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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Elia stood still, tak!ng everyth!ng !n, why do people keep warn!ng h£r ab©vt th£ book, what’s !n th¡s particular book that people are so s¢ar£d of anyway ” am tired of h£ar!ng th¡s ” grabb!ng th£ book I look at Delia” I don’t ¢ar£ if th¡s book possessed your sister or if it hurt and ki||ed people ”

” what are you say!ng milady”

Look!ng at th£ book I nod my h£ad th£n my gaze m©v£ b@¢k to meet a confused look!ng Sebastian ” I have made up my m!nd, th¡s book will accept and worship me, I have come so far for th¡s stupid book, is th£ only way for me to be strong and not open!ng it will determ!ne my death so what do you th!nk I should do!” Growl!ng I purred ” am go!ng to try and open it one m©r£ time and trust me, it better open because it belong to me!! I will posses it, not th£ oth£r way @r0vnd ”

Th¡s time @r0vnd I open th£ book, it really did open, j√$t a little light sh!ne bright but th£n noth!ng happen, th£ page is blank, j√$t white, noth!ng is written, no name !n it ” what do you see” vix asked and I look at h¡m.

” Noth!ng” mumbl!ng I frown ” th£ book is suppose to be filled with names of demons but noth!ng is written !n it, how is it possible ”

” is it possible that th¡s is fake, you have th£ fake one?” Sebastian ask look!ng confused and concern ” all what I have h£ard ab©vt th¡s book none is happen!ng”

” it has to be fake” Delia agreed ” I have seen th£ book perform!ng !n action too, you might have taken th£ fake one” nodd!ng my h£ad I close th£ book and sit d©wΠ, what was th£ aim of me com!ng h£re anyway.

My dream of becom!ng strong enough for Alexander all !n va!n ” milady” Sebastian voice calm ” what now”

” we will spend th£ night, tomorrow we h£ad to th£ east empire ” smil!ng I avert my gaze from Sebastian to Delia ” forgive me for caus!ng you such troubles and br!ng!ng pa!nful memories b@¢k ”

” is okay ” $h£ smile ” I never got your name”

” Elia your Highness ” stand!ng up I cl!nch th£ book to my ch£st ” if you don’t m!nd I will like to rest !n a room, I hope th£y is one for me?”

” of course Elia ” Delia clap h£r h@nd and two maids hurry to h£r ” take Elia to one of th£ guest room, make h£r feel at home ”

” yes your Highness”

Walk!ng beh!nd th£ maids I exhale, th£ hallway quite as we walk by, arriv!ng !n my room, I step, shut th£ door th£n l@y d©wΠ on th£ b£d, th£ book beside me while I look at th£ ceil!ng, th!nk!ng ab©vt all th£ journey that have been !n va!n, all th£ stress I have gone through !n th¡s short amount of time j√$t to f!nd th¡s place and now, th£ book am with might be fake?

” why is everyth!ng always go!ng wrong for me, I don’t quite get th¡s!” Growl!ng I sit up th£n hold th£ book ” what’s your problem, I know you’re not fake so why are you hid!ng ”

” am not” th£ moment th£ book spoke I quickly let it go but it didn’t f@|| off my h@nd, it rema!n !n th£ air.

” you….. j√$t…. speak” stammer I crawl b@¢kwards on th£ b£d ” how is a book speak!ng”

” what do you expect lady, you have be mak!ng so much noise am force to wake up ” two eyes open, a m©vth shape form th£n a nose , th£ book bl!nk th£n exhale loudly ” it feels great to be awake aga!n, I thought th£y is no m©r£ !nnocent women for me to eat ”

” you can’t eat me ” growl!ng I watch th£ book smile.

” why will I?” I watch how it s1©wly transform to human, a woman? How is it a woman ” you expect me to be a man didn’t you?” $h£ chuckle ” call me brook”

” th£y name people that”

$h£ shake h£r h£ad, those dark sh!ny hair m©v£ as $h£ did, h£r eyes also black ” I came up with th£ name, j√$t take off th£ r and you get book ”

” why are you human?”

” well you see, whoever successfvlly open me, is my master and I have to look like h¡m or h£r, is like form!ng a contract ”

” and th£n you try possess!ng your master?” I furrow my brows and brook chuckle.

” is k!nd of fun” $h£ smile ” okay I only do that wh£n my master have a weak m!nd but you, you don’t have one and you’re not !nnocent ” $h£ eyed me, up and d©wΠ ” I don’t get while I wake up ”

” hmmm” gett!ng off th£ b£d I look at h£r, $h£ is putt!ng on a red long dress ” wh£n I open th£ book, why was it empty, no names”

” because you don’t even know your past, how can I entrust my demons to someone that don’t know h£rself, how will you protect th£m”

” I don’t understand ” frown!ng I place my h@nds on my hip” I know everyth!ng th£y is to know ab©vt me”

” oh really” $h£ smile and my frown deepen” what ab©vt your past life, aqua, does it r!ng any bells ”

” what do I have to do with someone that is dead ”

” that someone is you master” brook step closer ” aqua is Elia, Elia is aqua ” a smile appear !n h£r l¡ps ” you were reborn master, reborn to be Elia or may I say re!ncarnated”

” how is that….”

Brook !nterject, cutt!ng me off ” you don’t need to over th!nk, I will take you to a past like no oth£r, a past wh£re everyth!ng will be revealed and trust me” those dark eyes of h£rs glitter ” trust me that wh£n you’re done, you will see th!ngs differently” th£ moment $h£ was done speak!ng, everyth!ng become dark, I can’t see anyth!ng and th£ next th!ng happen!ng is see!ng myself l@y!ng on th£ b£d.

Am stand!ng right next to myself, it look like am !nvisible to myself, am !n th£ past, watch!ng aqua life, what happened to h£r, $h£ is l@y!ng on th£ b£d, dressed !n a long yellow dress, designed with different flowers, h£r hair black !n four but th£ eyes brown, j√$t like m!ne.

h£r gaze didn’t waver from th£ book !n h£r h@nds, $h£ look so !nterested !n it ” aqua hurry up, you know h£ won’t wait for ever ” someone s¢r**m from ©vtside h£r room, $h£ roll h£r eyes.

” mum, am not !nterested !n meet!ng th¡s future husband of m!ne” $h£ yell” I don’t even wish to marry h¡m”

” get up and ©vt before I barge !nto that room aqua”

” f!ne!” $h£ drop th£ book th£n th£n cover h£r face with th£ pillow before s¢r**m!ng !nto it, I could h£ar h£r thoughts ” why is th¡s happen!ng to me! Fath£r th!nk h£ can j√$t set anyone h£ wish for me to marry?” $h£ lift h£r h£ad” I will show th¡s Alexander of a man that I belong to no one ” stand!ng up aqua hurry ©vt of th£ room and I run to catch up with h£r ” wh£re is h£ fath£r? ”

Aqua fath£r smile ” th£ garden, act !n your best behavior my child ” $h£ nod before h£ad!ng towards th£ garden, arriv!ng I watch h£r walk up to Alexander who’s b@¢k is to h£r.

$h£ tap h¡s shoulder and fold h£r h@nds ” I don’t ¢ar£ who you are, am not marry!ng….” $h£ stop speak!ng wh£n Alexander turn @r0vnd, I myself lost my breath !n th£ process ” h£ is h@ndsome ” aqua thought fill my h£ad, its like am feel!ng everyth!ng, f@||!ng !n love once aga!n ” how can someone be th¡s breath tak!ng but that doesn’t mean I should marry h¡m, I have to marry for love, h£ th!nks because h£ is h@ndsome I will f@|| !n love !nstantly? Nons£nse ” aqua thought th£n frown look!ng at h¡m.

Alexander face rema!n expressionless ” you were say!ng” h¡s voice husky and dreamy all togeth£r ” scratch that, am h£re to ask if you’re free for a cup of tea tomorrow morn!ng ”

” I….”

Alexander cut !n ” don’t say no ” h£ smile ” you will break my fragile h£art” I have always known h¡m to be someone ₱ushy, aqua blush at h¡s words th£n nod h£r h£ad.

” okay ” that was h£r response, after all th£ not f@||!ng crap, $h£ still agree to go ©vt with h¡m, aqua might have f@||en !n love immediately $h£ gaze upon h¡m, does th¡s mean that Alexander met aqua before Lucian did?


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