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Friday, October 18, 2024
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CRIES AND MOANS – Episode 11

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(Addicted to his Ďïčk)

Theme;Craving for her whole body.

Genre; Supernatural.

Chapter 20☠️21

By; Nira P.(J.y.D)


Subtitle; Kissing him seems to be the cure.


“I love your courage! How dare you question me?! A commoner like you, who wears a rag!” Nam ji Hyun said, coldly and modeok grasp her cloth in anger.

She touched the ground and lowered her head on it.

“I’m sorry…. but I really… can’t… do it, Your Highness… I have never ki||ed anyone before. And…” Modeok struggles for words within herself and Nam ji Hyun was busy perusing a book in which she isn’t fully focused on. An eye was on modeok and the other eye was with the book she was perusing.

“Good! Profound! Wonderful!” She said, clapping while putting down the book on the table.

She stood and walked to her, then raise her up. Modeok didn’t dare to look into her eyes.

“Don’t you want to flee from here? It’s your time to flee.” Nam ji Hyun said, patting her on the back. Modeok shievers out of fear.

“I….. don’t..w.. ant to leave.. here. Your…… High…ness..” Modeok stammered.

“Why? Is it because of him? I meant your lover, Ha-da.” Nam ji Hyun said, grinning.

“No,we weren’t lovers. He was just my friend and classmate, Your Highness.” Modeok defended.

“You want me to believe that Ç0çƙ and bully story of yours?”

“No; It isn’t a lie but the truth. We doesn’t have any feelings for each other, Your Highness.”

“Anyways, that’s none of my concern. He might choose to love you, after all true love exists. If you accept my proposal, you shall not be a slave anymore. You shall drink and wine with the loyalties and your secret will be safe with me.

I meant; your little secret with Ha-da. You went to visit him on the day he was released and then you stayed long with him.

What if I divulge your little secret to the the king?” Nam ji Hyun said, giving out a devilish smile.

“Please don’t…” Modeok pleaded.

Nam ji Hyun turned her back at her and take some steps forward.

“Are you ready to accept my proposal or you’re still on your words?” She asked.

Modeok raised her head up and tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Yes, Your Highness.” Modeok replied.

“Come in, sook..” Nam ji Hyun said and a servant opens the door for sook and she enter.

“Follow me..” Sook said to Modeok and she followed her staying behind her..


Torturing room

Two servants stood motionlessly in front of the tortouring room. They bowed one they saw her.

They opened the door and modeok entered with a basket containing some meals. She walked towards her and placed the basket on the floor in front of her.

“You need to eat something to survive.” Modeok said, handling over some meals to her but she rejected her offer.

“I’m not eating..”

“Why?” Modeok asked.

“Coz the meals is posioned.” Iseul announced.

“How’re you so sure about that? Eat up! You’ve to survive.” Modeok said.

“I could see it even without me knowing if it’s poisoned or not. Tell me,who sent you to ki|| me? Coz it can never be His Majesty.

He would never do that because of a mere slave. So, who sent you?” Iseul asked with seriousness.

“Nobody sent me to ki|| you… I… was only asked to give you those meals, nothing more.” Modeok said, fearfully.

“I just wanna know who sent you before I die. Don’t worry, I’ll not divulge your secret to anybody. I meant; what you say to me.” Iseul assured her.

Modeok didn’t wants to do this at first,so she divulge her plan to her into her ear and she nod in agreement afterward.

Modeok walked to the door, the servants opened the door for her and she stept out of the tortouring room with the empty plates inside the basket.

After she stept out, they closed the door back. Sook beckons her to come closer and she didn’t asked a question till they got to their destination.

Which’s; Nam ji Hyun’s suite


Nam ji Hyun’s suite

“I have done the task you gave me, Your Highness. She’ll give up the ghost in a couple of hours time.” Modeok said, with her head bowed.

“Profound! What of Gyeong-Hui? He’s very important.”

“As for him, I’ll ki|| him after she dies to avoid suspections.” Modeok replied with her heart palpitating with fear of not being caught. She just hope her plan works as planned.

“Bravo! I never knew you were such a prudent girl..” Nam ji Hyun said, grinning.

“After ki||ing them, you’ll be freed. I have the king’s ears.” Nam ji Hyun said, with an assuring smile.

“Thank you, Your Highness for your kind gesture

“You may leave.” Nam ji Hyun said.

Modeok walked towards the door, two servants opened the door and she stept out of the suite and Nam ji Hyun gave out a devilish smile as she leaves.



Ha-da was seen perusing a book,a guard suddenly came in

“I’m sorry,My Lord, the king wants to see you at the court room immediately.” The guard said.

“Oh! That actually skipped my mind.” Ha-da picked his sword and made way to the court room.


Court room

Ha-da stept into the room with his sword hung on the left side, bowed and said:

“Greetings to you, Your Majesty. I…”

“Can you stop beating around the bush and hit the nail on the head?” Hwan cut him off.

“He wants to see you today. He said, they’re some things you need to discuss with him, Your Majesty.”

“I have an important things to do, maybe at night.” Hwan said.

“Alright, I’ll ask my messenger to have the message delivered to him at once.” Ha-da said.

Hwan signals for him to leave and he walked towards the door and some servants opened the door, lowering their heads to pay their homage to him.

He stept out of the court room.


Modeok’s suite

“Thank you very much for saving our lives.” Iseul and Gyeong-Hui appreciated her..

“Can I know why Her Highness wants to ki|| you both?” Modeok suddenly asked, bowing.

Iseul and Gyeong-Hui smiled. They noticed she hasn’t looked at them since they came. Iseul looked at Gyeong-Hui and grins.

She walked towards modeok and raised her head up by her jaw.

“Why’re you’re acting so diffidence?” Iseul said, looking at her in the eyes.

“Are you shy at looking at a guy or you’re probably…” Modeok nods affirmatively before she could finish.

“Oh! You’re just like my little sister. Infact, you both look alike.”

“Really! Where’s she? Is she also here with us?” Modeok asked, eagerly.

“No. She’s no longer with us..” Iseul said, sadly.

“Where’s she now?” Modeok asked happily, not understanding what she meant.

“That isn’t what I meant; she’s dead! That’s what I meant.” Hearing this, Modeok felt so sad. She thought she would get to see her someday.

“She died? What ki||ed her? Did she also has some holes in her heart and it leads to her death?”

“No. She was ki||ed.” Iseul said.

“ki||ed? What ki||ed her?”

“The king ki||ed her…”

“The king? Why?” Modeok asked with a great suprise.

“I don’t want to tell you that, it always makes me sad. And about what you ask,we knew a secret of hers and she doesn’t want us to divulge it to others that’s why she wants us dead..”

“That’s an act of wickedness!”

“Anyway, thanks for your help. We’ll leave at night…” Iseul said.


Outside the maids courter

? Are you aware that the new slave as the enforntery to have an affair with Lord Ha-da.

? Really.

? Yes. I heard they’re secret lovers.

? Secret lovers?

?Yes, they’re. And Lord Ha-da seems to be deeply in love with her.

? Really?

? For the very first time, Lord Ha-da has feelings for a woman!

? I couldn’t believe it at first until….

Modeok walked past them and they stopped talking.

A minute later,Nam ji Hyun and her maids walked to the scene and they all bowed.

Nam ji Hyun walked towards modeok and give a hot slap on the face. Modeok touched the effected cheek and knelt down..

“I didn’t mean to… It was a mistake.. I…”

“Shut up! Lick my shoes till it gets cleaned. Hurry!” Nam ji Hyun said, commandly.

And without a second thought, started licking her shoes and the other slaves stopped themselves from laughing as they couldn’t hold it back anymore.

The slave that pushed modeok was smiling happily.

Mrs. Kim ji won came to the scene and they all bowed including Nam ji Hyun.

“You have to apologize to her…” Mrs. Kim ji won said, reffering to Nam ji Hyun.

“Mother, she’s just a slave! I…”

“My reasons for saying that’s that someone pushed her and she lost balance. She never did it deliberately. So, you have to apologise to her or you punished the person that did it.

“I will rather punish the person, I can’t stoop so low because of a slave.” Nam ji Hyun said, confidently.


The next day

Hwan’s hospital

“I need to see my granny. I need to see her I wanna give her the…”

“No, you can’t enter the operating room.” A nurse said, calmly.

Hwan walked to her, he was putting on a nose mask and hand gloves.

“Who asked you to come here?” He asked,coldly

“Please… I came to see her.”

“For what?”

“I… She needs me…”

“I don’t have anything to say to you. I am late already.” Hwan said and walked away.

Minutes later,one of the surgery participants came out.

“How’s she doing?” Modeok asked, with her palpitating with fear..

“I’m not in the position to you that, I’m sorry…” The doctor said and walked away. Another doctor came out, modeok asked her the same question. She told her the same thing and walked away.

Until Mrs. Kim ji won came out. She was already walking towards her before Modeok did.

“Is she okay?” Modeok asked, breathing heavily.

“Modeok, you really need to take heart…”

“Take heart of what?”

“She’s dead. She came here quite late… Please you have to take heart. I understand how you feel…”

“You mean my granny is dead?” Modeok repeated..


“The only reason why I became like this is dead? Please wake me up from this nightmare. I wants to see my granny right now! Wake me up!” Modeok said, holding her on the cloth…

“Granny, don’t die. Remember what you promised me you can’t die please..” Modeok cried out.

Some people gathered around her and solaced her but all their words doesn’t has a meaning to her..

“Wake me up from this terrible nightmare. I wanna see her.” That’s what she kept saying…



Ha-da’s suite

“You shouldn’t be here at this late hour.” Ha-da said with concern…

“I wanna flee from here tomorrow. I don’t want to live here anymore and also I wants her to have a proper burial..”

“So, you want me to help you?” Ha-da asked and she nods affirmatively.

“But that’s not an easy thing to do. What if we were caught? He’ll finally believed we’re lovers.”

“Well, I don’t give a d@mn. I would have go myself but I fear I might lost my way..”

“But how are you…”

“Mrs. Kim ji won already helped me with that but I can’t tell her I planned on running away. She won’t allow that. I really want to leave this place..” Modeok said, sadly as tears gush down her eyes..

Ha-da remembered the day her granny was rushed into the hospital and he felt sad about it. He couldn’t fold his arms and do nothing this time..

“Alright. We will leave early tomorrow morning. We can’t go there at night. I promise to helping you with everything I have, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks. I will missed you though you have been a wonderful friend to me. I’ll repay you back someday..”

“I didn’t want you to repay me, okay? Erase it from your mind.”

“Thanks all the same.. I really appreciate you…”

“Hurry up! Go to bed early so..”

“Thanks…” Modeok said and leave.

Though, he felt so sad hearing the news but he wants to make her happy. She seems determined to leave.


Following day..

They went out of the palace but as they was about making progress, some warriors appears to them..

“Don’t let go of my hand no matter wh@ťěver happens, okay?” Ha-da said to Modeok.

“Okay?” As they were talking, the warriors became many than before. A warrior flew up with his head stoop.. Bringing his sword towards the left side.

His sword turns many and went towards the two. Ha-da grabbed the sword that was coming towards modeok and she stood, watching the scenario with fear.

She never saw him fighting before. Another warrior came to them, who was using a rope and she seems highly ski||ed. Ha-da grabbed the rope with his hands and throws him away to the wall. He fell on and stood again.

As he swipe his sword towards them, Ha-da pushed modeok to the other side and then she fell.

The warrior hit his sword at her and another did at the back.

Ha-da never saw this coming. He flew back on the floor and saw Hwan and Nam ji Hyun from afar coming towards them.

As he was about rushing to pick modeok,a warrior stabbed him from behind and his rope seems to be posionous. So, Ha-da falls immediately, kneeling down.

“Ha-da, what could I do. You’re bleeding! Your hands are shaking..” Ha-da grasp her hand and pulled her in his arms.

“Probably this would work. I am sorry, I don’t think I can make it to your village. This isn’t an ordinary posion. It ki||s faster, within two minutes I’ll die..”

As they were talking,a warrior wanted to stabbed modeok from behind but he throws his sword at him with the last energy he had. The warrior fell and when he bend down low, modeok caught her lips with his and he stood motionlessly; shocked..

“What the hell has she done? How dare her kissed another man in front of everyone…” Hwan said, angrily. He beckons some warriors to ki|| them but Ha-da blocked them with a red magic. He grabbed her chin and sucks her lips the more but suddenly his hair turns white and he never wants to leave her lips alone again..


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