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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia sigh as Sebastian and vix keep on argu!ng ab©vt nons£nse ” you better stay off vix, I still don’t get why milady let you to come along on th¡s trip”

” I will tell you th£ reason ” vix voice fill with proud ” because I was among th£ people that create th£ book $h£ wish to open so badly and to top it up, am h£r broth£r”

Sebastian spit at that ” broth£r my foot “stopp!ng I turn @r0vnd to stare at th£ two idiots who is still fight!ng !n th£ middle of th£ forest and so late at night ” what!” Sebastian growl, h£ look really pissed.

” why are you look!ng pissed off?” I asked and watch h¡m give ©vt a big sigh.

” milady should only be liked by Alexander and th£ oth£rs should take th£ir filthy eyes off h£r ” h£ glare at vix before mumbl!ng that last part.

” calm d©wΠ Sebastian, vix doesn’t like me that way ”

” says who?” Vix chuckle ” of course I like you that way ”

“Milady, you have h£ard it from th£ horse m©vth, h£ needs to leave right th¡s moment”

” Sebastian!!! ” growl!ng everyone rema!n quite ” I don’t ¢ar£ if h£ likes me, I don’t like h¡m” my gaze m©v£ to vix ” now I need you to tell me why you said th¡s book is dangerous ”

” is not important ” I can see that vix is avoid!ng th£ question, my eyes lower to see h¡m clench!ng h¡s fist, h¡s eyes look distant, like a bad memory j√$t resurfaced.

” I want to know vix ”

” if you try open!ng it and it doesn’t choose you, you will die !n two weeks ” h¡s gaze met m!ne ” we were five who created th£ book, my four friends died but still I never got to force th£ book open, I was safe”

” you threw th£ book away?”

Sebastian shake h¡s h£ad ” only foolish people do that”

Vix $h00t glares to Sebastian way” I didn’t throw th£ book away stupid, I gave it to dragons to look after, never tell!ng th£m what it does, th£y only know that it gives you demon names and chooses its owner but no b©dy knows that it also ki||s those who touch£d it, if it doesn’t like you, it h@ťěs you”

” that means”

Vix nod ” if you don’t open th£ book soon, it will try ki||!ng you”

” no b©dy has ever been able to open it? ”

Vix shrug ” no idea, th£ book have lived for centuries, I def!nitely don’t know if someone has successfvlly opened it ”

” thanks for th£ !nformation ” mumbl!ng I look elsewh£re know!ng fvlly well that if th¡s book don’t open am doomed ” no rest th¡s night, time is runn!ng ©vt, we need to h£ad to th£ witch£s coven now ”

” are you kidd!ng me!!!”Sebastian growl

” how can I?, f!nd a light to read that map, we should be th£re by sunrise ”

Alexander watch Elmer read th£ message th£n drop it d©wΠ gently ” hmmmm” h¡s gaze m©v£ to meet m!ne ” you did say you will give me wh@ťěver I ask for?”

” I did but if its !n my power ”

” am go!ng to do you a great favour Alexander ” h¡s serious face is b@¢k on ” th£y is no if its !n your power, you will do wh@ťěver I ask for ” rema!n!ng still and quite I study h¡m ¢ar£fvlly, I have always known Elmer isn’t a fool, h£ let people th!nk h£ is.

” what are you try!ng yo say Elmer?”

” I expect you to fulfill anyth!ng I speak or may I say ask from you ” Elmer stand to h¡s feet th£n turn to face th£ w!ndow, look!ng ©vtside, wh£n that mess£nger came earlier, Elmer step ©vt to speak with h¡s so called sister and after that, h£ seem to be calculat!ng ab©vt someth!ng.

Stand!ng up i frown ” what got you th!nk!ng old friend ”

” are you married Alexander ”

” that will be a no”

” are you !nterested ”

Furrow!ng my brows I exhale th£n mumble ” I am Elmer, have been th!nk!ng ab©vt it recently but th¡s war seem to be hold!ng me b@¢k” Elmer turn to face me and my frown deepen ” what’s up with all th£se questions Elmer?”

” wh£re do you th!nk am tak!ng th¡s to Alexander ”

” who do you plan on sett!ng me up?” I choke th£ words ©vt th£n fake a smile ” is th¡s what you wish to ask me for, to marry someone? “Elmer chuckle at that and exhale.

” th¡s may be too difficult for you to h@ndle Alexander but my sister has taken a lik!ng to you and wish to marry you ”

” ridiculous ”

” exactly what I said to h£r but $h£ is j√$t too stubborn for my liken!ng ”

” I love someone, you do know that ”

” I do”

” and you still wish for me to marry your sister, know!ng fvlly well $h£ will be second !n everyth!ng I do?”

” that’s what $h£ wi$h£d for ”

” and if am to say no?”

” than am afraid I can’t h£lp you ” Elmer mumble, h£ look serious, marry!ng h¡s sister will $pr£@d f*st, Elia might th!nk someth!ng else, Elia will h@ťě me for sure, $h£ j√$t confessed, I can’t break h£r trust, I have to do someth!ng ab©vt th¡s ” have you seen my sister ”

I nod ” from afar, couldn’t get a good view at h£r face ”

” you are a lucky man Alexander, Vila is known to be th£ most Beautiful !n our k!ngdom, nobles and lords have been fight!ng over h£r h@nd !n marriage ”

” you th!nk I should be grateful for th¡s opportunity? ” frown!ng I roll my eyes ” stop be!ng silly, I have no !nterest !n h£r and will never love h£r ”

” love grows ” h£ar!ng that fem!n!ne voice my gaze turn to th£ door to stare at th£ witch !n goat cloth!ng, th¡s little brat is ru!n!ng my plan ” am sure I can make you love me lord Alexander”

My eyes trail d©wΠ h£r b©dy and th£n I chuckle, confus!ng both of th£m ” I doubt that ” Vila frown at my words th£n Elmer clear h¡s throat.

” th¡s is Vila Alexander ” h£ ₱v|| h¡s sister close ” yours to marry ” look!ng at th£ smile on h£r face I run my h@nds through my hair, what k!nd of predicament is th¡s? I never expected th¡s turn of events ” what do you say Alexander? ”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I look at Vila th£n smile ” am yours to marry vila.”

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