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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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” am yours to marry Vila” smil!ng I nod my h£ad ” but don’t you th!nk we need to talk privately, not everyth!ng your broth£r needs to know ” h£r eyes widen with realization before $h£ nod.

” You’re right ” Vila smile ” come to my study room, am sure is someth!ng serious you wish to discuss”

” it is, go ah£ad, I will be beh!nd you ” watch!ng h£r leave, my gaze m©v£ to meet Elmer ” you have what you ask for done, wh@ťěver happens b£tweeΠ me and h£r now isn’t your bus!ness right?”

h£ nod ” you’re right, it isn’t ”

” good, now reply that message, tell h¡m you aren’t h£lp!ng ”

” I know what to say stupid ” Elmer growl ” j√$t stick to your part of th¡s, I h@ťě be!ng stab at th£ b@¢k ”

” if am to stab someone, it will be Vila not you ”

” don’t you…..”

Cutt!ng h¡m off I gr!n” j√$t like you agreed, wh@ťěver happens b£tweeΠ us is none of your bus!ness “smil!ng I turn @r0vnd, th£ moment I did th£ smile vanish from my l¡ps, what k!nd of stupid friends did I gath£r up.

Walk!ng ©vt of th£ d!nn!ng room, my h@nds clench at my side, th£se th!ngs usually annoys me, th¡s totally took me by surprise, I never thought of th¡s, I have to come up with someth!ng and f*st, I do not wish for th¡s terrible news to reach Elia ears before I do someth!ng ab©vt th¡s.

Maids $pr£@d rumors f*st and th¡s one will not be any exception, if am to calculate I will say, th¡s particular rumor will $pr£@d f*st th£n oth£rs.

” Alexander, what have you concluded ” Giles mutter th£ moment h¡s gaze land on me ” th£ way you look, it seems th!ngs aren’t mov!ng th£ way you expected”

” it isn’t ”

” what’s new ”

” am marry!ng Vila”

Giles stop walk!ng th£n $h00t me glares ” I know I don’t say much but I like Elia and th¡s will ru!n h£r ” h£ growl ” it will ru!n you guys relationship ”

” I know”

” so why are you even go!ng th¡s ”

” Norman has asked for th£ir h£lp, if I marry Vila, Elmer won’t agree to render h£lp to th£m which means Norman death and failure as a ruler is close ”

” is a nice plan” cash !nterject, h¡s serious face b@¢k on, th£ hallway empty with j√$t th£ three of us ” what do you plan to do ab©vt Vila now?”

” marry h£r of course but…” Look!ng at th£m I smile ” I plan on del@y!ng it”

” do you th!nk th£ pr!ncess is that stupid to wait ”

Smil!ng I shake my h£ad ” absolutely not” exhal!ng I nod ” love make people stupid and I bet, if I put some sweet words !nto it, $h£ will do anyth!ng I say ”

” let’s see how th¡s ₱|@ys ©vt th£n” Giles mumble.

” one m©r£ th!ng ” I run my h@nds through my hair ” can you f!nd a maid to direct me to th£ pr!ncess study room, we have some discussion ”

Cash eyes widen” so soon you plan on sleep!ng with h£r!!!” h£ gr0@n and I use my h@nd to hit th£ b@¢k of h¡s h£ad h@rd ” what’s that for!”

” don’t s¢r**m such th!ngs, rumors will $pr£@d, fake rumors and am not touch!ng h£r ” frown!ng my breath!ng seem to be go!ng a little overboard ” forget it, I will f!nd it myself ”

Try!ng to f!nd th£ room, I had to ask maids before f!nally stepp!ng !n and shutt!ng th£ door ” pr!ncess I….” $h£ lift h£r h@nds up cutt!ng me off.

” j√$t Vila” watch!ng how h£r eyes light up as I approach, I fake a smile th£n nod ” Vila, why do you wish to marry me Vila”

” because I like you ”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I frown” like not love, do you plan on ru!n!ng my life with th¡s marriage ”

” I don’t get?”

” my dear Vila” touch!ng h£r hair I step closer ” do you even th!nk if I love someone else”

” you will learn to love me ”

” am be!ng forced !nto th¡s ”

” you won’t agree will you?” $h£ asked, I didn’t reply th£n $h£ chuckle ” I get wh@ťěver I want Alexander ” $h£ place h£r h@nds on my ch£st” I want you”

” I will never be faithful ”

” you will”

Rema!n!ng quite, I ¢ar£fvlly calculate my next word, mov!ng my h@nds to h£r face, I ¢ar£s th£m” its true, you are beautiful ” h£r ch£ek redden from that ” am sure you are h£avenly adored too, look at that b©dy….am sure lucky to have you !n my arms and b£d at night ”

” Alex…. ”

I cut h£r off” wh£n do you propose we get married ” klzz!ng h£r neck, $h£ g@sp ©vt of surprise, my h@nds t!ghten on h£r w@¡$t, I made sure h£r m!nd is fuzzy

” wh£never you want” jackpot. Smil!ng I b¡t£ h£r ears th£n wh¡sper ” is that a promise ”

$h£ nod ” yes ”

” how ab©vt after th£ war am currently fac!ng ” $h£ part h£r l¡ps to speak but I b**t h£r to it ” I will want it done peacefvlly, I won’t want to leave you alone, you will have me to yourself ”

” that’s nice ”

” I need you to tell th¡s to your broth£r, that you decided it yourself ”

” but that will be ly!ng ”

” who do you rath£r lie to? Me or h¡m”

” h¡m”

Smil!ng I pat h£r h£ad ” that’s my good girl ” lean!ng close I klzz h£r ch£ek ” do your job well and th£n, I will reward you with a deep klzz, l¡ps on l¡ps” withdraw!ng I watch how shy, blu$h£d and determ!ned $h£ is ” is th¡s a deal sweeth£art? ”

$h£ nod”yes it is ” $h£ hug me, tak!ng me by surprise, th£ urge to ₱ush h£r away is overwh£lm!ng but I have to over come that, I can’t mess th¡s up, I have already got it !n complete motion, turns ©vt love make people stupid ” I like you Alex ”

” hmm” withdraw!ng I smile at h£r ” feels good to h£ar Vila, am sure I will soon feel same for you”

” really??” $h£ beam up and I fake th£ best laugh th£n w!nk at h£r ” def!nitely sweeth£art, my h£art is yours”

” I should talk to my broth£r, wait h£re” I watch h£r rush ©vt of th£ study room, us!ng my h@nds I clean my l¡ps th£n frown before g@sp!ng ©vt

” ridiculous ”


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