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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE X-FAMILY – Episode 35

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Episode 35

By Faith Lucky

Octavia felt her legs shaking but tried as much as possible not to show it. She needed to be strong – she assured herself.
She needed to do this.

“I…I want to see you – please” she said nervously and the lines around his eyes darkened.

He stared at her for a long time without saying a word. Then finally, he turned around and started towards the inner room and Octavia knew she had to follow.

She gulped hard and followed him and getting to the smaller office, she found him already sitting on his rolling chair.

He reached for his tobacco pipe, lit it and set it in his mouth.

“So, what brings you here, Octavia?” He asked gruffly.
“Did Mica send you to set me up again?”

She swallowed hard again, fisting her hands beside her. She was still standing and of course, couldn’t think of taking a seat. Michael would roast her for it.

“I…I need the red antidote, please” she said timidly, her eyes dancing on the floor.

Michael scoffed.

“The red antiode?” He puffed out smoke from his nostrils.
“And what do you want with it?”

“It’s for my sister. She’s… She’s sick and I want to try it out on her”.

Michael paused.

He leaned back on his chair and chuckled.

“Do you think I’m a fool, Octavia?” He asked and and felt her heart skip.

Oh please! She was hoping he’d believe her. She didn’t have any more excuses.
“I’m aware you’re trying to join the X-family. And I’m aware the Master of your clan – Khalid – was shot yesternight. He was shot with a poisonous arrow and you – Octavia – you’re here for the antiode”, he spelt everything out to her and she looked at him in awe.

How did he know so much?? How possible?

Well, she guessed she shouldn’t be much surprised. Michael was a bad@zz and sure knew how to go around with information.

She was quiet and couldn’t say a word.

“I have the antiode, Octavia” he continued.
“But I’m never giving it to you”.

Her heart skipped again.

“Please…” She looked up at him and said.
“I need it”.

“You must be a fool, Octavia,to think I’d ever comply” he snarled.

“First of all, you and your evil sister set me up and almost ruined me. Secondly, you should know me, I’ll never do anything to help any member of the X-family. So, what you’re asking for is impossible, Octavia because you’re all my enemies”.

“We didn’t set you up” her voice was thin.
“We never….We never wanted thing’s to go that way. It was just a coincidence”.

“Shut the f-__-k up, Octavia!” He slammed his hands on the table.
“I don’t even want to see you here. So, just get the fk out!”

“Please…” She whimpered.
“I’m ready to do anything. Just let me have it… please” .

His countenance dropped as he seemed more calm and leaned back on his chair.

He smoked deeply from his pipe and let the silence pass.

For a second, Octavia thought of using her powers on him. But she knows Michael. If he didn’t want to give the antiode to her, he never would – no matter the amount of torture.

So, it was only going to be a waste of time and put her in more danger.

“You know” he scoffed, his voice sounding less harsh.
“I never thought you’d ever want to use the red antiode for anything, Octavia. Not after what it did to you”.

Her eyes dimmed; her Jaws clenched.

She bent her head low in chastitment. Oh! Please, she needed him to change the topic.

“But anyway”, he chuckled.
“If you really want the antidote, you’ll have to pay a little price”.

She looked up at him, her heart racing heavily.

“What price?” She asked and his lips formed up in a dark smile.


Mica groaned when she heard another knock on the door.

Oh! Not again!

She stayed put and didn’t make a move and the knock came again.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? Why would he demand for Octavia on a day like this?

The heavy knock came again and this time around, he opened the door.

The he.ll, she didn’t know how he did that, but he opened the door and barged in.

“Where’s she?’ he snarled and Mica sprang on her feet.

“How dare you, Moscow? How dare you just barge in here?!” She snapped.

“Don’t give me that tone, Mica. Where’s she? Where’s Octavia?” His eyes were going round the place.

“I told you, she’s sick and needs some rest”.

“So, where the fk is she?!”

“I don’t know!” She screamed back at him and there was a pause.

Moscow chuckled and moved awsy.

“She isn’t here, right?” He asked.
“I saw her leaving. Where did she go?”

Mica’s eyes dimmed. Whaat???
He saw her leaving??

How possible??

“I’m asking you for the last time, Mica! Where did she go?!” Mica didn’t say a word as she was gobsmacked.

He saw her leaving? That explains why he had insisted on seeing her.

d@mn it! How did it happen?

“She’s definitely going to regret it by the time she comes back” Moscow said with an evil grin and turned around to leave.

Mica was paranoid; their secret was trying to get exposed.

She watched him walk towards the door and not thinking straight, she released her powers on him and made him groan in pains until he collapsed.


Octavia returned back to camp, following the secret Mica had told her so she doesn’t get caught.

She went straight to the room, her small bag with her and as soon as she knocked on the door, Mica opened up.

“Did you make it?” She asked immediately, her voice coming out as a whisper and Octavia nodded and brought the tiny bottle from her bag.

Relief and surprise flashed in Mica’s eyes.

“Come in. Come in” she urged and Octavia hurried in.

But Octavia was shocked to find Moscow being tied to the chair, looking unconscious.


“What happened to him?” She turned to Mica and ask and Mica rolled her eyes.

“It’s a long story. We don’t have much time. How were you able to get the antiode, Octavia? How did you convince him?” She asked and Octavia felt her systems turn.

“He…He asked for a little price. And I gave it to him” she answered timidly and Mica’s brows arched.

“A little price?” She asked. “What price, Octavia?”



“We need to get the antiode to Khalid, Mica” she cut her off, calmly.
“Let’s get it to him”.

She dropped her bag and started towards the door and Mica hesitated a little before following her.


Getting to the Master’s room was another dangerous bridge to cross.

There were guards at the entrance and aside that, they also had Becca to deal with because she hadn’t left his side since the previous night.

Mica and Octavia had to think of an effective way to get through to her; but it seemed so difficult. Really difficult. How would they do it? Octavia needed to be alone in the room to give him the antiode.

“I think I have a plan” Mica suddenly tapped Octavia and said.


Becca was sitting in front of the bed as usual, holding Khalid’s hand as she wept.

Oh! What would she ever do without him? What would she do when he’s gone? She might not survive it.

She sniffed and wiped her tears with the back of her palm repeatedly.

She wished there was something she could do – anything at all. She’d have done it. But her hands were tied and the whole thing was trying to affect her sanity.

Oh! Khalid.

She sobbed.

Shortly, the door opened, but she didn’t bother to check who it was.

She just focused on Khalid and only bothered when her name was called:


She turned and saw it was Mica. Oh.

She sniffed again

“What is it, Mica?”

Mica hesitated a little.

“Becca… sorry to disturb but… I think I might have a solution t the Master’s health”.

Becca’s heart beamed immediately. For the first time in 20 hours, she heard something that made her heart beat faster.

She let go of Khalid’s hand and stood up.

“Wh…What is it, Mica? Let me hear it out” she was obviously anxious, her eyes shining so bright.

Mica sighed inwardly as she had gotten her, just exactly where she wanted.

“You need to come with me” she said and Mica didn’t need to be told twice.

She turned and glanced at Khalid, her heart beating faster than normal.

“Fine! Let’s go!” She said anxiously and they walked out of the room together.


Five minutes.

That was the time frame Mica had given to Octavia.

Wh@ťěver she was doing, she needed to be done in less than 5 minutes because that was the only amount of time she’d be able to hold Becca off.

Octavia walked towards the door with a tray of food, but as expected, the guards stopped her from entering

“Ma’am Becca asked for some food. And she asked me to wait until she’s back” Octavia explained calmly, hoping that’d work.

The guards looked at her with scrutiny.

“Go in” the first one finally opened the door and she bit her lower lip as she walked in. .
Thank goodness.

Her eyes drooped at the sight in front of her – the Master lying on the bed.

His face was looking pale, his eyes gently closed like he was asleep and it marveled Octavia that even in his condition, he still looked so handsome and powerful.

She tried getting a grip of herself as she set the meal on the table and went straight to the bed.

She sat on the chair in front of it and brought out the antiode from her pocket. She looked at him.

Oh! Would this work? What if she only ends up ki||ing him faster? Would she be able to forgive herself for it?

When he comes awake, how would she be able to make him stay awake so he doesn’t go back to sleep?

Can she do all these?

Oh! The clock was ticking. She should be having less than 3 minutes left.

She opened the bottle in her hands and poured a little quantity on the cap.

Then, she took it close to his lips but paused; can she do this? Good lord!

Her hands shook as she brought the cap close to his lips and finally, drooped a little of it there.

She took another drop and rubbed it on the edge of his nostrils and that was it. It was time for the miracle.

She breathed heavily, her heart beating like a party drum as she watched into his face with so suspense.

Octavia had never been so nervous in her entire life – never.

Slowly, she saw his lids move and her lips parted open in surprise.

Oh!! It was working!

Everything spurred up in her body.

His brows arched slowly and he let out some muffled groans. He seemed restless – calmly restless.

Octavia knew how it worked

Her hands shook in front of her as finally, his eyes went slightly open. And in a weak voice, he called:.


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