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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOULMATES – Episode 18

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35 & 36


A loud ringing resonated in Ash’s left ear immediately Addison ran away from him.

“Arggh!!!” He held his ear tightly as the ringing intensify almost making him go loco. He lost his balance and slowly he reached for the floor. Tears slipped down his eyes.

“Please stop. It hurts so much…” He wallowed in his misery waiting for the excruciating pains to stop.

Addison got to her room and plonk on the bed laying flat on her stomach.

“Does he knows?”

“Oh no, how do I face him now?” She muttered into the bed.


Ash came out of his room and met Addison at the dining eating. Immediately she saw him, she took her eyes away.

Ash sighs and walked over to the fridge.

“Good morning newbie…did you sleep well?” He greeted cheerfully like nothing ever happened and that made her choked on her food.

“You okay? Have some water” He quickly poured her a glass of water, she collected it gulping it down.

“Morning…Ash” She replied rather awkwardly making him sigh.

“I think we need to talk”


“You don’t have to feel burden because of what I told you yesterday”

“I’m not…I’m just a little taken aback”

“Yeah I understand. Getting confessed to by a guy suddenly…it was unexpected”

“I never knew I was like this before. I mean to me also its seems strange and crazy. This is the first time I’ll ever felt attracted to the sane gender as mine. So it’s kinda hard on me also” He added.

“Phew…he doesn’t know yet” She thought within.

“But this is me…what can I do except to accept it. I wasn’t expecting anything from you. I just wanted to get it off my heart. So I’d like if you don’t feel bad or burdened. Let’s just be cool with it”

“Will you be okay with that?”

“Then are you gonna date me?”

“Uh? I…”

He chuckled.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing. Let’s just continue as we’ve been doing before…i hope you could continue treating me like before…when you knew nothing. You can do that right?” He asked and she smiles.

“Of course…I really don’t like the awkwardness between us also”

“Then we’re okay now uh?”

“Yeah” She bit her lower lip.

“That’s a relive”


“Your barbecue is here” Ash announced serving them.

“Yeah…finally” Addison grinned. She made to take one but Finn held her hand.

“Be careful…it’s hot. I’ll do it” he picked a meat, fan it then feed it to her. Bin scoffs watching them.

“Hmm…this is Fab!” Addison gushed.

“Viola feed me” She heard Bin’s voice and look over to him.

“You’re not a baby” Viola nudge him playfully.

“I’m not joking. I want you to feed me” He said seriously.

“Ohh…alright then” Viola did as he wanted and he smiles munching on the meat.

“Sit beside me” He pulled her down by the waist and she landed right beside him. Addison looked away opening a can of soda. She gulped it down her throat.

“Attention everyone it’s time for a game!” Ash hits two forks together.

“Ohh…I love games” Addison squealed

“Are we doing the same thing again?” Viola asked

“Same thing? What’s that?” Addison asked curiously.

“It’s a Q and A. We usually take turns to ask each other questions” Finn explains.

“Ohh…sounds cool”

“This night would be different because our newbie here would be the only one the questions would be directed to”

“Uh? Why?”

“Hey…we practically knows everything about each other here but you’re the only one we know nothing about so…just consider this as a way of getting to know you more” Ash explains.

“I think I like that” Finn chipped in.

“Well I’m fine with it” Viola shrugged then every eyes turns on Bin.

“Count me out. I’m not interested” He deadpan, Addison snorted.

“Okay…Bin out…shall we get started?”

“I’m ready! Ask away” Addison sat up straight.

“I’ll go first. Dear Aiden…how are you feeling tonight?” Ash asked.

“Ecstatic!” She replied almost immediately.

“Ouui…I like that!” Ash boomed. She grinned

Bin just scoffs where he’s seated watching with folded arms.

“Then I’ll second. Is there anything irritating you right now?” Viola quizzed.


“Would you rather listen to music from the 70’s or from today?” Finn asked.

“70’s” She winked.

“Really?? You don’t mean that??” Ash frowns.

“That was a lie. From today of course” She chuckled.

“You scared me for a sec..”

“Are you into men or women?” Ash asked.

“That was a joke right? Of course i go super crazy for me_” She halted in her speech realizing what she was saying.

Bin raised a brow at her.

“Women!! I love them…I do!” She quickly changed her words. Bin shook his head.

“Who do you think is most likely to get angry over nothing?” Viola asked.

“No one else than Robin” She replied.

“What?” He arch a a brow. Addison shrugged.

“I think he’s right” Ash chipped in.

“Me too” Viola also.

“Are you being serious right now?”

“Come on we’re just saying? You don’t need to get upset that’ll only prove it” Viola pats him, he huffs.

“How cute…” Viola chuckled drawing his cheek. Addison clears her throat looking away.

“Lets continue…”

“Ever broken someone’s heart?” Finn asked and her eyes darted to Ash who smiles.

“Yeah…once” She replied hesitantly.

“Who was the last person you cried in front of?” Ash asked.

“Robin” She replied without thinking. Everyone went silent. Their gaze all turns to Bin

“Why are you staring at me?” Bin muttered

“Ohh…it just happened no need for me to expound on that. Let’s go on” She quickly said.

“Ever liked someone so much to a point that it hurts?” Viola inquired.

“Umm…” She itch her hair finding the appropriate answer to that.

“Not sure…let’s move to the next please” She chuckled awkwardly.

“How many kisses have you gotten this month?” Finn quizzed.

“Uh?” Her eyes widened for a bit.

“How many?” He asked again.

“Umm…I’m not really sure…two? Orrr maybe three??”

“Wow…do you have a girlfriend Aiden?”Viola asked with keen interest.

“No I don’t” She quickly replied.

“But you kissed three times?”

“Umm…it just happened.. next one” she shifted uncomfortably where she sat. Finn smiled secretly while Ash release a sad sigh. Bin gave her a questionable look.

How the hell did she got three kisses? He thought.

She got one from him and there’s no way she could known Finn stole a kiss from her so how is it three? He kept wondering staring at her. Addison’s eyes met with his but she quickly looked away.

“If you were to be an animal, what would you be?” Ash asked.

A peaÇ0çƙ?” She answered.

“Why peaÇ0çƙ though?” Viola asked.

“PeaÇ0çƙs are elegant. They can never be disregard as ugly and they’re known to be the most beautiful of all right Robin?” She smiles at Bin

“You wish” He huff while she smirks.

“What was your most embarrassing moment?” Fin asked and immediately he did, Addison’s cheeks flush red remembering the day Bin walked on her half naked in the bathroom.

“Ohh…look at that! Her cheeks are red. She must really have one” Ash teased.

“Right I wanna hear it to” Viola chipped in

“Umm guys…can I pass that. It’s too embarrassing to say” she bit her lower lip. Finn smiles.

“Then I’ll ask another question”

“Thanks” She muttered and gave a cursory look at Bin who snorted at her.

“What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve ever got?” Finn asked.

“Blobfish” She blurted out.

“What? Hey that person must h@ťě you a lot” Ash crackled.

“I agree…blobfish isn’t that too cruel Robin?” Viola face Bin who only smirks.

“Well…I think it’s cool. Blobfish” He smiles smugly while she rolled her eyes.

“If STARR BOYZ were to be girls, who would you date?” Viola spurted out getting her speechless. All eyes peered at her waiting for her answer including that of Bin’s. She looks at them one after the other then swallowed nothing. In this situation she’d have chosen Ash but she can’t do that since she just broke his heart recently. Now she’s left with Finn and Bin.

“If I were to date one then…” She trailed.

“I’ll choose Finn!” She closed her eyes as she answered this. Bin scoffs, Ash looks away with sadness visible in his eyes. Finn beamed.

“Umm…I was expecting you to say Ash. I think he’s the coolest among all” Viola said.

“But we can’t say…our opinion differs” She added.

“I think…I need to use the restroom” She stood up looking everywhere but their faces.

“I’ll be back” Hurriedly, she rushed out of there.

Ash drained a can of soda down his throat, while Bin also stuff the meat into his mouth. Finn continues beaming nonstop.


Addison dabbed her face with towel after washing it with water.

“Ugh! That was d@mn awkward” She muttered. Her phone buzzed and she brought it out of her pocket checking the text that just came in.

? Come to the backyard I have something to show you ? it was from Finn.


Addison walked to the backyard and stood in front of the door there.

? Go inside…I have a gift for you ? Another text came in.

“Gift? What gift?” She mumbles opening the door.

“Wow…” She gaped at the beautiful sight that beheld her immediately she stepped in.

Flowers petals scattered all over the floor. Candles lit in a romantic way. She walked slowly inside the room and stopped by a desk which two bags was placed on.

There was a note left there. She picked it up and read.

? My gifts…hope you like it ? She dropped the note and looked inside the bags. A loud gasp left her mouth.


Addison heard some steps behind her and sighs out. He’s here. Came her thought. Slowly, she spuns around ad face him but instead, her eyes widened.

“Robin??” She called with a mixture of shock and surprise.

Bin’s eyes rovers on her, examining her from head to toe. She was wearing a black backless lace up crop cami top on a black faux leather mini pleated skirt and a buckle block mid heels to complete it. For a few seconds, he drooled. He actually drooled but that soon was replaced with a frown.

“What are you doing?” He raised a brow. He had actually saw her came in there some moments ago. He was waiting for her to come out but since she wouldn’t, he decided to come in but instead, he was met with a shock.

“Robin I…I…” She played with her fingers, taking in her lips not finding the right words to explain herself

“I asked a question. What do you think you’re doing right now?”

“I…just…i” She shuttered yet again.

“Do you even think at all?”


“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!!” He yelled suddenly making her flinched.


“Do you even…is this how you practice your being careful? Do you even know someone else knows your identity besides me? Finn knows you’re a f-__-king girl!!” He spat out angrily but Addison only took in her lower lip saying nothing.

“You don’t seem surprised…” He ask peering at her but just then a voice came behind him.

“You shouldn’t be here” Addison raised up her head and Bin looks back. It was Finn.

“Why are you here Bin?” Finn asked again. Bin crooked his brow at him then look at Addison who stared at Finn.

“So…this was it?” Bin mouthed. He looks around at the flowers and everything.

“Robin I…”

“It was all for him. Now I understand” He nodded slowly.

“I’m sorry” Addison muttered.

“I’m disappointed” Bin said and turns to leave. He stopped beside Finn and said to him.

“I’m sorry…for appearing out of nowhere. Have fun” He pats him then excused them. Finn sighs then take his eyes to Addison. He peered at her for some seconds then his face welcomes a charming smile.

“Just like I predicted…you look becoming” He said to her who stares at him saying nothing. Finn step closer to her, dipped his hand into his pocket then brought out sliver hairpin. He insert it in her hair and Addison just stood like a robot

“Now you look perfect” He smiled

“How long have you known?” Her voice came out almost inaudibly.

“It’s been a while”

“Why…didn’t you say anything?”

“I was waiting for the right time”


“Shh…you don’t have to explain anything. I know you must have your reasons. Honestly I really appreciate wh@ťěver that may be cause because of that…I’m able to meet you”

“Can I know this beautiful maiden’s name?”

“Ad…Addison. My real name is Addison” She says and he smiles.

“Addison…” He muttered sweetly.

“Why…did you do this?”

“Because I wanna make it official”


“I told you once right…that we’re connected. You complete me and strangely, I always find solace in you”


He held her palms

“You make my soul smile, lift up my spirit and make me whole. My thoughts is full of you, my heart palpitates at the mere sight of you. My mind sings for joy and my stomach rumbles in excitement everytime i think of you. Every cells in me craves for your attention, Every moments I spend with you are invaluable, Your smiles drives me crazy and your voice soothes my soul. Without realizing it, I find myself dwelling in a pool of compassion for you. I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t control it, I find myself wanting to hold you in my arms every seconds, I wanna kiss you every minutes, I wanna look and smile at you for eternity. I’m in love with you and every passing day I find myself falling for you more and more…I just want to be with you Addison”

“So I wanna officially ask you..can you let me be the man who’ll bring smile to your face everytime. Let me be the only one connected to your heart. Let me be the reason your heart leaps.. Let me be the one to complete your soul…let me be your soulmate Addison Beckett” He steps closer and hug her.

“Let me be the one for you…so as you are to me”

Addison sighs in his arms saying nothing, first it was Ash and now him??

Just why are these happening to her all of a sudden?

Finn drew her back and held both her shoulders.

“You don’t have to give me an answer now…take your time. I’ll always be waiting” He assured she slowly nodded. He leans closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek. His lips stayed glued on her cheek for almost a minute before he withdrew.

“You look pretty tonight” He winks before stepping back.

“I’ll see you later” He waves and left. Addison releases a heavy breathe. She placed her palm on her throbbing heart and mumbled.

“What’s happening to you…Addison?”


Finn walked in the rain showering down on him. Getting to the main house he spot Bin who was already waiting for him but he ignored him walking towards the door.

“Finn?” Bin called and he stopped giving him a blank look.

“We need to talk” Bin said to him.

“Go on” He replied indifferently.

“It’s about her”

“What about her?”

“Look I understand you asked me to stay out of your matter but nevertheless I don’t think I can just keep mute”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Don’t you think you’re taking this too far?”

Fin frowns.


“You…do you realize what you’re doing right now? I get it that you may like her but you can’t just do some silly things based on that. What if someone else had walked in on her earlier? She would have been bursted. You know what that means clearly” Bin stated.

“I’ll take care of her so just stay out of it please” Finn gritted.

“Is this what you called taking care? Look…right now you’re just being nothing but selfish. You don’t care about her situation and all you want is things going your way? Have you ever thought of how hard it is for her to hide her identity all these while? You think it’s easy?”

“Why don’t you try to think of the situation she is in first before you do anything rash. She may be lucky today but not next time. Don’t ruin everything she had been trying to cover up just because of your greediness. If you really like her, then you support and try to understand her not making her satisfy your selfish interest” Bin declared to him.

“Be careful next time if you really don’t want me to butt in again” He finalized and turns to leave.

“Bin!” Finn called him back. Bin looks back but immediately he did, a heavy punch landed on his face.

“Ugh!” He growled as he staggers back a little. Finn moves closer to him and pulled him by his shirt.

“I don’t need you to lecture me…just stay out of our d@mn business and face your girlfriend instead!!!” He gave him another punch and this time Bin fell to the floor, his lips bursted. He touch his bursted lips and groans taking his eyes to Finn who was breathing hard

“You crazy!!” Bin shouted getting up. He locked his top, imminent to grant him a heavy punch on his face also but he had to stop on hearing his next words.

“Do you like her?”

Bn’s hand went hanging in the air immediately he heard that. He crooked his brow.


“I asked if you like her? or is it lust?”

“You stay together in the same room don’t you? As a man you must have developed some feelings overtime. Are you planning on sleeping with her? Tell me Bin I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true. For someone who got into a relationship with his best friend’s girlfriend just few months after his disappearance, this wouldn’t be shocking to my ears” He jibed and before he knew it Bin eventually landed a very defeaning blow on his face. Finn stumbled and fell to the floor, his lips bursted also.

“Screw you Finn” Bin glared with hurt obvious on his face he stomp into the house annoyed.

Finn didn’t bother standing up. He remained on the floor with the rain pouring on him. A van suddenly drove past him and parked just a few metres away from the barn house.

Addison sat dejected on a bench staring into space. She felt so confused with everything happening to her. The disappointed look Bin gave her earlier made her sigh. She couldn’t decipher why she felt so hurt and bothered. Why does his words affect her so much?

And there is Finn, she couldn’t fathom what she really felt about his confession. When Ash confessed to her she was so sure of rejecting him, but why does she felt reluctant to do so to Finn. She couldn’t find herself hurting him. Her head is in a jumble and she doesn’t even know what to think.

Why are things just getting messier and awkward?

She releases one last heavy breathe she took off her heels first then arose she pull the crop top over her head revealing her B-__-bs. She drops the it on the desk and took her bind. Slowly she started wrapping it around her chest.

“We can stay here! You guys should come in!” A voice boomed from outside suddenly and footsteps started approaching. She jerked and snapped her head back.

“What the_” She gasped with her eyes wide open as a shadow came to view. But that one shadow quickly turns to shadows and before she could pull herself together, they all trooped in.

“What’s going on here?” A voice asked.

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