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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Addicted to his Ďïčk)

Chapter 12☠️13

Theme; Craving for her whole body.

Genre; Supernatural.

By; Nira P.(J.y.D)


Subtitle; You won’t survive this another time.


“Who cares about how you feel? Strip!” Hwan roared again. Modeok took some steps to the other side but Hwan caught her before she could take another step…

“Where did you think you’re going? He asked, angrily and she looked at him in the eyes wanted to beg him but saw something different.

His eyes were as red as a burning coals.

“Y…. o…. you…r… eyes they aren’t the way…” Modeok sluttered.

Hwan knows he was turning into a beast and he h@ťěs it when his eyes turned red whenever he was seducing a commoner; his s*x toy.

He tried to shut his eyes down but every effort he made was futile.

Modeok didn’t even care; she only wants to escape this horrible incident.

When Hwan couldn’t control himself, he pulled her to himself, lift her head from his chest and stoop to the level of her lips and lustfully smashed his lips on hers.

Modeok stood still; her legs were stiff. The position wasn’t quite good for Hwan and he swap position,he touch her chin harshly. Her legs were swollen; her body doesn’t know this kind of thing and she wants his lips to leave hers.

As tears trailed down her cheeks,he felt something salty in his mouth. He disliked this a lot,so he detached from the kiss and pushed her away not caring if she would die or not.

“Arggh…!!” Modeok cried out as she struggles to rise up.

“Get out!” He yelled angrily at the poor girl who was still trying to stand on her feet, crying.

Hwan h@ťěs the sight of her, he wanted to slaughter her but he wasn’t in the mood for slaughtering. He ki||ed any slave that disobey him. But something baffled him and he was trying to figure it out.

“You deserve a punishment for this. Guards….!!!” Hwan called and some guards rushed in.

“Your Majesty…” They said in unison.

“Torture her; don’t ki|| her but make her find it difficult to breathe.” He said,commandly to the guards. They bowed and dragged Modeok out of sight.

On their way to the tortouring room, they met Nam ji Hyun.

“Greetings, Your Highness.” They greeted.

“What makes the king..”

“His Majesty asked us to torture this maid.” The leader replied.

Nam ji Hyun saw something in Modeok that’s of beneficial to her and she smiled.

“You may leave. I’ll torture her myself, and we inform the king about it.” Nam ji Hyun said and the guards left without questioning her.

She beckons her personal maid,sook to take modeok with them. Modeok followed them to an unknown location.


Gyeong-Hui suite

A slave entered and Gyeong-Hui seems happy to see her. He smiled to himself as he saw her coming to him..

“I have finally come to visit you.” The slave said as she grasp his hands and staring at him passionately in the eyes.

He smiled and she grins.

“Gyeong-Hui, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting for too long. Master requested for me almost every day.

Don’t you see I limp to get here? I hardly could walk but since master’s quite busy now, I had to come see you.” The slave said, disillusiongly.

“Iseul?” Gyeong-Hui called, passionately. This was the first time since they had knew each other he called her by her name”lseul”

“Yes.” Iseul replied, Astonishingly.

“I’m sorry for putting you through all this but I really can’t hold it anymore. I tried to fight it but I failed.” Gyeong-Hui said, sadly.

“You can’t hold what anymore? What failed you?” Iseuel asked.

“I tried to hold back the love I have for you but it failed me. You won my heart since a very long time. I have never get the chance to tell you this but I really don’t care if it’s lust or love. My heart pant for you, iseul…” Gyeong-Hui declared.

She raised her eyebrows at this.

“Your heart pant for me? But you’re aware that I’m just a s*x toy to the king. How come you fell in love with a mere s*x toy? I have no human feelings in me. I used to, but it disappears a long time ago. We’re both vampires, how come you developed feelings for a woman like me. I only accepted to be your mistress because you’re in need of me to satisfy your s*x urge.

I’m sorry, Gyeong-Hui but I don’t feel the same way for you. It being a while since we last saw and I have missed your Ďïčk. Mind for a quick round of s*x? I can still manage for some round of s*x coz I can’t endure it anymore.” Iseul said and loosen his cloth bound it fell leaving him on a short trouser.

Iseul move closer to him and off his trouser. She bend down,stoop and began to suck his Ďïčk head.

As the sucking continues, Gyeong-Hui begins to wag his head in pleasure and Mõ@ɲed softly.

Iseul remove her mouth from his Ďïčk head and asked:

“How was that for a start? I know I getting corrupted but I somehow love doing this with you. Even though, you behave like him sometimes. This has nothing to do with love but lust.

Don’t think about me and pleasure yourself, okay? I fain want to do this with you..” Iseul said while standing. Gyeong-Hui kissed her passionately at first but it turns to lust as he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Soon, they begins to kiss while walking. Gyeong-Hui placed her unto the table and loosen the bound on her dress, it fell to somewhere and he slid his hands in her hook and unhook her bra.

He then insert his fingers inside her p@zzy and fingers it like never before. Her Mõ@ɲs soon filled the entire suite.

“Arghhhh…!!,ummm!!!, Aahhhh….” She Mõ@ɲed out like a speaker. After fínģƐŕing it for a while,he removed his fingers and replaced it with his Ďïčk.

When she felt his Ďïčk in her p@zzy she shievers which got Gyeong-Hui worried.

“We can stop now. Your body doesn’t seems to want this. Even though, you want to…” Gyeong-Hui said, with concern.

“No,my body, spirit and soul want this. Please…” She pleaded and he continues. She soon began to Mõ@ɲ his name in a seductive tone:


He raised her up on the table and sucked her Ɲīpplës like a new born baby.

She Mõ@ɲed out loud. After the long sucking, their bodies fell on the floor and he was now at the down while she was at the top…

“Now, I want you to Mõ@ɲ my name out loud, Gyeong-Hui. I just learned this from master though. I’m not sure if I’m that good at it…” Iseul said, smiling and she slowly insert his Ďïčk into her p@zzy…


An unknown location

Modeok was pushed into the river, the water enter her nostrils. She choke and struggles to breathe. She begins to gulps water and she screamed for help.

The guards left the river leaving Modeok to her faith. Ha-da came out from his hidding place, climbed on the rock and wades into the river to pull her out. He drags her to the river bank and presses her stomach. Water comes out from her mouth and she opens her eyes.

Ha-da assisted her in rising up.

“You’re lucky I could swim; otherwise you could have been alive.” Ha-da said as they walked.

“You owe you a thank you for that. So, thank you for saving my life.” Modeok said with a smile.

“You’re always welcome but may I know your offence with the king’s bride?”

“No…. thing..”

“Where’re you stammering? And you expect me to believe that?” Ha-da said, suspiciously.

“His Majesty took….” Modeok covers her mouth with her right palm when she realized she was about to divulge a secret.

“Why did you stop talking?” Ha-da asked.

“No…thing Ha-da; that was a slip of tongue.” Modeok lied.

“Hummm…! Slip of tongue indeed..”

“Don’t you believed me?” Modeok asked.

“Why not? Of course, I do. We need to hurry you might be wanted at the palace.” Ha-da said and they prance.

They met Hwan and Nam ji Hyun on their way. They were both suprised.

“Greetings Your Majesty and Your Highness…” They both said in unison.

“I can’t believe you’re having an lillicit affair with my slave!” Hwan said, angrily. Glaring at them.

“Your Majesty, believe me there’s nothing between us. I was just trying to….”

“So my property now as the enforntery to talk with my loyal subject behind my back?”

Ha-da went on his knees and so does modeok did.

“Ha-da…. I meant; Lord Ha-da was only trying to led me to the palace. We weren’t having an affair…”

“Enough!” Hwan said with rage. Nam ji Hyun love what was happening, her plan went as planned.

“Your Majesty, please show us mercy. We aren’t lovers…” Ha-da also pleaded but Hwan said turned deaf ears to their pleading.

He ordered some guards to whip Ha-da in front of Modeok. Ha-da was seriously whipped and blood soon began to come out from his body.

Modeok saw how weak Ha-da was so she pushed him away and stayed to where he knelt down. The whip that was to be given to him landed on her back instead and she slammed her head on the floor;blood gush out from her mouth…

“Stop this Modeok… You can’t survive this, another whip will cost you your life! Please leave there!” Ha-da cried out, his hands were shaking in rage.


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