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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 39
“Are you okay?, Is it a fever or a night mare?” Elena asked, rubbing Selene neck

“I’m fine Elena it’s just a nightmare, but it’s nothing” Selene smiled

“Okay then, the girls are in the bathroom, come on and come join us so we would be early for our morning activity” Elena said, standing up from the bed and taking of her cloth

Selene is about to stand up but her phone beeped, a smile formed her lips as she was reading the heart warming good morning message from Blake, she began replying immediately

“Selene” the girls yelled

“Sorry” she smiled and ran to the bathroom, leaving her phone on the bed


“How about hotpot for a table like before?” Snow asked as they where all heading to the counter

“Sounds yummy let’s do that” Lilith smiled

“Princess” that was Blake, he’s just entering with the boys

“Love bug” Selene smiled and rushed to him, abandoning the girls at that process

“Slow down there princess” Blake smiled but the happy girl didn’t listen, she just pounced on him, wrapping her legs around his waist while he hugged her and inhaled her scent

Students were passing but they didn’t mind at all

“Don’t break his back” Edward smiled

“Break my back??, She’s light weighted” Blake said

“That’s not true” Selene pouted, not coming down from him

“Babe good morning” Elena smiled to Dexton when he entered, she moved to peck him but it seems as if he’s mind wasn’t there

“Are you okay?” She asked

Dexton stylishly looked at Mirabel with one eye before smiling and nodding

“Hey Ladies” Edward waved at the other girls and they all responded while except from Ruby

Lilith kept stealing glances at Daniel and when their eyes met, Daniel winked at her while she blushed and looked elsewhere. Every little things from him these days just makes her blush

Snow on the other hand is trying her best not to look at Lan but her heart failed her and she found herself looking at him, their eyes met and immediately he flashed her a smile

Mora saw this and cleared her throat. “I’ll go order us something” she said and left immediately

“I’ll go with you” Ezekiel followed her, for some reason, seeing Elena and Dexton together is disturbing him

“I’m also coming with you” Ruby made to follow them but Raphael held her hand

“I mean no harm, just wanna say good morning, I swear” he said

Ruby looked at him and breathed before nodding, Raphael smiled and released her hand,he watched her with a smile as she left till she was out of sight

While Elena and Dexton were flirting which eachother every now and then, Mirabel kept glaring maliciously at them in secret


“Eating together sounds fun” Mora smiled, they ordered hotpot for a whole table including the boys too

“This is so good” Daniel groaned while Elena tapped him

Blake and Selene were feeding themselves while Mirabel kept using her legs to tease Dexton, each time their eyes met, she would wink at him, Mora kinda noticed this but wasn’t that sure

Ariana and Mabel just entered the cafeteria, Ariana glared at them before moving to the counter with Mabel and they began placing orders, as Ariana was busy ordering, Mabel stylishly looked back only to find Edward staring at her, immediately she faced front with a short and silent gasp

Some hours later**

Training had just finished and Lilith is on her way to the hostel to take a shower, just as she was about opening the door someone covered her eyes

“I know it’s you ugly face” she smiled

“It’s handsome face, you’re wrong” he said and she scoffed

He then released her and she faced him

“How’s your body, does it still hurt?” He asked

“No it’s fine now, thanks for the massage, it helped a lot” she replied

“I know I’m talented” he smirked

“Yea, a talented ugly dude” she smiled

“Ugly huh?, Are you really sure about that” he said slowly and began moving close to her

Lilith moved back feeling unsure and nervous, with the way he’s looking at her and everything

“What are you doing.. better behave yourself” she stuttered and kept moving back till her back meet the door

Daniel smirked when he got close to her, he caged her with his both hands so she won’t escape

“Lilith, look into my eyes and call me ugly again” he said, his eyes were pierced deep into hers

Lilith heart almost jumped out of its rib cage, sure to his closeness, unable to take this she looked down but Daniel held her chin up and made her look at him

“Say it Lilith, call me ugly again” he repeated

“I. She swallowed, looking Into his eyes not knowing what to feel, she was even afraid with the thought of him hearing how loud her heart is beating

“This only means one thing Lilith, it means I’m handsome, in your heart I’m handsome, outside you say different, inside you scream different” he said huskily

Lilith face is now deeply red, her body is starting to feel hot, her lips kept nibbling now and then, unsure of why she’s feeling this way

“You’re really pretty Lilith, you’re so beautiful, I dunno how to describe how good you look cause if beauty could ki|| someone then I could have been dead by now” Daniel said, without thinking twice he pecked her lips, sending shivers down her spine

Before Lilith could react, he pecked her again and smiled, seeing the look on her face

“Now that’s the look I love seeing on your face, the one that screams my name” he winked and stepped away from her

Lilith was still so shocked that she couldn’t even move, she just watched him till he was out if sight before letting all the breath she was holding out

“My heart, it’s beating so fast. Dmn you Daniel what have you done to me” she thought, holding her chest tight

Mora is taking a walk around and bumped into Lan, she immediately turned back and started walking fast

“Mora” Lan called, but she kept moving fast even almost running

He teleported at her front and blocked her view

“Please don’t ignore me too” he pleaded

“I’m truly really really sorry Lan but I have too, I just don’t wanna cause any problem, I know you have feelings for Snow and I have feelings for you, please Lan let me forget you, Snow is my friend” Mora pleaded, almost at the verge of tears

Lan turned speechless, she likes him, she actually likes him but how?, Part of his mind grew speechless while part grew happy that she like him

“I- he wanted to talk but Mora cut him off

“You don’t have to say anything, I’m glad I told you, atleast I can get this off my chest, it’s better living in hope, I wish you happy life with Snow, maybe then-

Lan lips crashed on hers before she could finish.

Snow happened to be passing by and saw this, her soul almost left her, Lan and Mora kssing the day light out of themselves, she held her chest tight and staggered backwards, tears kept pouring from her eyes and her body kept shivering, visibly

“I can’t, I can’t do this,I can’t see this I just can’t” she burst out into tears, covering her mouth she ran out, ran wherever her legs could take her, when she got tired of running she sat on the floor

“Why, why is love so cruel to me, first Daniel and now Lan,just why??” She cried so hard as she hugged her kneels with her shoulders trembling really bad

Mora got back to her senses and pushed Lan of her, she waited till she catch her breath before speaking

“Why did you kss me?” She asked

“I. I don’t know” he shook his head in reply

“You shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have allowed you, oh gosh” she burst out in tears and rushed out

Lan ruffled his hair and tugged it really hard, if you’re looking for a confused person, confused and lost person that don’t know what to do or think anymore then it’s him, that’s Lan for you now

Daniel went to sit at the garden stairs alone with a wide smile on his face, a smile that have been there since the time he left Lilith

“Does she like me too” he thought, remembering the look on her face when he had pecked her

“Gosh Daniel with the rate of his your heart is beating these days, you might die” he thought, holding his chest and feeling his heartbeats

“Fk I’m in trouble, serious one” he smiled, feeling it even more

Suddenly he began hearing footsteps and he turned to meet Ariana walking slowly him, her face were soaked in tears as she stopped few inches away from him

“I have nothing to say to you” he said, standing up too

“But I have a lot to say” she said in tears and before Daniel knew it, she moved to him and placed her lips in his, kssing him deeply with force

Daniel held her shoulders and pushed her back. “Please stop this Ariana, Just stop” he snapped bringing more tears in her eyes

“Please Daniel, I don’t know how it happened I swear, I’m just as surprised as you, each days it keeps getting deeper and deeper and I don’t know what to do anymore” she cried really hard


“Please I beg you just find it in your heart to love me just a little please” she cried, shaking her head

“I’m sorry, I’m leaving” he turned and began walking out

“I’ll be good girl Daniel, I’ll apologize to everyone I’ve wronged, I’ll do wh@ťěver you ask me to, I just need you please” she yelled out before he could leave completely

Daniel paused his movement and turned to her, he began taking close steps towards her,he stopped at her front and took her hand then he placed it on his chest

“Can you hear that,it’s beating for someone else, I’m sorry if I made you fall for me I’m truly sorry, out there, there’s someone else that loves you but that person isn’t me, that person will never be me, please loving me will just make you more hurt than this, please Ariana please forget me, leave me please I’m in love with someone else and nothing in this world can make me change that, I’m truly really really sorry” he said before slowly releasing her hand and letting it fall by her side

Ariana stood still in spot as she watched Daniel leave, painful tears fell from her eyes, slowly she fell on her knees and looked up at the sky

“Whyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!” She screamed painfully

“Just why me, why is my faith so cruel, why are my chances of love so short lived, why did my heart decides to beat for you whyyyyyyyyy!!!!” She screamed and burst out in more tears

“I see love isn’t for me, I tried my best but no! From now on, I’m no longer smiling, I’ll become a thr_@t to everyone, I’ll destroy who ever comes in my way. Selene, Lilith all of you are going down! I’ll show you no mercy, I’ll ki|| y’all!!!!!!” She vowed I’m tears and anger

Right now she’s looking scary, her fist where tightly clenched as she stood up and rushed out of the garden, she went to where the horses were kept before climbing it and riding out of the school in tears

When she was out, she deeped her hands in her dress pocket and brought out the flute Catylon handed her, she looked at it and slowly placed it on her lips.
To be continued

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