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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 22

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Let me be your…


( Love wasn’t part of the plan )



CHAPTER 43 & 44


Addison descends the stairs scratching her messy hair.

She yawns loudly and just then Finn passed her by without uttering a word to her.

“Oh! Good morning Finn!” She greeted cheerfully but Finn ignored her leaving to his room.

“What’s with him?” She asked walking towards Ash in the kitchen while Ash shrugged.

“How’s your hangover? Come have some soup your head must be banging real hard”

“I feel awful seriously” She joined him while Ash gave her some soup.

“Thanks” She started gobbling it.

“Easy there…you don’t wanna choke”

“Bin isn’t here? He wasn’t in the room also”

“He went on a trip. He had a concert with Viola PM mentioned it yesterday”

“Ah right? He did” She muttered.

“He must have left early. I didn’t see him this morning when I woke up also”

“But how did we got home yesterday? I can’t remember a thing” Ash asked.

“I don’t remember either. And I don’t want to it only makes my head hurts” She shook her head as she continued gobbling in the soup.

“Yesterday was fun wasn’t it?” Ash grinned.

“Um…it’s_” Her speech was impeded when something suddenly flashed through her mind.

“I want to be close to you” Her voice sounded in her mind and she paused for a while.

“What was that?” She mumbles.

“What was what?” Ash asked.

Image of how she had squeezed his face, sat on him and even kissed him all played back in her mind. The spoon fell from her hand immediately.

“Hey! You okay?” Ash quizzed.

“Shh don’t tell Robin I kissed him…If he knows I’m gonna be in big trouble”

“I badly wanna do something. Something you probably won’t like”

“I said I want to be close to you. So let me”

“Ohhh!” She held her head.

“What is it? You’re scaring me” Ash asked.

“That was sweet”

“Ohh!! Ohh $h|t!!” She groans as the memories keep gushing in.

“I’m dead Ash!! I’m soo dead!!!”

“I guessed you remember something and I can see it isn’t something good” Ash smirks.

“I’ve messed up!!”


Addison knocked on Finn’s door for the umpteenth but got no response.

“Why won’t he answer?” She groans

“Finn I’m coming in” She announced then waited for some moments before opening the door.

“Finn?” She stuck her head inside.

“He was in all along?” Addison mumbles on seeing him who was lying was on the bed. Then she went in fully.

“Finn? Finn are you alright?” She asked but he didn’t respond.

“Is he sick?” She thought trying to place her palm on his forehead but she yelped when he grabbed it midway pulling her to the bed with him. His arms wrapped around her tightly making their body pressed together.

Addison heart skipped a beat and she quickly made to pull away but he snuggles her more.

“Let’s stay like this…just for some moments” He mumbles.

“Are you okay?” She asked slowly.

“I chose to. Since you’re by my side” He kissed her forehead and her cheeks grew red immediately.

“Okay…” She mumbled awkwardly taking in her lower lip. There was a momentum of silence and Addison choose to break it since he wouldn’t.

“Can you let go now?” She wiggled slowly in his arms and he took her eyes to her.

“I’d love to be in your arms like this everytime”

“Finn” She called and he smiles.

“But I’ll wait” He released her and she quickly sat up.

“You seems bothered so I just came to check up on you. I’ll leave now” She made to get away from the bed but Finn held her back when his eyes caught something.

“Why do you have this?” He asked removing the hair band on her hair.

“This? Why…?”

“Just answer me why did you get it?” He asked darkly surprising Addison.

“Ohh…I…i picked it up”


“I bumped into someone and she dropped it by mistake. I was gonna return it but she was nowhere to be found so I kept it instead”

“You said someone dropped this?”

“Finn what’s wrong?

“Answer me!”

“Yeah…at the hospital. Why Finn? Is there something wrong?”

“This…is Quinn’s”



Without wasting much time, Finn dashed to the hospital Addison had claimed to have gotten the hairband from. Addison followed him also and they made sure to disguise so as not to be recognized.

The hospital is a big one with multitude of people. It won’t be easy to find a certain person but Finn is not ready to give up. This is his sister we’re talking about after all. He asked the nurses if they know the person with the particular hairband but they all said no.

They requested to see the CCTV footage from the particular day but the security won’t show it to them.

So they had no choice but to look around. Addison was positive she’d recognize her if she sees her again but they’ve been in the hospital for a while now and she still haven’t come across anyone that looks like her.

Finn literally went around asking all the young ladies he came across if they’re the owner of the hairband but they all claimed not to be. For hours they searched and searched that they were even started to be suspected for going around the hospital attacking people.

It was hard but Addison manage to get Finn out of the hospital before they were caught. That wouldn’t be good for them at all. Ever since they came back from the hospital, Finn stood by the terrace staring at the hairband nonstop. But surprisedly, he wasn’t crying like he’d have normally. He was just staring at it. Addison joined him after some time also.

“Don’t be sad…I’m sure you guys will meet again very soon”

“I don’t really know how to feel right now…I feel lost. It seems so unreal”

“I understand…since you never expected her to be so close”

“Exactly…she was so close. And yet I didn’t know”

“The world is small isn’t it? Who would have thought…she was your sister” She mumbles.

“She was right under my nose all these while. But I had no idea…this is crazy”

“Don’t worry…you’ll find her soon. I’ll help you”

“I’m really glad…you two met. Addison you…must really be my soulmate. Everything about me connects to you”

“It wouldn’t be bad…being your soulmate Finn. I’m happy I’m able to share something special with you” She smiled at him while he smiled back also.

“Have you thought about it, My feelings?” He quizzed.

“Finn…” That caught her off guard. She wasn’t really expecting him to say that.

“I think you should be done thinking about it now, Shouldn’t you Addison?”

“I…” She looked down at her fingers.

Finn face her properly and placed his plams on hers. She looked at him.

“You are someone I don’t wanna lose Addie. I wish you could be on my side at all times. I want to have you beside me. I want to be together with you” He stared passionately at her.

“I’m sure…you feel something for me also. Your eyes says it all”

“I don’t know Finn…I’m not sure of what I feel” She replied softly.

“Then…should I help you find out?”


He smiled and leaves her palm holding her shoulder this time. Then slowly, he started to lean closer to her.

She sat still as he brought his face close. Her heart began hammering fast in her ribcage and she clenched her fists tightly. But her eyes remained open.

Their noses brush and he tilted his head to the side so he could capture her lips. She gulped down nothing and finally, his lips met hers. Finn pressed his lips on hers and she just stood still with a seized breath. His lips stayed on hers for almost a minute before he withdrew. Finn looks at her slowly immediately he withdrew and studied her face. Her lips parted a little while she blinked repeatedly at him.

Finn drop his gaze back to her lips again and this time he held her face. He lean closer for another one perhaps but Addison pulled away before he could.

“Wait! Just…just a minute Finn” She released a breathe standing hurriedly from him.

“Addie…” He stood also.

“I’m just…I don’t think I can do this”

“Should I give you more time?”

“I…” She bit her lips.

“I don’t know. I don’t wanna hurt you Finn but I’m not sure. I’m not sure if this is what I really want”

Finn sighs and stepped closer and held both her shoulders.

“You don’t need to rush. Take your time to think about it. I can always wait” He assured

“That’s it…I don’t wanna keep you waiting. I don’t wanna see you get hurt because of me. I don’t wanna ruin everything we’ve had so far so I…I don’t know what to do”

“Can I ask you something?” He stared right into her eyes. She nodded.

“Do you like me too?”

“I…I do”

“Then what’s stopping you?”

“I…” She sighs and took in her lower lip.

“I don’t wanna do this…I’m sorry” She released herself from his grip and ran away.

Finn ran his fingers through his hair and sighs.


She got to her room and walked over to her little desk slumping on the chair.

“What do I do now?” She bit her lips hard.

She opens the drawer and brought out the small box he had given her the other day. She opens it and brought out the necklace rubbing on the initials ‘SM’

“LET ME BE YOUR SOULMATE” His voice resounded in her mind.

She brought out another box and opens it. There was Robin’s pendant. She brought it out and look at the two intently.

“Arghh!!!” She scattered her hair in frustration. Her phone started ringing and she took it to see her mother calling.

“Why is mom calling this late?” She thought.

“Is Aiden okay M?” She asked the moment she picked up.

“Wh…what?” Her voice came out slowly.


“Hey you okay?” Ash nudge Addison who had been peering at nothing.

“Ash what do you do when you’re stuck between two things?” She asked him.

“Stuck?” He raised a brow.

“Uh? You need to make a decision but it’s hard. You don’t know what to choose and you feel confused and stuck”

“Hmm…that’s quite simple. Just go for the first thing that comes to your mind”

“First thing that comes to my mind?”

“Huh. Out of the two things, which one pops to mind first…is the answer”

“You mean…the one that comes to mind first…is what I actually want?”

“I presume so. But is it something really hard?”

“Uh? Ohh…it’s nothing. Thank you by the way” she thanked while he smiles.

“And how are you? Are you still feeling pains?”

“Oh come on, it doesn’t comes frequently like that. Maybe just once in two weeks”

“Are you sure? You aren’t lying to me right Ash?”

“And why would I do that? I’m okay don’t worry” He pats her just then the door opens and Jia walks in.

“Hi guys!” She greeted cheerfully.

“Why are you here? I thought you cleared our schedule for the next two weeks” Ash asked.

“I’m not here for you guys…but rather him” She pointed to Addison.


“Aiden dear. We have a problem” Jia sighs.

“What problem?”

“There are doubts about you”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing serious so don’t worry. It’s just that the industry wanna see how competent you are before you debut. It’s like being tested”


“We’ve arranged everything. All you need to do is just sing. Don’t worry it’s nothing you’ll be okay”

“But…this. This is sudden. I’m not prepared”

“That’s how it is in this industry. Unexpected things happens and you have no choice but to deal with it. Don’t worry…it’s just you singing to a few people for a few minutes. Just consider it as practicing. It’s no big deal” Jia said to her.

“But Jia…”

“You’ll be fine. It’s normal for a rookie like you. This happens once in a while. Just do as your normal self. You’ll be fine” Ash encouraged making her sighs.

“This is crazy…”


The spotlight shone down on her and screams boomed out. Her eyes widened instantly. She wasn’t expecting a crowd like this.

Jia told her she’s only singing for a few people but…not a crowd like this.

Oh no! Her palms went sweaty immediately and nervousness gripped her as her eyes raked around the crowd of anticipating eyes. They’ve all stopped cheering now and were just staring at her. One by one she could see the frowns that begin to build up in their respective faces.

“What’s he doing?”

“Why isn’t he singing anything?”

“What the hell!”

“What’s with him?”

“I don’t think he can sing!”

“What the hell is happening!”

Silent murmurs arose as the crowd grouped themselves. Addison releases heavy breathing taking a step backwards.

Her sweaty palms fisted together as old memories started refreshing themselves. How she had been mocked on stage. How she had made a fool out of herself in front of everyone. Everything started coming back to her and she finds herself withdrawing. By now she has started to feel tightness in her chest. And slowly, her breathe began to seize and her lips began to shake also. Her system seems to collapsing one after the other. She shakes her head and turns to leave the stage but then halt when when the lights suddenly goes off.

“What’s happening!”

“What’s all these!”

“Why did the lights go off!!”

Addison creased her brows when she could see someone standing at a corner by the stage.

“Ro…Robin?” She muttered with shaky breath. She wasn’t so sure maybe she was seeing things or maybe it’s really him. Robin stood at the corner and made a ‘I’m watching you’ sign to her.

She blinked her eyes to be sure it’s really him.

But then he made a gesture of ‘I’ll ki|| you’ with his hand muttering something which she obviously could not hear.

“Robin…” She muttered again and the figure withdrew. The lights came on back with murmurs accompanied by it.

She swallowed nothing closing her eyes for some seconds.

By this time, the crowd were already all annoyed. Murmurs filled the whole place as each of them made a turn to leave.

“A day passed by without me knowing…” Her voice sang out gently, trapping them all on their tracks.

“I draw out your face quietly including your lips and your eyes…I think they are exceptionally cute today no matter how much I try, now I’m trying to overlook everything”

By now, the crowd had all faced her back, silence falls in the place and all attention focused on her.

“Even though I am determined to do so…but to me I only have you. You’re someone irreplaceable, no one can replace you but can you read my heart now?”

“Must I say that..’ I love you’ I want to know your feelings right now I just want this only. I cannot imagine living everyday without you….will you accept my feelings?”

Nervousness has already disappeared in her nerves by now. She removed the mic from the stand and stepped forward to the crowd.

“Even though I try to forget about you…even if I try to not see you anymore. You’re still the only one for me I can’t have anyone else will you finally recognize my heart?”

“Should I say that ‘I love you’ should I tell you about my heart that only looks towards you? If I have you and only you I won’t want anything else…will you remain by side forever more?”

“I love you…I love you. If you allow me to love only you…there’s nothing I want more. Shall I draw up my courage just you alone is enough…now I want to know how you feel. I can’t imagine being without you everyday. You’re are the only only for me…. ‘ I love you'”

She breathes in as she stopped singing. The place was awfully silent. She looks up slowly to study the expression of the crowd just not to find any reactions from them.

“I messed up…again” She thought within her eyes brimming with tears. Slowly, she turns to leave the stage with her head down but that’s when it happened.

Cheers boomed out!

The crowd screams out in ‘Hoos and wows’

They applaud and calls out her name.

She looks at them with shock and surprise. It was weird. The feeling, the feeling she longed for years back now it came rushing over her. She wiped off the tears that slipped down her cheek and took her eyes to where she saw him earlier. However, he wasn’t there anymore.

She couldn’t find him anymore.

The crowd wouldn’t stop hailing her which made her smiled out tears.


“You did quite well for your first performance. I’m impressed” Jia, pat her back before excusing her.

Immediately she left, Addison ran to the restroom. She had gotten an upset stomach ever since she performed earlier and she felt dizzy also. What happened earlier must have triggered her trauma.

She coughs as she emptied her stomach in the faucet.

Panting heavily, she washed her face then walks out of the restroom light headed.

“You okay?” She heard a familiar voice and looks up only to see him.

“It’s really you..” She muttered weakly.

Robin removed the hood over his head and walked over to her.

“You almost messed up earlier” He said to her.

“I almost but…I didn’t…surprisedly” She dragged her feet closer to him then wrapped her arms around him.

“I did it…Robin…i did” She muttered in his arms. She could feel her strength leaving her already.

“Thank you for saving me again…My BK” She added going limb in his arms.






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