses a bit and raised up their chests to reveal their cleavages in order to catch his million dollar attention.

He sat at the bar and a bartender quickly went to him.

“What I know is that,if someone drinks this early there’s trouble in paradise?” the bartender smirked at him

“Shut up Mike and hit me up with the usual”

Mike laughed and took a cup and filled it with whiskey and pushed it to him

“No ice right?” Mike arched his brow

“You know I like everything raw” he smirked at Mike and took a sip

“In that case would you like…to have a woman like me raw??” a feminine voice said behind him and both him and Mike turned to look at who said that.

It was a lady in black hair with beautiful chinese eyes and grey orbs,her body was that of a Barbie doll with fair and long legs.She smirked segzily and sat next to him.Her dress went up almost showing her pant when she sat since it was already short.

“Rather not,I don’t wanna catch a disease” Xavier said nonchalantly and gulped down his drink

Mike held his laughter but not for long,he bursted in laughter and held the table for support

“Shut up you!” she turned one eighty degrees on Mike who quickly shook his head and rushed to serve other customers

“Well..” She cleared her throat and her lips quickly curved into a ki||er smile as she batted her lashes and stared at him “I certainly have no diseases” she replied calmly

Xavier chuckled and looked at her “Not very good at convincing” he turned to her and his eyes travelled down her body and landed on her milky thighs and he leaned closer to her ear “But would like to find out” he whispered

The lady bit her lower lip and held her breath.He leaned back and drank the remaining content of his drink.

“Candy,and you’re?” she stretched out her hand to him

“Nobody,Mi amor” He took hold of her hand and kissed it and placed the keys of his house on her hand “look pretty for me, I’ll serve you like it’s your last meal” he smirked at her and she blushed and stood up and catwalked out of the club to his house

Mike spotted her leaving and quickly rushed back to Xavier

“So you finally got rid of her huh?”

“Not yet” he placed block of money on the counter as usual and left

Mike shook his head and chuckled.He took the money and shoved it into his pocket then left to attend other customers



Millicent paced back and forth in front of the bathroom door while praying silently.

“Ohh god please hear my prayers” she sighed and sat on the bed.

After a while she stood up and took a deep breath before going into the bathroom and she picked the pregnancy test on the basin and looked at it.The pregnancy test showed two lines.

Millicent couldn’t believe her eyes and she covered her mouth with shock written all over her pretty face.

“OMG!!” She screamed bursting with joy

She quickly got hold of herself and cleared her throat

“I should probably go to have a proper check-up at the hospital,yes that’s what I’ll definitely do” she rushed out of the bathroom and took her bag and went downstairs

“Why are you in such a hurry??” Mrs Xuan approached her when she came downstairs

“Hi mom..” She kissed her mom’s cheek “I’ll quickly grab something and i have somewhere important to head to ” she went to the kitchen

Catherine stopped with the dishes that she was washing with the maids when she saw Millicent

“Hey,you didn’t join us for everything okay?”

“Yeah everything is okay,I just woke up late that’s all,I have to go somewhere” She grabbed an apple and left in a rush

“Ohh..kay” Catherine shrugged and went back to finish up

When she was done she decided to take a stroll around the mansion.She walked down the lonely hallway and stared at the family photos hung up the wall.

She came across one that had the whole family in it and it was huge and occupying so much space on the wall.

She spotted Anderson looking handsome as always and she blushed.

Her eyes moved to the man next to Anderson,he was beautiful! He somehow looked familiar and she wondered if she had seen him before.

She got lost in staring at his beautiful eyes,not even a smile was plastered on his lips,he looked serious and intimidating!

She shook her head and carried on with her journey but her mind still held on to that man in the family photo.



Candy stood in front of a huge house that was decorated lovely with flowers that seemed to be well taken care of.

She could already imagine herself being the woman of the house ordering every single worker here and claiming everything including the owner of the house,as hers only!

She walked majestically into the house and when she stepped in,ohh paradise! Gold with diamonds! The house was spotless and glittering all over especially the floor that one wouldn’t mind eating from the floor.

The maids pacing back and forth in the house paused their work and turned to look at the stranger who was smiling foolishly like a person who was not okay upstairs.

“Ohh yes! Mine” she laughed and went to the lounge and threw herself on the soft couch with soft couch cushions like feathers

The workers gaped at her and some laughed at her silky little act but they understood why she was acting like that,the house was magic! Pure magic!

She got up after regaining her senses and turned to see them staring at her

“Nothing to see here worthless maids,chop chop! Back to work and stop lazing around,move your butts!” she stood up and they scurried away

An elderly woman watched her from a distance and she shook her head before retreating back to the kitchen.

Candy took off her heels and walked upstairs in order to wait for Xavier there and look pretty for him like he requested.


Xavier walked into the house and a maid quickly ran to take his jacket and car keys to fetch his stuff in the car

“Thank you Sierra” he said to her and she nodded and left

Even though Xavier was cold,he still treated his workers fairly,like family.

The elderly woman quickly rushed to him before he went upstairs

“ Little bug..” She hugged him

“Nanny everything okay?”

“The girl you brought here,who is she? And I don’t like how she undermines the workers and orders them around,she has been doing it all day!” Nanny Diana complained and Xavier chuckled and kissed her forehead

“You don’t need to worry about her, she’s a nobody” He winked at her and walked away

“You Little bug! What did I tell you about bringing your floozies in this house!?” Nanny Diana scolded with her hands resting on her hips

Xavier laughed and fastened his steps.Nanny Diana, she has been his nanny since he was a little boy.Because his father was always busy with work and with his mother away,he decided to hire a nanny for little Xavier which he adored to this age and when he got his own house she decided to stay with him to continue taking care of him.

He walked into his main bedroom and found her laying on the bed with his shirt on.

“Hello sugar” she smirked at him

He stared blankly at her and took off his shirt.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time” she crawled up to him and hot hold of his belt and and unbuckled it.

He held her hands and threw her back and hovered over her

“Ohhh” she giggled and bit her lower lip

Xavier smirked and kissed her lips hungrily while holding her hands captive above her head.

Candy reciprocated and m*aned in between the kiss.He held her hands with only one hand and held her thigh with the other.Xavier moved his lips down her neckline and kissed it gently

Candy m*aned lowly and bit her lower lip while he lifted her leg and placed it behind his back.He stopped and got hold of the shirt she was wearing and ripped it off.She gasped and was a bit scared because of how rough he handled her.

He threw the shirt across the room and sucked her Ɲīpplë while fondling with the other.Candy relaxed after a while and closed her eyes to enjoy every moment.He moved to the other Břě@šť and suckled on it and moved his hand down to her P@zzy and inserted two fingers which slipped in easily because of how wet she was for him and he th-ru_sted them in and out in a moderate pace.

“Ohh yes I’ve never felt like this ohhhh!” she cried out in pleasure

He pulled out his fingers and opened his zip lowered his trouser a bit and his manhood sprang out.Xavier didn’t waist time as he got hold of his manhood and shoved it in.

“Ahhh!! Please wait! Ohhhh!” she screamed and tears prickled in her eyes and she shut them tight

“Look at me Amor” he said calmly while th-ru_sting in and out slowly staring at her

“Ohh please! Yes aww!!” she freed her hands from his grip and held the sheets tight

Xavier clenched his jaw and hovered over her and th-ru_sted his full length in and f_cked her roughly

“Please! AHH! ohhhh wait!!! AWWW!!!” Her m*ans filled the whole room as he continued to ram into her walls

Xavier held her jaw firmly and forced her to look at him

“Look at me Amor,look at your Master and remember this face, remember this moment,never forget it!” he spat out and f_cked her senselessly like it was their last day as mortals

He knew deep down those words where meant for his brother’s wife who betrayed him!

Candy felt both pain and pleasure and she m*aned louder even though her throat was getting dry she couldn’t stop but wail out



Catherine laughed out as the gardener cracked another hilarious joke.She got r bored and went to sit in the garden where she met Mr Cooper,the gardener and they ended up having a lovely chat.

Anderson walked into the garden and stared at Catherine

“Ohh sir, you’re back!” Mr Cooper said “I’ll excuse you two” he said and went to the other side of the garden

Catherine didn’t turn to look at him,she was frowning.Anderson sat next to her.

“My love?” he held her hand

“Hey..” she looked at him

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing” she shrugged

“what do you mean? Come on Cath I know when you’re not okay” he whispered

“Of course I’m not! My husband hardly has time for me, I’m always stuck in this house, lonely! We just got married Anderson for God’s sake!”

“My love I’m sorry,I promise I’ll make it up to you” he begged

“Like hell you’re!” she snapped and stormed off

Anderson sighed and palmed himself not knowing what to do.




Candy stared at the demigod sleeping peacefully next to her.

She slowly got off the bed and tiptoed to her bag and and opened it quietly and pulled out a knife from it.

Xavier groaned and turned and layed on his back,she paused and waited for him to fall back to sleep again and when she was sure he was fast asleep,she tiptoed back to the bed and got on top of him.

She slowly raised the knife aiming for his chest.Xavier felt uneasy and he slowly opened his eyes but he saw a knife coming his way and tried to hold her hands but he was not fast enough as she plunged it into him.

“Die! die you bastard!” she stabbed him continuously while he battled with life and death trying to breathe but the pain was unbearable!

Candy stabbed him repeatedly making sure that he dies!


★★★ †††† ★★★







*Can you blame Catherine for acting like that?

*Millicent is finally preggies????!!

*Can your boyfriend give it to you like Xavier does?????

*What do you think about this Candy character?


It’s not fair that some of you read my story and do not even bother to like my posts! It’s not fair because I put so much effort and sweat into this!!!! Do you think it’s easy coming up with this story and typing down a chapter!! It’s not so please I beg of you,if you don’t want to like my posts you might as well not read my story at all! I can ban people from seeing my page but I decided not to because I prefer keeping peace but some of you are pushing me!!!

I’m sorry I had to be this rude but some people really know how to push a person off the edge

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