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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(She belongs to me only)

By; Samuel Favour




I quickly rushed out of my hostel and went to Avery’s.

But I saw her with Mason as I watched the both of them from far.

Looking at them from this distance I just knew that they look cute together. And I’m sure Mason will take good care of her.

I watched as Mason entered the car and drove off.

I quickly walked up to Avery before she could go inside.

Immediately she saw me and she gave me an irritating look and I know I deserve it.

“Avery there’s something I need to talk to you about”

“There’s nothing to talk about”

She turned around but I held her hand but she pushed me away making me lose hold of her hand.

“Don’t ever touch me again”.

“Avery, it’s really important, it’s about Mason”.

Hearing me call mason she turned to face me and I was grateful she finally had her attention on me , so I thought.

“You want me to listen to another lie you have to say about Mason”

“Let me get one thing straight to you Tyler. Stay the hell away from me and Mason, you know why because I love him and I know he loves me back”.

“I can never feel the same way for you so just f-__-k off and stay out of my life”.

With that she walked out

I ran my hand roughly in my hair. “Gosh you’ll never believe anything that comes out of my mind”.

“Who will I talk to?”.

I really wanted to tell Arianna to stop this that’s what she’s doing but she won’t listen. She’s madly in love with Mason .

I went back to my room feeling defeated. There’s nothing I can do but just watch as our happiness is driven away.



Immediately I opened the door I met Westley, Roy and Oliver sitting in the sitting room.

“Care to explain what happened earlier” I knew I couldn’t ignore this conversation.

I sat down as I told them what’s actually happening.

“What the f-__-k Mason, don’t tell me you’re just going to leave Avery like that”.

“This is your life, not your parents’ own ” Westley said angrily.

“They are going to hurt Westley,you know how my parents are”.

“My father will do anything even if that means eliminating Avery. And you know he has the power to do that “.

“He has a point, Westley ” Roy and Oliver said together.

“You can’t just give up on her like that, ” Westley screamed.

“You think I want this, I don’t, Westley. This is the first time I’m in love with someone and it’s going to be taken away from me”

“It’s hurt but her safety comes first even if it means letting go”

“What’s the meaning of loving someone and at the end I’ll have to watch her and her family in pain because of my parents ”

“That’s not love, Westley. Sometimes you’ve got to let go of the most precious thing you have just to protect them even if it means hurting you”

Tears were now falling from my eyes Westley walked out angrily leaving Roy and Oliver with me.

“You know Mason I don’t know much about love but isn’t it better the both of you go through the pain together and take the risk at least at the end you both will be happy ”

“Does Avery know?” Roy asked.

I shaked my head negatively.

“Think about what I said Mason you can only be happy once”

With that Roy walked away.

“Mason, you got the chance to love and I’m sure Avery feels the same way for you.”

“Not everyone has the opportunity to be loved back by the person who you feel for”.

“Think about your decision like just as Westley and Roy have said, you only have one time to be happy.”

“Marrying Arianna is a lifetime of unhappiness”

“Marriage is something you’ve got to be committed to”

“It’s your life not your parents, opportunity come but once choose wisely”

With that he walked away.

There’s nothing I could do, so I walked to my room with a heavy heart.



I woke up early because I and Avery are going to be doing a lot of things together.

Westley hasn’t talked to me ever since last night’s conversation.

I picked Avery early this morning and we’ve been having the best time of my life.

I’ve been receiving messages from my parents since last night but I tried to ignore it.

Right now we are going on a ferry ride together.

Looking at how happy she was , was tearing my heart into too.

Then we went into the $h00ting booth and took a lot of pictures together.

I bought Avery her favorite ice cream. I’ve never been a fan of ice cream but being with her made me fall in love with her.

I took pictures with her on my phone trying my best to get hold of my emotions.

After today everything will be gone. I’ll go back to my old depressed life.

Now I’m driving Avery to my house’s favorite place as evening was drawing near.

After 2 hours of driving and singing, the Ed Sheeran song was perfect.

I could stare at her for the rest of my life . It’s like the song was made for her.

Immediately we reached I held her hands as we climbed the mountains.

Immediately we reached there I saw how her eyes lit up in excitement.

“The view is beautiful,” she said.

I found myself staring at her.

“But not as beautiful as you” I didn’t know when I said that.

We sat down as we started at the city before us.

“Have you ever loved something so darley and you’re letting it go? ” I found myself asking as I watched the light emitting from the sky.

“Nope, but if I’m in that position I’ll go with what I love because life is too short. You never know what’s gonna happen or who you’re gonna meet or where you’re end up”

“So will just cherish what we have because you are not gonna know what you have and what you cherish until you lose it”.

Hearing that lady’s statement I looked at her as she just gave me a small smile before looking back at the city below us.

A tear slipped from my eyes. I quickly pulled her into a hug.

“I love you Avery, I love you with my life”.

“You stole my heart the moment we met in the library. You mean the world to me Avery ”

“Seeing you makes my heart glitters. Me loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me”

“You are the reason I’m sane Avery, just know I love you forever and will always will”

“I love you, Avery Nelson, ” I said.

“I love you too Mason Freeman ” I heard her say.

My world froze immediately when I heard that.

Everything around me came to a pause.


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